All my kisses are for you

Evolution of Kisses

A/N: Writing some Syeonsha because why not? And this has been laying around in my docs so I figured it would be a good time to post it, just some cute Syeonsha too since they’re really very much a cute ship, so please enjoy! Thank you



Kim Sihyeon counted down in her head from five as she waited for her girlfriend to get out of class to join her. This was a bit of a routine for them. Whenever one of them had a class that ended first. They would go and wait until the other’s class ended. Today it was Sihyeon’s turn to wait. Something she didn’t mind doing. The slightly older girl knew exactly what would happen the moment the door opened and her eyes met Yoorim’s. 


“Five, four…”


Because it was the same thing that always happened whenever she would come to meet the younger girl after her class was over.


“Three, two…”


Sihyeon smiles because of excitement. She kind of can’t wait for Yoorim to come walking out of the door.




It takes about a second for Yoorim to spot the brunette standing there waiting for her. Not that Yoorim would need help finding her girlfriend in a crowd of people. She would know Sihyeon anywhere.


“Syeon!” A taller figure practically rushes over to get to her. Right away Yoorim’s arms are around her waist. Yoorim has this gentle but strong hold, like she just wants to make sure Sihyeon always feels both loved and protected. Honestly, Sihyeon could just stay like this all day. But there is something else she is anticipating too. Something she knows her girlfriend is ready for also.


“Missed you…” She can hear part of Yoorim’s words as the dark-haired girl places kisses against her cheeks. Sihyeon bursts out into immediate laughter, mostly as how many kisses Yoorim places onto each cheek. It’s a thing with her girlfriend as soon as she sees her. 


“Yoorim.” Sihyeon tries to get her attention. Only to be met with more kisses, but not necessarily on the cheeks. The dark-haired girl has now moved on from her cheeks to her lips. Another favorite spot of Yoorim’s for the obvious reasons. 


“Heo Yoorim.” She tried her full name, just to see if it would work. It doesn’t work. Yoorim actually places a delicate finger to her chin and raises Sihyeon’s face up toward her own. Never mind they’re in the university hallway and there are people standing around. Yoorim just plants a full kiss on her lips anyway because she is brave like that. Not that Sihyeon does anything to stop her. She is rather weak for Yoorim’s kisses. They stand like this for several long moments. Sihyeon forgets herself and surroundings for a moment. Maybe because she is too caught up with how soft Yoorim’s lips are. Or how the younger girl is actually kissing her with so much intent and feeling in each kiss. But it does finally dawn on her one very important thing. 


They are in the hallway of their university. Pretty much giving people a free show of the two of them making out. 




Okay, that makes Yoorim break the kiss, although a bit reluctantly. There’s this cute cute pout on Yoorim’s face that almost makes Sihyeon regret that she had her stop. 


“Why’d you make me stop?”


“Well one of us had to stop you.” Sihyeon smiles affectionately. “In a minute we’re going to have a full audience.”


Yoorim looks around and sees three, maybe four people. She doesn’t think that can be counted as a full audience. Still, Yoorim understands where her girlfriend is coming from. 


“They probably should be on their way to class and not looking at a girl show her gorgeous girlfriend she adores her.” Yoorim smiles at the light dusting of pink spread across Sihyeon’s cheeks. 


“I’m not…” 


“Not what?” Yoorim wonders. “Not my girlfriend, not gorgeous, or I don’t adore you? Because none of those things are true.”


Sihyeon looks up in time to meet that familiar warm smile. Yoorim always did have a way with words.


“Fine, you can fill me with compliments. But we still should probably go. Because everyone is waiting for us.” She mentions the fact that their friends are waiting for them. As they usually will do on the days everyone happens to have classes that line up perfectly for them to all meet afterwards. 


“Alright, you win. But I get more kisses later to make up for being interrupted.”


