Who says we'd make a good couple?

We'd be good together, no?
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A/N: This was a Syeonsha fic written specifically for my friend WonyosUnni bday, things like this always make me nervous since they can go wrong so easily. But I did try my best to write something decent, so happy birthday to you my friend. Hoping it was a good day and I am so glad you could enjoy this story and thank you for not only being my friend but for loving Syeonsha so much as well :) Happy bday!! 



There was nothing more exciting than the early morning rush of beating traffic in her brand new Maserati Levante, at least Heo Yoorim thought so. With the company building in sight, her day would soon begin and an entirely different level of excitement would begin for her. Which was why Yoorim liked to get her energy now from the wind blowing in her hair from the open window. Though Yoorim was positive she would need much more than the fresh morning air to start her day properly. With a turn into the company parking lot, Yoorim parked her beloved car into her personalized parking space. The brunette looked at her watch with a smile on her face.


“8: 15.” 


A personal best for Yoorim. Her parents would be very proud of her for getting to work at least a half hour before necessary.


“A good CEO begins their day much earlier than anyone else, dear.” She could almost hear her dad’s voice in her head. Well, she hoped they would be proud of her. There was not much time for the young heiress turned CEO to really think about such things. Not when as soon as she entered the company she had several people running over to her with issues. Everything from the very important board meeting reminder this afternoon, to papers that needed her signature, and even a random comment about a vending machine being out of order. To which Yoorim wasn’t sure what that worker expected her to do, but as the boss everything is your fault.


“All of this and not a single person with my coffee?” She thinks to herself in amusement. If there was one thing Yoorim needed to survive her day it would be her coffee.


“Everyone, please.” Yoorim speaks in that soft but firm voice that does speak to her staff. It’s the kind of tone that gets across faster than someone screaming in your face. Because it’s one that commands respect without having to yell. “I will handle all your concerns one at a time, once I am in my office. Thank you.”


“R-Right, of course, Ma’am.”


“Thank you very much, Ms. Heo. We’re sorry to have bombarded you this early in the morning.”


She is pleased with that response and promises once more to see to everyone’s concerns before 9: 00. They know she means it and no one bothers their young boss any further. With that mini crisis solved, Yoorim heads over for the elevator and presses her floor. The very moment she exited the elevator all she could think about was her coffee. Yoorim was not embarrassed to admit she was a bit of a caffeine addict. Having become more addicted once she had been promoted to CEO and her workload had become heavier. 


Yoorim would do nothing without her coffee. Inside her office she went straight for the coffee maker. As she waited for her coffee, Yoorim took a moment to look at the messages on her personal phone. She might as well while she had the time before her work day began, and she noticed quite a few in the group chat she shared with her close friends.


ParkJiwonnie: Don’t forget, Yoorimie. We’re meeting tonight, and don’t use some lame excuse like you’ve got work to do. We want to see everyone.


AngelSerimie: See you later tonight, everyone. Yoorimie! Please don’t forget.


DancingMachineEunji: Yeah, yeah, I’ll be there. Will you all be! Especially you, Yoorim. 


But Yoorim could tell by Eunji’s emojis she was only teasing her. Yoorim knew why everyone was messing with her in particular. They knew her work schedule. Being CEO was not easy and it was work that Yoorim took very seriously. 


TheWangYiren: Looking forward to seeing everyone, that means you, Ms. Heo, don't use work as a cover for not hanging out.


Finally the last message came in.


KimSyeon: I’ll be running a little late, guys! But I’ll definitely be there. Don’t start without me. Looking forward to seeing everyone.


Yoorim notices that unlike everyone else Sihyeon does not . Then again why would she? Sihyeon would understand very well exactly what she deals with. 


No one said it was easy running a business.


“Coffee is done.” Yoorim happily turns her attention to the fact that her coffee is in fact done. She would reply to her friends later. But she knew she’d meet them tonight regardless. It would be nice to sit down and catch up with the people she cared about. 


First, Yoorim had work to do.


It was something that Kim Sihyeon also understood all too well. As she herself sat down at her computer to begin her day. Similarly, to Yoorim she was also an heiress turned CEO, so she understood what it was like to run a business. And it was why she didn’t bother Yoorim about meeting up tonight like the rest of their friends. Though that’s where the similarities ended. While Yoorim did follow in her parents footsteps directly having been promoted by her father and taking over for him. Sihyeon had gone in an entirely different direction. A free spirited CEO of sorts. Not really into the strict rule regime she had seen Yoorim adapt to, though she could certainly respect the other woman’s dedication.


