Unscripted Affection

Versions of Us
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Irene needs a date for her mother’s mayoral re-election fundraiser… who does she call? None other than her very best friend, Kang Seulgi.


“Seulgi, I need you tonight!” Irene said through her cellphone while walking down a busy street in Gangnam.


“You need me? Be careful what you say, Bae… I might interpret that the wrong way.”


Irene rolled her eyes, “No, tonight is the mayoral re-election fundraiser and I have to attend with mother and father.”


Seulgi chuckled into the phone, “Ah, so you need me to be your fake girlfriend again.”


Irene sighed and walked into her favorite boutique in search of the perfect dress for tonight, “Yes… yes… I need you to be my fake girlfriend again… I’m at Barney’s finding a dress for tonight, I’ll  call you when I leave here… wear your Armani dress suit… it’s my favorite.”


“I haven’t even said yes, yet.”


Irene shifted her purse to the other arm, “But you will… Armani dress suit… wear it… pick me up at eight.”


Seulgi sighed on the other end of the phone, “See you at eight.” Irene smiled and hung up the phone.


She hated this time of the year. Her mother always said re-election campaigns started the day after you get elected into office. Boa was quite the overachiever, constantly staying two steps ahead of her opponents. Tonight would be no different, her mother prided herself on the ability to raise the most money and the most support for any office she ran for.


Boa's campaigns were marked with inclusivity, empathy, and understanding. She rallied supporters from all walks of life and made her commitment to equal rights clear. Amidst the pushback from conservatives, her mother remained steadfast, citing the importance of equality for all citizens regardless of their ual orientation or gender identity. As time went on, Boa’s dedication to her work began to gain widespread recognition.


And as her daughter who is also part of that marginalized community, was required to stand on the sidelines and be the very picture of prim and proper. Irene of course also feels a profound sense of responsibility and a renewed determination to make a positive impact as well.


Having gone and graduated from Harvard, Irene knew how to swoon people but that didn’t mean she had to like it. Tonight would be the same, she would have to put on the Socialite of Seoul facade and be perfect for her mother’s sake.


The only good thing about this time of year was that Seulgi was always by her side pretending to be her girlfriend. They had the act perfected, and by this point, everyone in Seoul assumed they really were together because all of the news pieces about her family included her.


“I don’t like this color.” Irene told the saleswoman, “but I love the material.” The saleswoman nodded, “We also have this in black, Ms. Bae.”


Irene smiled, “That would be perfect.” The saleswoman smiled and turned around to find the dress she wanted. If she got the black dress, she wouldn’t need to buy all new accessories as she had several pairs of black pumps at home with jewelry to match. Plus, she would match Seulgi’s all back suit.


They would look phenomenal together.


Seulgi was her best friend… sister… confidant… she was pretty much the only person who knew absolutely everything about her.


The saleswoman brought the black evening gown back to her, bagged up and ready to go.


Irene held out her credit card but the saleswoman shook her head, “It’s already been taken care of by Ms. Kang.” She resisted the urge to roll her eyes and grabbed the garment bag.


“Thank you.”


The garment bag wasn’t too heavy as she walked out of the department store and onto the sidewalk. Irene grabbed her cellphone and pressed the number two speed dial before holding the phone to her ear.


“You shouldn’t be so upset that I bought the dress for you.” Seulgi said as a greeting. “I’m not upset… just… surprised.”


Seulgi chuckled, “Think of it as keeping up appearances or as a pre-birthday gift.” Irene scoffed, “My birthday isn’t for another two months, idiot.”


“Exactly… then it’s for keeping up our relationship charade… Girlfriends buy their girlfriend's dresses.”


Irene rolled her eyes, “You’re impossible.”


“I know… but I have to go… I have a meeting with my Uncle in fifteen minutes… see you tonight.”


“Bye.” Irene hung up the phone and tossed it into her purse as she walked up to her apartment building. She deposited the bag into her closet and walked into her home office. Irene was her mother’s campaign manager. Why? She had no idea, especially when she spent four years at Harvard earning her degree in History of Art and Architecture.


She placed a few calls to her assistant and then to her mother before finalizing her mother’s appearances for the rest of the week. By the time she was finished, it was almost seven. Irene shut her computer and started the process of getting dressed. Forty-five minutes later she was putting the finishing touches on her makeup.


The doorbell rang and Irene walked hurriedly to get it, Seulgi was always fifteen minutes early.


“Hey.” Irene muttered as she opened the door and walked back to her room, “I just need to put my dress on!” Seulgi chuckled and followed her to her room.


Irene walked into the closet and changed her undergarments before slipping into the dress. She opened the closet door and turned her back to Seulgi.


“Zip me up.” Seulgi moved her hair to the side and zipped her dress up quickly. Irene stepped away from her and slipped her shoes on and put her diamond earrings on.


“You look beautiful.” Seulgi said, leaning against the doorframe of her large walk-in closet. Irene shot her a smile as she grabbed her small purse and put her keys, cellphone, and credit cards.


“And you don’t look too bad yourself… I love that suit on you.” Irene said as she walked toward her and gave her a hug.


Seulgi kissed her cheek, “We’re going to be late if we don’t leave now.” Irene grimaced, “I hate these events.”


Seulgi laughed and led the way out of her apartment, “Then why are you your mother’s campaign manager?”


Irene shrugged as she locked her apartment door, “I have no idea.”


They walked into the ballroom and everything was perfect, she would have to give her assistant a raise after this night.


“Irene! Seulgi!” Boa greeted as she spotted them. Irene turned to Seulgi, “Show time.”


She laughed and grabbed her hand, “Boa, it’s so nice to see you again.”  Boa laughed as she hugged them, “I saw you this afternoon, Seulgi.” Irene kissed her Mother’s cheek.


Boa smiled at Irene and then back at Seulgi, “Behave you two… I’ll see you later.”


Irene waved her mother off as Seulgi directed them to the bar and ordered drinks. The latter always kept a close eye on her and anyone in close proximity to her. Irene knew that Seulgi used these events to network with congressmen and businessmen


When it’s time for Boa to give her opening speech, Irene and Seulgi had to stand near the stage with her father. Boa applauded Irene on putting together a spectacular evening before she went into her speech about a second term as Mayor.


Irene spaced out during the majority of it and only came back around when she felt Seulgi’s hand clench her side tightly. She looked up at her and Seulgi pointed toward the stage. She saw that her mother was finished and is already walking toward

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Chapter 7: THIS IS SO GOOD!!!
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: We need sequel for thisss😆💕💕
Chapter 3: Oh this cracks me up so bad🤣 lmaooo
All of the stories are great 💗
Chapter 7: great stories, thanks author nim
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
update please author nim
263 streak #7
Chapter 7: Aaaawww all the stories are so cute and fluffly! I love them! Seulgi is so funny hehe Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 7: i just discovered your stories, please write some more. they're really fun to read.
433 streak #9
Chapter 7: This is my fav so far, i loved all their interactions lol
433 streak #10
Chapter 3: Someone has a deathwish 😂