
CEO Love [incomplete, hiatus]
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"This is a very cute looking boutique, but seriously what are we doing here though? Weren't we supposed to be at a supermarket or something?" Chaeyeon asked while staring at the bold yet minimalistic shop.

"I mean, it's not like we're dressed for the occasion, Won."

She and Chaewon were notified by Haneul to stop by the place as she and the others would meet them there. The pair were also wearing track shorts with a hoodie thrown over them as well in flip-flops and hair in a messy bun. Not the most presentable as the sisters just wore what they went to asleep with as they just returned last night from their three-day holiday visit with their parents.

"Maybe it's for another party happening next month." Chaewon mused while casting her sister a playful look.

"Or this weekend."

Chaeyeon scowled.

"Better not be. I already had to go through Mom's dress up"

"True, but Mom isn't as worst as the trio."

"That's for sure."

"Anwyays, Yeon, maybe they just wanna go clothes shopping." Her sister reasoned with a chuckle.

"I mean, Haneul and Noeul love to shop."

"They sure do." Chaeyeon agreed as her sister motioned a hand at the boutique.

"Let's check it out and wait for them inside if they're not here yet."

Chaeyeon eyed the place skeptically.

"I dunno. I have a bad feeling about this."

"You have a bad feeling about everything." Chaewon remarked.

"I rather not."

Chaeyeon was about to make a getaway, but Chaewon grabbed the hem of her sister's hoodie to keep her in place.

"C'mon, let's just have fun with this."

Chaewon grinned at her sister teasingly.

"Let's see what kinda dresses suit your taste."

Chaeyeon frowned while giving the two anothero once over.

"We're not really dressed for the part of such a fancy place as I thought it was just a supermarket or something that Haneul had in mind."

"Well, it's too late and we're already here. Let's go."

"But I don't want to."

"Even if I'm going to get marry soon, Chaeyeon?" Another voice spoke from behind them.

The sisters turned and saw that it was Risa, Soya, and Nara.

"Oh, hi, and who's getting married?" Chaeyeon asked just as Risa held out her hand.

There was a sparkling gem on her finger and Chaeyeon's face lit up.

"Jaeshin proposed to you?!"

"He sure did!"


"I know. Now, let's go pick out some dresses for my engagement dinner partythis weekend."

"Wait, what? This weekend?"

"Yes." Risa confirmed with a bright smile.

Chaewon laughed beside her sister as Chaeyeon nudged her, knowing that Chaewon's words rang true.

"C'mon, Chaeyeon. I can see you in a coral dress." Nara commented as she latched to her right side.

"Actually, I think Chaeyeon would look lovely in a biege dress." Soya suggested as she latched to her left side.

"I think I would look great in sweats and a t-shirt." Chaeyeon mused, but Risa tsked.

"No, no. We're gonna try on several dresses to see which one works for my engagement dinner party this Saturday. Let's go!"

"Wait, Risa. Nara. Soya. Wait. No."

The trio ushered Chaeyeon towards the boutique with Chaewon chuckling at the interaction.

"She really is easy to mess with."

"You really find joy in your sister's misery, don't you, Chaewon?" Yiseul asked from behind her and Chaewon grinned while turning.

"Mmhmm. Anyways, I'm assuming we're here shopping for Risa's engagement dinner party this Saturday and not Haneul's party for next month?"

Haneul nodded with a laugh.

"Mmhmm. We could shop for my engagement party in a couple of weeks from now, but I really wanna let Risa have her spotlight since she'll be having a small one."

"How small?"

"Super small." Noeul replied.

"Risa's family only consists of an aunt. Risa's circle of friends is basically just us. Jaeshin has a younger brother that lives overseas and as for friends, it's an even smaller circle than Risa's." Yiseul informed with a smile.

"It's gonna be a private engagement and they're only inviting those close to them that matter."

"Ah, I see. Well, I still wish all the best for them."

"Me, too. Now, let's head inside and see what dresses will be fitting for the event." Noeul suggested with a laugh.

"And I can't wait to dress up Chaeyeon with the others."