“Hmm…” Sihyeon picked up her phone. “She didn’t reply.”


Everyone had long since replied in their group chat. These plans were only in the works for weeks. Their friends honestly do respect that both herself and Yoorim are young CEOs that have busy schedules. It’s why they all made plans early to meet. Sihyeon isn’t worried that Yoorim won’t show up. She just figured she would have taken the time to reply.


“Where’s the boss?” Sihyeon jokingly sends the group a text message. “I hope you haven’t offended her by all your teasing?”


She is kidding though she hopes that isn’t the case. Yoorim can handle the teasing well and is never offended. In fact, she often jokes back very well with everyone. It’s kind of what Sihyeon expects now or is hoping for. Some sort of joke response in their group chat, but one doesn’t come. At least not from Yoorim. 


“That’s disappointing.” Sihyeon frowned as she did want to at least hear from Yoorim. She supposes she would just have to wait until later tonight where they would all meet. But then again where was the fun in that?


Sihyeon switched out of the group chat and sent Yoorim a message that she just knew the other woman would respond to. There was no way Yoorim wouldn’t respond, it didn’t matter how busy she was at work. Sihyeon smiled as she hit send. All she needed to do now was wait for the reply.


When the message came in on her phone. The young CEO had been in the middle of signing those documents that needed her signature. As well as preparing a presentation she had scheduled for a meeting later in the week. Yoorim liked feeling productive. She also really liked being prepared well in advance. Something else she learned from her father. 


“Another message?”

Yoorim grabbed her phone and looked to see it wasn’t a text from the group chat. But from Sihyeon.


“Why are you not replying to our messages, boss! You know we’re looking forward to seeing you tonight. Or at least reply to my message.” And there were two heart emojis and everything. Yoorim laughs out loud as she can almost hear Sihyeon’s voice in the text. She has no idea why Sihyeon thinks she can freely keep calling her boss like she’s also not a CEO herself. But it’s a bit of an inside joke now. She can’t exactly leave Sihyeon without a reply.





The text notification came in when Sihyeon was in the middle of sketching designs for a side project she’s been working on. She couldn’t wait to show the designs to the rest of her art team. Though it would have to wait a little longer. Since she just knew Yoorim had finally replied to her text. Sihyeon looked down at her phone, dark locks falling into her face as she could practically hear Yoorim’s voice in her message.


BossHeo: I wasn’t ignoring anyone. I have a busy schedule, you know. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone tonight. Don't be too late, Syeon or we’ll drink all the good wine before you get there.


Sihyeon laughs out loud. Now she really couldn’t wait to see everyone tonight. She knows very well Yoorim was only joking. But it has been such a long time since they were all in the same room together. Sihyeon was looking forward to seeing the people she cared about the most. 


Yes, it was going to be a great night.


Of course, by the time she needed to get over to Jiwon’s place to meet everyone, Sihyeon was running late just as she already figured she would. That wasn’t the problem. Her friends knew she would be late so they didn’t give her a hard time about it. Only of course they did.


“Well, it’s about time!” Jiwon sighed heavily in mock exasperation. The shorter woman opened the door and hugged her. “Do you have any idea how late you are?”


Sihyeon laughed. She couldn’t possibly be that late as she checked her phone before leaving and gave herself enough time in case. That didn’t mean her friends would stop teasing her. They lived to .


“She’s so late, babe.” Eunji agrees and wraps her arms around Jiwon. It doesn’t stop there because why not.


“I’m sure we all aged another year at least waiting for you, Syeon.'' Yiren smiles goodnaturedly but does make sure to hug Sihyeon the moment she’s able. The only person who doesn’t is Serim. Sihyeon doesn’t expect her to. She’s the only one in the room she can trust.


“Hi, Syeon.” Serim beams from ear to ear and pulls her into a warm hug. “Don’t mind them. We’re so glad to see you.”


“Of course we are.” Jiwon promises. “We can’t have this get together if you’re not here.”


Now that was certainly more like it. She knows her friends were only teasing her. Before she can sit down and get comfortable, or even grab herself a glass of wine. Sihyeon can’t help but notice that there is one very obviously missing person.


“Wait a moment. Where’s Yoorim?”


“She called to let us know she would be late.” Eunji is the one to answer as she hands Sihyeon a glass of wine. 


Sihyeon hides her disappointment and instead places a smile on her face. “Oh, so you can all tease me about how late I am. But no one cares that Yoorimie is late. I see how it is.”


