the removalist


Kibum likes the way he looks. He takes care of himself, tends to the health of his skin, his hair, everything that builds up to his image. Everything is within his control - if he doesn’t want to go to the gym, he won’t. If he wants to drink sugary coffee, he will. And if he wants to do anything else that affects his body, his anatomy, he will.

Every inch of his body is his - except for five inches long, three inches wide, inked into his skin, marking him for someone else. Before he could even recognize himself in the mirror, part of him was never within his say, or even his parents’.


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968 streak #1
Chapter 1: I don't know what to say. It's amazing!
Jinki gave him the freedom he wanted so much. Yet, he was the one who doesn't want to let go. It is good that he was given another chance.
Thank you so much for sharing.
versutiloquent #2
Chapter 1: This was a great read. Thank you for sharing this.
Chapter 1: BEAUTIFUL. Period.

p.s: I’ve missed reading your stories and then this one dropped right in the midst of my burn out moment. I couldn’t thank you more.
tamrouq #4
This was such a beautiful, emotional read from start to finish, the ending was especially full of all the feels. Thank you for writing this.
Chapter 1: This is amazingly fresh and brilliant and heartbreaking and just... wow.