"You really need to leave her alone." Yiseul advised with a smile.

"Nah. Now, let's go."

Noeul hooked arms with Chaewon.

"I think you should try wearing a burgundy or deep rose colored dress."

Chaewon scowled.

"I hate red."

"We shall see. C'mon."

"There you two are." Risa greeted the sisters as the two arrived later than the others to the restaurant.

Jaeshin and Risa's engagement party was being held at Pierre Gagnaire a Seoul at the Lotte Hotel Seoul Executive Tower on the thirty-fifth floor. It took a while for the sisters to get here as Chaewon forgot the invitation for access and needed to go back home. Whereas for Chaeyeon, she had to wait a while to get the pair their gift. The pair had told the other three to go on ahead of them.

"Hi, sorry. We wanted to take care of something for the two of you and almost forgot the invite." Chaewon explained with a smile.

She and Chaeyeon presented the couple with two white envelopes.

"Thank you." Jaeshin thanked them.

"You're welcome. I'm so happy for the two of you." Chaeyeon congratulated the pair.

"Especially, of you, Jaeshin."

Jaeshin chuckled nervously.

"Well, if you didn't encourage me, then this wouldn't be happening right now."


"But wow, Risa. That off the shoulder white mini dress looks amazing on you. I knew this dress was the perferct one for this moment!" Chaewon complimented Risa while cast her eyes onto Jaeshin.

"And you're pretty handsome yourself, Lee Jaeshin."

"Jaeshin, please. We're all gonna be close family and friends soon."

Jaeshin cast Chaewon a friendly smile as Chaewon returned the same gesture.

"Jaeshin. Then you can call me Chaewon."

"Thank you, Chaewon."

"You're welcome."

"Anyways, you two," Risa shot them a knowing look.

"Noeul's not gonna be happy that the two of you switched colors of these gorgeous custom lace mini dress onto one another."

"I told her I hated red." Chaewon remarked as Chaeyeon laughed with a nod.

"She sure does, but I don't mind. She can wear the navy blue while I wear the red."

"Let's hope she reacts well then."

Risa smiled playfully as Chaeyeon did the same.

"Me, too, but with the open back she should be happy that we went with these dresses in the first place."

"For reals." Chaewon agreed while motioning to the open room behind them.

"Anyways, we'll let you two finish what you're doing out here and we'll head on inside."

"Oh yeah, the others are already inside. Thank you for coming and do enjoy your stay."

The couple continued to greet their other guests who arrive just as late as the sisters while Chaewon and Chaeyeon headed inside the room. When they entered they were in awe of the scene before them. It didn't help that the view outside was just as breathtaking.

"As high as this place is, that view makes me forget about all that." Chaeyeon mentioned to her sister as Chaewon laughed.

"I agree. Now, we shall see where the rest are because I'm hungry."

"Oh, yeah. Me, too. I hope I can eat whatever they serve here."

"Psh. You'll live."

Just as Chaeyeon was about to counter she ended up running into the back of someone with Chaewon stifling a laugh.

"I'm so sorry." Chaeyeon apologized to the person while discovering that she had ran into Taehyung's back.

He was with Jungkook as the two were chatting with others the sisters have never seen or met.

"Ah, it's alright, Chaeyeon."

Taehyung cast her with a polite smile while gazing at the both of them.

"The two of you look lovely this evening."

"Thank you, Mr. Kim." Chaewon thanked him while glancing at the two males.

"The both of you are quite dashing yourselves."

"Thank you, Melanie."

Jungkook shot her a charming smile while she wondered why he kept on using her English name. Before she could even ask about it, the males' acquiantances called for Jungkook and Taehyung's attention.

"Excuse us, ladies."

"By all means."

The four bid goodbye as the sisters walked away trying to locate their friends.

"Your boss is pretty handsome." Chaewon commented as Chaeyeon chuckled with a good-nature eye roll.

"So is your boss. By the way, does he have tattoos?"

Chaewon frowned while thinking.

"I actually don't know. Why do you say that?"

