WenRene Possible

I Hate That I love You.
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The entire week felt like walking on the knife edge for Wendy. 


And there she goes running again  "!" Wendy runs fast and turns to the next corner. 


Hiding behind the pillar, she peeks around to see if the person she is running away from, following her or not.


"Thank god" She breathed in relief when her track was clear. A sudden pat on the shoulder made her jump 2 feet high in the air.


"OMG!" She screamed with wide eyes. "Oh! It's you. wheeww" Wendy tried to calm her heart.


"Not that I'm interested, but why are you acting like a criminal?" Joy gives her a once over to disheveled hair, loose tie and panting Wendy. 


"What do you mean?" Wendy asked offended while looking behind her 


"See yourself, running, hiding and being jumpy. If it was for one-day I would have understood but for a week, seriously. What are you up-to, unnie?" Joy folded her arms looking directly in Wendy's eyes 


Wendy shuddered under Joy's gaze, looking around as she tugged at Joy's hand and led her into the empty classroom.


"Unnie, you can tell me anything. I'm here for you" Joy squeezed Wendy's hand with an encouraging smile.


"I know, Joy-ah, Thank you" Wendy takes a deep breath and looks at Joy with glassy eyes. 


Joy panicked as it's very rare to see her goofy, Wendy unnie crying. Without thinking she hugs her and peppers her head with little kisses.


"Unnie, I'm here for you. Please tell me what's troubling you? Or who? I'll make sure they couldn't walk for months" Joy grits her teeth while hugging her unnie tightly. 


Wendy tried to loosen the tight hug but Joy hugged her even more tight, making it difficult for her to move but to let her breath.


"Unnie, we're gonna stay like this until you let out e-everything… .I-I can't see y-you crying." Joy rested her forehead on her unnie's temple. 


"Hmm, okay." Wendy encircles her arms around her favorite dongsaeng's waist.











 Wendy knows how much Joy loves and respects her. Joy is a strong girl but weak at heart. Very sensitive and soft. Wendy always took care of Joy, from the day they met in middle school. Joy being two years younger but 4 feet taller than Wendy made them a unique duo. With Seulgi joining them for life, they made the Invincible 'Team Rocket'. The trio of popular, smart and charming girls. The three will always be together, in happiness or pain. 


Sometimes, Yeri, the junior tags along with them. Because of her quirky, savage and kind personality, she gets along with Joy pretty well. Even though she is the youngest she bullies both Wendy and Seulgi, single handedly. But when it comes to someone hurting her unnies, she knows the way to deal with it, sometimes landing them to occasionally clean the classroom and washroom. 


To make things more chaotic, their other friends from different grades and schools will join them. Making it more wilder. 





 Then Irene came into the picture, no one knew she was the infamous, smart and pretty cousin of their beloved Yeri, the unnie she talked greatness about, the stories of her beauty. Everything would be perfect if Wendy and Irene didn't bicker like an old married couple. No-one knows the reason but out of nowhere they were having their own World War and it was only the first day of Irene's school. And things escalated pretty quick. Students kept gossiping about their rivalry and even staff had to endure their unstoppable bickering whether it's in the middle of the classroom or lobby.






Yeri would occasionally hangout with them when Irene is busy with student council or practice. Yeri was also tired of her cousin's daily monologue about how much she hates Wendy and how she wants to punch the out of her. Finally, Yeri found a way to make Irene shut her  'I hate Wendy' monologue by saying "If you kept talking about her all day, one will think you are in love" and this would make Irene quickly shut up and yeet.


There are some occasional ,very few, almost rare days when Irene and Wendy will stay silent and speak with decency. And those days are birthdays, where they promised they won't fight and spoil the mood. Yeri wished she could have her birthday everyday for her to live peacefully. From the time she knows Wendy, she has always been very respectful, caring, polite and kind not like what she encounters, how she behaves with Irene, absolutely opposite of her true personality and same goes for her cousin. She just wishes they could sort out their misunderstanding and dispute with a good talk without strangling each other. 








