no one can hurt us now

no one can hurt us now


30 minutes before the impact


She’s beautiful.


She thought as she gazed lovingly at the person inside her arms. Soon after, she took notice of how her eyes were trembling in fear from looking at one object to another, almost everywhere but her own. She knows just how easily scared this person is ever since they were kids, flinching and trembling and jumping whenever there's a loud sound, the reason why she gently took her chin and slowly raised it up, making her look directly into her eyes.


“Just look at me,” she softly said, while staring into the most expressive brown almond orbs she has ever seen. She could see the lights of the living room, dance inside it and fear was still noticeable in her eyes. “I’m here with you. We’ll be fine.” 


She smiled reassuringly, in hopes to mute out the noise, even if they both know that it’s a made up lie to convince themselves when they already know the truth.


She knows that words can only go so far when there’s already a lot going on. She doesn’t know if the words would even be felt sincerely by her or if it would just fall on deaf ears as if she’d reluctantly agree with it. However, all she knows is that she’s here with her, and somehow that was enough.


Not being alone at this moment was more than enough.


“Do you have any regrets?”  After a while she heard her voice speak up, a little louder than the noise outside, but her timbre was still mellow and sweet.


She slowly sways them to the rhythm of the music that’s playing on the speakers. It was a lovely song from a band they discovered together. Her mind recalled all of the things she wanted to do before but none of them stood out and came to her mind. All of those ideas were as good as gone now but as she looked into her adorable curious eyes, maybe there is one.


“Not being able to kiss you,” she said just to make things a little lighter than it really is. But it was partly true and she doesn’t want to make things awkward between them, the reason why she heartily chuckled.


She saw how the younger slowly shook her head and a slight smile was peeking from her face. At least she knows that she’s doing something good here. And that was all she needed to see right now, her smile, no matter how small it might be.


The younger’s eyes stayed at the older’s and the former fear was now changed into an emotion Yujin couldn’t put a name into. Yujin stared at her trying to figure it out but the action led to Wonyoung shifting her eyes to look behind her, and when it returned back to Yujin’s eyes, that unknown emotion was already gone.   


Yujin felt lucky that it was just the walls behind her because if it was the windows, who knows what thoughts the younger would run inside her mind. But then again, this is Wonyoung that she is talking about. 


There are times when Yujin doesn’t know what the other is thinking. She would just end up agreeing to do what Wonyoung thought of before. Heck, Yujin would always end up joining Wonyoung in her several ideas as her best friend. As Wonyoung likes to do things out of the ordinary and to Yujin it was just part of Wonyoung’s charms.


“But what about you, Wonyoung? What are your regrets?”




9 hours before the impact


Yujin woke up feeling groggy. 


The sun was blaring up in the sky and it’s rays were seeping through the curtains, into the room, and some of it were glaring directly to her face, leaving her no choice but to get up. As soon as she opened her eyes, the space beside her felt empty when she remembered sleeping next to her best friend last night. She told her a bedtime story, one that her mother used to tell her when she was still little. And fortunately, Wonyoung fell asleep to Yujin’s voice. But Yujin stayed up all night thinking about the future that is about to dawn on them.


In fact, Yujin didn’t want tomorrow to come. She wanted to be stuck in a time loop last night, telling Wonyoung that they’ll be okay, caressing her hair, making sure that she is fine, and just existing with her. She wanted to be happy with her best friend forever. 


She didn’t want the inevitable to happen but she couldn’t do anything about it. Because what can a nineteen year old even do against the world when the world has already made up their mind, even if their decision is so cruel.


Yujin fixed the bed and went down to the living room. She saw Wonyoung preparing food in the kitchen. Yujin didn’t bother helping Wonyoung because she knew that Wonyoung would end up shouting at her to move away and she would get in Wonyoung’s way. And getting in her way meant trouble, and Yujin doesn’t want trouble. It is always better to leave Wonyoung in her niche and Yujin is automatically tasked to do the chores.


Yujin sat at the couch and there was basically nothing else to do. Electricity has been out for a month now and they were just lucky that the grid went out after a month it started. Yujin was thankful that Wonyoung’s parents were smart enough to install a few solar panels by the balcony so that they were able to still have minimum light at night and charge their phones. 