"His right hand seemed to have some adhesives on it that I use when I cover my own, too."

"Oh true. I never thought about it. Maybe."

Chaeyeon hummed just as she spotted their friends.

"Oh, look, they're over there." 

Before the duo could walk over to the trio, they heard a male voice call them by their English names.

"Serena? Melanie?

The duo turned to the person, confused, and were in shocked to see someone they thought they wouldn't see.


"Hey, Haneul. Have you ever introduce Chaewon and Chaeyeon to Jaeshin's brother, Jaechun, before?" Noeul inquired while speaking for Haneul to hear.


Haneul's eyes followed to where Noeul was watching.

"Jaechun? I don't think so. Did you?"

"No, I never did, but they're talking as if they're long time friends."

"Why not ask them about it?" Yiseul interjected with a knowing look.

"I just might because they switched colors on me. Chaewon looked so good in the red and Chaeyeon in the navy blue so why did they have to changed it on me like that."

Before Noeul could, the couple called for everyone's attention once all the guests have arrived. Everyone quickly settled in to their seats at several tables within the room as there was no assign seating of sorts for the guests to sit. Each table sat three people save for the couple which they had to themselves. Anyways, Jaeshin and Risa thanked everyone for joining them tonight and how grateful they were for them and of each other. The couple ended their speech for the guests to enjoy their dinner of a ten-course meal and to take a party favor upon leaving once they were done.

"Ah, Risa got them chocolates from Pilaf. Nice. I'ma take one afterwards."

Chaewon eyed the party favors near the only entrance and exit of the room.

"Well, you can have mine, Melanie. I don't like chocolate."

Jaechun made a face as Chaeyeon eyed him.

"Since when? You used to steal Melanie's all the time."

"That was you?"

Chaewon glared at him.

"I always thought someone else took them."

"Sorry. My parents regulated my eating habits and I always had to hide the chocolates. Luckily, Jaeshin helped my chocolate addiction."

Chaeyeon chuckled recalling how much the male loved chocolates.

"Yeah that was a pretty bad obsession of yours. Anyways, I still can't believe you're the brother of Jaeshin, Wesley."

"Actually, I can't believe how small of a world this is though."

"I know right."

"So," Chaewon looked between the three of them, "Should we like call you Jaechun to make it easier or just use our English names?"

"Either is fine, but with you two it's always been English names. So, I guess we should keep it like so."


"Y'know, when we took those English classes in college, I had no idea that you were just a rich kid trying to live life." Chaeyeon commented.

Jaechun laughed before speaking.

"Oh, please, Serena. I was hardly the rich kid you may have thought me to be. It was all Jaeshin. My brother was already set for life with that office life, but I wanted to travel the world. It was something my parents wouldn't allow me when they were alive. So when they pass, I took that moment to move overseas although I felt bad for leaving my brother behind."

"But, you're here now and I'm sure y'all kept in touch, too."

"Yeah, we did."

"Anyways, is that why we never saw you hang out with Yiseul, Haneul, and Noeul then or around?" Chaewon asked a second later.

"Probably. I never liked attending these events and stopped coming. I did focus more on the activities of school and just kept busy with that."

He cast the pair a look.

"To be honest, I just never thought to see you two at a place like this. Heck, I never thought to see myself here either, but I'm happy for my brother. For the both of them, really."

The sisters laughed with Chaeyeon agreeing.

"I know right, but Jaeshin seems less nervous and more relaxed now since I've met him."

"Yeah. He sure is. Well, Jaeshin never had a lifeof his own and pretty much led a life my parents set out for him."

Jaechun looked over at his brother with a smile.

"But now, he can finally live the life he wants to with my future sister-in-law."

"That's for sure. She's nice and she bakes. So maybe she can bake you some cookies or something."

Just then a waiter came by to drop off the first part of the meal. Chaeyeon was not amused by how it looked, but Chaewon told her to just try it. Chaeyeon did, but that didn't mean she actually enjoyed the taste of it. She just hated to waste food.

