Seven Days to For(n)ever
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August 16, 2022 | Seoul National University Hospital


Joohyun presses the bridge of her nose as she listens to the meeting that has been going for two hours already. For some reason, this day just feels different. From the minute she woke up with an empty other side of the bed, to the traffic she got caught, and this meeting. It seems like today is just, awful or maybe not just her day.


“Mrs. Son?” her trance was broken as one of the board members called her out. Joohyun released a breath that she didn’t realize she was holding and put on a tranquil face, “What is it again?” She asked while regaining her composure, she just wants to get this meeting done, call it a day, and come home to her wife. “Oh, I was asking if we get the green for this line to be added to our collection this winter, Ms. Bae. So we can proceed for the presentation for our sport’s line.” The presenter asked, right she actually needs to approve these things, she’s the CEO after all. Joohyun mentally slapped herself. “Yes, it’s a go altho revise the color palette and make it a one tone darker. Other than that, it’s all good so let’s proceed to our last presentation” She puts her clasped hand in front of her lips and was about to rest her back on the backrest of her chair as the presenters navigates the next presentation but the whole room was surprised by the door swinging widely open by the CFO.


Joy entered the room in quite panic but she made sure to appear professional. She made her way straight to Joohyun and breathed deeply before addressing the rest of the people inside, “Okay folks, sorry but Mrs. Son is needed elsewhere and we’ll have to reschedule this meeting.” Joohyun eyed Joy with furrowed eyebrows with so much question in her head. “What’s with all this commotion?” She asked harshly, we can blame her sour mood. Joy just rolled her eyes and held Joohyun’s wrist, making her follow her. “Hyun, Seulgi called and said something about the water in Seungwan. I don’t know, the bear doesn’t really make sense. She's rambling on the phone but she asked me to bring you over to the hospital ASAP. So let’s go before my girlfriend kills me.”


Joohyun’s eyes bulged because the water only meant one thing. She ran as fast as she could with Joy who was confused and was taken aback but nonetheless ran with her. “Joohyun, your keys? I’m driving.” Joohyun, who's only thinking of reaching her wife as soon as she can, paid no attention so she was startled when Joy’s body blocked the driver’s door to which she gave the latter a deadly glare. “Hyun, I'm not letting you drive. We need to reach the hospital alive.” Surrendering to her best friend, she hands the key and makes her way to the passenger’s side. “Shut it and make it fast, Sooyoung.”


The next hours was filled with screaming and curses along with the lines of “Bae Joohyun the next time we have kids it’s all on you!”. Joohyun is now sitting in a hallway close to the operating room waiting for her wife’s clearance to be transferred to the VIP room. To say that she’s been overwhelmed would be an understatement ‘cause the second she held two of her kids in her arms, she felt scared and happy at the same time. How can they have something this precious? Will they be able to take care of these precious little beings? Don’t get her wrong, she’s more than happy and grateful to be blessed with more than what she deserves but when you’re faced with the reality of how big of a role you get to be within one’s life, your children at that, it’s quite overwhelming especially when it’s your first time. Joohyun was so focused on what’s going on her head that she did not realize that there’s someone who sat beside her.


“Are you okay?” The stranger beside her asked, Joohyun turned and a frown immediately formed on her brows, you seem familiar. But she pushed back her thoughts and forced a hum in reply to the st

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Chapter 7: I can't understand this story, help me 😭 my brain can't think what all this is about, what happened to wenrene?
Chapter 7: Ok~ You just comeback after months being awol and now when you were back you gave us this????? How could you???? 💔💔
WluvsBaetokki #3
Chapter 7: I was so happy, suddenly I want to kill myself
Just want happiness
Chapter 6: Ok. I want to know more about the kids time traveling and tell their mom that she will be a great mother and what about Joohyun's thought too??
Oh nice this one looks interesting
WluvsBaetokki #8
Chapter 6: Yo! What happened to WenRene that made the kid's travel back in time to fix their parents 🤔
Riscark #9
Chapter 6: Oh. My. Gosh.
Did the twins time traveling to the past?? What happened? Why did they went back, did something happen with our couple?? I have so many questions....
quinncimm #10
Chapter 6: I'm still her authornim. I've waited for you and still be waiting for uour next works. Thank you so much for the update!