Ch. 5 : S T O R M


C H. 5 : S T O R M 

That is a kiss.

Mina stared in blank, and still couldn't believe what happened last night.


And not a kiss on the cheeks she often gave to her unnies,

A kiss on the lips.

Mina was awake last night, after all. Last night when Chaeyoung sung her to sleep. She just couldn't bring herself to tell the younger and ask Chaeyoung why she did that.

The woman caressed her lips and remembered how soft and how sweet the kiss from Chaeyoung felt. It felt different from the ones she shared before-

It felt exhilarating and her heart feels like it might explode every time she remembers it. She scrolls through her phone and start smacking her head, aware now that she's thinking of that same person again.

"Mina," Mina snapped out of it when she heard the person in front of her calling her name, "what's wrong? Does your head hurt?"

She's in a date with Bambam, and yet her head in somewhere else. Or someone else rather.

"are you alright?" Bambam asked, worriedly. They're on a restaurant Bambam. Chinese food wasn't Mina's taste, but Bambam was so excited about it she just agreed.

"y-yes, I just feel unwell." Mina lies.

"Oh, you shouldn't have forced yourself to come here," Bambam says, "finish eating that and let's go home so you can rest."

Mina looked down and bit her lip. How could she think of someone else when she's dating this very kind man?

"The rain's so hard," Bambam groans, "I hate it."

Mina looked at the glass outside, as the water drops. And how it always calms her. She loves the rain. And silently wished how it wouldn't stop until she's on her bed and listens to it.

The waiter then served their food. Bambam smiles at her and said, "Let's eat?"

She then proceeded to take a bite of the Chinese food,

She doesn't even like.


People do a lot of stupid things when their heart is broken.

Sometimes it's drinking,



But for chaeyoung,

It's just a very impulsive tattoo on her shoulders.

Chaeyoung entered the place to get her tattoo done. Not like this is her first time, she had done small ones before, but now she wanted to do something different.

"is Chimhwasa here?" chaeyoung asked quietly in the woman sitting. Chimhwasa is the man who had done her tattoo's before, and she liked all of them.

The blonde woman smiled at her and shook her head, "Sorry He's not here at the moment. He took out his daughter, would you mind if I do your tattoo instead?"

"oh, didn't know he had a kid" chaeyoung laughs, "and yeah, I would like that."

"What tattoo would you want?" The woman asked urging Chaeyoung to sit down.

Chaeyoung took out something she sketched.

"wow this is pretty, how big do you want this to be?" the woman asked.

"this big, do it on my shoulder." Chaeyoung said.

"that big, you sure?" the woman asked again.

Chaeyoung nodded, "I'm very sure."

"anyway, why did you decide to get this tattoo?"

"it's just an impulsive decision," Chaeyoung shook her head laughing, wondering what she's doing on herself. But she's Chaeyoung anyway, no one really gets her.

"Is this for a lover?" The woman asked smiling as she prepares her tools.

Chaeyoung turned red and scoffs, "I wish, but she isn't."

"Is it about that girl you ranted about in the convenience store while taking that last piece of Melona?" the woman answered. Amusement playing in her eyes as she looked at Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung's eyes widened as she finally recognized the woman, "what? You're that girl?"

The woman gave a smile and nodded. Her eyes looked amused.

"that's so embarrassing," Chaeyoung bit her lip, "I-I'm sorry!"

"it's okay, I kind of get that you might be going through something—like a heartbreak?"

Chaeyoung stopped and nodded, "o-oh, yeah and.. a very stupid one. She didn't even know I like her"

"why get this tattoo though?" the woman chuckles, "I mean people do tattoos when they have a lover usually but never when they're heartbroken, who would want a tattoo to remind sad thing forever?"

Chaeryoung sighs, "I just want this pain to hurt physically. To feel like it took place rather to just let it pass by like nothing happen. Because I knew, she wouldn't know and no one would. I guess I want this to be a reminder how much love I can give, a reminder of how much I can love a person. And forever, to be a physical scar rather than an emotional one."

The woman stopped, and smiles. Her eyes look mesmerized. You could see the admiration once she heard what chaeyoung says.

"loving makes us do many impulsive thing, don't we?" the woman laughs.

Chaeyoung nods, "impulsive and stupid. But that's how we cope."

The woman starts to tattoo on her shoulder. It took 2 hours to finish and they already talk about a lot of things. The woman was Chimhawasa's younger sister and she also does tattoo there.

Chaeyoung looked up to meet the woman's eyes. She looks like somewhere her age. Her eyes are round and her lips are small, pointy nose and blonde hair. Her face is cute but her body and charisma says otherwise. She's gorgeous and Chaeyoung couldn't help but gape at her every now and then.

Chaeyoung winced as she felt stronger pain when the shading on her tattoo starts but somehow the pain was bearable compared what she feels inside.

