three: love again

be there for you
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A few days passed since their game of mini golf, which was admittedly more fun than Jongwoon ever thought it would be. As much as he enjoyed his time spent with his hyungs, he wasn’t entirely sure what to make of their flirtations. Sure, he did have a crush on them, but he never thought it would be returned in any form. The main reason he thought his feelings wouldn’t be returned was that Jongwoon was pretty sure Leeteuk and Heechul were in a relationship, even if they weren’t very open about it. 


Yet, if his hyungs were already in a relationship, then where did that leave him? Where they just flirting with him for fun? He didn’t see where the fun was in leading him on but he wouldn’t put it past the hyungs. Yet, he also didn’t think they would do that to him, to any of the members really. They just cared too much about the members, even if they all pretended to be merely a show window group on camera.


Thankfully, the members were all busy promoting their latest release of time slip, so the two busiest members hadn’t been able to corner Jongwoon about what happened between them during their game of mini golf, which they somehow didn’t talk about immediately after, but Jongwoon knew they were too wrapped up in one another and the euphoric rush they experienced that day. 


As Super Junior were currently on tour for their eight super show, Heechul wasn’t with the members due to his ongoing health issues, and yet he would be coming to their next show, which was the very next day, so Jongwoon needed to figure his feelings out sooner rather than later, since if he missed this opportunity of his visit, he didn’t think he would have another chance for quite a while. 


Every now and then, Jongwoon noticed Leeteuk giving him looks he couldn’t quite explain, which he guessed meant Leeteuk also wanted him to make up his mind. He should have felt pressured, yet he didn’t for some odd reason. He knew his hyungs would give him as much time as he wanted to figure out his feelings. 


To help him out with his feelings, Jongwoon sought out someone with enough sense to help navigate these murky waters that were his feelings. He knocked on said member's hotel room, and it opened to reveal Donghee, who thankfully had his own room, unlike Jongwoon who was sharing with Ryeowook, which he did enjoy, don’t get him wrong. 


Returning to the matter at hand, Donghee raised his eyebrow at his hyung standing there. “Yesung-hyung, to what do I owe this pleasure?” Donghee seemed more confused by him coming to his room, more than anything, even glancing down the hallway to see if there was a camera following and filming him.


“I can go if you’d prefer,” replied Jongwoon, mock offended Donghee's first assumption was a hidden camera. 


“No, hyung, stay. Come in. You still haven’t told me why you decided to visit me.” Donghee gestured to the small table and a pair of chairs in the corner of his room. They both sat down, and Donghee gave his hyung an expectant look. Jongwoon hummed in acknowledgment, “right, I need some advice from someone who is somewhat sane, and you seemed like the best choice. Well, and you are somewhat aware of the situation already.”


“Is this about the old married couple that is our hyungs?” Jongwoon nodded wordlessly. “Ah, and your feelings for them, I’m assuming? Do you want to know what I think you should do? Or something else?” Jongwoon went to nod again but he clarified his desire this time. “I knew I was right to seek you out, but yes, I want to know what you think I should do.” 


Donghee nodded with a thoughtful look on his face. “Firstly, we all know the hyungs are in a relationship, which I’m most sure is open for a third person, which they have been searching for. Heechul-hyung asked me before to see if you had any feelings for either of them, so I’m gathering that they’re interested in you as well.” 


“Really? They never asked me.” Jongwoon refuted with a pout. Donghee tilted his head, “they asked you on a date, didn’t they?” Jongwoon shook his head but paused himself halfway through. “It was just a game of mini golf.” 


“Well, I don’t believe that, hyung, and neither do you. Now, can I continue giving you the advice you sought me out for?” When Jongwoon nodded with a flustered expression, Donghee continued. “To put my thoughts in simple words, I think you should go for it, hyung. They both clearly have feelings for you, which you return, therefore nothing could theoretically go wrong.” 


“Theoretically.” Donghee frowned when Jongwoon focused on that word, “don’t tell me that’s all you took from what I just said.” Jongwoon huffed, shaking his head. “Well, no. I did listen, Donghee. I’m not sure it’d work out.” 


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399 streak #1
Chapter 4: I didn't know about throuple before, it's interesting hmmm...

Well, I need more yeteukchul! >____<
399 streak #2
Chapter 2: wait what? XD well XDD
Chapter 4: Aww this was so sweet! I love the interactions between the three oldest hyungs!
Chapter 3: This story is so cute and adorable,please write more about them
Yocelin_89 #5
Chapter 2: There are 2 chapters and I already love the story
I'm already looking forward to the one to come ^^
Chapter 1: First chapter and I already like it
Thanks author 😊