
Marry Me

"Hey Seul! Just give that to me if you won't eat it."


Seulgi can't eat. Or that she doesn't have the appetite to do so. They're watching a movie series on Joy's living room and she hasn't touched her lunch. What could Irene be doing right now?


Their arrangement about this final project made a whole new circle. They aren't even doing anything academic now. Irene's friends didn't say another word about anything related to Irene's absence. It wasn't unusual at all, it's pretty clear that Irene's home life is private. Just ironic that the two of them spent too much time together in the past week, Irene may have known Seulgi's whole life right now but she, in return, knows absolutely nothing. 


At that time, Seulgi thought she's just on the same level as any other person who wasn't Irene's close friend, but Irene told her many years after that she was just very special to her that she kept it private. That was Seulgi's mistake. She didn't see how special she was in Irene's eyes.


"Seulgi? What are you still doing here? I thought you left." Joy and Seulgi may have good laughs during their weekly meetings, but because Saeron is busy with her bestfriend and only Seulgi was there for Wendy to bother -- of course, when she's out of Irene's grasp -- Joy has not talked to her alone. Well, aside from when the smart girl comes to her to report all the mistakes she observed from Seulgi's calculations.


"Wendy brought them home." She responded. Joy just nodded and continued cleaning the living room. Seulgi was standing by the doorway awkwardly, she knew Joy knows she's here to ask for something. It's just that she can't get herself to talk.


"I.. uh, want to ask if Irene told you anything about me?" 


"Since when are you interested in her thoughts about you?" Joy didn't even flinch, she gave the questioning response almost immediately as if it's very impossible for Seulgi to ask about this.


"I want to see her now but I don't know if she'll like it." She replied, removing her coat and hanging it on her arm. It could be because Joy's responses are dry, she felt hot. 


"She won't like it." Says Joy. "But I think it would be best if you go to her right now instead of standing there unproductively." 


Just like how unaware Seulgi was that day she first laid eyes on Irene at the bus, that's how clueless she is when she drove to the residence she could remember where she used to drop Irene. She was very clueless that in the next 10 minutes, the way she viewed Irene as a person would change, forever. 


"..Seulgi? P-please help me." 


It should be simple. What Seulgi had in mind was that she'll march through the doorstep of Irene's house; a family member would come to open the door and call Irene from upstairs where her room was supposed to be. She will apologize for being rude to Irene and she'll finally get a break from being worried about her relationship with the girl.


But as soon as the door flew open after a few knocks, it was Irene who opened it, Irene-- whose hair is tied in a bun, wearing her home clothes but she looked very tired, very exhausted, and very much asking-- begging for Seulgi to help her. 


"Where are we going?" 


"The hospital, idiot." 


At first, when Seulgi followed Irene in the private house she was told not to step foot into, she was very confused about what she could do to help. They went upstairs, Irene opened the door and revealed a very sick and familiar kid, the kid from the bus, Irene's niece.


"What happened to her?" Seulgi asks as she continued driving. The ride to the hospital is just a few minutes away... Seulgi used to go there a lot, but Irene has never looked this impatient before so she decided to entertain her... with questions. Will benefit them both because she's still confused.


"Weak heart since she's a baby." Irene answered, and nothing came after that. Seulgi figured it's enough.


Now, this may apply to some students, but for Seulgi, she feels her stomach aching whenever she's waiting for her grades to be uploaded on their college portal. Major courses are hard enough but the hardest part is when you have to receive your grade. 


Surprisingly, Seulgi felt the same as she waits for the doctor to come back to the lobby where she and Irene are waiting.


"Seulgi? What are you doing here?" The doctor came and Irene stood up quickly from her seat, expecting a piece of good news from the old man in doctor's robe. Seulgi stood behind Irene and nodded at the man. Irene on the other hand was only interested in her niece's condition until Seulgi spoke.


"Hey, dad." Seulgi's father? Irene didn't know what to do with that information, but she chose to shake it off her head for now. She thought she knew everything about Seulgi already but as it turned out, there's still a person in Seulgi's life who's left to be involved with hers.


But then again, she doesn't want to think about Seulgi right now. "How is she?"


