there's no bunny else that compares to you.

some bunny loves you


“So, let me get this straight…” Soojin starts off slowly, her pristine black tail being carefully brushed through by her owner, Soyeon, who meticulously grooms the fur using a fine-toothed comb while the cat leans comfortably into her side. “You just ran away from them?”


Shamefaced, Miyeon gives a half-hearted nod while hugging her legs up to her chest.


She doesn’t feel particularly chatty, not after the ordeal with Yuqi and Minnie, so she settles on staring down at the cream-colored couch with disinterest. Soyeon has very good taste in décor. Everything in their flat is organic and minimalist to a tee – from the simple hues of gray, beige, off-whites, and browns that combine well with the wooden flooring and the walls, to the lovely natural green and plush decor completing these gorgeous and relaxing interiors. The large glass windows usher in plenty of natural light themselves, which is a perfect balance of various elements that are an essential component of Oriental design.


Although the overall layout is warm and exudes a refreshing vibe, it all feels terribly detached and foreign to her.


Without Yuqi’s scent on virtually anywhere, the place just simply didn’t feel like home.


Shuhua walks back into the living space with a can of soda in both hands. Her abnormally oversized green shirt is swallowing her alive as it hangs loosely on her figure like a bedsheet on a broomstick, her bushy tail peeking out almost shyly from the hem with each step she takes. Miyeon accepts the offered can from Shuhua with a weak smile and a quiet thank-you.


“Do you guys meet here often?” Miyeon asks, watching Soyeon brush her fingers through the soft curls of Soojin’s down-like fur while Shuhua plops down on the floor right between Soyeon’s legs to drink her soda after popping it open. Her tail sways in happiness when the shorter girl leans over to tousle her hair affectionately.


Soojin gives a shrug of her shoulders. “Sometimes. Usually when we have nothing to do, or when Minnie-unnie is too caught up with work ‘cause of her parents and needs us to look after Shu-Shu until she comes back—”


“And if my overbearing uncle doesn’t have me locked up in the studio again.” Soyeon mutters under her breath.


“—but most of the time, Shuhua mostly visits just to be fed.”


“Hey!” Came the canine’s loud protest.


“I mean… she’s not entirely wrong there, Shu.” Soyeon chuckles at Shuhua’s expense before patting the maknae between her big wolfy ears. “Our maknae sure has a big appetite, alright. Soojin won’t admit it, but she actually enjoys cooking a lot for Shuhua whenever the pup comes by our place for a visit.”


“Soyeonnie,” Soojin whines as she playfully swats her partner’s hand with her tail. “Don’t expose me like that.”


“Just stating facts, kitten.” Soyeon grins before pressing a kiss to Soojin’s cheek, which draws out a pleased purr from the feline.


Miyeon can’t help but smile at their antics. Wholesome as they are, she also feels this awfully familiar stab of longing in her chest whenever her mind keeps drifting back to Yuqi. Of how much she truly misses spending time with the adorable Chinese girl, and how she just craves to feel her touch again. Like a flower yearning for the warmth of spring after winter.


“So, Miyeon-unnie,” Soojin begins once more after taking a long sip of her lemon tea. “What made you pull a Shuhua?”


The wolf-dog hybrid makes a disgruntled noise from the back of – somewhere between a whine and a growl – while Soyeon takes her fingers away from Soojin’s tail to suppress her own laughter.


“Don’t name it after me, unnie! Running away is just part of my nature, and wolf-dogs are prone to separation anxiety just like every other domesticated canine species!” Shuhua vehemently explains to her unnies, who look far too amused by how quickly she jumped to defend herself. Soojin also tries to hide her giggles, but it’s done rather poorly when the three other girls can see her tail and cat ears bouncing along with her shoulders.


“Ah, it must be hard being like any of you.” Soojin jests with a sing-song lilt in her honeyed voice. “I don’t get jealous that easily.”


Shuhua’s expression twists into that of pure disbelief whilst Soyeon an eyebrow in Soojin’s direction. If Yuqi was also here, she would refute Soojin’s words as swiftly as they left . Probably along the lines of, “What do you mean you ‘don’t get jealous easily’? May I remind you that you once threatened to put a dead mouse in my pillow case when you saw me cuddling with Soyeon-unnie during that sleepover we had last summer! You’re not fooling anyone, unnie!”


“Well, us wolf mixes are still part-dog. And dogs need a lot of attention.” Shuhua then turns to Miyeon with those curious jade-green eyes. “Unnie, can you explain to us what happened between you and Yuqi before all this?”


Miyeon worries her bottom lip but acquiesces to it, anyway.


