Chapter 20

Stay With Me
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Jungkook arrived at the quidditch field in the afternoon with high spirits. 

He had been practicing all week and was in tip-top condition. Nothing could bring him down, especially after he had cleared things up with Jihyun. 

Thinking about the girl, he realised he hadn’t seen her all day - even though he had spent most of it getting some last-minute practice in. Scanning the stands, he spotted Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimin waving to him, but there was still no sign of Jihyun. He waved back nevertheless.

Well, she did say she had some work to do, maybe she’d be here later. 

“Ready for today, Kook?” Hoseok ran up to him excitedly with gleaming eyes, “Of course, I have been waiting for this for so long!” 

“You’re going to do so well.” Yoongi said as he caught up by his side, “Don’t forget me when you get famous.” He chuckled while Jungkook shook his head, “We’re all going to get in together.” He corrected, and all three boys nodded their heads in determination. 

The impending moment had finally arrived as the judges sat together at a table on the field. 

Jungkook had signed up for the seeker role, and he joined Hogwarts’ team A, where they had to battle against The Chudley Cannons. A bunch of nerves rushed through his body, and he waved a tiny goodbye to Yoongi and Hoseok who were allocated to team B instead. 

Searching through the stands for Jihyun, he spotted his friends munching on popcorn and waving banners with Jungkook’s name on it, but his girlfriend was still nowhere to be found. He couldn’t help but feel upset - was work really that important to the point where she couldn’t even take time off for her boyfriend? It was one of the most important events of his life! 

Throwing one last frown at the stands, he stalked off to join the rest in the field. 

“He’s looking for her.” Jin whispered to Namjoon, and Taehyung who was sitting on Namjoon’s left, had caught it as well.

“Did she leave already?” Taehyung asked all of a sudden, while Jin and Namjoon looked taken aback. 

“She left this morning.” Namjoon whispered, aware that Taehyung had known about the Kim siblings' yearly tradition to Yorkshire to visit their grandmother’s grave. Taking a glance at Jimin, the boy was talking animatedly to Mina, paying no attention to the conversation. 

“And she went alone again?” Taehyung asked, sighing when he saw Jin and Namjoon nodding with a sigh. “I told her to ask Jungkook along.” He hissed, while Jin shook his head, “She didn’t want to distract him because she knew it was The Chudley Cannon trials today.” 

“As if he’s not going to find out eventually. He’s been turning to us so many times today, people might think he was in love with one of us instead!” He rolled his eyes as he caught Jungkook’s eyes again when he was midair. The boy’s mouth was pursed with a frown, and he looked away in frustration as he still had not found his girlfriend. 

“By the time he finds out, she would already be in Yorkshire.” 

Taehyung was right. Jungkook was worried and distracted. 

He couldn’t help but think of the thousand and one reasons why Jihyun had not come to the trials, and he was inevitably worried that something might have happened to the girl and no one would find out. 

They had done some quick warm-ups and were given a ten-minutes break after being out in the sun the whole morning. Taehyung had expected it - Jungkook had zoomed over with his broom the minute they announced the break. 

“Where’s Ji?” He asked immediately, and the floor fell silent. Jin nudged Namjoon, before he nudged Taehyung - who shot a look at the two before turning to Jungkook. 

“She’s helping Professor Potter with something.” Taehyung merely said as Jin’s and Namjoon’s sighs of relief went unnoticed. “Don’t tell Jungkook anything. If it really gets out of hand, you can tell him after the trials, but never during or before. I don’t want him to get distracted.” Jihyun’s words echoed in her brothers’ minds repeatedly as they told Taehyung the same thing. 

“She’s upset she couldn’t come, but she said she knows you’ll do well as always.” Jin said with a comforting pat on Jungkook’s shoulder. Even though he was still upset she couldn’t be here, knowing that she was safe and everything was fine made him feel better. 

With a slight uplift in his mood, he sped off to the quidditch field after the break and tried to focus on the game instead. 

He’s going to make her proud. 

He had spotted the snitch from afar. Zooming towards the flying ball, it seemed like The Chudley Cannon’s seeker had noticed it as well as he flew beside him closely. He snuck a look at him and got momentarily distracted - it was one of his favourite players, Cho Ji Hoon. 

“Eyes on the prize, Jeon!” Ji Hoon smirked, snapping Jungkook out of his trance into reality as he focused on the golden ball flying in front of him. 

He was inches away from the snitch, and so was Ji Hoon. Both boys stuck out their arms to reach for it - pride on the line as the entire crowd’s attention focused on the two star seekers from Hogwarts and The Chudley Cannons. 

With one last push forward, Jungkook grabbed onto the snitch and circled it as the entire crowd erupted in cheers. 

