

Ten years later.

Minjeong blurted out a heavy sigh as she checked all the papers that towered on her desk. It was a very busy day at the hospital and she had no time to even check her phone. She has received a lot of missed calls from her best friend, Yizhuo, but the blonde never really had the chance to answer them.

“Doctor Kim, we need you at Room 307. A patient needs to be brought to the intensive care unit. His condition has gone really bad,” a nurse uttered, making Minjeong's face crumple like a piece of paper.

It has been ten whole years and Minjeong was already a successful medical doctor. It has always been her dream to become one but unfortunately, her family didn't really have enough funds to bring her to a medical school so she worked as a writer to be able to support her studies. Her journey as a medical student wasn't as easy as it seemed to be but thanks to the people that she cherish the most, she was able to finish and get the degree that she has always been dreaming about.

Minjeong never really left her country even after passing the licensure examination. She chose to stay and serve as a doctor at a public hospital where a lot of patients who struggle financially need a lot of assistance.

She was genuinely happy with her career and it'll surely stay that way for a very long time.

“Nurse Hwang, we're gonna have to bring him to the surgery room. Quickly inform the patient's family about this matter. Nurse Shin, I'll see you there too,” Minjeong uttered, her voice shaky.

“But Doctor Kim, it'll be dangerous if we–”

Minjeong sighed.

“We don't have any other choices left, Yeji. He has to undergo a heart transplant right now. There's only a little chance that it'll be successful, but we have to try.”

Both the nurses looked at each other with a worried expression before agreeing with the blonde's decision. Soon enough, the patient was brought to the surgery room with only Minjeong and a few helpers surrounding him. It wasn't the blonde's first time performing a surgery but nervousness was still evident in her facial expressions.

“Let's just hope for the best,” Minjeong stated before putting on her safety gloves.

Thirty minutes have passed since the surgery started. Minjeong's hands were undeniably shaky but she was able to keep herself from messing up.

Come on, Kim Minjeong. You can do this. 

After a few more stitches, Minjeong wrapped the wound up with a clean cloth. She checked for vital signs but unfortunately received none. The blonde started to panic but she tried her best not to seem too obvious as she didn't want the other helpers to panic as well. Minjeong removed her safety glove and placed both of her fingers on the patient's lower neck, checking for any pulse. 

“Doctor Kim, is everything alright?” Yeji asked, clearly getting worried as well. 

Minjeong was about to speak when the monitor started beeping normally again. She tightened her hold, almost screaming when she felt something beating. 

“We did it,” the blonde uttered, nearly crying. 

Loud cheers surrounded the whole surgery room and Minjeong could only smile at how supportive her co-workers were. After a short while, the patient was brought back to his room to get all the rest that he needs. Minjeong went out and was about to head to the washroom to clean some of the blood stains off her uniform when she heard a familiar voice shouting her name.


Oh, dear.

The blonde turned around and was welcomed by an enraged red-haired girl.

“Yizhuo, hey. What's up?” Minjeong greeted, releasing an awkward laugh.

“Don't 'hey what's up' me, Kim. I've been dialing your number nonstop. What on earth have you been up to?”

Minjeong scratched her nape.

“Ning, I've been busy. I have a lot of hospital paper works to manage and I just finished performing a major surgery just a few minutes ago. Give me a break,” she whined, her lips slowly forming into a small pout.

“Oh, I'm fine with giving you breaks, but I just want to inform you that your girlfriend's plane landed two hours ago and she's already on her way here.”

Minjeong's eyes almost popped out of her sockets when she heard what her best friend said. She shrugged before flicking the younger girl's forehead, earning a yelp from the latter. 

“Cut the crap, Yizhuo. She told me her flight would be for next month. If this is your way of telling me to come with you to the mall and shop for new clothes then I wo–”


Minjeong looked around, only to see a beautiful raven-haired girl walking towards them. A smirk formed into Yizhuo's lips when she realized how stoned her best friend was.

The blonde couldn't believe what she was seeing.

It was Yoo Jimin, her long distance girlfriend of ten years, walking closer to where she was standing with a bright smile plastered on her face. The older was wearing the pastel blue colored hoodie that Minjeong sent her as a gift last Christmas.

As soon as Jimin was already in front of the two girls, Yizhuo waved goodbye to the couple to give them the time that they needed.

“Well, don't just stand there baby, give me a hug.”

Minjeong didn't know what to do. Her eyes were still fixed on Jimin's pretty face and she kept on mentally slapping herself, making sure that she wasn't dreaming and the love of her life was really there in front of her.

It was like the raven-haired girl immediately read what was on the blonde's mind. On cue, Jimin leaned closer to Minjeong's face and gave her a long, sweet kiss. The two stayed in that position for a few minutes before Jimin pulled away with a soft giggle.

“So, are you awake yet?”