"She's fine, but I'm afraid she has to stay admitted for the time being until we're sure her condition is not getting any worse." Irene listened carefully. It's her first time talking to a doctor without her sister next to her. She was used to having her sister with her for a long time. At least, Seulgi was there. But by then, she wasn't sure if Seulgi was meant to stay with her for a long time.


"Seulgi, come by to my office later before you go." 


"I'm not going yet."


Irene went back to her seat while Seulgi talks to her father. There are too many things to think about. For most, she regrets using her money two months ago. 


"Thanks for driving us here." She tells Seulgi once they're both seated.


"You really don't wanna tell me anything?" Seulgi asked. Irene understood she may have many questions but she's tired.. "I don't."


"But I told you about my whole life."


Damn you, Kang Seulgi.


But she did tell Seulgi. Her sister told her two months ago to use the emergency money saved for her niece's surgery to pay for her tuition and other university needs. It's not being used (yet) by then and they thought Asul was getting better. But she wasn't. Just yesterday, the poor kid started feeling all drowsy. Irene can't contact her sister and she doesn't know what to do.


"Why didn't you tell me about your niece?"


"I just figured you wouldn't want to know anyway." If it was the old Seulgi, she would agree. Why would she care about other people's personal matters? But that may be it. When you fall for someone, no matter how much you try to not care about her, you just can't stop getting worried, you can't help wanting to be involved and help her get through her problems... because you don't want to see her in pain.


It's that moment when she noticed how much of a person Irene is that she starts falling for her. How can a person.. so random, so unpredictable, be someone who made her feel this way? 


Kang Seulgi fell in love that night.


Joy was right, it's the best decision to come to Irene's house. After 6 months of their fake dating, she just realized how much Irene had spent time for her instead of taking care of her niece. 


"Are you okay, Seuls?" Saeron asked her one time. After that day, Irene hasn't joined them for lunch. It's fine because she knows the girl is busy taking care of Asul at the hospital.. but she can't stop thinking of her.


There were many things Seulgi didn't know and never noticed when she was all occupied about being better than her stepsister. She was unbalanced, she only saw what she wanted to look at. But then, realizing her feelings for Irene opened her eyes. She learned things.


1. Winter is not her competitor.


2. Love is not the same for everyone.


3. Irene would look so good as her wife.


Seulgi needed someone to look after her. 


Irene was very good at that.


"I'm okay. Can I skip today's meeting? I want to check on Irene." 


"Of course. Send our regards to her." 


That's pretty much of it, the adventure of Seulgi's heart and mind featuring Irene who made her fall for someone for the first time. 


When Seulgi picked the professional course she's taking now, she only thought about being the boss in the future. She was very goal-oriented, kept her priorities straight, striving hard for her parents to acknowledge her and her petty mission to reveal that Winter was not the perfect child they all thought. Turns out she isn't perfect.. but that doesn't mean she's the worst as Seulgi thought. 


"The whole week must be hard for you." Seulgi entered the hospital room and placed the fruits she brought to the table next to where Irene is sitting. Her niece is asleep, and Irene looks like she hasn't slept at all. 


"Sorry.. I couldn't buy food so the fridge is empty, I have nothing to give you, even snacks. I was rushing earlier." Irene tells her while unwrapping the basket of fruit. Seulgi immediately shook her head.


"No, no. It's alright. I'm full. You don't have to worry about me." 


Irene's sister hasn't called for over a month. She lives with her niece only. Their parents are gone. Her sister is working somewhere else she doesn't know. Who knows, maybe her sister is a mafia etc. whatever. But Irene knows she could trust her, she knows at least that she is a good mom and sister. 


"It's the least I can do. You paid for the hospital bills, Seulgi." Irene closed the fridge and sat at the edge of the bed, taking the sleeping kid's hand in hers.


"It's okay. You're my girlfriend." 


"We both know it's not true." Nights ago when they rushed to the hospital, she learned about Seulgi's father and Seulgi told him that she's her girlfriend. Because of that, she got a free pass on hospital finances. 


Seulgi was persistent. She continued to help Irene and out of options, Irene mindlessly takes what she was given. She had no choice and Seulgi is the only one who can help her. 


