Mr. Arrogant

Forever 3rd Wheel (F3W)
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To say Insung is good-looking is an understatement. He is the whole package. Tall, dark, and handsome. He's like an A-list actor slash supermodel slash man of your freaking wet dreams. That is why you really can't blame Chaerin and Daesung if somehow they don't get any work done because they're busy staring at him all day. Jiyong is busy doing work on his table when he notices his two friends.

Guys, how can we finish early if you're just there staring at him?

The two wake up from their daydreaming and pretend to work again.

Oh, come on, Ji. We just need a little inspiration.

Stop being a killjoy. It's been a while since we've seen a hottie in here.

Don't you think he's hot?

It doesn't matter what I think.

Aha! I knew it.


You do think he's hot.

No, I don't.

Oh really?

Just get back to work.

Jiyong goes back to work, completely flustered, and the two snicker.


Jiyong, Daesung, and Chaerin have been working on this Bigbang Project for ages. It is the first project Jiyong is in charge of, which is why it is very special to him. He is very hands-on on this project, he makes sure everything is perfect. Daesung and Chaerin just do whatever he tells them to do, they call him Leader, and they don't wanna mess with him when he's in his Leader mode.


The presentation of the Bigbang Project is projected on the screen. Jiyong is a very good talker. He will get your attention when he starts to speak. He is always hired whenever they have a program in the office. And he is always assigned to present whenever they have a pitch. Insung is very attentive while listening to Jiyong, he seems to be engrossed, Jiyong notices this which causes him to become conscious but he just brushes it off, he still does his best to tell the group about the project.

And we end it with that. Any questions?

Everybody seems to agree with everything Jiyong discussed. Then Insung raises his hand. Jiyong acknowledges him and asks.

Yes, Mr. Jo?

So, what happens to the dragon after that? I’m pretty sure it’s happily ever after.

Let’s leave it to the viewer’s imagination.

But isn’t it too obvious? Seems super predictable and to be honest, it's boring. There’s nothing new to it. It seems like it’s still the same old fairy tale.

Excuse me?

I think the concept is too common.


It suddenly becomes a heated argument.

Ah, guys. Maybe we can wrap this up first for today?

Other officemates agree and tend to leave the conference room.

No, wait.

Their officemates stop on their tracks, sit and listen to the two argue.

Mr. Jo, if you had an issue with the concept from the start, why did you wait till the end to speak up?

Insung smiles at Jiyong's question.

I wanted to finish your presentation to give it a chance and see if I could be interested, because I want to get to know the project first before I judge it.

But it turns out, you don't like it. Right?

I'm the type of person that gives chances, that maybe my first impression of people is wrong.

Insung stares at Jiyong intensely. It doesn't seem like he's referring to the project anymore. Jiyong feels conscious and glares at him. Chaerin and Daesung notice this and grin at each other. Insung smiles because he sees Jiyong is affected.


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Ardent_Al #1
Chapter 6: This is such an adorable premise! I hope you continue!
Hijiji #2
Where are you
Hijiji #3
Chapter 6: Omg I love this story 😭😭💛💛💛💛 can't stop smiling 😍
HottestVIPSone #4
Awww this story is cute!
Hijiji #5
Chapter 2: Cute chapter 😂 can't wait for the main story to begin
danamon28 #6
Chapter 1: Good beginning
I'm waiting for more..
Hijiji #7
Chapter 1: Nice story
Very excited for it 🙌