But if there are certain resources that Yujin needs to be worried about, it’s their food and water supply.


It’s been two months since she saw her aunts Eunseo and Luda. Two months since they were given food and water supplies by them. Two months of no communication from them. And two months since that incident. Yujin can only hope for the best that the two still haven’t turned undead.


And Yujin remembers everything vividly as if it happened yesterday.


“Yujinnie, I’m done cooking.” Wonyoung’s mellow voice brought Yujin back from her reverie. “I tried my best to keep our supplies running but it’s the last of them.”


Yujin nodded, “It’s okay, Wonyoung.” But Yujin knows that it’s not. She knows that she could’ve gone outside and stolen food somewhere but the risk was just so high that Wonyoung didn’t allow Yujin to go out. “Thank you for cooking so well every time.”


“I know what you’re thinking.” Wonyoung sat down next to Yujin and held Yujin’s clasped hands. “And you know that I won’t allow you to. Not when I saw them...”


“I know.” Yujin whispered, she knows the danger because after all she killed the two most important people in Wonyoung’s life two months ago.


Two months ago, they were living inside Wonyoung’s condominium unit with Wonyoung’s parents, Seola and Bona. The zombie apocalypse started in their city a week ago and contaminated almost everyone they knew. Yujin thanked her lucky stars for spending the night at Wonyoung’s place when it started because if she was at her home, the chances of her surviving the apocalypse was slim to none.


Seola and Bona had secret stashes of guns, weapons, radio, and walkie talkies even in Wonyoung’s unit. They were really prepared, and when Yujin asked how they were able to prepare for it, they answered that it was because they were friends with Eunseo and that it was mandatory in their friendship to prepare for such things as the apocalypse. But the only thing that they lacked in preparing was the food and water supply.


And it just so happened that Eunseo and Luda were coming around to give them food and water that could last them months. And when asked where the supplies came from, Eunseo said that they just stole it at a supermarket. And if asked how they did that, Eunseo answered that it was because she’s a badass who loves to kill zombies in her passtime.


As the designated adults of the household, Seola and Bona prepared themselves to go outside and meet Eunseo at the parking lot in 10 minutes. They held weapons and prepared so well. They told Yujin and Wonyoung that if they didn’t go back in 30 minutes, they should meet with Eunseo and Luda and get the supplies themselves.


As much as Yujin held on for the hope that they will come back safely in 30 minutes… they didn’t.


Yujin prepared to go out and leave Wonyoung alone inside but Wonyoung insisted on going with her. Wonyoung told her that she has a blackbelt and she can do well fighting against zombies but… as soon as they went out, the elevator chimed and there they saw Wonyoung’s parents with another random person, undead and running towards them.


Wonyoung froze in her place, not once in her mind did she think that her parents would become vulnerable and actually turn into zombies. Her parents technically trained her entire life for this. Multiple times, they’ve made her promise that if ever a zombie apocalypse happened and they were turned into zombies, Wonyoung must be able to pull the trigger at them. She should be, she’s their daughter.


But at that moment, Wonyoung’s hands were cold and shaking. Her mind short circuited and all she heard were the bodies collapsing to the ground and the sound of the silencer was ringing and loud in her ears. There were a lot of questions and yet she blanked out.


She looked beside her and Yujin’s stance was perfect in killing the zombies in front of them. The radio soon went off asking where was Seola and Bona, she remembered Yujin answering Eunseo’s question and being dragged by her to quickly go to the parking lot and they were able to get the supplies and get back safely with the help of Eunseo and Eunbi, while Luda stayed at the car along with their friends named, Sakura and Chaeyeon, who were busy fending off zombies that tried to come near the car.


Yet all Wonyoung could remember was the look of her parents on the ground.


“Do you want to eat now? Or just later?” Wonyoung softly asked and put her hands back on her lap.


“Maybe later.” Yujin wasn’t feeling hungry yet. She took the photobook underneath the table and flipped it. Looking at photographs they took before everything went down became her favorite pastime. 


