

Yesung looked blankly at the TV in his room. He had no idea what was on, even what time it was. He felt like everything started to crumble. He was not satisfied with his job propositions. He wanted to act more, to be more active, but the company said “no” to him so many times now. It’s like they don’t believe in me – he smiled sadly – and maybe they’re right. I’m getting older and older, my health is also getting worse, good thing my neck feels alright right now, but I never know when it will worsen… sigh…

It was one of these days that all the dark thoughts were gathering in his mind. He felt like the world is against him, he was lonely, his boyfriend had a full schedule and couldn’t visit him for a short time. Even his last trip to Busan was not what he wanted. He went to all the special places, where his memories with Kyuhyun were still vivid, but it only made him think more of how he missed him.

Today too, all he wanted was his man’s arms to embrace him tightly like a warm blanket, but instead he was sitting alone and almost crying. Ehhhh I’m getting emotional again, I can’t cry today, I have to facetime Kyukyu later and I don’t want him to worry – he thought with a heavy heart.

To calm his nerves he decided to drink some wine, the one Kyu got him for their anniversary. He usually didn’t drink alcohol, but this was the one they always enjoyed together on rainy days, just like today. After drinking the first glass Yesung got a little flushed, but just this once he poured another one and another, and yet another one, till the bottle became empty.

He got dizzy and laid down. After closing his eyes he saw a starry night , stars dancing around till the darkness swallowed them whole.

A sudden weight woke him up. It was hard to lift his eyelids, because his head was killing him, but he smelled a familiar scent near him. It was him.

Muah! – Yesung felt a kiss on his head – You finally woke up hyung! I was waiting for you, I saw the bottle, you’ve gone wild tonight, didn’t you? – Kyuhyun laughed wholeheartedly.

The younger hugged him tighter, brought himself closer and placed small kisses on his shoulder and neck. – I missed you, love. I’m so glad that I could come here quickly, I needed your warmth tonight.

– Yeah, me too… – Yesung’s voice was a little hoarse, but it was also filled with muffled feelings, he almost started crying.

Kyuhyun turned him over to look at his face, into his eyes. He caressed his check that a lonely tear was falling off. He knew exactly what was happening.

I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner, I promise to always to be there for you

They shared a slow kiss, and they clung to each other even closer. They both have a busy life, can’t even make their relationship public, but a moment like this makes up for all the lost time and makes the bad feelings disappear instantly. The life was not perfect, but this moment was their little heaven.  

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104 streak #1
Chapter 1: i like that they love each other enough to endure all the busy schedules and subsequently lack of time for each other, but it makes little moments they share all the more precious and worth it !
zah1102 #2
Chapter 1: This is sweet ^^
I miss them too huhu
Chapter 1: so cute <3
Honeymoon89 #4
Chapter 1: This is so soft🥺🥺🥺
Please be ok Yesung.. we love u!!!💙💙💙💙
399 streak #5
Chapter 1: sweet >___< I miss these two too >___<
Chapter 1: I really miss them performing together...why is this drought so long ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