Seulgi, the resident bear. One might think Seulgi is a grown up baby, but still a baby, pure, innocent and cute. She's proud to be the favorite human of her only best friend in the world, Wendy. She loves Wendy with all her heart and admires her talent but also despises every time she fights with Irene and the agitated bunny will come for neck instead. It was okay when she had to deal with Joy and Yeri bullying her and pulling pranks but being the middleman in the fight could be dangerous not when you have to deal with four crazy girls alone. Whenever Wendy and Irene fights, Joy would volunteer to back up her favorite unnie and Yeri won't back down from supporting her cousin as well. So just imagine being stuck between them, what could she say when the thing they are fighting about is nonsense. When she knows the fight has no outcome, it's a logicless fight, she uses her logic to pick up the food and her long legs to run fast from the crime scene. And when their other friends join them it gets so wild and chaotic that she has the strong urge to become a monk and live in mountains with lifetime pringles supply and Beyonce albums. 








"Unnie, take your time. I'm all ears" Joy pats Wendy's back lightly.


"I-I don't know even myself, why I'm b-behaving like this" Wendy squeezed her eyes shut 


"Hm, unnie. Did you speak about this with Seulgi unnie?"


Wendy nods her head in confirmation. 


"Hm, If it's okay with you, I'll ask Seulgi unnie about this, don't pressure yourself, unnie" 


"No, it's not l-like that, Joy. I d-do want to tell you but it's j-just I can't"  Wendy hugs Joy tightly 


"Hey, unnie. Look at me. I know you always want to be a strong unnie in my eyes and you always will be, no matter what. Your tears will hurt me but it won't make you any less stronger in my eyes. You've always been my strength and you'll forever be. So, don't hesitate to show your emotion or speak your feelings, I love you for everything you are, unnie. Now be a good unnie and tell me what's going on?" Joy rubs circles on Wendy's back, calming her and her eyes not leaving Wendy's tear filled eyes. 


"It's just, no matter how much I convince myself, try to hate but it's like fate keeps playing with me" Wendy rubs her head on Joy's shoulder. "I try to hate her, I do my best to ignore her but neither do my heart hates her nor do my eyes ignore her." 


Joy understood what her Wendy unnie was trying to say and her wet shirt was enough to know how much her unnie was hurting. 


"Unnie, then what's stopping you?" Joy asked directly


Wendy shook her head in response. 


"Why unnie? You know Irene unnie doesn't hate you for real, right?"  Joy tries to assure Wendy who kept dropping tears. 


"I know she doesn't hate me but she doesn't like me either. And to top it all she is someone, way out of my league. I can not have her. Irene is perfect and I don't deserve her." Wendy hides her face on Joy's neck. 


"Unnie, I know you. This is not the real reason. Tell me" Joy kept rubbing circles on her unnie's back to prevent her sobbing. 


"S-sehun, he asked h-her out" Wendy sobs harder and it breaks Joy's heart even more. 


"A-and s-she said Y-yes w-without a-" Joy hugs Wendy tighter, stopping her unnie from hurting more. 


Joy knows how much her Wendy unnie treasures her friendship with Sehun. They knew each other since they were in diapers. Their friendship has seen many ups and downs but they are still going strong. No-one and nothing can get between their friendship. They will do anything and everything for each other's happiness. Everyone knew how Sehun  fought alone the whole g

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Hello, lovely people. Just tell me how you like the prologue and maybe you can share some of ur ideas with me. My Dm is always open for great ideas. I need good prompts. Fluffy only


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I laugh at my own stories
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 5: WR KIDS
artisticated #3
Chapter 1: 😍😍😍
RVCrack #4
Chapter 5: Include us in the WR Kids!! 😂✊
aglaonema #5
Chapter 5: Cute
WenRene_77 14 streak #6
Chapter 5: i like team rocket's friendship their like a family not just a friend but a family whom u can depend on and be there for u no matter what. Even yeri, despite being irene's sister she's willing to help WR. My theory last time was the opposite lol, so irene did accept sehun's offer because she knows that he is wendy's bestie (to make her jealous)??omg!😱, this really getting more and more interesting. Thanks for the update author-nim. Waiting for the next chap.💙💝
1702 streak #7
This looks fun hahaah I'mma go read this noooow
Chapter 5: the WR kids 😂😂