“Deal.” Sihyeon agrees with a bright smile of her own. As if she would deny her girlfriend more kisses later. For now, Yoorim simply reaches for her hand and interlocks their fingers. Much like she would always do whenever they walk together. The interlocking of their fingers was actually something Yoorim liked to do before they even became an official couple. At first, Sihyeon didn’t think anything of it. She knew Yoorim as a physically affectionate person when they were just friends. 


The kind of person who would gladly wrap an around a friend to cheer them up, or just for no reason at all. That’s why Sihyeon didn’t think anything of it, or at least she didn’t think Yoorim was treating her any differently. That was until she took notice of how Yoorim would hold her hand, and interlock their fingers. She never did that with their other friends. It didn’t stop there either, not when Yoorim would look at her with such affection and soft stares. Again, something she didn’t do with anyone else. So, maybe somewhere along the way Sihyeon began to feel special. How could she not when Yoorim looked at her like she was her entire world?


“How was your day?” Sihyeon gets the chance to ask. She does like to ask at least once before they meet up with their friends. As sometimes it can be hard to talk normally as they would when it’s just the two of them. 


“Long,” Yoorim admits. “But it’s always long when I’m away from you.”


“Cheesy, Yoorimie.” She teases her but affectionately bumps shoulders with the slightly taller girl. Yoorim is about to ask her as well how did her day go, only can’t at the moment. Because the moment they get outside they can hear Jiwon and Serim both shouting at them to come along.


“Come on, love birds.” Jiwon waves. The blonde seems to be excited about something or another. “We need to get going.”


“Yeah, come on our favorite couple. Let’s get a move on.” Serim happily waves with both arms.


“Get a move on where?” Sihyeon asks, since she assumed they would be hanging around campus as they normally did.


“There’s this really great new restaurant. It’s about two blocks from campus.” Eunji answers the question. 


“Onda and I looked it up while you two love birds were taking your time to get to us.” Yiren admits and shows them both pictures on her phone. Both Yoorim and Sihyeon have to admit the photos of the restaurant do show a great place. The reviews are pretty good too, and maybe more importantly than that they’re both starving. 


“Okay, let’s go eat.” Yoorim agrees with a smile. 


“Yes!” All of their friends cheer together excitedly. It’s the cutest sight to see the four shorter ones walking ahead of them, chatting animatedly. Eunji listening to Jiwon tell her how it’s going being a part of the national cheerleading team for their university. While Eunji lets Jiwon know she’s this close to being president of the dance club as the current president is stepping down. Serim is going over a fitness routine she’s just started with Yiren, who talks to her about all the food she can’t wait to try. Sihyeon chuckles when she hears Serim telling Yiren how unhealthy everything sounds. She looks up at Yoorim who looks just as amused.


“What’s up?” Sihyeon asks her.


“You don’t find this kind of cute? It’s like we’re parents with our four unruly children.”


Now that Yoorim mentions it, it does kind of look like that. Especially with how they are walking a bit behind the four of them, just holding hands, and looking like a married couple. 


“I think we’d have better behaved kids than them.” 


Yoorim chuckles and agrees. “Oh, yeah, our kids will be so well behaved. Especially if they’re anything like Serim.”


Sihyeon has to agree. Not that all their friend’s aren’t sweet because they are. But there’s just something very special about Serim in her gentleness that is unmatched. Well, maybe Sihyeon is biased a little since she knows firsthand how gentle Yoorim is too. She thinks her girlfriend is the sweetest person she’s ever met, personally. Again, Sihyeon might be a little biased. But that’s okay. Everything’s okay when you love someone.


Yoorim stops walking for a moment, and Sihyeon worries that there might be something wrong. “What’s wrong, Yoorimie?”


“Nothing’s wrong, only this.”


