Afraid to Commit
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Ga Eul caught herself staring again in the middle. Well, she didn’t catch herself, he caught her this time. Yi Jung.  The guy she has been crushing on for years. There was no way he didn’t know. 


And there was no way she would confess herself. 


Yet recently it seemed as if he had been teasing her almost. 


“Zoning out again huh? Something must really be on your mind?” He said with a wink as he turned back to face his paper. 


A few of the kids sitting around them mumbled and giggled as Ga Eul dropped her head onto her desk, a blush overtaking her face. 


She sighed and went back to doodling in the margins of her notes as the teacher stood at the front of the class. 


“Ga Eul! Yi Jung! Come do these problems. Since you can’t focus on your work on your own, show me you’re at least learning something in my class.” The male teacher barked at them. 


Yi Jung stood up with a smirk on his face, knowing her would be fine, whereas Ga Eul’s blush grew deeper as she had been confused the entire lesson. 


Once at the chalkboard, Ga Eul stood close to the surface, staring at the numbers and letters as if the answer would reveal itself to her if she manifested it. 


the sound o

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2034 streak #1
Chapter 1: This is the first time I ever read anything related to this pairing and yet, you got me earning for more at the end. Was the teacher okay with him solving it? Did they get together? If so did he confess? Haha so many silly questions. Anyway, this was cute and nice ^^