Minjeong was definitely smiling like an idiot but she didn't really mind how she looked anymore. The blonde swiftly pulled Jimin into a tight embrace, her arms wrapped around the raven-haired girl's body as if she doesn't want to let go anymore.

“I.. I can't believe you're actually here. Like, here, in front of me.”

A sigh of contentment escaped Jimin's lips before she returned the hug with a tighter one. She buried her face on the crook of Minjeong's neck, inhaling the sweet yet intoxicating scent of the blonde's perfume.

“I know I told you that my flight would be next month but I just couldn't wait to see you so I tried my best to book for an earlier one. I only told Yizhuo about it because I wanted to surprise you,” Jimin whisperer before peppering Minjeong's neck with kisses. The latter could only giggle at the subtle actions.

“I can see that. But babe, I'm a bit busy today so I won't be able to attend to your current needs as of now. Can I just drive you back to my apartment so you can rest? You must have been tired from the long flight,” Minjeong cooed, her fingers gently brushing on Jimin's soft hair.

“Of course, baby. I can always wait for you.”

As soon as Minjeong informed her co-workers about her short break, she immediately drove Jimin back to her apartment, worried that the latter might get sick because of the jetlag.

The couple entered the place and Minjeong placed all of Jimin's luggage beside her bed.

“It feels nice here. I see you've been cleaning a lot although I'm pretty much aware that you hate doing so,” Jimin teased as she sat on the soft bed. Minjeong just rolled her eyes in response before taking her white coat off. It was still full of blood stains after all.

“Minjeong-ah, come here,” Jimin uttered as she continuously tapped on her lap.

“Babe, no. I have to go back to the hospital to work. Don't make things harder for me” the blonde whined, already feeling so sad about the thought of leaving her girlfriend alone inside her apartment.

But of course, whiny but adorable Jimin always works.

“Baby, please? I literally just got here. You haven't seen me, hugged me, and even kissed me for ten whole years. Are you really going to leave me here instead of spending some of your time with me? I can accompany you at work tomorrow though. Be with me today, please?” Jimin pleaded, her deep voice turning into a much softer one. Minjeong heaved out a heavy sigh before walking closer to the older.

“God I hate it when you do that stupid puppy eyes of yours.. and that soft voice.”

The blonde rolled her eyes when she saw her girlfriend smirked. She just shook her head before comfortably sitting on the older's lap, her arms wrapped around Jimin's neck. The both of them stared at each other for quite a while, lovingly scanning each other's faces as if they wouldn't see each other again tomorrow. Soon, Jimin decided to close the gap with a chaste kiss.

Minjeong closed her eyes to enjoy the warm feeling inside of her. She wanted to cry but she knew it would ruin the mood so she tried her best not to. As Jimin kissed her with all the love and affection inside of her, Minjeong just keeps on falling and falling harder. She silently thanked the heavens for letting her meet such an amazing girl like Yoo Jimin. Without her, the blonde would be nothing.

Jimin pulled away first but she didn't forget to plant a soft kiss on Minjeong's nose as a way of thanking her for staying.

“I'm glad you never left despite how difficult it is to be away from each other this long,” Jimin whispered, nuzzling her nose on Minjeong's skin.

Minjeong smiled.

“I should be the one telling that to you. I know it has been hard for you to handle someone like me but you stayed no matter what. I love you so much, Yooji. A lot of people say that love can possibly fade after so many years, but mine just continued to grow every single day and it'll just keep on growing until we become old.”

Jimin nearly cried. At this point, she looked back to those days where she hesitated to take the risk because of how scared she was. Millions of doubts drowned her head over the past years but whenever Minjeong tells her that she loves her, everything just feels so right for her and she knows whatever they had will be worth the fight. 

She was glad she chose to give their relationship a chance because.. 

There will definitely be no Jimin without her Minjeong.

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How's everyone doing? I hope you guys loved this short story of mine. Always take good care of yourselves and stay healthy! With love from: Rae. ♡


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mashedhotpotato #1
Chapter 6: dang i actually could tell this js based on true story, im so jealous....congrats u two!
565 streak #2
Chapter 6: Congratulations to the both of youuuu
Chapter 6: Oh, young love. Making me feel young again. God bless on your relationship! We'll be rooting for you both. You both got this! ❤️
Lonewanderer #4
Chapter 6: This is so wholesome and its the first time I am witnessing something quite like this I hope you guys continue being happy with each other......
odeill23 #5
Chapter 6: the story was so cute, you guys are so cute too 🥰🥰 stay strong you guys
odeill23 #6
Chapter 6: oh no wonder i feel familiar with the chat, i read your gf story too
gigabyte234 #7
Chapter 6: i love this story so much author and i hope you two meet each other soon so you can live happily ever after
hi I love you again 🥰
Winyoo #9
Chapter 6: Author don't mind me but I think you are writing your own original story about ur love life ehemm☺
jj0807 #10
Chapter 4: Awwww.