Sihyeon really should have seen it coming. Why didn’t she see it coming? This is after all her girlfriend. The most affectionate person she knows. The same Yoorim who can’t resist kissing her. That’s why it shouldn’t have been a surprise when she felt Yoorim’s soft hand on her cheek first. Before the taller girl gently pulled her close for a kiss. Who cares that they are on their way to a restaurant with their friends to eat? Who cares that they were walking on the sidewalk and people probably want or need to get past them? None of that matters when your pretty girlfriend wants to kiss you. As enjoyable as it is to kiss Yoorim, since it never gets old. Sihyeon doesn’t actually want for her to stop. Nevermind they are on the sidewalk and walking with friends. 


Honestly, there are so many times when Sihyeon is with Yoorim. She doesn’t even think about anything else. There could be an entire world going on around them, and all she sees is the pretty girl in front of her. Like she and Yoorim are in their own world, just the two of them, no matter what’s around them. 


“Hey, can you two faces later!” Jiwon shouts, sounding far away from them. Both girls break their kiss at the same time to see everyone is indeed a whole block ahead of them. Were they really that far ahead of them that neither herself or Sihyeon noticed?


“How’d you all get all the way up there?” Sihyeon asks, and everyone laughs at her. In their opinion they’re not even that far ahead of the couple. If only they weren’t so lost in their own world, and too busy making out with each other. The two of them would have noticed the group crossed the street.


“It’s not our fault you won’t stop making out with Yoorim.” Yiren teases in a lighthearted way.


“I think you mean Yoorim won’t stop making out with her.” Eunji speaks. But everyone does wait for the couple to catch up with them. The restaurant isn’t very far and they left the school together. They will reach their destination together as a group too. Their friends like to tease them. But they are all genuinely happy for both Sihyeon and Yoorim. It was almost like a certain torture watching the two of them be kind of obvious in their feelings and for a long time nothing came of it.


Whether it was Yoorim being so painfully clear in her special attention she showed Sihyeon. Or Sihyeon just not being quite sure if it was special attention being given to her. They’ve come a long way from those days. They really are very cute together, everyone in the group thinks so. As they all finally make it to the restaurant, the group is seated at a table. Menus are placed before them and they take a moment to look.


“Is it not hard to read your menu while holding Yoorim’s hand?” Eunji asks out of genuine curiosity. Because, surprise-surprise out of everyone who is reading their menus normally.  Sihyeon is holding onto Yoorim’s hand while she does so.


“Not really, Yoorimie’s left-handed so it’s okay.” She shows how easily they can hold hands like this while still looking at their menus. 


“I hope you two are going to at least stop holding hands to eat first.” Jiwon mentions, before she calls the waiter over so they can start to order drinks for the table.


“Only so you don’t risk getting indigestion from not chewing your food properly.” Serim says this out of pure concern, and not even trying to be funny. However, Serim is unintentionally funny so she sends the whole table laughing anyway.


“What, what did I say?”


“You’re just naturally funny, Serim.” Yiren tells her in assurance. The other blonde shrugs, even though she herself doesn’t mind if the couple want to hold hands the entire time. She honestly had been rooting for the two of them since the very beginning. The days where Yoorim would simply look at Sihyeon with so much unspoken affection and do everything she could to be close to the older girl. Yoorim still looks at Sihyeon with so much affection, only now she is more outspoken about it. As in she won’t hesitate to show Sihyeon how she feels, and it’s very sweet. Plus, Sihyeon too has become more bold around Yoorim too. Maybe perhaps some of that energy had rubbed off on her in the process of their relationship.


Everyone has a chance to order both drinks and food, getting a few appetizers to split between them all, and a couple of different entrees, more than enough food to feed all six of them. As they wait for their food, everyone breaks out into conversations again. This time the couple do listen and talk with their friends. They don’t fully retreat back into their own world, not until the food does come and as Yoorim takes one of the larger plates to start putting food on her dish. At least, it looked like it was her dish, when in reality she’s just putting food on Sihyeon’s plate first.


If that wasn’t sweet enough, Yoorim gets the chopsticks and gathers up the grilled steak from the plate so that she can feed her. “Do you want some, Syeon?”


