Chapter 2

Yoona in Wonderland


Hello Readers , how are you?
i hope y'all doing fine ...and pleaase be safe..
oh by the way... thanks for liking this fanfic story of mine .....i love you all

expect grammar nazi cause i'm not fluent in english

Chapter 2


Yoona follows Leeteuk tracks, after she reaches for the open door on the tree and shut it afterwards after entering
she see a hallway with a dim lights from a light bulbs on top and she see the four doors is consisted  with different colors,
first door is red, second is blue  , third is yellow and the fourth is black.

(AN: just imagine this is the hallway)
Yoona taps her jaw with the help of her right pointing finger while placing the left unoccupied hand on her waist thinking which door she should enter but she stops amidst of her thoughts when she hears something
"choose the red door "  she faces her right side instantly but see none , she felt goosebumps as she gulp a lump
" who that?" she whispers  but proceeded to the red door which is the last and near the dead end of the hallway,
she's dumbfounded when she saw a key stuck on the keyhole of the said door
"how can it be?" as what she remembers there is no key on the red door when she first glance on it but she just shrugged it off as she move the key on the keyhole after the sound of a click she move the knob and use her little strength to push the said knob, unfortunately after opening the door widely a gushing big waves just hits her and make her body collided on the wall before it succesfully pulled her inside the mysterious room.

"" she screams in her mind when her thoughts finally sinc inside her head of what is really happening now.
her body gets into the deepest part of the water ,
she moves her arms and legs to swim ..wanting to reach the top but there's something holding her feet , she tries to kick the thing that holding her feet  but no to avail , after a moment of struggling she feels her breathe is starting to run out
"this is bad" she thought but still continue to move her feet and after a minute of two she stops and just stare the bluish sky on top
" i know when someone experienced this kind of event the fragments of their memories will flashbacks in their mind but why it doesnt apply on mine" she reaches her right hand wanting to reach the bluish sky before her breathing stops.

all of the sudden somehand reaches her and pulls her afterwards.
her body reaches the green grasses ,back laying on the said  grass.
she then coughs while holding her chest and after a moment when her breathing comeback to normal  she smile
"glad i survive" she whisper

"hey , thats dangerous yoou know" she heard a male familiar voice , she faces her side ,seeing the owner of the voice she swiftly move her body to take a seat

"Kyu!"a gush of feeli;ng of happiness and gladness filled her chest after seeing him , tearing and proceed to move her body to hug him but he extends his left hand infront of her face stopping her , it resulted her to stop and pout
" you're drench ..its bad for you " he place his extended hand to the hat that laying on his lap as he look for something .
Yoona notices his clothes are like one of his play before ... its basically a very old style of  clothing to begin with

"what are you doing on a shallow pond?.. are you trying to commit a suicide?" still looking for something on his hat that is like the style of the hat of hatter from the cartoon named  alice in wonderland.
Yoona frowns as she heard the word he says
" what shallow?...i'm not killing myself Kyu ! to be honest" but Kyu cut her words with his 
"You know ..if you die here there's no way you can go back... oh! i find it" facing Yoona smiling while extending his left hand and reached her forehead with his pointing finger
"now you're dry" Yoona lift her left brow after he speaks
looking at her skirt ,touching it.
"oh! i'm not wet" saying with an awe,
she stare back at him but he's not there anymore  , she faces her sides but still he cannot be found.
she then sigh
"if this is a  dream ...please Yoona Im you better wake up now" she stand up and move her feet to walk without the thoughts in her mind of her destination.
after an hour of walking  her tummy grumbles
"Arghh! im starving " she compalint while holding her tummy
she's now walking on the road of sunflowers

" I hope i find somebody " she felt an object hits her head
"Ouch..WtF!!" while rubbing the pain area on her head she look at the object that hits her with an anger expression , she pick it up and gave a better look on it
"Potato?" after the word she speak bunch of potatoes falls from above
"AHHH!!" she screams while running to get away from that crazy thing ,but on an instant Yoona  yelp when she felt a hand pulled her on the right side where sunflowers planted
"Ouch!" when her hits the earthy ground

"WHAT THE ARE YOU DOING HERE !!??"the woman scream 
"excuse me?" she faces the angered woman  with an anger manner as well

there , the woman who she familiar with standing while crossing her arms
, with that Yoona's angered deflated
" Yes....i am Tiffany ... but what the are you doing in the Warzone?"

"Warzone?" yonna ask in a state of puzzled
Tiffany sigh before she gave Yoona a bucklet that filled with potatoes
"throw it on this direction ...understand?" she said with an authority while pointing forward 

"oh... i understand" Yoona said while following her orders

after a moment of throwing of potatoes ..they heard a  complaint and cry
" GOTTCHA!!" Tiffany smirks as she hurls  the bucket to the other side

" I SURRENDER..STOP!!!" Yoona stops when she heard that

"Niiice ... i win "  Tiffany fistpumps
and after that Tiffany get outside the sunflower plants in other hand Yoona follows her , when they reached the road again they see a tearing Jessica while waving a white flag which is  a sign of surrendering in her enemy which is Tiffany.
Yoona noticed that they are wearing the same clothing  and Yoona remembers they use in the mv of Mr. Mr.

Tiffany neared Jessica and places her left arm on Jessica's shoulder
and she faces Yoona afterwards
" Just walk forward ..thats the right direction" and she faces the road and the two of them started to walk on the left side of the sunflower road leaving Yoona alone.

" forward eii?" Yoona ask herself

" It's been four months ...please wake up ... we miss you" Jessica is displaying a lonely expression while caressing the Sleeping Yoona's smooth hair 

" i hope she'll wake up soon she can still see him " Tiffany said bitterly


hope y'all like this...i'm going to add some drama

see y'all in the next chapter ,,,, love you


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Chapter 1: Nice start👍
Chapter 1: This is the start of wonderland yay!
Thanks for update ♥
I want to read more ♥