

It was the fourth time this week that Minjeong was found lying helplessly on one of the stools inside the bar where her best friend, Yizhuo, works part-time as a barista. The Chinese girl has been dealing with the drunkard blonde for almost a year already and it was really unfortunate to see that Minjeong wasn't getting any better. 

Ever since her first love, her ex girlfriend of almost three years, left her due to a lot of circumstances, Minjeong has been in a horrible state since then. Crying herself to sleep every night and drinking until she completely passes out became her coping mechanisms, which Yizhuo never really sees as something healthy for the blonde's physical, emotional, and mental well-being. 

Minjeong's other friends have tried taking her into blind dates but none of them really worked. In the end, the blonde still longs for her ex girlfriend's presence which results to more crying and more drinking.

“What am I going to do with you?” Yizhuo whispered with a sigh as she gently fixed Minjeong's already messed up hair. She couldn't help but to feel bad for her best friend especially because of seeing her at this state.

The blonde responded to the subtle touch with a slight groan. Yizhuo positioned herself beside the stool where Minjeong was lying and waited for the blonde to wake up. After a few minutes, Minjeong gently opened her eyes and was welcomed by a smiling redhead.

“Hey,” Yizhuo greeted softly.

“Ning Yizhuo..? What are you doing here?” Minjeong asked, clearly confused with why her best friend was the first person that she has witnessed right after opening her eyes.

The Chinese girl could only let out a soft chuckle.

“First and foremost, I work here. Second, you got so drunk again last night and you fell asleep inside the bar, the usual. Lastly, I'm so done with taking care of your drunk every morning. Go and get a life, Kim Minjeong. Don't you have other stuff to do?”

“Besides getting drunk again? None at all,” the blonde replied simply.

Yizhuo heaved out a heavy sigh. 

“Listen. I went to your apartment before coming here and one of your neighbors told me that it was literally unlocked all night. The whole place was a huge mess and it looked like you haven't cleaned in years. Your fridge was empty too, only two jugs of water and a rotten egg were inside. How do you even manage to survive?” 

Minjeong shrugged before trying her best to stand up straight. Her head stung like hell but she managed to leap towards the counter. Her hand was about to reach for a bottle of whiskey when Yizhuo slapped it away immediately. The blonde winced in pain, the Chinese girl not even caring at all. 

“What the he– let me drink in peace!” 

The blonde was obviously taller than Yizhuo but being in her slightly drunken state, it became hard for her to argue with her best friend. Yizhuo kept on swatting her hand away from the alcohol bottles that she ended up sitting on the tiled floor. 

“You are not going to drink anymore, Kim Minjeong. I'm banning you from this bar.” 

“Fine, I'll look for a different bar then. Your service here stinks too,” she replied with an eye roll. 

“What the fu– Minjeong, I'm really trying to help you here. How are you supposed to get better when you keep on drowning yourself in pain and agony? I told you to go out often and see the beauty of the world. Explore the places that you haven't explored just yet. Write new books because that's literally your job as an author. How are you supposed to earn money to buy all your necessities when you won't even push yourself to work? Gosh, I can't stand you anymore.” 

Minjeong looked down and was immediately slapped with a lot of realizations. Her best friend was right, she has always been right though. 

The blonde never offered to help herself. She has been using her friends as an emotional punching bag and she's aware that they can grow tired of her anytime soon. Unfortunately, she really had no idea how to push herself to get better when everything that she says or does keep on reminding her about her ex that already left her for good.

Minjeong basically grew with the girl and also became too dependent on her, which was not a good idea at all. Now that she's gone, the blonde had no idea how to survive. 

“I'm sorry for being such a burden to you, Ning. I just have no idea how to push myself back up right after she left. A lot of people would probably think that I'm overreacting because it's literally just a breakup, it won't even kill me. But hell, the pain that she has given me keeps on making me wish that I was just dead,” she uttered, her voice starting to crack.

Yizhuo panicked. Minjeong was surely going to cry again and she didn't want that. She never wanted to see her best friend crying, it pained her a lot. So in a snap, the Chinese girl sat beside Minjeong and gave her the tightest hug.

“Min, you were never a burden for me or our other friends. There are certain times where we get really annoyed of your stubbornness but we're in this together, right? You will always have us, you know that. We will still be right by your side even if thousands of people leave.”

Minjeong's lips curved up into a smile before returning the redhead's hug with a tighter one. She sighed in content, silently thanking all the gods out there for letting her meet Yizhuo.

“Thanks, Ning. I really don't know what I would do without you.”

“Now, get out of here and fix your life. I have to start cleaning this whole place up before the manager arrives.”

Minjeong nodded in response before standing up and grabbing her purse from the counter. She was about to leave when Yizhuo called her again.

“Hey, Minjeong!”

The blonde turned around.


“Yuna and I found this really cool place that serves the best meat. Do you want to come and have dinner with us tonight?”

Minjeong raised her eyebrow.

“So, you're basically telling me to become a third wheel?”

The Chinese girl immediately blushed.

“Wha– I told you that we're not dating, Kim Minjeong. Yuna and I are good friends and there's nothing more to happen. Geez, you're making me cringe early in the morning.”