How could Sihyeon say no when Yoorim looks that adorable asking to feed her. Sihyeon thanks her softly and accepts that her girlfriend wants to feed her. It doesn’t go unnoticed that by the time Yoorim’s finished feeding Sihyeon. Yoorim hasn’t eaten very much herself. Sihyeon isn’t about to let her girlfriend go the entire meal without eating. Just as Yoorim took her time to feed her earlier. Sihyeon does the same thing, and maybe the best part of all was her girlfriend’s reaction. Yoorim’s face lit up and she looked too adorable at that moment. Sihyeon made a mental note to feed Yoorim more often. If she could get a genuinely happy and cute reaction out of her in this way. Sihyeon would do things like this more often as she knew Yoorim did appreciate it when she took initiative too.


 “What are you guys doing this weekend?” Jiwon asks suddenly. “If everyone’s free or not very busy. I was thinking we could maybe get out of the city. Maybe we leave Friday after class and come back Sunday night?”


“Like a weekend trip. I think that would be fun,” Eunji agrees. “With school and classes it’s been hard to really hang out like we used to. I’m in.”


Jiwon smiles happily at the other girl. She’s glad to hear Eunji will come, and looks toward both Yiren and Serim for what their answers will be. She does hope this can be a trip for them all. It would be great for their entire friend group to get out of the city and have a fun weekend. Kind of like how they used to before everyone became busy with school.


“Of course, I want to.” Serim agrees. “I’m so excited, I’ll go back to my apartment and pack right now.”


“Me too!” Yiren cutely raises her hand. “We haven’t been out of the city in a while, so it’s a good idea, Jiwon.”


“Great, it’ll be a lot of fun. I’ll start sending details in our group chat. Now…” Jiwon looks toward their favorite couple. Everyone wonders pretty much the same thing, will Sihyeon and Yoorim be able to join them? 


“Okay, lovebirds. Will you two be able to come with us on our weekend trip?”


“Yeah, sounds like fun.” Yoorim thinks it’s a great idea. Anytime they all get the chance to go away together it’s always a fun time. They’ve all been busy with school and their extracurricular activities that it hasn’t been easy to just go. 


“Of course, we’ll go.” Sihyeon agrees. “Let’s pick roommates now,” She wraps both arms around Yoorim, who actually starts to turn red in the face. “I pick my girlfriend!”


“Ooh, I pick my girlfriend too!” Yoorim plays along and their friends are shaking their heads in disbelief at their silliness. And yet they also can’t help but to find the pair cute.


“Of course you’re going to pick your girlfriend. I’m so shocked, no seriously it’s going to be so fun, guys. I’m just looking forward to catching up properly,” Jiwon admits and they all agree with her. Some small plans are even made as they finish eating about possible places they can go. As well as the fun things they will get to do when they get there. Soon enough they’re all just throwing out random things.


“Let’s make sure we go swimming!”


“I can’t swim, guys.”


“Don’t worry, Syeon. I’ll help you.” Yoorim of course promises.


“I want to go bird watching!”




“Why not? Do you have anything better?”




The silly list continues each thing they all threw out there seemed more ridiculous than the last. It was to be expected when their friend group got together. Naturally, Jiwon wrote everything down anyway, whether they did them or not. In the midst of all the conversations and fun they were having. The group didn’t realize the bill was coming or rather the bill had already been paid.


“It’s paid already?” Yiren whispers, confused.


But the group is only confused for a moment as they know who would actually secretly just pay for everyone’s food without saying anything.


“Ms. Heo strikes again.” Eunji playfully teases. “But thank you, Yoorim.”


“You’re so sweet, Yoorim.” Jiwon nods. “You know if you ever want to break up with Sihyeon. I might be in the market for a rich girlfriend.” She is only teasing but that earns quite loud protests from both Sihyeon and Eunji respectively. Sihyeon immediately wraps an arm around the taller girl.


“Nope, I’m sorry Jiwon. But Heo Yoorim is mine.”


While everyone does briefly agree to that statement. There is also another matter at hand. They should really thank Yoorim for paying for their food.