Yujin loved seeing Wonyoung’s happy face. She also recognizes several people in the photobook. Some  of them were classmates until now, and some were just people they met before but they’re not friends anymore. She wonders if they are still alive, and she hopes that they are. Surprisingly, for all the times that Yujin scanned the photobooks available, she found out that there was also a photo book that was dedicated to the two of them.


It displayed how Yujin and Wonyoung were so close growing up. From missing teeth, to sharing toys, to being in school and gaining crushes, she was there. And it was great to see themselves grow into the teenagers that they are but it just to know that it would end so soon.


At the beginning of this week when they woke up to the news of a nuclear bomb that will fall directly in the middle of the city, where they are currently at.


That morning they heard a biplane that had a humongous slogan at the tail with a bomb and city emoji on it. They even laughed at it because it looked horrible but when they heard the speakers and the public announcement, they weren’t able to laugh at all.


Yujin doesn’t know how people outside their city were able to hack into the speakers, much less the mic, but it was none of her concern. Because in less than a week, they will meet their end.


The entire world agreed to bomb their city, which was under immediate lockdown to prevent contamination of other places. Yujin couldn’t believe how selfish the adults were in making this decision. They didn’t even think of making a cure and went on with the destructive route. There were also no efforts made to save survivors. It’s either you make it out alive on your own or you don’t. It made her fume a lot but she couldn’t do anything about it.


And now, they are only hours away before the choice of the world descends upon them.


“Say, Wonyoung…” Yujin muttered. “Do you really not want to evacuate?”


Wonyoung is aware that their probability of surviving the zombies outside were minimal, even if they know how to fight and outrun the zombies. Because there will be human error and she’s afraid that she would mess things up.


Out of the two, Wonyoung was much more afraid of Yujin turning into a zombie and not making it out alive. To her, if there was someone who needed to survive this, it’s Yujin. The heavens know how much she wants Yujin to stay alive and how much she would worry for Yujin’s safety even if they were to go out together. But the last time someone went out of their current safe haven, her two loved ones got caught of the virus. 


She smiled and shook her head no. “Unless you want to see baldie outside and greet you.”


For the past two months, whenever there were zombies getting lost on their floor, being able to get a whiff of their scent, Yujin and Wonyoung tended to kill them off just to kill some time. And there were some piles of bodies outside. 


They both know that there must be at least a few zombies waiting for them to come out and one of them is baldie. They called him baldie because he’s a balding old man. Baldie is just new in this area, the most recent one if the two remember. They were able to see some of them through the peephole. Sometimes, they would smell them and Yujin would gladly kill them. It was really fortunate that the zombies were stupid enough to not even try to break in their door. 


Yet even if they can go to some other place with their stash of weapons, Yujin remembers her promise to Eunseo, to wait for them because they’ll go back for them. But it’s been two months of radio silence and Yujin has lost hope with Eunseo taking them in.


Yujin chuckled quietly. “No thanks. He always looks like he got a snot falling off his nose. He’s disgusting.”


Wonyoung laughed and looked at the page of the photo book Yujin was looking at. And on that page, there was a film photo of them dancing in the middle of a crowded room. Wonyoung remembers that it was her cousin, J, who took that photo. She forgot how J was able to take that photo but nonetheless, she’s grateful for it. Oh to be able to go back in time and relive that moment.


“I remember this one.” Wonyoung muttered and pointed at the photo. “It was Yuna’s birthday and we were invited to her party.” 


“That was the night we tried to drink alcohol for the first time,” Yujin continued. Most people around them had it in their cups and the two got curious like a cat. Even Yuna’s parents told them to try it and that they won’t be ratted out to their parents. Due to their curiosity, they only had one cup and as soon as they took a sip, they realized that they don’t like how it burned down their throat. “And we ended up dancing on the floor all night.”


“It was fun.” Wonyoung said, with a nostalgic gaze in her eyes.


“Yeah,” Yujin looked at the photo. “It was fun.”




5 hours before the impact


“Have I ever told you just how great of a cook you are?”


Wonyoung meekly smiled. It was merely anything but a feast. Egg roll, fried rice, kimchi, it wasn’t great as a meal for Wonyoung. But seeing Yujin enjoy it despite all the chaos, made her feel warm inside. At least there’s something that reminds me of my life before. “No, you haven’t.”