Being with Seulgi gives her a glimpse of the minimum chance to be happy without thinking about her sister and her niece. But that's it. The thing with Seulgi surely ended when she involved herself too much with her. The time for having fun and playing games has ended for Irene and she should stay here and take care of her niece because it's her responsibility. 


"Let me help you study." Seulgi says as she takes the seat next to Irene. They're at Saeron's house and Irene finally got to join them but only for two hours. Seulgi brought some books she borrowed from her cousin and Irene's aware of it, she told her it would be a great help.


"Seulgi.. I'm fine studying by myself." She tells her, eyes on her laptop as she continued to write her report for a major subject while their friends work on their parts for the project. 


Irene picks up a book and skimmed its pages, taking her bookmark into one of the chapters she has to read later. Using a bookmark helps her remember what are the things she has to put in mind later. Apparently, she also put one on the chapter named "Seulgi", because that chapter was on pause for her and she still wants to go through it later.. just not now. 


"What is Seul doing?" Saeron asks as they watched the couple talk by themselves. 


"Being a girlfriend?" Saeron snorted at Yeri's answer, the word girlfriend triggered her, especially that she's talking about it with Yeri.


"No. She's been all over Irene these past few days." Wendy said, taking a bite of her bread. Joy just sighed while silently working on the papers.


"And Irene's been out of herself these past few days." Wendy added. Joy seemed to lose her focus on counting the pages of the printed copies on her hand so she placed it on Wendy's lap.


"I don't know what's with Seulgi but I know Irene's like that because of her niece." Joy said, ending the conversation.


In no more than two weeks, Asul finally got discharged and Irene didn't stop thanking Seulgi and her biological father for all the things they've done for them. She doesn't know how exactly to repay them, especially Seulgi who has been going back and forth to the hospital with her. 


There's been a new routine since then. It's almost the same but for Irene, it isn't. 


Seulgi had been fetching her from home every morning, spends her free time after dismissal to wait for Irene's class to finish. She's unstoppable, but Irene is not having it. 


"What is this, Seulgi?" Irene asked her once they reached the front of her lonely house. Even with the number of houses surrounding them in the neighborhood, knowing what's behind the wooden door makes Irene feel lonely. 


"What?" Seulgi asked back, clueless. She looked at Irene's hand, if she was holding something that she's asking what was that but there was nothing on her palms. She looked at her Irene was gazing -- which was the road, and there's nothing interesting there. What?


"Why are you driving for me?" 


"I want to." Seulgi mumbled, gripping hands on the steering wheel slowly loosening. Irene felt bad. She knew the girl just wants to help but this is just making things harder for her knowing that Seulgi is not interested in her, she knew it very well but she tried to fit herself in the girl's locked heart before.


"Seulgi, if this is out of sympathy, please just stop. I know you're trying to make up to me but it's okay. I don't care about what happened before anymore.. and you already helped me a lot." She tried. Irene isn't numb, what Seulgi's doing to her could result in something traumatic if she doesn't stop right now.


Then again, Seulgi is persistent.. and kind of a fool, and oblivious sometimes.


"But you're my girlfriend."


"I'm pretty sure you made it clear that we're not, back then." Irene gets ready, hung her sling bag back to her shoulder, and hugged the books she borrowed from Seulgi close to her chest. 


Seulgi switched the door lock on and still, managed to give her a smile.


"I know you're tired studying and working at home, I'll let you rest." Seulgi responded as if all her painful words just moved past her ears like nothing.


Irene walked in and entered her house without looking back.


As much as aesthetics and meaning have played a big part in an architecture student's life, Seulgi did as well, for Irene. She thought Seulgi would never want to talk to her again after their talk but the next day, she's the first person she sees when she entered the bus. 


It would be rude if Irene acted like she didn't see Seulgi, she wanted to -- because of how she doesn't want to think about the girl and whatever she felt for her, and that Seulgi has been giving her unnecessary attention these days. She still sat next to the awaiting cheekily smiling girl. 


"Did Winter damage your car again?" Irene asks, at least to lessen the awkwardness forming up between their bus seats. Unlike the first time they rode a bus together, Seulgi gave her the seat next to the window, it was kind of her.