"How do you think they met?" Haneul questioned as she and Noeul were still hung up on the sisters knowing Jaechun.

"I dunno. Jaechun's around our age, but he never hung out with them when we were in school. Or did they?"

"I have no clue. I didn't keep up with his activities as he was always all over campus participating in clubs and stuff."

"True, but Chaewon was friends with everyone on campus and even joined a few clubs."

"Yeah, but Chaeyeon hardly talked with others unless it was for an assisgnment. The only thing she participated in was substituting for sports and joined a club or two."

"Right. That's true."

"Hey, maybe one of them dated Jaechun and are re-connecting." Haneul mused as Noeul frowned.

"What? No. No re-connecting. They're supposed to connect with two other guys."

Noeul looked about the area.

"Who are in attendance, but like scattered about. So unless we make a scene, then yeah I don't want to ruin the couple's evening."

"Y'all better not be doing anything." Yiseul warned as Haneul laughed sheepishly.

"I'm just joking, but we don't even know how they met in the first place."

Noeul glanced over at the trio with a curious gaze.

"Yes, that is the question. How did they get to know one another?"

Yiseul leaned over to give them a knowing look.

"This is getting slightly annoying. So either just ask or I'm gonna go over there myself and figure that out just so the two of you can stop."

"No, no. I'll do it later." Noeul assured Yiseul with a small smile.

"Don't do anything rash."

"Me? Rash? I'm sure that's you, Hwang Noeul."

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Don't remind me. Please and thank you."

"Hey, did you guys know about the facilities they have here?" Jaechun asked the pair as they were on their fourth course.

"No," Chaeyeon answered with a disgusted face, "But do they have any other appetizing dishes in this ten course meal?"

"Just eat your salad. It's not that bad." Chaewon scolded with a knowing look.

"You need the nutrients."


"Anyways," Jaechun directed the topic back to the facilities with a light chuckle, "There's many places within this hotel. There's a museum, a fitness center, a golf driving range, a spa, a swimming pool, and other amenities."

Chaewon happily ate her salad before responding.

"I thought you had to be a member and or a guest of the hotel to partake in those. Right?"

Chaeyeon played with her salad while looking over at the male.

"Do you wanna check out those places or what?"

"I mean you still owe me a game of golf."

He smiled as she frowned.

"No, I don't. I hardly play that, but you do owe me a meal when I beat you in checkers back then."

"Oh, right, I did. Let's dismiss that and I get you guys to enjoy the fun places here. Yeah?"

Chaewon grinned.

"Call. I'm curious who would win this time around."

"Obviously, me." Chaeyeon declared as Jaechun rolled his eyes before shooting her a grin.

"It'll be since you don't even play golf that much. Either way, I've been practicing so the winner will definitely be me."

"Oh, it's on. I may not be the best, but I usually do pretty well once I get the hang of it."

Chaeyeon grinned back with a knowing look.

"And when I win, it's a grand meal that's savory and fulfilling unlike these portions."

The other two laughed just as the salad was taken away by the staff and soon replaced by a fish dish. Chaeyeon was quite happy until she saw what it was and looked at her sister.

"Salmon. Of course. Your favorite fish and my least favorite."

Chaewon cast her sister with a smug look as she cut into her salmon.

"You'll live."

Chaeyeon didn't comment as she glared at her fish.

"Oh my, this cake is delicious." Noeul complimented as she was too engrossed of the sweet dessert before her.

"Such a delectable taste."

Noeul snapped herself from her dreamy trance and looked over to wear her friends were. She noticed that they were no longer there.

"Oh, no. Where did they go?"

"They left while you were enjoying your delectable chocolate cake." Yiseul replied with an amusing tone.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it's not your business to know everything about them."

"It is when they're not interacting with their potential love interest."

"Honestly, you're just as bad as your mom."

"I guess that's where I got it from."

Noeul realized that Haneul was gone too.

"Where did Haneul go?"

"She and Seokjin wandered off somewhere privately."

"Ooh, nice. Wait. I'm not worried about her. I'm worried about Chaeyeon and Chaewon. What if

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