Yujin’s eyes bulged and narrowed her eyes at Wonyoung. “Well damn. Let me just say that this is the best egg roll I’ve ever tasted. I swear you’ve put some secret ingredient here, didn’t you?”


“The heck?” Wonyoung would’ve choked on her food if she was chewing food, but thank heavens she wasn’t. “Master Shifu once said that there’s no secret ingredient.”


“Okay fine,” Yujin muttered. “But it was Mister Ping who said that, not Master Shifu.”


It has been more than a year since the last time she watched Kung Panda and of course, certain movie details are foggy inside her mind. “I forgot who said it exactly but the point is, there’s no secret ingredient.” Wonyoung smiled and took a bite of her food..


The only sound they can hear around them was the wails of someone getting bitten nearby and the sound of the plastic utensils and plate as they try so hard not to make a sound that could possibly attract zombies.


“But really Wonyoung,” Yujin whispered. “You’re a great cook.”


It was and always has been Wonyoung’s dream to take up culinary and put up a restaurant someday. Maybe if things were different, she could have been Wonyoung’s business partner.


“Thank you.” Wonyoung muttered, and silence completely engulfed them.


The silence was loud. A little too loud for their liking, that they’re aware of being a little bit more thankful with every little thing, living as if there’s no more tomorrow that will dawn on them. Saying things even if they were repeated almost a million times before can still tug a person’s heart. Cherishing every moment as these moments will never happen ever again.


A noise interrupted their serene moment, which made Yujin stand up without even thinking and took out the pistol gun resting on her leg holster, gripping it. “!” I can't even enjoy this last meal in peace.


She saw Wonyoung slowly retreating back to get the baseball bat at the corner. She carefully took her steps to the living room and the coast was clear. She signed it to Wonyoung that there was no danger and looked towards the door where the sound was coming from.


She peered through the hole and it was baldie banging his head against the door and by the looks of it, he even brought friends.


“Looks like we’ve got company, Wonnie.” Yujin muttered, looking back at Wonyoung and her rifle. “You ready?”


Wonyoung nodded. “I’m in the mood to kill some zombies.”




1 hour and 30 minutes before the impact


Yujin looked outside the glass window and it was full of chaos everywhere, dead and undead bodies below, abandoned cars, destroyed structures. She can see hordes of zombies waiting at the building’s lobby as if they’re waiting for them to come down.


A week has passed yet she can still see people trying to make it out alive from their city and go to the evacuation center located at the city’s edge. No one’s got time to run as far as that. She watched from the window as a man was hiding from a broken car and tried to outrun the zombies, but failed miserably as he was surrounded by them in seconds.


As much as Yujin hates to admit it, there were also multiple times when Yujin could’ve been bitten by a zombie. Clumsy and unaware of her surroundings, not looking behind her back, and for always choosing to fight them head on. Her practice isn’t safe and she didn’t have the correct training for it. Heck, she didn’t even have training but damn, no one can and is truly prepared for this.


If anything, the only reason why she survived this far is because Wonyoung got her back.


Just like earlier, when Yujin was already celebrating and felt lax to not double check if all five zombies were really dead and Gingerhead, Baldie’s friend, came running from behind her. She was shocked to see Wonyoung pointing the gun at her and when she pulled the trigger, Yujin swore that she almost saw the bullet coming towards her in slow motion. Only to feel a splatter of blood on her neck and her jacket. 


“Hey,” Wonyoung’s voice cut off Yujin’s thoughts. Yujin can see Wonyoung standing behind her on the glass’s reflection. Wonyoung’s grey shirt and green bomber jacket were tainted with zombie’s blood, a similarity that can be found with Yujin’s white shirt and denim.  


Yujin pivoted her heels and narrowed her eyes at the younger.


“Do you want to dance… with me?”


“What’s with you suddenly inviting me to dance?”


“Is it valid if I say, I just want to?” Wonyoung smiled. “It’s the last one I need to check off of my bucket list during this apocalypse. And I don’t want to look like the only idiot dancing around in the living room.”


“Fine then,” Yujin lent out her hand to Wonyoung in an old-fashioned yet charming way. How could she ever say no to her best friend. “I’ll dance with you.”