“Everyone toast to Yoorim!” Serim randomly speaks with half-empty water glass. And naturally, they all follow suit and actually hold up their glasses. Even when Yoorim tells them it’s not necessary and she didn’t mind paying for the food they all had. Yoorim smiles anyway when her girlfriend joins the impromptu toast and just happens to cheer the loudest for her. 


Well, maybe it’s okay if Sihyeon cheers for her the loudest and smiles at her in that proud girlfriend sort of way. After the excitement of the toast, everyone sincerely thanked Yoorim for paying for the meal. The friends split up to go their separate ways. Eunji and Jiwon make some lame excuse for heading downtown for some shopping. But Yoorim is so sure they’re just probably trying to find a way to not be obvious about spending more time alone together, when they’re already obvious enough. Serim is dragging Yiren to catch a movie together and that leaves Sihyeon alone with Yoorim. 


“Huh, do you think they left us alone on purpose?” Sihyeon pretends to wonder.


“Oh, you know those friends of ours. They mean well. Do you have any other plans for today, Syeon?”


Did she? 


Not really. Sihyeon supposed she could go to her place and get started on some projects she has coming up. There’s an essay waiting for her too that won’t exactly start itself. That’s what Sihyeon should be doing. But she felt so weak when Yoorim looked at her with that soft expression. She knew very well she was going to say she had no plans. Unless those plans involved being with Yoorim.


“No, why did you have something in mind?”


“Yes, I might. Do you want to take a drive with me?” 


“Sure,” Sihyeon agrees. This time instead of having Yoorim take her arm. She surprised the taller girl by taking a hold of her arm first. Sihyeon looks pleased with herself by how surprised her girlfriend looks. She really should surprise her more often with these small gestures. As they do mean a lot to Yoorim, and it doesn’t hurt to show her girl how special she is to her. Because Yoorim is special to her. 


“Syeon…” Yoorim whispers softly.


“What’s wrong, hm?” 


“Nothing, you’re just surprising me today.”


“Is that a bad thing?”


“No,” She assures. “I like it.”


“Good.” Sihyeon gently pecks her cheek, and the way Yoorim’s cheeks lit up bright red made Sihyeon internally swoon. If that’s all it would take for her to get this cute behavior from her girlfriend. Kim Sihyeon knew she would certainly surprise her with more initiative. Maybe she would be the one to run out of her classroom as Yoorim waited for her, and would greet her girl with lots of kisses the moment she could. Sihyeon smiled to herself because Yoorim seemed to be speechless, perhaps she was that surprised by her random kiss.


Now, for as quiet and adorable as her girlfriend had just become. It didn’t last long because once they made it to Yoorim’s car. Her brand new black Mercedes-Benz, that Sihyeon has only been in a few times. Mostly because she’s worried about riding in something that costs so much. Though, Yoorim always sweetly insists on driving her around places anyway. The shorter girl could see how the quietness disappeared and Yoorim smiled at her in a more bold manner.


“Come on, pretty girl, want to go for a ride?” She opened the passenger door for Sihyeon and gave a polite bow of sorts.


“Aw, where did my cute Yoorimie go?” Sihyeon teases and playfully pats Yoorim’s face. She laughs and shakes her head assuring Sihyeon that she is in fact still here. The brunette would have to agree since no matter how bold Yoorim is. Sihyeon knows how very bold her girlfriend is. It doesn’t take away from how very naturally adorable and cute she is too. As that becomes clear again when they’re in Yoorim’s car and she cutely reminds Sihyeon to put on her seatbelt before she drives off. Sometimes, Sihyeon is convinced Yoorim must not know how much power she has over her when she’s being so adorably cute. Or maybe Yoorim does know and that’s why the cuteness simply comes out.


“Where are we going to go?”