She starts from the very beginning, when the Songs adopted her into their small family (Miyeon doubts that this is how far back Shuhua meant when she posed the question, but no one interrupts her so Miyeon keeps going from there), to the first real fight she and Yuqi had over some lousy toy from a cereal box.


She’s a bit more reluctant to share the details of their little tickle fight, that night they both shared Yuqi’s bed during a thunderstorm when Miyeon was too scared to sleep through it alone, and the strange yet addictive scent that just seemingly came out of nowhere as of late. But Miyeon gathers up her courage and powers through each of them, though not without blushing or stuttering like a fool whose heart keeps tripping over itself.


The eldest of the hybrids doesn’t really expect Soyeon to understand due to her human nature, and she’s not sure if a cat or wolf’s (dog’s?) instincts are close to a bunny’s with how domesticated their species are – but Miyeon knows that Soojin and Shuhua will most likely understand.


“Is that it?” Soojin has a totally unreadable look on her face.


Well, maybe not.


“What do you mean ‘is that it’? Yuqi’s been ignoring me, and I don’t know why I hate it when she spends too much time with other people! Especially girls!”


Soyeon snorts loudly into her coffee while Shuhua bursts into a fit of laughter. Her sharp eyes twinkle in mirth as the bell attached to Shuhua’s padded collar jingles with every shake of the canine’s shoulders. Clinking against the heart-shaped name tag Minnie had customized for her puppy, all the way down to the finely-engraved calligraphy spelling out Shuhua’s name.


“Miyeon-unnie,” Soojin puts on a patient smile for their puzzled friend. “What you’ve been feeling is jealousy. It’s a normal emotion for everyone, except hybrids like us usually feel it a lot stronger.” She lets her words dangle in the air for a brief moment in order for Miyeon to digest them all. “Listen, it’s okay that you wanna be more than friends with Yuqi. I can tell that you really like her and, if anything, she seems to like you back too.”


Miyeon’s cheeks flush at this. “L-Like…?”


Shuhua cracks up even harder because of how the older girl looks like a fish pulled straight out of water. Eyes blown wide and hanging agape.


“Oh my God. Unnie, do you seriously not know your basic instincts?” The maknae teases.


Puffing her rose-colored cheeks in both annoyance and embarrassment, Miyeon mutters a faint “no” while frowning down at the carpet beneath her feet.


“That weird scent you smelled when Yuqi was looking at you? It’s because of a hormonal change.”


Miyeon just tips her head to one side in confusion, which has Soojin groaning inwardly. And this is why most of us try to finish high school. The cat hybrid thinks to herself.


“Look, don’t focus on that. Okay? What’s important now is that Yuqi, for all we know, likes you back and definitely wants you the same way, except she’s too scared to act on it. Maybe that’s why she’s been avoiding you lately.” Soojin deduces for Miyeon’s benefit and understanding. “Yuqi is probably just hanging out with other girls not to replace you or anything, but to try and get you off her mind.”


Soyeon bites back another laugh by drinking calmly from her coffee mug. “Doesn’t really help when Miyeon-unnie lives under the same roof as her, though.” She points out afterwards.


“Yuqi likes me back…” Miyeon repeats quietly, like she can’t begin to believe it herself. Nevertheless, the idea of having her feelings reciprocated by the Han girl makes her feel warm and fuzzy inside. “So, what do you guys think I should do now?”


Shuhua’s eyes spark with mischief as she breaks into an almost feral-like grin, showing off her razor-sharp canines that nearly triggers Miyeon’s natural flight response in the presence of an obvious predator species.


Most people, hybrid or otherwise, who don’t find Shuhua to be intimidating on her own have obviously missed the fact that she’s still a wolf-dog mix. Beneath that harmless veneer of innocence, the young canine is a force of nature capable of bending others into submission. Not to mention, she can effortlessly take Miyeon down in ten seconds flat – and that’s if the latter actually bothers to fight back.


Sharing a rather conspiratorial look with her smirking unnies, Shuhua asks:


“Have you ever tried wearing any of Yuqi’s clothes before?”



To say Yuqi was scared when Miyeon ran away from home would be a total understatement.


No. She was downright terrified and frantically running up and down the streets looking for her runaway bunny, while a panting yet equally concerned Minnie tagged along to help her search for Miyeon. Lord knows that Yuqi would be damned if she ends up having to tell her dad that she lost Miyeon. (Her would definitely be grass.)


Sure, Miyeon might not be an exotic hybrid. But she’s pretty and docile, and kind of clueless on her own. And oh my God, why did Yuqi just let her go?!


After more than an hour spent scouring the streets with Minnie for any sign of her missing companion, Yuqi is about to call the police and figure out how she’s going to explain this mess to her father until she returns home to find Miyeon already there. Perfectly fine and still in one piece from where she lays sprawled across the sofa playing Animal Crossing on her Switch.


