Night Rain




Wrote this for a group project.

Heavily inspired by Baekhyun's Bambi.



Can you spot all the scenes? 


Through the glass window, I see a silhouette - barely an outline in the near darkness. It’s sitting in the seat Kai had been in previously, unmoving. I blink my eyes hard - I must be mistaken.

But then it moves.

A hand reaches out into the snippet of light to grab the hat.

I’m frozen. Silent.

I can hear it. Even through the door, I can hear it. 

His voice.

A horn blares.

The silhouette rises with the hat and places it on its head. And in a brief second, the shadow catches a face.

The horn rings louder.

I try not to scream as I rip my nightgown and run back to my cabin.


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969 streak #1
Chapter 1: I love the way the narration moved with a grieving widow who remembers her rich, caring husband. Then, she lies about his death and her room. This builds up slowly until her slip in the pouring rain and we find out the truth about her husband's death.
It is a gripping story that starts quietly then screams in your face. If this is for a school project, you should have been given the highest grade.
I am not very fond of these types of story. But, you wrote it so well.
Thank you so much for sharing.