Prologue: The Discovery

Awakening Air
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Aura, Age 10

As any self sensible human being would do, they grow up and find a place and fit into society's standards. Never daring to change the norm and never seeking to break out of the mould.

The sounds of water being squeezed muted all other noises of the day in Aura's mind. She had chores to do, and a bird to secretly bathe. If she managed to finish her laundering chores in time for the day, she might just be able to wash off the orange dye from Gale's, her pet bird's, ash coloured feathers. If she managed to work fast enough, she might be able to get the slightly larger bowl of stew before the other bigger children snatched them.

Bigger children. They always loved calling her nasty names, painfully yanking her hair or thundering past her as if she were more inanimate object then sentient human. Understanding her place in the world came almost naturally to her; she'd keep her gaze to herself and attempt to blur herself to walls. It seemed to her that the other children didn't like her very much, so why should she bother with them? It surely seemed to be the most respectful thing to do. Causing a fit would flare the nostrils of Aunt Agnes and bring a child regardless of who they are to the Fanged. Known for strict disciplinary measures and cruelty, the non law-abiding would find themselves laid upon a table and whipped. Any other action taken might lead to a few reductions of articular limbs.

Dank smells of sweat and odour coated her senses, mixed in with the only earthy bar of soap they had left in the orphanage, Aura made a mental note to remind Aunt Agnes to go to the market and purchase more. Her eyes slightly stinging as a bead of sweat from her forehead fell promptly into her eye and she tried to blink away the salt rapidly. Finally finishing up the washing and hanging, she crept passed the kitchen window and peered into the widest open area in the entire orphanage. Children ran past one another, playing with sticks and leaves and bringing with them dirt on the floor, some other smaller kids were being bullied and beaten in the corners whilst some others lay quietly still and had an unfocused look on their faces. Aunt Agnes was upstairs with older children and cleaning the beds.

This was the time. Aura had better do it before she was noticed being out back for too long. She looked at the small bucket of semi-clean water, used only twice for table linens and was the cleanest water she had saved for the bath of Gale. The other barrels and buckets were already murky with dirt and dust, sweat and blood, she couldn't possibly use that to shower Gale. No, she'd have to settle for the linen bucket. She glanced at the bird cage she salvaged from the trash one time she accompanied Aunt Agnes out to the market, and Gale angrily chirping and tweeting behind the spindly bars.

Gale was flying above her, keeping away from the reaches of Aunt Agnes but at the same time being at a closer range to Aura. The same day Gale managed to fly smack into a wet painting of a sunset, and the wet colours seeping into his feathers as he tried to unstick himself from the tacky painting. The artist gave Aura a good earful of scolding and insults, despite being no higher in rank as a commoner as herself. Aunt Agnes of course didn't give a single farting about the bird. As far as she was concerned, the bird was an irritation and would most likely make a better stew than a companion. Still, people older than you had to be respected and Aura respectfully stayed out of Aunt Agnes' (harm's) way.

"I'm sorry Gale. You have to get the orange dye out of your feathers or it'll stick to you forever." Aura whispered. She slowly opened the bird cage, blocking it's little entrance and took a firm hold of Gale. Carrying him over to the bucket, she scooped a handful and drizzled it on Gale's body. The orange dye was starting to soften and leak to Aura's palm and as she watched, onto her forearm but she didn't mind.

Sweet scents of the coming Spring breezed along pollen of budding flowers, both tickling and irritating Aura's nose as she involuntarily let out a most unladylike sneeze. Within that mere half-second of her closing her eyes, the grasp of her opponent seized the opportunity to flee from her slightly unclenched fingers.

"Come back here you awful bird!" Aura whisper-shouted, making her usual monotonous pitch rise a few octaves. She doesn't speak much, and when she does her voice comes off as scratchy and unused, as if even the air appears lost on its way down . Afraid of raising her voice too loud, she gave a quick glance to the happenings of the inside of the orphanage, and took off after her flyaway bird.

The grey bird chirped and aimed for the open door, his feathers glinting a hint of lapis lazuli blue as the water droplets refracted light.

"Oh no you don't!" muttered Aura as she scrambled up from the floor, giving her pinky toe a good whack on one of the table's unsuspecting legs. She gave a cry of frustration as she saw Gale shooting out of the window and generously splaying specks of water on every dry surface of the laundry that she just hung outside. It would have looked spectacular if only the aching in her hands and back didn't mind the extra chores.

As she tried to calm herself through her breathing mantras, she calmly slipped on two well worn clogs and grabbed her hat off one of the wall hooks. She didn't bother to look behind her this time as pulled her hat above her head to hide most of her face. Kicking the door open and slamming it behind her, a great whoosh of air from the door sent Aura's knees buckling forward at the force. Aunt Agnes is going to possibly starve her of tonight's dinner and she wouldn't have anything to eat until tomorrow's meal time. Aura gulped at the thought and willed her short legs faster.

All at once the bustle and footsteps of the market in front of her alley rushed to her ears, as if the sanctuary of the orphanage shut off both possibilities of life and sound. Flicking her eyes above the fabric shades, she managed to see just th

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