Uh, what the —




Yuqi splutters in shock. A hundred different emotions clash in her chest as her expression freezes into one of bewilderment, but she’s more than relieved to see that Miyeon came back unharmed and is indeed alright. Outwardly, at least.


She opens , an apology ready on the tip of her tongue and with the intent of asking where the bunny has been in the forefront of her mind, when Miyeon does something totally unexpected given their earlier fight that same afternoon.


Upon hearing Yuqi calling out to her in disbelief, the hybrid wastes no time putting aside her console so she can get up from the sofa and approach the dumbstruck human. Yuqi assumes that Miyeon would either shout or slap her across the face (well-deserved, to be honest), hence the reason why she’s more than slightly taken aback when Miyeon just hugs her out of the blue. Her face is tucked into its usual spot, which happens to be right in the crook of Yuqi’s neck.


“Hi.” Miyeon’s voice gets lost in Yuqi’s skin. So soft and so quiet, the younger girl wouldn’t have caught it through all the questions buzzing in her head.


“Where’d you go?” Yuqi can’t help asking as she embraces Miyeon tightly. “Minnie and I were worried sick when you ran off so suddenly. I was scared something might’ve happened to you, bunny.”


Jesus, the heart attack she had when they couldn’t find her anywhere…


Miyeon pulls back to face Yuqi with a guilty look in those dazzling eyes of hers. Oh, how could she ever be upset with her when Miyeon looks like a kicked bunny with her ears folded down like that? It’s so unfair.


“I just went to Soyeon’s flat and stayed there with Soojin and Shuhua until I calmed down. They brought me back here once I felt okay enough to go home.” Miyeon plasters herself onto Yuqi once more and rubs their cheeks together. “Sorry for all the trouble I caused you and Minnie… I didn’t mean to overreact like that.”


Yuqi begs to differ. “What? No! Don’t apologize! If there’s anyone who should be saying sorry, it’s me. I was being a complete to you, and I’m so sorry for treating you the way I did. You’ve done nothing wrong to deserve any of that.”


Seeing Miyeon on the brink of tears and nearly crying because of her made Yuqi feel like . She’s the one who started giving the cold shoulder, in the first place. And yet, Miyeon still chose to apologize for something she didn’t do when it should’ve been Yuqi. It just felt so wrong.


“But still… it was careless of me to run away like that.” Miyeon reasons, still feeling guilty.


“You wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t been acting like a huge prick, though.” Yuqi counters it with a chuckle, which prompts Miyeon to do the same with a ghost of a smile creeping onto her lips. Slowly but surely, the two of them are starting to feel better without those heavy emotions blocking their way from reaching a middle ground.


“That’s true.” Miyeon humors her before she reluctantly breaks their hug. She silently mourns the loss of Yuqi’s arms around her, but at least she feels happier now. “You owe me dinner for hurting my feelings, by the way. And also for all the running you made me do.”




Yuqi shoots her an incredulous look. She never told Miyeon to run off, that had been entirely her own choice!


“But I didn’t even… Ugh. Whatever. Fine by me, I guess.” Rolling her eyes, Yuqi doesn’t even bother trying to argue back and puts up no resistance – much to the triumphant glee of Miyeon. “I feel like you’re gonna start using that against me in order to get what you want.”


She regrets her words immediately upon seeing the conspiring look on Miyeon’s face.


“Hmm…” The older girl taps a finger on her chin like she’s considering those words with great importance. “Now that you mentioned it, that sounds like a great idea!”


The hybrid beams from ear-to-ear, and Yuqi has to bite down on her tongue to stop herself from groaning out loud. Dammit. She should really learn how to shut up, sometimes.


“Don’t get too ahead of yourself.” Yuqi grumbles, but the smile she has for Miyeon’s happiness radiating in waves comes to her as naturally as breathing. She goes to grab her jacket off of the coat rack standing by the doorframe and throws a glance behind her as she nods ahead. “Now, c’mon. We’re eating outside.”


Miyeon’s floppy ears perk up at the invitation. “Does that mean we’re getting ramen?” She asks hopefully.


Her adorable eagerness leaves Yuqi’s chest feeling light as she chuckles, despite the tiny voice in the back of her mind crying for her wallet. But for her, seeing Miyeon happy is worth every coin to her name.


“If that’s what you want, bunny, then sure.” Her smile broadens into a grin when she sees that her companion is back to her typical cheery self. “I’ll even buy you that stupidly pricey yogurt drink for dessert after.”


Miyeon can certainly accept that for a peace offering.


“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!”