“Sure, and crows are black. I'll just inform you if I could come tonight. I might have to start writing a new book since you told me to go and fix my life.”

Soon enough, the two girls bid their goodbyes to spend the rest of their day working. Once Minjeong has returned to her apartment, the first thing that she did was to clean the whole place up. She held a huge trash bag tightly and placed all of the unnecessary stuff inside, most of them were crumpled papers full of the blonde's messed up thoughts. Minjeong also cleaned her fridge well and placed all of the food and ingredients that she ordered online.

Her apartment looked even better than usual and the blonde even sent a picture of the whole place to Yizhuo, to which the Chinese girl happily approved. 

“Alright, Kim Minjeong. Time to work your off if you want to get rich.”

Minjeong sat on her swivel chair and slowly opened her laptop. She recently bought it after breaking the old one due to her drunk state so she has always been so careful with using it. Once it opened, she clicked through a certain application where people can write stories and even earn from them. She checked the notifications and realized the number of demands that she had from all of her readers, most of them bombarded her with messages asking why she suddenly disappeared. 

“You guys missed me that much, huh.” Minjeong clicked on the messages one by one and couldn't help but to smile especially because of the concerned ones. 

The last story that she published was about a year ago and it already reached thousands of readers. Minjeong planned to make it as a real book but she never had the time to do so anymore right after the breakup that she had. 

Minjeong was about to type a new prompt when a certain advertisement popped out of her screen. It was a fan fiction written by a user that was surely unfamiliar to the blonde. Minjeong loved to read and she almost memorized the usernames of all the authors that she followed. 

krny00 was definitely new to her eyes. 

Not hesitating, the blonde clicked on the story and realized that it had thousands of readers as well. She then started to wonder why she never found out about it. Minjeong already knew that it was a good fic, judging from the numbers of views and subscribers that it had. 

She then clicked the subscribe button and followed the author's stories and blogs too. 

“I'll just write my prompt later. It has been a while since I've read a story anyway,” Minjeong uttered before putting her glasses on and making herself comfortable. As soon as the complete chapters appeared, the blonde started to read. 


Minjeong thought that she would only be reading one story– but she was wrong. It was already seven in the evening and she was still reading the stories that user krny00 made. The blonde couldn't help but to admire how beautifully written all of the author's works were. She rarely finds writers who puts every little thing into a perfect detail and Minjeong was surely amazed by it.

The last story that she read was an angst and Minjeong has been crying her eyes out for almost thirty minutes. 

Unconsciously, the blonde left a comment on one of the stories that the author uploaded. 

kmjblues: Dang, I already knew this would be hella painful (judging from the tags and the comments) but I still chose to read it. Now here I am, all curled up like a ball inside my room, crying my eyes out because of how depressing this story is. But setting that aside, the fact that you made a lot of your readers cry just proves how amazing you are as a writer. I have read your other fluffy stories too. I actually started reading them today and I'm glad I found your works. You're doing amazing. Thank you for your beautiful stories.

PS. Lowkey kinda hoping that we could be friends. ♡

As soon as Minjeong left her comment, she immediately closed her laptop and laid flat on her bed. She couldn't believe that she's actually making friends when she wasn't really a fan of socializing. The blonde didn't know why, but there was something about krny00 that pushed her to get to know her more. 

“Oh sh– I forgot about Yizhuo.” 

Minjeong immediately got up from her bed and grabbed her leather jacket. She was about to leave her apartment when a notification suddenly popped out of her phone's screen. The blonde stood beside her internet router to make it quick. 

As soon as she opened the notification, Minjeong almost melted in her position. 

krny00: Oh. Thank you, this made my day! Ah, if you only read a fluffy story of mine after this one, this was so angsty I'm sorry. Thank you for enjoying my stories. I plan to write more eventually and I enjoy your writing too! 

Of course, we could be friends. :))) 

Minjeong smiled as she stared at the reply. 

Oh, I guess this won't be a terrible day for me after all. 

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How's everyone doing? I hope you guys loved this short story of mine. Always take good care of yourselves and stay healthy! With love from: Rae. ♡


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mashedhotpotato #1
Chapter 6: dang i actually could tell this js based on true story, im so jealous....congrats u two!
573 streak #2
Chapter 6: Congratulations to the both of youuuu
Chapter 6: Oh, young love. Making me feel young again. God bless on your relationship! We'll be rooting for you both. You both got this! ❤️
Lonewanderer #4
Chapter 6: This is so wholesome and its the first time I am witnessing something quite like this I hope you guys continue being happy with each other......
odeill23 #5
Chapter 6: the story was so cute, you guys are so cute too 🥰🥰 stay strong you guys
odeill23 #6
Chapter 6: oh no wonder i feel familiar with the chat, i read your gf story too
gigabyte234 #7
Chapter 6: i love this story so much author and i hope you two meet each other soon so you can live happily ever after
hi I love you again 🥰
Winyoo #9
Chapter 6: Author don't mind me but I think you are writing your own original story about ur love life ehemm☺
jj0807 #10
Chapter 4: Awwww.