“We’re not upset at her. Yoorim sent food.” Yiren points to the fact that there is takeout and a dessert as well in apologies. That is so typically sweet of Yoorim to send a gift even though she doesn’t even have to. 


“Yeah, that does sound like something she would do.”


Sihyeon doesn’t notice but there are several eyes on her at that moment. Perhaps, the young CEO didn’t realize what her tone sounded like. But her friends heard it and the next thing she knew her friends were surrounding her with smiles that honestly were kind of scary.

“Um…” The raven smiled nervously. “Should I have sent food too?”


“Well, that would have been nice.” Jiwon shrugged. “It’s too late now. We have more important things to discuss.”


“Oh, we do?”


Now Sihyeon really does feel nervous. She has no idea what they could all possibly have to discuss. At the moment she kind of wishes Yoorim were here since she could help diffuse this situation easily.


“Uh-huh.” Serim nods. “The girls and I have been thinking and it’s time we discussed this with you.”


“This sounds serious.” Sihyeon puts her wine down. “Should I have my lawyer present.”


Eunji laughs at the moment and makes a comment about silly CEOs that everyone ends up agreeing with. Sihyeon honestly isn’t sure what to think anymore. Her friends are acting strange now.


“No, no there’s no need for that.” Yiren promises. “We just have a really good suggestion for you, Syeon.”


The doorbell interrupts and Sihyeon is grateful for more than one reason when Jiwon hurries to answer the door. Sihyeon hopes it’s something like pizza or another random food delivery. Anything to get this weird conversation to end and they can all start to have a fun girls night. That was the original plan, only that can’t happen until Yoorim gets here. Speaking of which, maybe she needs to send her another text.


“Anyway as we were saying…”


“Guess who’s finally here!” Jiwon enters the living room first with Yoorim following behind her. Sihyeon’s eyes go immediately to the brunette who from the looks of it has come straight from the office. Not even stopping at home to change into more comfortable clothes. She looked good as always of course, very fashionable in a nice dark blazer, perfectly ironed shirt, and pinstripe slacks. But Sihyeon couldn’t help to notice how she was in a comfortable purple sweater and jeans. If you looked at them to compare, there was no way anyone would think they were two CEOs of their respective companies. No way at all. 


“Kim Sihyeon we have just the perfect person for you.”


Oh, that’s right her friends must have been talking still as she was looking at Yoorim.


“W-What?” Sihyeon turned to look at Serim.


“That’s right.” Eunji agrees with Serim first. She figured that would get Sihyeon’s attention. “We have the perfect person for you.” 


“What are you guys talking about?”


Jiwon who was already standing next to Yoorim anyways places an arm around the taller woman, which looks cute though sort of funny with how they are standing. “We do have the perfect woman for you, Syeon. One CEO heiress right here, named Heo Yoorim. You two would be perfect together.”


“And you already know her!” Yiren helpfully adds.


Silence falls onto the group as Yoorim looks at Sihyeon who has also conveniently looked at her. Yoorim is honestly surprised that this is going on. Did she step into the right house? All she did was say hi to Jiwon and the next thing she knows everyone is talking about how perfect she and Sihyeon are for one another. What is she supposed to say? Does she say anything? Fortunately she doesn’t get the chance to as Jiwon is happily pushing her down on the couch to sit next to the woman herself.


“See, just look at you two. Picture perfect.”


“Picture perfect?” Both Yoorim and Sihyeon whisper together.


“Yep.” To no surprise Eunji agrees with he

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Once again, thank you so much for the fic! I always appreciate you writing out all these lovely Syeonsha fics & even writing this specially for my birthday! I really truly appreciate it so much! Aisha as the cool boss who has her head together & Sihyeon as the chill going with the motion boss is such a nice contrast for sure. Thank you for bringing that idea to life hehe. Sihyeon was truly the cute gf here though wanting to get her cool gf's attention hehe. But also of course how cute & wholesome Aisha acts around Sihyeon too hehe! Tbh it was truly a miracle the secret gfs could even keep their hands off each other when in the presence of their friends haha. Supermodel gfs though that's the cutest hehe. And of course we love the sneaky gf behavior and the secret album and photo taking. Cutest successful businesswomen gfs tbh hehehe. Thank you once more for such a fun read!
Taitai84 1234 streak #2
Chapter 1: Glad they are together, it would be awkward otherwise when the friends started suggesting them to be a couple ^^