"No." Seulgi answered simply.


Irene thought that'll be the end of the conversation so she leaned her head on the window, but as she said, Seulgi had been behaving pretty unusual these days.


"Tell me more about your niece. I like her name- Asul, sounds cute." 


Needless to say, Irene was forced to go back and unpause her reading of the chapter named "Seulgi", as a new episode of their bus story emerged. This time, Seulgi was leading for both of them.


"What do you want for lunch?" Seulgi was standing behind her on the long line of the cafeteria, but still asking her what she'd order. 


"Um.. I'll pick when I get to the front." She says, undecided. However, when they got there, there was no more rice for their batch. 


"Sorry, we're still cooking rice. You can wait for 30 minutes." They were told. Irene and Seulgi remained on their posts but Saeron and Wendy went back to their table. 


Irene's thinking, in 30 minutes, her next class will start and thus, she'll have no time to eat. Should I just skip lunch? 


"We'll have two burgers, please." She heard Seulgi talking at the counter and before she could say a word, Seulgi already paid for the burgers on her tray. Irene raised an eyebrow and hits her shoulder. "Hey! I didn't say you can buy a burger for me!"


"What- But-" Seulgi was going to explain herself but stopped and grinned when Irene took one burger from her tray.


"I'll pay for this later." The smaller girl said before going back to her seat.


Seulgi was considerate.


By the time Seulgi was ready to open the ride to the so-called exciting journey to gatekept land of romance, Irene was just starting to take a rest. 


Seulgi respects it. 


"Can we talk?" Winter's head popped out from the slightly opened door to Seulgi's room. She was getting ready for bed after showering, her phone in her hand while she was talking to Saeron and Wendy on their group chat. 


Winter only ever walked into Seulgi's room twice ever since they became siblings. The first time was on their first week of living together when she told Seulgi that she broke their washing machine by washing a large stuffed toy in it.


The second one was that day when she talked to Seulgi about Karina.


"What's going on?" Seulgi pushed her roller chair towards Winter for her to take a seat. Winter shyly took it.


"Karina and I had been dating for two months now, and on weekend, we'll celebrate our 3rd month together." Wow. After the last time Seulgi talked to Karina, she never thought of Winter and her girlfriend anymore. Obviously, because she's drawn to the beautiful, heart-skipping Irene instead.


Also, they never talked like this. 


Seulgi silently listened to her former competitor opening up to her like they've been bestfriends forever.


"I want to give her a gift but I have no idea what should I buy for her." Winter tells her, cheeks flushed just showing how new this conversation is for the both of them, and how embarrassing it is to be talking about love life.


Fortunately, Seulgi had an undoubtful answer in mind. It was pretty easy. "Buy flowers for her, write a letter. That's what your dad did when he's courting mom."


Seems like Winter realized it just now. The answer to her problem was obvious. Could it be?


Could it be that Winter just wants to talk to her?


"He's your dad too, you know," Winter mumbled on her seat, fidgeting the hem of her thick red hoodie. Seulgi smiled and continued to watch her younger sister whose eyes were fixated on the floor or her hands. 


"I know. I didn't say he wasn't." She replied, clearing right after. 


They say there's no impossible in life, you can do whatever you want, according to your will, however you're capable to do so. It could be true. Somehow, Seulgi ends up spending another hour talking to Winter. If she was to look back from the first time they met, she'd say this.. what's happening at the moment, is very impossible, unrealistic, never existing interaction. 


"I like her." Winter muttered, after a long talk, they've gone to many topics they could've mentioned to each other if they weren't avoiding each other for so long.


"I do, too." Seulgi confessed.


Here's the impossible, the very first time Seulgi admitted verbally that she has feelings for Irene was with Winter. 


"Then why don't you look happy?"


"Not all people who fall in love is happy, Win." Seulgi heard Winter scoffing at her answer, but still, she continued talking. "Not because you fell in love means you're happy."


Winter shakes her head, not accepting whatever lie she tells her. They can be good siblings, seems like Winter knows her more than she thought so.


"You just want to say that because you're bitter. You know in your heart if a person makes you happy or not."


Irene does make her happy.