From the way Yoorim smiles at the question she asks. Sihyeon has a feeling her girlfriend isn’t going to tell her. Yoorim leans over and whispers in her ear it’s a surprise. And because Sihyeon liked surprises. She didn’t question any further. Besides, as long as she was with Yoorim it really didn’t matter where they ended up. Sihyeon only tried to get Yoorim to tell her once more where they were going. Yoorim only told her again it was going to be a surprise, and so Sihyeon let it go. She allowed herself to enjoy the ride. She might have enjoyed the ride a little too well as Sihyeon was comfortable enough to fall asleep. 


“Aw, Syeon…” Yoorim did notice she was asleep by the time she did arrive at their destination. She gently pushed brown locks away from the sleeping girl’s face. Sihyeon was really the most beautiful girl she ever saw. Pretty in a classic sort of way, with movie star looks, big brown eyes, and full lips. Although, it was not her looks that made Yoorim fall hard for the older girl. It was really the first time she heard Sihyeon laugh that she knew she was a goner. She had become hooked and weak for the girl ever since. 


Right now, Yoorim kind of didn’t want to wake her. That’s why she did so gently by placing the softest kiss to her cheeks first. Before moving to Sihyeon’s lips and leaving a few innocent pecks onto her lips. That action seemed to do the trick and brown eyes began to open.


“Y-Yoorimie….” She yawns. “Even in sleep you can’t resist kissing me.” 


The dark-haired girl laughs and nods. “Yes, that’s true. But I wanted to wake you up because we’re here.”


“Oh….” Sihyeon yawns and gets out of the car with Yoorim. The cool air that hits her face starts to wake her up more. But she leans on her taller girlfriend for support as Yoorim wraps an arm around her.


“I’ve got you, Syeon.”


Sihyeon smiles softly while leaning into Yoorim’s chest. Her girlfriend always had her. She really was in the best hands or in this case the best arms. As they walk it doesn’t take the brunette very long to realize where they are. 


“Do you remember where we are?” 


“Yeah, I remember. This is the park we came to where you asked me to be your girlfriend.”


Sihyeon could not forget that moment, not at all. Because not only had Yoorim invited her on a picnic in what was this gorgeous park, where they sat on this lovely spot on a hill with its breathtaking view, and had food that Yoorim herself made. The younger girl actually confessed to her and asked her out too. It couldn’t have gone any better. 


“Sit with me.” Yoorim pats the grass and they sit down. Right away she reaches for Sihyeon’s hand and interlocks their fingers. The sky was very pretty right now with it’s warm orange and pink hues blending in together. Sihyeon thinks she has the most romantic girlfriend there is for bringing them to a place that will always be special to them. 


Then she also starts counting down in her head once again as she knows what’s about to happen.


“Five, four…” Sihyeon thinks in amusement.






That familiar and gentle hand is the first thing Sihyeon feels as Yoorim carefully turns her face toward her own. Before she tilts her hand and carefully presses her lips toward Sihyeon’s again. This never gets old. She adores the feel of Yoorim’s soft mouth covering her own. At least now there’s nothing interrupting them. She can kiss her girlfriend for as long as she wants.


They don’t have to be interrupted. 


But of course, in typical Yoorim fashion she doesn’t end with simply lip kisses. No, not Heo Yoorim who has to make sure she leaves a kiss everywhere. Sihyeon’s lips, cheeks, shoulders, as if leaving her mark. Each soft kiss makes the shorter girl laugh and yet it makes her curious too. 


“Y-Yoorimie, wait...stop.” She grabs a gentle hold of her face. “What’s going on, why so many kisses?”


“I thought you wouldn’t complain about my kisses, hm?”


“I’m not complaining. I’m just a little curious that’s all. So does my cute girlfriend want to tell me why she is trying to mark my body with as many kisses as possible?”

Yoorim looks suddenly thoughtful. Sihyeon looks at her with a patient look letting Yoorim know she will wait until she’s ready to express whatever she needs to her. After a moment the dark-haired girl sits up with a sigh.


“I guess I make sure to kiss you a lot because I remember when you used to reject my kisses and my affection.”


