Chapter 2

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Dr. Byun Baekhyun's entrance into the ward was a chilling display of authority, his strides resonating with an unsettling intensity that seemed to freeze the air around him. Each step he took echoed with a silent command, as if daring anyone to challenge his dominance.


As he neared the end of his patient's bed, he halted abruptly, his piercing gaze slicing through the chart with an icy precision that sent a shudder down the spines of those in his presence. Without warning, his expression shifted, contorting into a cold smirk as he addressed the nervous patient before him, his voice dripping with calculated indifference that sent a chill down their spine.


The interns trailing behind him exchanged wary glances, keenly aware of the formidable aura that surrounded Dr. Byun Baekhyun. They knew better than to be fooled by the facade of warmth he projected, understanding the frigid depths that lay beneath his steely exterior.


Baekhyun's practiced hand moved the stethoscope methodically across the man's back, his sharp ears catching every subtle nuance in the patient's breath and heartbeat. With each passing second, his mind pieced together the puzzle, swiftly identifying the underlying problem with a surgeon's precision.

"Now, your diagnosis," he instructed, his voice carrying the weight of authority as he took a step back, allowing the interns to step up to the challenge.


Jin, fully absorbed in transcribing his observations, remained oblivious to Dr. Byun's directive until a gentle nudge from his colleague snapped him out of his reverie. Startled, he looked up, suddenly feeling the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders as he realized it was his moment to shine, to offer his own diagnosis under the scrutinizing gaze of his mentor.


Baekhyun's lips pressed together in a tight line, a subtle frown etching across his features, revealing his clear irritation at the intern's lack of attention. "Diagnosis," he repeated, his voice sharp and authoritative, cutting through the tense atmosphere of the examination room.


Jin squirmed under the weight of his superior's piercing gaze, feeling a bead of sweat forming at the base of his neck. The room seemed to grow colder, the air thick with anticipation and the unspoken expectation of excellence.


With trembling hands, Jin clumsily positioned his stethoscope against the patient's back, his palms slick with nervousness. Closing his eyes tightly, he held his breath, hoping to drown out the sound of his racing heartbeat and focus solely on the task at hand.


In that suspended moment, the interns held their breath, acutely aware of the gravity of the situation. The silence stretched on, broken only by the soft murmur of medical equipment in the background. And then, to their surprise, the sound of the patient's heartbeat seemed to amplify, filling the room with a steady rhythm that echoed in Jin's ears like a triumphant symphony.


Jin's gaze darted nervously between the patient and Dr. Baekhyun, uncertainty gnawing at him as he struggled to make sense of the situation. The room felt stifling, the weight of Dr. Baekhyun's expectant gaze bearing down on him like a heavy burden.


As he observed the patient's labored breathing, a sense of unease washed over Jin, his palms growing clammy with nervousness. The crackles in the man's lungs seemed to echo with a haunting resonance, each one a reminder of the gravity of the situation.


Glancing at the monitor, Jin's heart sank as he noted the dangerously low oxygen saturation levels. Despite his best efforts to remain composed, he couldn't shake the feeling of doubt creeping into his mind, unsure of his ability to provide the right diagnosis under Dr. Baekhyun's scrutinizing gaze.


With every passing moment, the patient's struggle became more palpable, and Jin's uncertainty only grew, a knot of anxiety tightening in his chest.


"Pneumonia, I think," Jin stammered, his voice trembling with uncertainty as he faced Baekhyun's piercing glare.


Baekhyun's eyes narrowed into icy slits, his gaze sending a chill down Jin's spine. "Are you absolutely sure?" he demanded, his tone sharp and intimidating, cutting through the air like a knife.


Jin's nerves were on edge, his breaths shallow and erratic as he struggled to maintain his composure under Baekhyun's formidable presence. Despite the fear gripping his heart, he managed to nod hesitantly in response to the intimidating challenge, his every movement betraying his overwhelming sense of unease.


Noticing the alarming pallor that had overtaken the patient's complexion, Baekhyun sprang into action with a sense of urgency that commanded attention. With swift, decisive movements, he swiftly secured nasal oxygen prongs to ease the man's struggling breaths, his hands moving with practiced precision.

As he listened intently to the patient's chest once more, Baekhyun's mind raced through a mental checklist, his extensive medical expertise guiding his next steps. Without hesitation, he issued a series of rapid-fire commands, calling for urgent lung x-rays, blood tests, and urine analysis, while simultaneously directing the preparation of intravenous antibiotics.