Finally, it was finished. The woman put gel above the tattoo and gave chaeyoung a cream to apply every now and then until it dries.

"Wow, this is beautiful." Chaeyoung smiles, "my boss and managers would probably kill me, but who the heck cares when this turned out to be this good?"

"Thanks, " The woman grins looking at chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung looked away and swallowed, the woman looked hot and chaeyoung didn't want to look like an idiot who is gawking at her.

"it maybe too late to introduce myself, I'm So hee by the way," The woman says, "you're chaeyoung right?"

Chaeyoung nods, "Y-yeah."

"From that Girl group Twice?" So hee asks, "don't worry we have a policy here, what is said by the costumer will stay here."

"Oh it's okay if anyone sees my tattoo," Chaeyoung says, "I'm more embarrassed about that melona incident, I still feel sorry. should I treat you to one soon?"

So hee looks at her and gave her a smile. And chaeyoung turned bright red, "I-I mean as a payment for that one you gave me—I felt bad about it,"

So hee chuckled and didn't answer. Chaeyoung then paid and gave the woman a tip. As the woman gave her change, Chaeyoung stopped when she saw a piece of paper with the money.

"That's my number," the woman says, "call me when you'll treat me but rather than ice cream, I would prefer if you treat me to a coffee date."

The woman then winked, "I'll be waiting."

Chaeyoung felt her cheeks getting red, she managed to smile and nod, as she walked away and let out the breathe she didn't know she was holding.



Jihyo, Jeongyeon, Nayeon and Chaeyoung is on the living room. The others went out. And unluckily, the 3 unnies are the ones who saw her first.

The entire apartment vibrated with Jihyo's voice that it felt like it would crushed. The voice that felt like it could stop the heavy rain outside. Chaeyoung could only grin at this.

"son chaeyoung," Jeongyeon says shaking her head, "You're a pabo. Pa-bo!"

"our boss would surely kill us," Jihyo touched her forehead, "and so our managers,"

It was then Nayeon interferes and chuckles, "ya remember the time she cut her hair off suddenly without letting anyone know? Just because she likes kristen stewart? She got a scolding but there's nothing they can do about it,"

Jihyo just sighs imagining what scolding the whole group will face now, "Nayeon-unnie, you should scold her! Look it's so big! And on her shoulders too,"

"okay, let me take a look," Nayeon looked at the tattoo, "daebak, it's so pretty!"

"Nabong," Jeongyeon facepalmed, "Stop spoiling the maknae too much,"

"well, I think it really looks good, I would want one too," Nayeon smiles and chaeyoung nods at her happy that one is siding with her.

Jeongyeon groans, "Nabong, you're the oldest one here!"

"and your point is?"

"you wouldn't get any point I say would you?"

"I just don't get what's wrong with it?" Nayeon says. "right, chaeng?"

"you're so dumb, even an ant can kill you" Jeongyeon sighs.

"I'm not dumb, "Nayeon roll her eyes, "not dumb enough to be suddenly yelling 'THAT'S MY LEGO' at the middle of the night while sleep talking,"

"ya! I didn't do that," Jeongyeon's eyes widened.

"you did," Nayeon says teasingly, "and the other time your murmuring something about getting a new nano block,"

"YA!!!" jihyo yells again, "you two sounds like parents arguing again. and when did it became about the two of you,"

Jihyo sighs again, "whatever chaeng, my head hurts."

She then walked away and went inside her room.

"Jihyo might be tired scolding but I'm not," Jeongyeon says, "Nayeon you're too soft on this maknae,"

Chaeyoung looked at her puppy eyes look but Jeongyeon didn't budge. Of course, this wouldn't work. Not when Jeongyeon is this irritated.

Nayeon then looked at chaeyoung whispered and winked, "look at what I will do,"

The oldest member walked towards Jeongyeon and pulled her sleeves. She didn't talk just looking down. She then looked up with her big bright eyes, "can't you not be angry anymore, jeongie?"

And of course this time, it came from the person, Jeongyeon couldn't resist. She gaped for a second, but still chaeyoung wouldn't missed the way the woman's cheeks turned bright red. She then looked away and sighs, defeated.

"fine," Jeongyeon says and walked away, her cheeks still red as she went inside her room too.

Chaeyoung chuckles on this sight and whispers, "she probably doesn't know right unnie?"

Nayeon laughs too, "yep, she doesn't know."

And the two of them chuckles.

Jeongyeon's weak point, and it's the thing only Nayeon could do.


        It's probably Chaeyoung's tattoo on her shoulder as she wore that sleeveless hanging crop top and made Mina's throat dry as she walks inside the apartment.

Chaeyoung looks hot.