“Oh…” Sihyeon does remember that too. But she hadn’t done that because she didn’t want to accept the other girl’s affection at the time. She honestly just knew Yoorim as an affectionate person. She didn’t think at the time Yoorim was showing her special attention. 


“Yoorimie…” She whispers softly and touches her cheek.


“I mean, you don’t reject my kisses or anything now. But I like to leave extra anyway because you mean that much, Syeon.”


Did Sihyeon say before she had the sweetest and most wonderful girlfriend? Because she did have the sweetest and most wonderful girlfriend. 


“You won’t ever have to worry about me rejecting your kisses or affection again, Yoorimie. You can give me as many kisses as you want.”






“Alright, just remember I can kiss a lot.” The younger girl looks rather proud of that and it makes Sihyeon smile. She knows without a doubt Yoorim can kiss a lot, as she has been on the receiving end of many of those kisses.


“I know, I actually lose count with how many kisses you give me in a day.”


Yoorim smiles and touches her chin before kissing her once more. “I think we should keep count next time, just for fun? As long as you promise that you’re not going to get tired of my kisses, Syeon.”


And with that said, Sihyeon placed both of her hands onto her girlfriend’s face before leaning forward to kiss one cheek at a time, then moved onto Yoorim’s lips, and forehead too. She placed so many warm kisses onto the taller girl’s face that it sent Yoorim into some laughter of her own. 


“Don’t you know I would never get tired of your kisses, Yoorimie.”


After her laughter settled, she placed a gentle hand to the side of Sihyeon’s face. Yoorim only had one more thing to say.


“Then all my kisses will be for you, Kim Sihyeon, always.”


Kim Sihyeon really did have the sweetest and most wonderful girlfriend in the world.


A/N: Thank you for reading this, and if you did enjoy it, thank you! I will be continuing to write for Syeonsha as I can, they’re really such a great ship, super underappreciated but a great ship!! Thank you so much if anyone read this!



Sponsor Mentions: As always, thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: AvryGeist171, Tay_84, royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, Casti1004, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, falsuki, wittyadie95, Eris78, User_name1200, Androsssss, theRequiem78, jyrus_21, Seosunny, sleepyhead, InformedPuppy, dga214, pinkpinkypin, shinneay, iamforeverlame, Mmm2392, CheezeeMyoui, bangton, Supergirl03, aya_ah98, taeyang729, RedPaint, Shouto818, SleepyRu, izujon,  jjlevi93, LOCOppl, AliyaViktoria, j33200, kasey_1432, Karasxo, Mehrus, Chan_94, HornedDevil, Geekspeak00, Badgalval, Shaolan, Zesev7, PengusTigerClub, Mia317, Kim_saehyun97, irenesluviee, Mustafina Howtokillu,  Scosk3, Jiminiepabo707, Darthhearts, Mehrus,  s1786343, satozaki, noob101, nneberba1, Samlion, j3200, dmac20, problematique9, Zesev7, Jewster88, tinann00, shinneay, aseulo, Mmm2392, Taitai84, agonists, km3bty, somebbboy, mondongo1, Bristol,Gaybabytrash, Angelline152, geekspeak00, jjlevi93, ajhoon, Pinkbubl, zwilson4, royalshipper2122, Alexan-der-an, Smpz11, Itheartisti, drunkenseul, noob101, theRequiem78, SuperLin, ainijt, Samlion, jjlevi93, jeticouple, Nao707, sonexpikachu64, Rated_pg, wanni3s, assortedcake, Simpz11, baetokki9, dianafeng, Revelsone, Icantstandtofly, Moonstunt, Fantasii, km62201n, kasey1432, ericakate, dmac20, seulseulseul,  YANGx_, byultaorene, Tempurany, bbongdrr, Xoxosoneegg, okay54321, Thank you so much for being sponsors. :)



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Taitai84 1234 streak #1
Chapter 1: Not familiar with this group, but it’s fun to read their dynamics!