“Jeon Jungkook catches the golden snitch!” Seo Joon shouted from the megaphone as Jungkook punched his fist in the air, and took a look at Cho Ji Hoon who was clapping his hands with a smile. He actually got his favourite player’s recognition. 

“Good job, Jeon. The rumours were right, you truly are a star player.” Ji Hoon patted his shoulder with a smile before zooming back down to the ground. 

When he landed on the ground, he was immediately attacked with hugs and cheers from his friends - but he was looking for someone in particular, the one person he had wanted to share his joy with. His friends were chattering away about the good job he had done, but he could only focus on the fact that his girlfriend was nowhere in sight. 

“I knew you’d be able to do it!” Jin shouted excitedly as he hooked his arm over the boy’s shoulder while Jungkook laughed, “I brought you up well!” 

“You’re really not that much older, hyung.” Namjoon rolled his eyes while Jin shushed him, “I do not accept any counter arguments.” 

“Did you see Ji?” 

Jin’s eyes darted around, looking at Namjoon for help, so the raven-haired boy spoke instead. “I think she’s still helping Professor Potter.” 

“Still? It’s been the whole day!” He didn’t want to whine, but he couldn’t stand it - not when he had just scored a huge win and she wasn’t there to celebrate with him.

“I’m just going to wash up.” He said solemnly as the group remained silent, watching his retreating figure headed towards the showers. 

Quidditch trials had ended, and both Yoongi and Hoseok had done well. Yoongi managed to beat The Chudley Cannon’s other seeker - catching the snitch just in time, while Hoseok had successfully blocked all the bludgers for him. 

The entire trial had turned out well for the group, and the only thing they had to do was wait for the results. 

But soon it was dinnertime, and Jihyun was still nowhere to be found. 

The group was chattering away at the Ravenclaw’s table, and despite Jungkook’s multiple questions, they merely said the same thing. Jihyun was helping Professor Potter. 

But how could she be helping Professor Potter when the man was at his table tearing his chicken apart and gobbling down his soup while Jihyun was still missing? 

Something was amiss. 

“Professor Potter, may I know where Jihyun is?” Jungkook asked, and Professor Potter turned to him with a confused look. “Kim Jihyun?” 

“I know she was late that day, but you said that her punishment was to clean the quidditch shed - which she did all week. I could attest to that! Don’t you think it’s too harsh to make her spend the weekend working for you and not even coming to dinner?” Jungkook said in a huff, releasing all the pent up resentment he had towards Professor Potter for holding Jihyun back the entire day. 

“Jungkook, what are you talking about?” Professor Potter said in bewilderment, “Miss Kim is in Yorkshire for the weekend due to family matters. Were you not aware of that?” 

“W-what?” Jungkook asked in confusion, “She’s not in Hogwarts?” 

“She left this morning. You can check with her brothers, I heard they sent her off.” Professor Potter simply said before turning back to his conversation with Professor Weasley. 

He charged right to the Ravenclaw table where the group was sitting. 

“What is Jihyun doing in Yorkshire? And I only want the truth.” Jungkook said, seething as his eyes flared with anger. 

Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin looked surprised - in all their years of friendship, they hadn’t even realised that the Kims were off to Yorkshire for one weekend for their grandmother’s death anniversary. Mostly because they would usually brush it off by saying they had family matters to tend to - but never sharing more, and the group never really asked. 

Jin, Namjoon and Taehyung gulped in fear - they had rarely seen the boy this upset before. 

“It’s our grandmother’s death anniversary.” Jin sighed, “Namjoon and I are heading there tomorrow, but she always chooses to go one day earlier.” 

“Why does she have to go a day earlier?” Jungkook asked, confused. 

“She cries so much whenever she’s at the grave, and she hates it when people see her cry.” Taehyung said softly, while Namjoon continued, “She doesn’t say it, but we know how she feels. Because we can’t do anything about it, she doesn’t like it when she sees us feeling helpless. It makes her feel like .” 

“When we arrive there tomorrow, she usually wouldn’t join us when we visit the grave, and choose to tour around Yorkshire instead. We usually meet her at night before we head back to Hogwarts.” 

Jungkook was at a loss for words. 

“Why did she not tell me that?” Jungkook asked no one in particular, guilt looming over his body as he felt like the worst boyfriend in the world. 

“She didn’t want to add on to distract you from the quidditch trials, Jungkook.” Jin explained, and Jungkook merely pursed his lips in silence.

“I’m going with you guys to Yorkshire tomorrow, and I’m not taking no for an answer.” Jungkook said before leaving the great hall. “I’ll go talk to him.” Taehyung ran after the boy while the group looked at the two retreating figures worriedly.

“Stop following me.” Jungkook said as he felt a presence near him. “I’m just walking.” Taehyung said nonchalantly, clearly knowing that the boy was referring to him.

“Tae,” Jungkook stopped in his tracks, “I mean it.” 