1 hour before the impact


The living room felt more spacious since they put the coffee table aside and against the door. They even put some chairs on it, just so they would be aware in case some zombies wanted to gatecrash their little party. 


The two stood in the middle of the room, facing each other. It took every face muscle of Yujin to try not to laugh. It felt so serious and it didn’t help that they were holding each other in an awkward manner. Both of them don't know how to slow dance but here they are, attempting to do it anyway. 


And to top it all, there was no music playing.


“What’s so funny?” Wonyoung whispered, her lips sporting a slight smile. Yujin’s smile was contagious.


“We’re dancing but there’s no music.” Yujin lightly chuckled and swayed them a little. She remembers seeing a speaker in the guest room and her phone was charged throughout the day. “Maybe your mom’s speaker is still working?”


“Zombies might hear it and go here.” Wonyoung whispered.


“Who cares,” Yujin muttered. “We have guns and there’s still ammunition for us. Besides, in an hour they’ll be obliterated.” Us, included.


The younger pondered for a moment before saying, “Alright, wait here.”


Yujin waited in the middle of the living room and in a few minutes, Wonyoung came back with the small bluetooth speaker Bona used to own. “I already connected my phone.”


A slow song played on the speakers and Yujin held Wonyoung close again.


“Let’s dance.”


Yujin saw how Wonyoung flinched as there was an announcement out of nowhere. Yujin tried to block it out in her mind and just focus on Wonyoung but as much as she couldn’t as the announcement itself said that they only have one hour left to evacuate the city, which for her, meant an hour left with Wonyoung.




30 minutes before the impact


Wonyoung should have gotten used to the loud sounds by now for she even wields rifles, but the loud sound of thunder outside made her jump a bit. Just when she thought that she already grew out of that fear, she was proven wrong by the skies. It wasn’t even raining as she can see a few aircrafts scouting the area earlier.


She tried to catch their eyes by waving a damn flag, in hopes that maybe she would be noticed and they would be able to get to safety, but she was deliberately ignored. They really won’t rescue anyone here, huh.


Wonyoung looked at the person in front of her, who was wearing her charming smile. This is the person who has always been there for her, the one who saved her multiple times, and the one whom, as much as she wanted to deny it, she likes.


It wasn’t hard to like Yujin because Yujin just being Yujin is likeable in every way for Wonyoung. And liking someone doesn’t always have to have reasons, sometimes, it just happens.


"But what about you, Wonyoung? What are your regrets?”


Yujin asking her about her regrets made her rethink why she didn’t want to confess to Yujin before. Was it fear that their friendship would break? Was it because she wanted to cherish their friendship? Was it because she didn’t have any courage to tell Yujin about her feelings? Or was it because she got used to liking her in secret? Wonyoung isn’t sure. 


But now that there’s a countdown ticking, there was a sudden boost of confidence telling her to take the leap and jump. 


Now, she wants to take that risk.


“Not confessing earlier.”


“You have a crush on someone?” Yujin’s eyebrows were raised and her eyes widened, her voice slightly louder than before. “How come I didn’t know about it after all these years?”


Wonyoung kept her lips pursed and smiled, as they continued to dance. Yujin must’ve felt Wonyoung’s uneasy demeanor as they both fell silent. If she doesn’t want to answer it, Yujin won’t push it further.


Of course, Yujin understood that not everything should be known by her even if she’s her best friend. Yujin respects that there are certain boundaries to be made. Besides, if Wonyoung wanted to tell her, she would. But she couldn’t help but feel curious about the person.


“Do you think they’re still alive out there?” Yujin asked, her voice calm and low. She stared at Wonyoung who couldn’t meet her eyes.


“They are.”




The two stayed in the middle of the living room dancing and talking to each other about their precious memories. They strayed away from the elephant inside the room to stories during certain birthday parties to recalling certain moments and experiences before the apocalypse.


And somehow in the middle of all that, they were interrupted by a thump against the door. But they didn’t mind it as the coffee table and chairs were against it. It would take time before outsiders could even breakthrough.


Yujin commented on how they probably look so stupid right now, dancing as if the world isn’t ending yet and Wonyoung agreed but who cares anymore. No one’s watching them anyway. 