Starting the next day, Seulgi has become confident.. and Irene became more beautiful in her eyes. 


"Marry me." She told Irene while resting her chin on her arm sitting on the table where the girl is writing a report for their project.


"W-what's with you? Idiot, go work! You haven't done your part for today." The girl she's staring at sent her a glare, putting the book on stand to cover her face so that Seulgi would stop looking at her. 


And that was only the first time. 


Irene was holding her phone in her hand, sitting on the bench of the bus stop while waiting for her bus to come when she left a pair of soft lips brushing against her ear, whispering,


"You're gonna be a pretty wife."


Startled, Irene hits Seulgi's mouth with her small fingers, smacking them unintentionally. "Seulgi-! What the hell? Where did you come from?"


"Wow, you're even cuter when startled." Seulgi laughed at her. It was the most annoying laugh Seulgi ever did and Irene ever heard from her.


"Shut. Up!" 


But it made Irene smile. 


She couldn't deny she was enjoying Seulgi's unexpected company that had been bugging her since the day they fought, but these days have been pretty different. Is it possible that Kang Seulgi has feelings for her? For real?


"Still no word from your sister?" Seulgi asked her one time as they rode the bus again.. another one of their bus episodes, both of their bags are on Seulgi's lap, she was hugging them tightly.


Irene sighed and casually leaned her head on Seulgi's shoulder, she felt her stiffening and it made her smile. Again. 


"It'll be okay. I'm sure she's fine and safe working." Seulgi assured her, although it's impossible for her to actually know about Irene's sister's status, it still felt great to have someone to lean on right now.


"Is your niece feeling better?"


"Hmm.. She's fine. No attacks since she got discharged. Thank you again, Seulgi." 


Seulgi was still Seulgi, except the fact that she's taking care of Irene now.


Twinned with the fact that college has reached the range of higher difficulty, is that it meant they will be very busy, especially when your priorities are all over the place. The same goes for Irene for that semester. Sometimes, she thinks it's a mistake getting herself involved with Seulgi but after years, she realized it's not bad at all.


One day after their final examinations, Irene didn't see even a glimpse of Seulgi for the whole day. 


So, there she was, walking alone towards the bus stop. Honestly, she was very worried. The last exam week, for midterms, had been pretty tough for Seulgi. What if it's the same this time?


But it wasn't. 


Standing before her was Seulgi with her goofy smile, holding up pieces of papers in her hand. 


"What.. Y-you passed?" Irene stepped slowly, she didn't have 20/20 eyesight but she can tell with the green markers that Seulgi had pretty high scores. 


She has never felt so relieved for someone else, especially for someone who was hopeless in bonding, like Seulgi in her life until now. 


Smiling with full bliss, even with her smile at that moment, she hugged Seulgi tightly, hoping she'd feel how much her chest had been thumping for her. 


The next few weeks have been busier for her. She received an amount of money from her sister's account but there was no message from her, even on her sns. At least the fact that she was sent some money to pay for their everyday needs gave her relief. So, when Mijoo-- Saeron's friend from their class threw a party after their final examinations, and when they all finally finished their final requirements, Irene didn't think twice and attended.


Time to freshen herself up.


"Why does it say Seulgi's birthday? Isn't her birthday on February?" Irene asks Joy when they stepped into the loud household. Striking lights and boosted music hovered all around the room while they look for their friends in the crowd.


"Wendy said it's just for formality. Mijoo needed a reason to tell her parents." Joy spoke right against her ear before taking a glass for herself. They soon found their friends at the bench upstairs.


Out of curiosity, Irene wondered if Seulgi will come. She heard from Saeron and Wendy that she doesn't usually come to parties like this, that's also one of the reasons why their classmates name their party as Seulgi's. Because she will never come.


Irene remained sitting on the corner while her friends danced in the living room. Holding her phone out on the table, she scrolled through her contact and stared at Seulgi and her sister's contact. Chuckling at herself, she knew how pathetic it is to stare at her phone screen like that, waiting for one of them to call or text her.


Life could be pretty funny. Just when Irene thought things are just senselessly pathetic around her, something happened.