Although the whole ordeal is behind them now and things have more or less gone back to normal, Miyeon is acting quite strange lately.


The bunny seems like she has something to hide from her – always stealing glances at her phone whenever a text notification pops up, spending more time with Soojin at work and also Shuhua whenever the three hybrids hung out at Soyeon’s flat, and refusing to even let Yuqi play games on her phone like she sometimes would.


It’s all very suspicious behavior. But what really gave her the big, ol’ red flags is that Miyeon doesn’t cling onto Yuqi as normally as she used to. Her companion would usually jump at every opportunity to grab the other girl’s attention, either by whining so obnoxiously to the point Yuqi gets annoyed and has no choice but to give her what she wants or by acting like a little brat just for the sole entertainment in getting on Yuqi’s nerves (a surefire way to make the human notice her, and also her favorite choice of method).


If Miyeon was feeling exceptionally needy on a certain day, she’d go to wherever Yuqi is – be it her bedroom or the living room – and either sit beside or lie her head down on the younger’s lap with the intent of being petted. But she does none of these either.


Yuqi shakes her head and explains all the odd behavior to her friends, but most of them dismiss it.


“Maybe that cat and dog are corrupting her.” One guy suggests off-handedly, and Minnie rolls her eyes from where she’s seated next to Yuqi as they’re all gathered inside a cafe.


“They’re not just animals, you know. They’re still people with feelings.” She defends with a subtle bite in her tone, not appreciating the way he regards the two other hybrids as if they’re a bad influence on Miyeon and pertains to them as, well… animals.


To Minnie, Shuhua is more than “just a dog” to her the same way Soojin is more than just a cat to Soyeon. And if the producer-in-training was here too, she would agree with the Thai just as much.


Aside from Minnie, the rest of their friend group didn’t provide a lot of help or advice. Yuqi has half the mind to walk up to Soojin and demand what she’s done to Miyeon, but she’s also acutely aware that said feline is well-versed in taekwondo and even has the black belt to prove it. Soyeon is just as deadly – if not more intimidating – notwithstanding her much shorter stature.


Best friend or not, Soyeon will not hesitate to come for Yuqi’s if she ever does something to Soojin. That is, if Yuqi is still in one piece from confronting the cat hybrid of her nightmares.


The Han girl stops bringing up her concerns about Miyeon, because all of the ideas that her other friends are giving her are either really dumb or just don’t make a lot of sense. (“No, Felix. I don’t think Miyeon’s been replaced by a doppelganger.”)


“I’m home!”


Shrugging off her backpack, Yuqi hangs her coat on the rack and closes the door behind her before stepping into the strangely quiet household.


“Dad? Miyeon?” No reply.


Huh… Where’d they go?


Usually, around this time, she would hear the Bluetooth speaker blaring from the kitchen while her dad sang horrible trot renditions of the latest pop songs. And Miyeon, the loveable goofball of a bunny, would be dancing along to the beat with her bubbly laughter floating in the air. Yuqi had walked in on Miyeon twerking to Beyoncé once, and the hybrid would nearly die from sheer embarrassment whenever the two brought it up again.


Yuqi walks into the empty kitchen and finds a lime-green note attached to the fridge. Curious, she takes the note in her hand and squints down at the small print written by her dad.


To Yuqi,

Just went out to grab more supplies for the bakery. Might be gone for a few hours.

There’s money on the table in case you girls get hungry. I know how lazy you are to cook sometimes, so it should be enough for two pizzas. You both love pizza, right?

And make sure to fix whatever’s been going on between you and Miyeon! :( Don’t think I haven’t noticed! A parent’s instincts never lie, after all.

Love you girls, eat well! — Dad


Great, now even her father can tell that something’s up.


Placing the note aside, Yuqi ventures down the hallway to check up on Miyeon and sees if she’s doing alright. She opens the door to her room before poking her head inside. Nothing but the large panda plush she had won at an arcade for Miyeon, which stares back from its spot on the neatly-made bed. Weird.


She shuts the door quietly and leaves for her own room, only to stop at the sound of a shower running in the background.


“Oh, thank God…” Yuqi breathes out, clutching at her heart as it floods with relief. For a moment there, she thought Miyeon might’ve run off to Soyeon’s again – but hey, at least she can trust those girls to take care of her companion.


Laughing at her own stupidity, Yuqi heads towards the living room instead. She’ll just watch TV and wait for Miyeon to come out.



A nervous sigh escapes Miyeon’s lips when she stares at her reflection in the mirror, hair still damp from the shower and her skin flushed slightly in pink.