“Jungkook.” Taehyung started, “Stop overthinking.” 

Sighing as he took a seat on the open lawn, he picked up a rock and threw it towards the river, hearing a single plop as it sank to the bottom.

“It’s not a good feeling to be the last one to hear about something this important,” Jungkook began, “I’m her boyfriend, but it feels like she didn’t trust me enough to tell me.” 

“You know that’s not the reason.” Taehyung explained. “Well, it certainly felt that way.” Jungkook exhaled, “I just wished she would have told me about it. I looked like a complete fool in front of everyone, even Professor Potter was confused when I asked him.”

“Jungkook, what would you have done if you knew about it?” Taehyung asked, and Jungkook immediately answered, “I would have gone with her, of course!” 

“Even with the Chudley Cannons coming into town for the quidditch trials?” Taehyung questioned. “Of course! Ji’s important to me.” Jungkook said with determination while Taehyung smiled and shook his head, “That’s exactly why she didn’t tell you.” 

“You know what Ji is like. If you missed the trials because of her, how do you think she would feel?” Taehyung questioned, and that got him thinking. 

Taehyung was right,  if he had really missed his trials because of Jihyun, there was no doubt that Jihyun would feel an immense amount of guilt. He knew what she was like. 

“Fine… Maybe I can understand that. But I just don’t understand how she did not feel comfortable enough to tell me something so important.” Jungkook said in frustration.

“Then tell her that. Ji is not the best at communication, and you aren’t either,” Taehyung advised, and Jungkook couldn’t help but think that was true. “But if both of you are willing to try to communicate better, things will turn out so differently.” 

“So stop sulking and think of what you’re going to say when you see her tomorrow.” 

Jungkook was already waiting for Namjoon and Jin at the front doors the next morning. 

“You’re up early.” Namjoon commented, letting out a yawn as he trudged into the snow with his luggage and Jin in tow.

Truthfully, Jungkook hadn’t slept well since he had spent most of his night tossing and turning around in bed. 

Letting out a hum, they walked silently to the railway station, no one finding a need to talk since it was still early and they were barely awake. 

Finally getting on the train, he settled for a single seat beside the window while Namjoon and Jin were opposite. They drifted to sleep immediately once the train started moving, but Jungkook was still wide awake. 

The train was quiet, but his thoughts were not as he wondered what to say when he met her later. Honestly, he had been wondering all night, having come up with multiple scenarios and answers, the boy still had no clue. 

The train journey from Hogwarts to Yorkshire was two hours, but those two hours felt excruciatingly long - especially when he thought about the fact that his girlfriend could’ve been crying all day yesterday without him, and he had zero idea of it. 

The moment they arrived, he jumped off the train with his luggage, totally forgetting that he was in a new town he had not been to before. 

“Jungkook, wait up!” Jin and Namjoon huffed before catching up with him, “You don’t even know your way around!” 

He finally stopped walking when Jin had caught his arm harshly, “Jungkook!” 

“We’ll bring you to the place where we’re staying, Ji will be there. So in the meantime, try to calm the down.” 

Yorkshire was a beautiful town - unlike the bustling energy in London, it was peaceful and serene, and Jungkook liked it. The atmosphere was a vast difference from how he was feeling, but he willed himself to stay composed. 

They arrived at a little cottage slightly northwest of Yorkshire after a short bus ride. 

“This was our grandmother’s. We rent it out to tourists most of the time, but it’s usually empty for this period because we stay here whenever we visit.” Namjoon explained while Jungkook merely nodded, pulling his luggage into the door slowly as he observed the place. 

The cottage had a homely feeling to it. English furniture filled the living room, while memorabilia tea sets decorated the

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Tiara1309 #1
Chapter 28: I am still here authornim ❤️❤️❤️
Tiara1309 #2
Chapter 27: Waaaah!!! What a surprise! Thanks for updating authornim 🩷
Tiara1309 #3
Chapter 26: Authornim, we are still here 🩷🩷
Tiara1309 #4
Chapter 21: authornim are you really not going to update this story ? this story is very gooood
kworld320 #5
Chapter 23: Still here… thank you for the updates!
Pesyinja #6
Chapter 17: Oh my god where have this story been my whole lifeee!!!!!! I've come here last night and finished reading it now!! It was exciting i am a potterheads and the professors arggbhbbbbdvnewlavwhwnwabai
kworld320 #7
Chapter 17: The story has been going nice.
You are doing well dear writer!!!
Chapter 11: It's oddly comforting and nice! I love the references to the Potter series and I'll be looking forward to the next chapter! Jungkook's parents sound ty and I wonder if you will show his relationship with her parents? It's so cool so far and I'm excited to see what you have up your sleeve for the future!
kworld320 #9
Chapter 11: Nice reference to HP. Interesting story. Saw this at discover page.
Keep on writing!!!