Tiffany, 10:43 p.m.: Irene, I'm sorry for not being able to contact you in the past weeks. There's been a problem at work. I'm going home soon. Take care of Asul and yourself, wait for me.


It was unfortunate. The moment Irene's phone buzzed, she finally, finally received a text from her sister while sipping a boost from her cup. She got too excited and rose up from her seat but when she looked around, there was no one to hug,


no Seulgi to be with her.


Still, with the excellent heart-pounding moment, Irene continued to enjoy her night. 


"Irene, you're sure you can go home alone? We can call Seulgi to drive you home." Saeron asks worriedly. Hanging on her shoulder was Yeri's arm as she assists her drunk best friend carefully, unlike Joy who might just kick the wasted Wendy down to the ground.


Irene nodded, smiled a little as she waved at them. She wouldn't lie, her head is aching painfully slow and she's getting a little sleepy but she can handle herself. The bus stop is just a few minutes away from Mijoo's home.


Fate could be ridiculous sometimes. For some people, it gives off the beauty in romance. Couples say they're fated to meet each other and that they'll love each other forever. They'll say they found true love with their partners at the right place and the right time. 


But in Seulgi and Irene's case, they don't need fate to intervene. Seulgi just knows when to be with Irene. None of them had to doubt that their feelings could be fading. Both of them knew it's just starting, nurturing.


"Took you long to come here." Seulgi was standing by the pole where a sign board that says bus stop was written. She had her straight black hair dropped smoothly on her dope sport demin jacket over her black shirt and jeans. 


Irene may be drunk, literally and figuratively. She literally had a few drinks earlier and that may be the cause of why she can't stop thinking of how charming and pretty Seulgi looked that night. 


Indeed, she's drunk in love with this oblivious and frustrating person.


"Seulgi! My sister's finally going home!" Irene exclaimed when she remembered, the hug she's been aching to give to her has finally come to action.


She ran towards the taller girl and hugged her tightly, and she was hugged closely, dearly by Seulgi.


When they slowly pulled away, Seulgi could see how flushed Irene's face was, and she stinks. She smells like alcohol. 


Seulgi chuckled and wrapped her warm palms on Irene's small face, caressing her cheeks gently as they stared at each other.


"You, are so pretty.." Irene whispers, leaning so close, and even closer to Seulgi's face. 


But as much as fate was ridiculous, Kang Seulgi, the competitor of fate, managed to ruin the moment when she pushed Irene's face away, muttering.


"The alcohol smells bad, Irene. Let's take you home."


As easy as it may seem, their friends thought they're just a happy fake couple with Irene asking Seul to do errands for her, look after her, always, always, stay by her side. But it wasn't the real case. 


The real deal was that Seulgi is striving hard to spend countless moments with Irene, as she continued to crave for the new.. and amazing feelings clutching on her chest every time she follows Irene around. 


"Plans for summer?" Seulgi asked while they walk towards the bus stop. Irene snorted, grinning at Seulgi after glancing at her.


"I'm gonna study, of course. My sister's coming home tomorrow, I think I can start looking for kids to tutor, that'll give me more allowance for the upcoming semester." Irene answered her question truthfully. 


Ever since the night she asked for Seulgi's help, the girl also became her bestfriend. 


There were times that Yeri and Joy whines about Irene hanging out too much with Seulgi, but they supported her.


Whatever Irene was facing... with Seulgi, she's just waiting for the right moment to acknowledge it. 


"You're working so hard." Seulgi gave her a small smile, the bus came just in time and they both hopped in. 


For the first time ever, every seat was taken except one. Seulgi, being the generous.. and gentlewoman she is, has offered to stay standing so Irene could take the seat.


"Hey, why aren't you sitting there?" Seulgi asks when she felt the nudging on her waist and when she turned to her right, there was Irene holding on the bus pole with her, chuckling softly. 


"I think it's better if we both remain standing." 


If it was the old random and indecisive Irene, she'd push Seulgi away from the seat and take it confidently. Seulgi found it funny. 


That's the last day they'll ride the bus together for that semester. They won't have to meet up every Saturdays anymore, or take the bus every morning, and after class dismissals. 