Her trepidation for what she and her friends have planned grows stronger with each nail-biting second, but she needs to pull this off. Soojin better have been damn sure that Yuqi’s feelings are mutual and the younger girl would indeed return Miyeon’s affections, or else she’ll never be able to live this down if Yuqi didn’t actually like her the same way.


With her fingers curled under the hem of Yuqi’s black sweater, Miyeon tugs it down some more until it brushes over the fluff of her stubby tail and hangs just a little below the top of her thigh-high socks.


She initially wanted to pair them with one of her many pajama shorts (mostly to provide an extra vestige of comfort and security), but her crafty friends were quick to shut down the idea by claiming that it would just ruin the whole appeal of her ensemble – if you can even call it one with how exposed she feels underneath.


“Showing a little skin won’t hurt you, unnie.” Soojin’s voice reminds her, so Miyeon steels her resolve.


“I can’t believe I’m actually doing this…”


If things go south, Miyeon always likes to blame it on the fact that she’s a hybrid. Oh, she can’t just nip people with her super-sharp incisors? Blame it on being a bunny. You’re not supposed to jump onto people or headbutt them for attention? That’s the bunny part of her acting up. It’s not okay to people to show affection? Well, sorry! It’s just that grooming instinct again!


In fact, Yuqi had to put that part to rest early because a) it just felt so weird and unsanitary to her, and b) she always grew flustered about being on the cheek whenever Miyeon came up to welcome her home. (“A hug would do just fine, Miyeon. Please.”)


Sure, it was a crutch to blame her animal instincts for her actions. But if she couldn’t use that excuse, what else would she say?


Miyeon sighs and runs a hand down her face. She really, really hopes that her friends’ advice works out and isn’t setting her up to fail. She may not admit it, but Miyeon is desperate.


No turning back now. The hybrid thinks, anxiously conceding to the plan in mind as she uses the intense feelings within her as motivation. After taking in a deep breath to settle her poor racing heart, Miyeon timidly opens the bathroom door while a cloud of steam escapes from behind her.


The feeling of cool air against bare skin, one left uncovered by both the sweater and her extra long socks, makes her shiver. But she ignores it in favor of striding towards the living room in meek steps. Miyeon is already aware that Mr. Song went out for a supply run and knows that he usually takes his time coming back from it, so she has around two or three hours to pull off this stunt. Especially now with Yuqi all to herself.


“Yuqi.” Miyeon calls out. A rosy blush colors her cheeks right away as she waits for her owner’s reaction.


When the girl tears away from the television screen, her eyes are instantly blown wide in shock as the air leaves her lungs at the sight. Miyeon isn’t sure if that’s a good thing or not, but she edges closer with a shy look on her burning face. What did Shuhua suggest she do again?


“Yuqi…” Miyeon repeats, softer this time, as she stands just a couple of feet away from the source of all her affections. Her hands grip the edge of Yuqi’s cotton sweater when she tries to pull it down some more.


Maybe this was – no, scratch that – this is a huge mistake. Why did Miyeon listen to Soojin? Why didn’t Soyeon stop her? Why did Shuhua even agree and contribute to this when she’s actually the most conservative one of them all? (What if the wolf-dog hybrid ends up telling Minnie? Oh, God. That’s five times the mortification Miyeon is experiencing right now!)


This has obviously been such a bad decision, and the beet-red bunny is seconds away from making her grand escape and not showing her face to anyone for the next decade when –


“Miyeon, what…” Yuqi falters mid-sentence, her voice coming out as light as air while she tries to wrap her head around what her eyes are seeing. Trying to comprehend it through the mess her mind has become. “… what are you wearing? Actually, no. What are you not wearing?”


“Why?” Miyeon puts on a coy smile that isn’t good for Yuqi’s health. “Do you not like it…?”


The Chinese girl breathes out heavily through her nose, well past the point of confusion with a hundred different thoughts and questions flying through her brain like a stack of papers next to a fan. But right now, all she can focus on is how cute Miyeon looks with one of her bunny ears folded down and how her hands are almost swallowed up by the huge cuffs of Yuqi’s own sweater sleeves. Sweater paws! She cries internally.


“No, I—” A sharp inhale. “—I like it. Come here, bunny.”


Yuqi pats her thigh to beckon the hybrid over, and Miyeon complies by eagerly crawling onto her lap. Her fingers find purchase on Yuqi’s shoulders when she feels the latter’s hands resting carefully on her waist. Holding Miyeon steady as Yuqi takes a moment to admire the view before her.


The black sweater is Yuqi’s favorite because of how good the quality of the material is, which is perfect for the cold weathers or lazy days spent lying around the house in couch potato mode. But now, she finds a new contender in the form of Miyeon wearing her sweater in such a way that gives it justice. The sleeves are long enough to only reveal the tips of Miyeon’s fingers, and the scooped neckline hangs loosely off her perfectly even shoulders like a piece of art.