Yujin looked at the analog wall clock and it was a quarter to 5. Fifteen minutes left huh. She wants to extend the remaining minutes to an hour and even to a week more, if it meant more time to live, and more time to spend together with Wonyoung. She wants to be selfish if it means being with her best friend, her person.


“Yujin, actually…” Wonyoung’s bit her lip and the words were heavy before it could even leave . And her tongue wanted to be swallowed down along with her heart, but she wouldn’t let it happen. Not now, during her only chance. 


“I like you,” Wonyoung stopped holding Yujin. She looked at Yujin and it was no surprise that her vision was blurry. Her shoulders fell down as she said with her voice breaking, “I really like you.”


“I’m sorry it took this long... before I confessed…” She lowered her head and teardrops were splattering on the cold tiles yet Wonyoung didn’t bother wiping her tears. “But I... really like you more than a friend.”


Yujin’s arms wrapping around her like a blanket feels warm and feels so right. It’s always in Yujin’s arms where she feels safe and sound. She knows that Yujin didn’t mean to make her cry even more, but she did. Her tears made contact with Yujin’s shirt and it would, for sure, leave a mark, the same way Yujin did to her heart and her existence. She felt Yujin caressing her back and her hair just like how she did last night before Wonyoung fell asleep. 


“You don’t have to say sorry,” Yujin muttered and smiled to herself. “I like you too.”


If it was a dream, Yujin doesn’t want to wake up anymore. It was everything she had ever hoped for and it came true at the most unexpected time. There can never be a memory that could ever top this moment right here for Yujin. It’s one that she wants to remember until the moment she sees Wonyoung again in a world that’s a lot better than this.


She pulled away and held Wonyoung’s shoulders before lifting her chin up. She saw how red the younger’s nose was, along with her reddening ear. And even with salt water staining her partner’s face, Yujin still thinks that she’s the most beautiful lady she has ever seen.


Her thumb gently slid across the younger's cheeks until it was devoid of tears. Yujin kept caressing her cheeks and she leaned in as her lips softly touched Wonyoung’s forehead. “I like you.”


Yujin kissed Wonyoung’s cheeks and thought of how long both of them must have kept this inside and how now, they have nothing else to hide. “I like you.”


Yujin looked at Wonyoung’s lips and back to her eyes, only to see that Wonyoung was also looking at her lips. She caressed the younger’s cheeks as Yujin slowly closed the distance between them. 


Lips on lips, they felt everything. It brought stillness from a turbulence of heartbeats. It was a wonderful paradise amidst chaos.


And the world was silent behind them.


Yujin lingered a bit more, not wanting to let go, and before her selfishness would even take over her she pulled away.


“I love you.” Yujin smiled, she won’t be able to forgive herself if she won’t say this to Wonyoung. Once the words left her lips, a slight blush crept to the younger’s face. Adorable.


Wonyoung threw her arms around Yujin’s neck and Yujin indulged with her embrace. The older rested her head on Wonyoung’s shoulders with her head resting on the younger’s waist and pulled her closer. A hug has never felt this warm.


There was a steady beating of the drum inside their hearts, in sync with each other and with the ticking of the clock.


And they have long forgotten the music playing around them along with the noise transpiring outside.


What Yujin thought of as an indestructible door was destructible after all. An arm was punched through and there was a hole in the middle of it. There was a part of her that told her to get a weapon now but she stayed rooted in her place.


“No one can hurt us now, Wonnie.” Yujin caressed Wonyoung’s hair. She felt her nod in her embrace.


Yujin hugged her tightly, scared that she might go away. She wants to have more time with her, more time to spend together, and more time to memorize everything about her. She prays that she may, “See you in another lifetime.”


“Maybe in another lifetime…” Yujin didn’t hear what Wonyoung said as the noise outside was louder than her voice and the sound of a plane was hovering above them. She saw the door that has been completely broken down now by the zombies. There were a lot of them coming in but Yujin didn’t move, and neither did Wonyoung. They stayed within each other's arms.


No one could hurt them. 


No one did.


Until the sky fell down upon them.






























Maybe in another lifetime, we'll have more time. 


I love you too.



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