One of these years, Irene wished she stayed longer with Seulgi there, holding her hand as they both grab on the pole for support while the bus continued moving. 


As the bus approaches Irene's stop, they pulled away from each other. Seulgi felt the cold air brushing on her knuckles from the emptiness when Irene pulled her hand away. It was suffocating.


The reason why Irene wished she didn't pull away was because of what happens next.


"Seulgi- why..?" She asked when Seulgi grabbed her arm lightly, stopping her from stepping out. 


"Meet me again tomorrow? At the bus stop..?" 


"Uh.. I have to go now."


That was a mistake. A terrible mistake to turn Seulgi down in front of those strangers at the bus at full capacity. But Irene didn't mean to, she was taken aback.


Of course, she wasn't numb. She knew what it meant. Asking to meet like that when you have absolutely no reason to do so if you're not in love with each other.. it's just that she didn't expect Seulgi to step forward like that. She hated the fact that she might lose Seulgi because of what she did. 


The next day came and Irene and Asul welcomed Tiffany with excitement in their home.


"Irene? Are you okay? You haven't touched your food."


Seulgi hasn't texted her since last night. Seulgi.. was the kind of person who was so vulnerable to heartbreaks. Knowing her past, and how she sees romance.. Irene felt anxious. It's something predictable, she just thought there's still hope. 


But what if there was? How would she know if there's hope that Seulgi's still holding onto her even after she rejected her yesterday? 


Seulgi's friends seemingly answered her questions.


Saeron: Hi Irene! We met with Seul earlier and she didn't want to talk about you. Is everything okay? She's at Joy's house right now.


Wendy: Ireneee, are you okay? Seul's waiting for you at Saeron's house. 


..What? Or more so, they confused her but gave her the right sign at the right moment.


"I.. have to go. I'll be back later, promise!"


Unable to decipher Saeron and Wendy's texts, she still took her coat and ran out of their house.


Could it be?


The special day someone would be asking for, where all the romantic dreams come into life and she'll realize she has woken up from daydreaming?


Irene didn't know where to go, but she ran towards the bus stop, planning to decide where to go after she's taken a bus. She must be crazy.. because, from that moment, all she thought of was where is Kang Seulgi? 


That she didn't realize that the girl she's thinking about was standing across her. Like most times they meet each other expectedly, as they planned. This was the first time Irene did not expect to see Seulgi.


I thought she was at Joy's.. or Saeron's..


But she's right here, smiling at Irene, holding a burger in her hand. Unlike how she pictured Seulgi-- that in her head, she's crying in one corner where Saeron and Wendy are comforting her with supplies of tissue rolls--, this Seulgi was a completely.. total opposite. 


She's stepping closer to Irene, in a very gentle and attractive manner. How is someone holding a burger in her hand so attractive?


"I knew you would come," Seulgi says as she brought the wrapped burger onto Irene's hands. "I know you might be full because you celebrated at home but I think burgers from me are still better than anything else."


It's supposedly sweet, but Seulgi was full of herself that Irene couldn't help laughing, punching her arm playfully.


"There are thousands of food better than your burger." She tells her but taking it in her hand anyway while they walk to the waiting area, occupying the empty seats on the waiting bench.


► AJ Rafael - Like Me


"I want to tell you some.. things." Seulgi started, Irene hummed to let her know she's willing to listen. 


There were a number of stuff in Seulgi's head at that time. 


I want to be honest with Irene and reveal that I didn't stoop low as she said before.


I should tell her I was sorry for being a jerk.


I must tell her how I feel.


"I want to say that.. I did not pay Karina to distract Winter-- although the distraction was in the process. That Winter and I are on good terms now, because of you." Seulgi admitted, a long sigh of relief left her chest. Irene was listening intently, looking at her with so much interest that her ears are starting to turn reddish.


"I regret telling you that you weren't my girlfriend.. I really wish I could go back and change it." Seulgi saw a few people passing by and remembered how embarrassed she was when Irene left her on the bus. 


One thing she learned though, is that they're only strangers she met for just a short period of time, and Irene-- Irene could be her forever. Coming here even after getting turned down is a risk she's willing to take if it's for Irene.