“Do I look pretty, Yuqi?” Miyeon cheekily asks while straddling her, catching the younger’s smitten gaze with her own sly one when she finally looks up. And without missing a beat, Yuqi answers with utmost earnestness:


“Yes. Definitely yes.”


Then Miyeon smells it again – that distractingly addictive aroma, which makes her smile in both joy and relief. Yuqi likes her, wants her.


With that sweet catharsis in mind, Miyeon grows a little bold and tucks her face into the curve of Yuqi’s neck. Nuzzling it to take in more of her owner’s delectable scent before she playfully nips at the skin there, her lips curled into a smirk when it earns her a barely-suppressed groan.


“Christ, Miyeon…” Yuqi digs her fingers lightly into her companion’s sides. “A-Are you not wearing shorts?”


When Miyeon pulls back and nods shyly, her eyes feel like they’re about to pop right out of their sockets. Holy —


Yuqi doesn’t have the chance to respond once Miyeon leans back in to attack her neck again. Unable to control her urges anymore, she gently bites down on Yuqi’s tender skin to taste mint and lavender on her tongue.


This draws out a low guttural hiss from Yuqi’s parted lips as she bares to the bunny’s mercy. A shiver rolls down her spine at the sensation of those sharp teeth marking and gnawing almost hungrily at her flesh, followed by the wet touch of Miyeon’s warm tongue dragging along it to soothe over the aching shapes her teeth left behind as her fingers weave together over Yuqi’s nape. Locking her right in place.


At this point, Yuqi cannot be bothered at all with telling Miyeon off for her again.


Like a girl on a mission, Miyeon continues her ministrations without restraint. Nibbling and her way up and down Yuqi’s enticingly slender neck until she hits a sensitive spot that draws out a strangled noise from the back of Yuqi’s throat. Her keen ears flick in delight at the rewarding sound, and Miyeon grins proudly to herself before biting down hard. She wants to leave a bruise on the unmarked skin so that Yuqi will remember who she belongs to.




The younger’s voice comes out so rough and deep; it surprises both of them. Miyeon allows herself to be peeled off by the hand that has found its way to the back of her head, curled into her luscious brown locks with care as Yuqi wills their eyes to meet.


“Y-Yuqi?” Miyeon whispers under those intense black pools staring back at her, grounded by the sheer weight in them and how Yuqi grasps her chin firmly between her index and thumb.


“Consider this payback.” Yuqi rasps, all gravel and dirt, before she captures Miyeon’s lips with her own.


Miyeon stills on her owner’s lap as every fiber in her being tenses up when Yuqi’s lips descend onto hers, but it doesn’t take long for the bunny to start reciprocating as she cradles Yuqi’s jaw in her hands. Sweetness blooms on her tongue when she willingly moves her lips in tandem with her human’s. In response, Yuqi tugs her even closer with the arm still braced around Miyeon and tips her head slightly to deepen their contact.


It’s soft and languid, at first. The pace is slow with Miyeon kissing the Han girl back just as fervently, and she feels those curious hands moving downwards to rest almost hesitantly on Miyeon’s sock-cladded thighs – just barely grazing the edge of her sweater – before Yuqi retracts a bit to ask. “Is it okay if I…?”


Knowing her intention, Miyeon drapes her arms around Yuqi’s neck and smiles encouragingly.


“Go ahead.”


With that confirmation, Yuqi dares to slip her tentative hands beneath the hem of Miyeon’s garment (she inwardly sighs in relief when her fingertips brush over the thin fabric around Miyeon’s hips, because Lord knows that Yuqi has no heteroual energy left in her to survive what would happen if Miyeon was completely bare underneath) and lets them wander across the wide expanse of skin. Mapping out senseless patterns and shapes along Miyeon’s back as she quivers pleasantly under her delicate touches.


“You planned this, didn’t you?” The hybrid gulps at the shift in Yuqi’s tone. Her synapses fire rapidly and her instincts tell Miyeon to run, but she refuses to budge an inch when Yuqi’s fingers are holding her captive with every caress. A prey caught in her predator’s trap. “Well? Answer me.”


“So, what if I did?” Miyeon challenges her.


That obviously isn’t the right answer (if there’s even one, at all), because Yuqi’s abyss eyes seem to be piercing right through her soul and she can feel her insides squirming under their scrutinizing glare.


“I think,” Yuqi drags her fingertips along the dip of Miyeon’s spine, tracing its length with impeccable tenderness that sends a wave of tingles up her sensitive back, before she slides her hands back down to Miyeon’s hips. Still hidden underneath the fabric of her sweater. “You’ve been a rather naughty bunny.”