Each order was delivered with a commanding authority that brooked no argument, yet beneath the stern facade, there was a palpable sense of compassion driving his actions. Despite his seemingly cold demeanor, the interns couldn't help but be awed by the sheer magnitude of Baekhyun's medical prowess and his unwavering dedication to his patients' well-being.


As the infusion of oxygen began to take effect and the color gradually returned to the patient's cheeks, a collective sense of relief washed over the room. Though Baekhyun's actions were merely a fraction of his vast knowledge and skill, in that moment, he stood as a beacon of competence and leadership, earning the respect and admiration of the interns despite his enigmatic persona.


Assigned to the hospital's notorious "devil," the interns were undeterred, eager for the chance to learn from the best. Despite his intimidating reputation, they saw beyond the facade, recognizing the invaluable opportunity to grow under his guidance. In the fast-paced chaos of the hospital, they embraced the challenges ahead, knowing that with Baekhyun as their mentor, they would emerge stronger, wiser, and ready to make their mark in the world of medicine.



In the bustling emergency room, doctors rushed in with a new patient, a young 4-year-old boy, his condition dire after a fall from a tree.


"He fell headfirst," the paramedic reported, his voice tinged with worry. "Found unresponsive at the scene, with a neurological Glasgow Coma Score of 8."


The doctor's brow furrowed in concern as they processed the information. "Vitals stable." they inquired, their medical instincts kicking into high gear as they prepared to assess and treat the young patient.


"Get an MRI, full-body X-ray, and a head CT, stat," Dr. Kim's voice cut through the urgency of the emergency room, his command clear and authoritative. With precision, the nurses and interns mobilized, their movements synchronized as they swiftly carried out his orders.


"And page Jongdae from Pediatrics," Dr. Kim added, his tone brooking no argument as he ensured every resource was mobilized to provide the best care for the young patient.


As a father himself, Dr. Kim couldn't shake the empathy flooding his heart for the young patient's parents. He understood firsthand the sheer devastation they must be feeling, regardless of the child's current state.


Knowing the heart-wrenching anguish that comes with seeing a child in distress, Dr. Kim was determined to offer the utmost care and support.


The boy's continued lack of consciousness only heightened Dr. Kim Minseok's concerns, reinforcing his suspicion of a potential brain injury. With the possibility of accompanying fractures, the X-ray and additional lab tests he requested became imperative.


Despite the gravity of the situation, Dr. Kim remained hopeful, silently praying for the best possible outcome. For the time being, he focused on tending to the gash across the boy's forehead, providing comfort and care while awaiting the results that would shed light on the extent of the child's injuries.


"Are you his mother?" Dr. Kim asked softly, his attention shifting to the woman by the bed, her body visibly shaking.


"N-no, I'm his homeroom teacher," she replied, her voice quivering. "W-we were outdoors for an activity, and one of his classmates was acting up. I got distracted, and I didn't see him climb the tree. His friends mentioned a cat stuck up there, and... will he be alright?"


"We should receive the results shortly. Let's maintain hope that it's nothing grave. Would you kindly get in touch with his guardian?"


The homeroom teacher nodded, a flicker of anxiety still evident in her eyes. "His mother is already on her way," she confirmed.


After ensuring the child's wound was properly tended to, Dr. Kim excused himself to attend to the other patients in the ER, his mind still lingering on the young patient's condition.





"Hey, fancy grabbing a bite?" Chanyeol's voice brimmed with excitement, but his offer was swiftly met with a curt refusal.


"Can't," came the succinct reply, dampening Chanyeol's enthusiasm in an instant.


His disappointment palpable, Chanyeol's expression morphed from hopeful to crestfallen at the unexpected rejection.


"Have you seen Junmyeon hyung around?" Chanyeol's tone shifted slightly as he referred to the head of the hospi

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Chapter 5: they better have a good reason for causing so much hurt to him omg
Chapter 4: I really hope baek will listen to mer's reason
mrvnrky #3
Chapter 3: Omg it’s Baekhyuns kid I wonder what’s going to happen. And why did oc and kyungsoo kept it a secret
december0898 #4
Chapter 2: this story is interesting.. really curious of what happened in the past.. thanks for this update! looking forward to the next chapters!