"Sorry for dodging you yesterday," Irene mumbled after. Seulgi nodded silently as if she was waiting for her to say more. Irene knew what she's waiting for.


"What do you feel for me, Seulgi?" 


Irene was straightforward, and she still is. She may be distracted in the past weeks but she knew herself, she's familiar with her personality, she admits to what she feels. 


Seulgi was in denial. That was the problem and that's what Irene's curious about. 


How does Seulgi feel?


Seulgi was nervous, aside from her talk with Winter.. which was weeks ago, she has never said a word about her feelings for Irene to anyone else. Three words stuck on like a lump she's unable to get through if she won't confess right now. After all, she asked for her friends' help to bring Irene here.


"I want you to be my wife." Seulgi says, at least these words are fine to be spoken. Easy and chill.


"Then you should ask me to marry you." Irene joked, amused at how obvious of a beginner Seulgi is right now. Seulgi never read or watched anything close to romance, or confessions. She hated every bit of it. Knowing that Irene was waiting for her to say something else, her chest heaved a series of deep-to-light breathing.


"I like you." She muttered, taking her minutes to say those words. 


"I like you too." Irene replied, taking her a few seconds to blurt out those words.


"J-just like that?" Seulgi's ears and cheeks were blushing, she knew Irene could be very confident but it's just too much to be too.. straightforward.


Irene shakes her head with a soft chuckle. "I'm kidding." 


Seulgi sighed, not in relief, but with distress. How could she joke like that? Is it really that easy to break the bond you shared with someone so closely?


"I'm in love with you, Seulgi." Irene stated, honestly. If someone was to review a lecture that wasn't studied well enough before, it would take time and effort before they master it. 


Irene understood that it's the same for Seulgi. So... Seulgi being unable to react well to her confession isn't news to her. Instead, she placed the burger down to the other side of the bench and she moved closer to Seulgi.


"Did you ever feel like you want to kiss me?" Irene whispers once her face was so close to Seulgi, her hand sneaking on the taller girl's thigh like she used to do. Seulgi nodded, intoxicated at the close proximity of their faces. 


Well, Irene and Seulgi had their first kiss.. at the car, when they first had the deal for their fake dating. It's not that memorable even for Seulgi because it was so quick and Irene was only very impulsive at that time. They also almost kissed that night when Irene was a little drunk and Seulgi came to walk her home but that was a bit of a crack episode, Seulgi still chuckles to herself whenever she thinks about it, and Irene is embarrassed whenever they talk about it. This time, it's different. 


"N-now.." Seulgi muttered, the slow movement of her lips made their noses touch that it shocked her through the spine, she wanted to pull away-- but Irene raised a hand and caressed her cheek.


Irene is being impulsive, confident, and most of all.. drunk in Seulgi's attraction. Her fingertips slowly dug on her thigh as she pulled Seulgi's face closer, their lips finally touched and Irene finally claimed her. 


Kissing Seulgi like that.. she's sure the girl would never, ever doubt about romance, ever again. If it takes time and effort for Irene to get Seulgi to say I love you, she'll do it.. she knew Seulgi was worth it.


And after years, she managed to make her say it.


It's been sometime and hey, we’ve really grown
It's easy to say you’re the best I’ve known
So please, could I call you mine?
'Cause I don’t know how to handle
These three words and they go
I love you, do you love me?


"Do you take Irene as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto her for as long as you both shall live?"


"I do..."


"I love you, Irene."


Irene placed a bookmark on chapter Seulgi, and she's willing to go back and reread every part of it.. with Seulgi as her wife now.


♡ - fin.

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jihojihojiho817 #1
jihoarin979 #2
Rereading this 🫶🏼
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
Chapter 1: never get tired of this 🤍
shinchan222 #5
Chapter 3: Amazing just amazing!
Kimchi43 #6
Chapter 3: Cute!
Chapter 3: ugh, so cute and beautiful 🥰
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 1: Whoa… altho i agree with Seulgi’s perception on romantic love, Seul is kind of an a-hole in this one huh? 😆

…i’m not an a-hole.
…at least I don’t think so.
…am I?
Chapter 3: so cute💝💛
21 streak #10
Chapter 1: Gives me dev and tester vibe story..