Miyeon scoffs weakly to cover up her heightened nerves. “Oh, please… wh-what are you talking about?…”


The stutter comes out unintentionally as she shudders under Yuqi’s explorative touch. Miyeon bites her lip to desperately hold in a soft whimper when Yuqi starts kissing and ling her neck this time. Gentle yet agonizingly slow for her standards. She then lets out an involuntary whine of Yuqi’s name when she on the spot right below her Adam’s apple. Not so much to bruise it, but rather applying just enough pressure to leave a reddening mark before Yuqi a hot stripe over the afflicted skin. Miyeon closes her eyes and sighs in pure bliss.


“You look so pretty like this, bunny.” Yuqi murmurs, kissing the mark she left on her beautiful hybrid.


“Prettier than the girls you hang out with?” Miyeon, this haughty rascal, buries her fingers into Yuqi’s short hair. Head tilted back to give her owner more access to her neck.


Yuqi smirks against her skin. “Why? Are you jealous?” She jokes, only to regret it when Miyeon retaliates by skittishly nipping on her earlobe. She melts almost instantly.


“You didn’t answer my question, Yuqi.” Good grief, that saccharine-sweet voice is going to be the death of her.


“God, yes. You’re prettier than all of them.” She blurts out, shamelessly caving in at Miyeon’s behest.


“You belong to me, right?”


Yuqi nods like an obedient puppy.


“. Of course, Miyeon. It’s always been you.” She admits with a genuine laugh, and Miyeon’s chest feels like bursting into a myriad of colors and hummingbirds when she sees that precious eye-smile on Yuqi’s face. The older girl can’t help but crash their lips together for another searing kiss and feels all the love she has for Yuqi pouring out in every crevice of her body.


She wants to get even closer – needs to. And from the way Yuqi’s grip on her tightens, she also feels the same way.


But Miyeon isn’t done teasing her just yet.


“Good,” With one final peck to her thoroughly-kissed lips, Miyeon withdraws herself and climbs off Yuqi’s lap with a self-satisfied smirk. “Now go order me dinner. I’m hungry.”


Yuqi blinks dumbfoundedly at her companion’s sudden nonchalance, as if they weren’t just making out three seconds ago.


“H-Hey, wait! Come back here and finish what you started, you punk!” She complains. Miyeon only laughs, however, and skips into the kitchen while deliberately ignoring Yuqi’s command.


Fingers pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration, Yuqi leans back until she hits the sofa. Damn Miyeon. Maybe she should be more wary in regards to the kind of people Miyeon hangs out with, they’re probably not a very good influence on her.


“Jesus—Fine.” Yuqi grunts, snatching her phone from where it’s been placed on the coffee table so she can punch in the restaurant’s number with a vengeance. “You’re such a minx, you know that?!”


“Love you too, Yuqi!”



After spending most of their dinner just glowering over her pizza with a not-so-innocent hybrid snuggled into her side (“You’re lucky I’m even indulging you after the crap you pulled on me earlier.”—”That’s because you love me too much, right?”—”Don’t get fresh with me now, bunny.”), Yuqi was eventually informed on who were the true masterminds behind Miyeon’s plan and scowls even more at the thought of those traitorous little s.


Seems like Minnie is the only saint in the circle of devils that make up their wacky friend group.


“We need to find new friends for you, Miyeon.” She responds in the most deadpan voice ever, and it spurs Miyeon to laugh adorably into her shoulder. The air around them smells oddly like pepperoni, cheese, and mint altogether; but Miyeon doesn’t find herself minding this at all.


“They’re your friends too, you know.” The bunny simpers.


“After hearing what they made you do, that’s highly debatable.” Yuqi then kisses the top of Miyeon’s head before resting her cheek against it. A lofty ear brushes along her scalp, twitching every so often, though it doesn’t bother her. “I gotta admit, I kinda owe them for bringing us to where we are now… even if they’re methods were kinda questionable.”


Cozying up to Yuqi with a content hum, Miyeon only smiles into her food and says nothing else.


Minutes later, they’re cuddling together like love bugs on the sofa – all nice and snug. Miyeon is curled up to Yuqi with her legs thrown across her owner’s lap, her head tucked under Yuqi’s chin, while the Han girl has her arm securely around Miyeon’s back. She closes her eyes as her ears fold back in a relaxed state. A purr leaves when Yuqi begins to comb her hair slowly with one hand, while the other rests on her sock-covered knee. The hybrid didn’t bother putting on shorts anymore, and Yuqi was totally fine with that.