Her cute and lovely maknae looks hot. And Mina's couldn't take her eyes off her. She wanted to slap herself as she tried her best to not gawk at the woman.

"oh Mina-unnie, you're home?" Chaeyoung asked, smiling.

"Hi," Mina smiles back. "where's others?"

"Nayeon-unnie and Jeongyeon unnie are watching movies on the laptop, Jihyo unnie is already sleeping. Momo unnie is out with heechul. Tzuyu, Dahyun and Sana-unnie are not back yet." Chaeyoung said.

"oh." Mina nods.

Chaeyoung walk towards her worriedly when she noticed that she look a bit wet from the rain outside, "you look a bit soak, the rain was heavy. Need a towel?"

Before mina could even answer, Chaeyoung went inside her room and got her one. She then gave her a towel.

Mina couldn't help but smile and thank the younger.

"it's a bit cold," Chaeyoung says and proceeded to the kitchen. Mixing coffee and handing Mina a hot one.

Then Mina wonders how all chaeyoung does had been so natural and she didn't noticed it so much. The coffee served is warm and is to mina's taste.

Chaeyoung gave her a smile then sat beside her. "warm enough?"

Mina nods. They're not even touching, but mina felt warm inside. Her chest feels like its glowing and she couldn't help but smile.

"Did you got rained on the way home too?"Mina asked chaeyoung.

"yeah, but I changed already," Chaeyoung says, "anyway, I'm still glad for the rain."

"why?" Mina asked as she sipped on the coffee.

"Because I know you love it," Chaeyoung answers smiling. "and it calms you down."

Mina felt her cheeks getting red. She loves the rain of course, she had so many good memories about it and that's probably why she felt happy every time it rained. She once told them about it, but chaeyoung is probably the only one who remembers.

"y-you've got a new tattoo?" Mina asked looking at chaeyoung's shoulder.

"yep," Chaeyoung grins, "already got scolded by our leader and our walking vacuum unnie,"

"I can just imagine the shock," Mina chuckles , "anyway that's beautiful,"

Chaeyoung stops and look at her, in eyes Mina struggled to understand—she sees something in there but doesn't know what it is. Lately, chaeyoung's looks at her with eyes soft that makes her feel all melty.

'is chaeyoung in love with me?' she questions herself.

That's how she found herself thinking how happy she would be if Chaeyoung is indeed in love with her. They are the only two people right now on the living room, and somehow, Mina felt like she's the only person chaeyoung sees.

Chaeyoung smiles and look away, and her hand brushed on mina's hand. Mina then remembered, that feeling she felt when they went on a coffee shop before, when she held Chaeyoung's hand. Their palms touching, and her heart beating on her chest.

That feeling surfacing now. The longing to touch the younger's hands. Then she suddenly felt chaeyoung's hands holding hers. Chaeyoung blushed and immediately composed herself, "Your hands are cold, feels warm now?"

Mina couldn't help but show her gummy smile, because she wanted to hold chaeyoung's hand badly. "It does feel warmer now."

Mina then remembers bambam, that she's supposed to fix them, to finally reunite and gave them a chance. How she will have her life on line again.

yet she couldn't push away chaeyoung, and this beating on her heart, this warmth creeping up to her fingertips.

As the rain pours outside, her heart felt like it's at home-- where it's supposed to be. Everything was supposed to be finally perfect, to be all sunshine and rainbows—yet son chaeyoung suddenly kissed her last night;

And Mina now knows... why storms are named after people. 



a/n: Mina loves the rain, and chaeyoung is the storm ;) Anyway i hope you loved the update!! thank you for waiting, and i hope you'll continue to support this story. I appreciate your messeges, comments and upvotes! 


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jiyeonkimtaetae #1
Chapter 8: i love this story so much! wowww
cant wait for the update
Chapter 8: Please update, I'm obsessed with this story and definitely need more! Comeback soon 😫🙏
pepitatii #3
Chapter 8: This story is so good! Waiting for next chapter...
LoveSChaeng #4
Chapter 8: This story deserves to be better known !! It's so well written! can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: Oh myyyyyy aaaaaaa that came so fast. Mina really sounds so jealous but like idk i can’t explain it. Like she wants Chaeng for herself but there’s Bambam. And Chaeyoung is too scared because Mina might be homophobic and/or would not return her feelings. Gaaaahhhhh this is too hard to untangle, everything is all around. I hope this doesn’t create much distance with the other members... though it is highly expected wit Mina. Thank you for this story and updating the chapter! :))) 🥰
LoveSChaeng #6
Chapter 7: omg this is getting more and more complicated. But it's time for Mina to feel jealous too
Chapter 7: Oh god, you got me here! I love the story. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 7: Ooohhh god chaeyoung im gonna smack you on the head! Thank you for the update authornim!
1197 streak #9
Chapter 6: Omg this story has me on my toes