Chapter 19

Stay with me

Soojins pov 
I feel arms hugging me from behind, I turn around and it's Hui I look to where shuhua is and I can see she's upset. I think, I need to get away from him. 

But before I do anything he pecks me on the lips surprising me. I look to where shuhua is and I know she's upset. I need to go over there, I start to pull away from Hui but he grabs my arm. 

"Hui let me go," I say angrily.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" He replies mad. 
I look again but shuhuas already gone, ugh for s sakes Now she thinks I'm ignoring her. 

"Soojin, why are you ignoring me?" He says mad, his grip getting tighter. 

"Look can we talk about this later I need to find Shuhua," I say hurriedly. 
"Shuhua, it's always Shuhua! What about me, what about us it's like you've given up? I'm your boyfriend I should be your first priority, not that idiot!" He says pissed still holding onto my arm tightly. 

"Hui let go of me you're hurting my arm," I say warningly.

He looks at me angrily but let's go. I can still feel the ache in my arm where his hand was. 
"I'm sorry," he says. 

"Hui let's go outside and talk," I say looking back one last time to find shuhua dancing with Kino, I quickly move my eyes before I get even more mad and head outside. 

He looks at me reluctantly but nods and follows me outside, I didn't want to do it like this but I can't take it. 

We walk outside our VIP Room onto the deck. I can see how tense he is, His back is facing me and his hands are holding the rail. 

"I know what you're gonna say," Hui says without looking at me.

"Hui," I say quietly ashamed. He still hasn't looked at me, I sit on the table. The atmosphere is tense. 

"Hui" I say again just above a whisper. 

"Its Her isn't it," he says with no emotion. 

I don't need him to say her name to know who he's talking about. My heart starts to pump nervously at what he's saying. He knows. 

"What are you talking about," I say nonchalantly having years of practice at not showing my true emotions. 

He laughs, a cold laugh with no sign of real humour. I moved uncomfortably in my seat. 

He turns around now facing me, body leaning against the rail. 

Where both silent. Daring each other to speak.

"You know people warned me about you. They said you had no emotions that you didn't care about anything. I never listened though, because I liked you and I thought you liked me. How stupid was I? He says smiling sadly. Despite everyone's warnings I still wanted you, cared about you....loved you. I stay silent holding back my tears. 
Even now if you wanted me I would stay and take you back, how pathetic right. He says looking right at me, he continues. I did everything a perfect boyfriend could do but it was useless because of her. I'm not blind I see the way you look at her and I have never been so jealous of someone else In My life" he says slamming his hands on the table. 

I flinch a little by his actions but I can't even pretend he's not right and he knows it. 

"'s, it's not like that," I say uncharacteristically vulnerable. 

"Keep telling yourself that," he says mad. 

"Hui, I really did like you... it's just this, us, I can't, I'm so sorry I hurt you" I say tears in my eyes. 

Despite everything, I do still care about him. I never planned to hurt him like this, I didn't think anything would happen between me and Shuhua. 

" Hui, you deserve someone better than me," I say tears running down my face now. 

"Stop crying... I don't hate you, I could never hate you." He says frustrated. 

"I'm s-sorry" is all I say between my tears. 

He moves towards me and hugs me. I hug him back just as tightly. 

"When she breaks your heart, I'll be here waiting for you," he says whispering into my ear. 

I stiffen at what he says but choose to ignore it. We pull away. 

" so I guess this is goodbye," he says. I just nod my head. 

"Bye hui," I say softly. 

"Bye," he replies quietly before leaving. 

I sit back down taking deep breaths, it feels like a weight has been lifted and I can finally breathe properly. Shuhua, I need to find Shuhua. 

I walk back in, everybody's still partying. I see Hui leaving with a few of the other members but no sign of shuhua. I scan the area but I still can't see her. I wipe my tears, I see Yuqi and quickly move to her. 

"Yuqi, where's shuhua," I say impatiently.

"She was with kino last I saw her" so she's still with him. I try not to jump to conclusions but I can feel the jealously bubbling up. 

"Okay thanks" I reply, she didn't really help me but it's a start. 

There she is, she's just walked out of the bathroom. I quickly walk over to her, I know she's upset with me but once I explain everything she'll be fine.

"SHUHUA" I shout over the loud music. She furrows her eyebrows but still looks for the voice that said her name. Then her eyes lock onto mine and she turns in the opposite direction ignoring me.

For s sake. 

"shuhua" she stops moving and faces me.

"What," she says angrily. 

I grab her hand and drag her to the same spot me and hui were just at. 

"Soojin just leaves me alone," she says trying to leave. 

"Let me explain," I say holding onto her hands looking at her pleadingly. She doesn't reply but nods her head reluctantly. 

"I broke up with Hui and when he kissed me I really had no idea, and the reason I didn't come to check on you was because I couldn't wait any longer and had to break up with him," I say extremely fast. 

I look for her reaction but nothing, shouldn't she be happy? 

"Shuhua isn't this good news," I say.

I'm looking at her but she can't meet my eyes. 

"Y-yes that's good news of course," she says timidly. 

"Than what's the problem," I say a little annoyed.

"Well. I-I might have done something....stupid" she whispers. 

Before I can ask what,  Miyeon comes out.

"Shuhua there you are! Kinos looking for you" she says winking at shuhua implying something. 

I have an idea of what shuhuas stupid thing might have been but I don't want to believe it. I feel that same jealously I always feel when it involves Shuhua. 

"Tell him I'll see him later," Shuhua says, I clench my jaw trying to control my anger. 

Miyeon leaves.

"What happened," I say coldly.

"I kissed Kino," shuhua says so fast I nearly didn't hear. 

She kissed Kino, her and Kino kissed.

I'm silent still trying to process what I already knew. I'm so upset, just the thought is killing me. I close my eyes trying to calm myself down. 

Not here I think. 

I walk right past her, I need to leave now. Shuhua grabs my waist but I quickly push her off me.

"Don't touch me" I say coldly, she looks hurt but I can't deal with this right now. 

"Soojin wai-"

"Shuhua, please I can't be around you right now," I say pleadingly, my mask leaving my face showing just how to hurt I am. 

I know I've put shuhua in the same position... but I thought things were different between us now, I thought we were on the same page. I think to myself before leaving the club without Shuhua.


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