It goes without saying that Yuqi also appreciates the view of Miyeon still wearing those white thigh-high socks, which honestly looks good on her. (Respectfully, she might add.)


Even with the TV running a sit-com in the background, neither of them pay much attention to it. Not when they’re far too invested in each other’s presence and the warmth encapsulating them like a blanket.


Miyeon purrs louder and sinks further into Yuqi when she feels a hand caressing one of her furry ears. Dexterous fingers run along its length in absent before moving to scratch the sensitive area around its base. Just the way her bunny likes it.


“You know,” Miyeon starts after a pause of comfortable silence. “If I knew pulling a stunt like this would finally get our feelings across, I would’ve done it way sooner.”


She can feel Yuqi shaking with laughter. Clearly humored by this. “What took you so long then?”


“Well…” The older girl turns bashful as she her lips, her cheeks growing pink. “I just—I didn’t know that you actually liked me back or if you’d even want me the same way, so…”


With her brows furrowed, Yuqi gently lifts Miyeon’s head up by the chin so she can get a better look at her blushing face. It is rather odd that her companion still feels embarrassment after everything they’ve done earlier. But Yuqi finds herself completely enamored by Miyeon’s shyness towards her. How cathartic.


“Miyeon, of course I want you.” Yuqi confesses with utmost sincerity, her softened voice effectively turning Miyeon’s insides into mush. “Hell, it took me long enough to realize it myself, but… I’ll always want you in any way—if you’ll let me have you. You’re that special to me.”


Beaming from ear-to-ear, Miyeon cups Yuqi’s cheek in one hand so she can guide her face down to kiss her. An outline of a smile traces Yuqi’s lips as she moves them gently along with Miyeon’s. It’s sweet and tender, and still lingering with the aftertaste of pepperoni from dinner. But, most importantly, it’s filled with many promises for the future awaiting them. An unspoken oath that no matter what happens, the two of them will always stick together and face whatever challenges may come their way.


“Does that mean we’re dating now?” Miyeon quickly asks once they’ve parted, all sparkly-eyed and expectant.


Yuqi giggles. “Yeah. I’ll even start taking you out on real dates too, provided that we have the time away from work to do so.”


Miyeon voices her glee with a giddy squeal as she throws her arms around her girlfriend’s neck. They’re both smiling at each other like idiots when Miyeon lightly bumps their foreheads together. Ah, Yuqi muses. This adorable rascal.


“I love you, Yuqi. Even if you’re an idiot sometimes.”


Miyeon, her little tease, finishes in a bout of mellifluous laughter that shoots arrows right through Yuqi’s beaten heart. And with a fond roll of her eyes, Yuqi hugs the troublesome hybrid in her arms and affectionately rubs their noses together. A chuckle falls past her lips when she sees the exhilarated grin on Miyeon’s stupidly gorgeous face fit for an angel.


“You are such a brat, I swear.” Yuqi mutters before kissing Miyeon on the cheek. “But I love you too, bunny.”






Author's Note: It's been a fairly long time since I wrote anything this remotely intimate and fluffy(?), I guess. So, you can tell that I didn't know what I was doing halfway through this chapter. Now that this is finally over, let me go bury my shame and pretend I never wrote this for the next century because w o w ... I am highkey embarrassed with myself :')

Hope you guys enjoyed this!


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Laptop crashed on me in the middle of the night, but I managed to salvage what was left in autosave.

I'm too sleepy to edit, so please excuse whatever errors I might've left. I'll fix and polish it up tomorrow.


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1197 streak #1
Chapter 2: Bunny 🐇 love
Chapter 2: this is so good and well written wowww. i love this sm its so cuteee
pianonote #3
This story is great! Can you make another MiYu hybrid fanfiction but this time Yuqi’s the hybrid
nstarkeyred200 #4
Chapter 2: ExCuSE mE (this is my shoes) you did amazing!!
I loved it😌😊
The ending made me all mushy inside😁😳
And such a STEAMY scene between them😏😈

Thank you so much athornim for satisfying my MiYu heart (for a while). Can’t wait to read more works from you (especially your two other fits that are in the works)
I hope you have a good day or have a lovely night, hwaiting Thornim😘
Lizz516 #5
This is so great! Keep up the good work! :)
_MoHirai #6
Chapter 1: Please i need the sequel!!!
This is so good...
nstarkeyred200 #7
Oh and I am definitely enjoying this hot mess😈
nstarkeyred200 #8
But why do you gotta do me like that😩
I love how this is going so far (but at same time I hate it🤣[my heart doesn’t do well with angst as of late])
Thank you so much for giving us this lovely MiYu fic (that I can and will always reread😋); you’re doing amazing😌

Take care thornim, and have a wonderful day/night 🤗