01. P

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"Pretend to be my boyfriend."

note: ual content ahead, please read with caution
and a little sad fluff T_T and a lot of grammar errors


", you just lost three followers."

Heewon screamed at the words her friend had uttered, covering her ears with her hands drammatically. "No, it can't be!"

It really couldn't be. But Lisa's face said that the disaster was happening and she wouldn't be able to block it.

To Lee Heewon, her Linstagram profile was equivalent to life. She breathed Linstagram, she ate Linstagram, Linstagram was what she studied all day long instead of her textbooks, to the point she knew every follower's name. Not one, not two, but three people unfollowing her sounded just as catastrophic as "Heewon, you've failed this class again. What am I going to do with you?". 

Just earlier that morning, an upheaval took place in the basketball court of the college where Heewon got herself into a catfight with the new freshman because girl said Heewon was wearing a wig. And she was. When the new girl pulled strongly enough, Heewon felt her wig flying away from her head and it went right through the basketball hoop, falling to the ground. Oh, what humiliation. And now she was losing the followers she had worked so hard on.

"Can't I fix it?" She banged the desk with her fist, frustrated and embarrassed. "What am I going to do?!"

"The damage has been done," Lisa sighed, with her friend's phone in her possession. "Heewon, she was telling the truth. You should've just admitted it."

"I...I'm just having a bad hair day. I don't wear a wig all the time, Lisa." Heewon brought out another chair to sit before Lisa in the empty classroom. "If I admitted to wearing a wig, she would've whispered to her little birds. The outcome would be the same. I lose followers...THAT'S WHAT THEY WANT!"

Lisa touched her arm. She knew well nothing would console her. Heewon will only calm down if three people miraculously followed her right this instant. But Lisa watched the six digit number drop lower. This college was very Linstagram driven. The third year had started three months ago and Heewon was basically treated as a goddess among her classmates. Now that her wig has flown across the basketball court, Lisa wasn't very sure her rep will endure that.

"Why don't you...I have an idea. Let's make some fake IDs and follow you."

"Bad idea," Heewon turned it down instantly. "That's unfaithful. I WANT REAL FOLLOWERS!"

"Okay, okay, calm down," Lisa clicked her tongue. Heewon apparently still wasn't aware of all the fake accounts Lisa made to increase the number of her followers. Just best friend things.

"Make some friends who have many followers and hang out with them. Make them put in some good words about you in their posts," Lisa went ahead with another plan but Heewon shook her head to that too. "Why? What's wrong with that?"

"That won't take me far. I'll look so desperate."

"But you are."

Heewon scowled. "I don't want to show that." And then her face turned red and she looked like she was so close to crying but that was all acting. "More. Give me more ideas."

"Um...never wear a wig to class ever again?"

Heewon folded her arms and sent her a light glare, "I've learned the lesson. Give me something else."

"Get a boyfriend?"

Lisa was expecting a no, insert reason to say no and how lame it is but Heewon made a face that said she was thinking about it. Lisa studied her silence, wondering what was going on inside that head of hers. It won't be a difficult task to find the perfect guy. Heewon was the Linsta Queen, her locker would always be filled with pink love letters that she won't ever read, and she was also a beauty with brain so that made her extra attractive to men who liked to have their ego challenged. 

A creepy smirk climbed onto Heewon's lips.

"Boyfriend, huh?"

Lisa shrugged, "You like that idea?"

Heewon smiled, "Every once in a while, Lisa, you spit out the most obvious course of action. That too, without a lot of thinking. You're smart, dude." She jumped off her seat, the evil smirk never leaving her face. She was cooking something in her brain, Lisa could feel it. "Ah, have a nice day ahead. Take some notes for me too." Heewon snatched her expensive phone out of Lisa's hand. "I have some business to do."

Heewon dramatically flipped her hair and left the classroom.

Lisa sighed in her seat. You guessed it right. They weren't exactly best friends.





found you
stay right there.

Heewon typed in quickly and sent it. The receiver of the text was standing before her in the crowded cafeteria. After seeing the message he flipped his head left and right to catch her in the throng of people. He was cute but that was all she knew about him. 

The guy stood right there, as instructed. She took her sweet time reaching him. His name was Sehun and he was in the same major as her. They sat together in classes and he was quite noticeable. Tall, skinny, extremely dull at studies. Heewon passed him a very artificial smile, taking in his pale appearance. 

"Lee Heewon," he pronounced her name quietly. "Thank you for agreeing to help me."

"Yes, that..." Heewon cleared , "Let's discuss that."

He hummed, "What do you want to eat?"

"I'm on a diet but...I can't say no to banana milk," she answered. Sehun smirked at her words before turning to the man at the counter. He brought out his wallet to pay and Heewon's eyes widened at the condition of it. It was barely holding itself together.

One day, Heewon was going through the pile of cards and letters from her admirers when she found one from a certain Oh Sehun. It was probably the greyest letter she had ever read. It didn't speak of love or undying affection or i want your baby to be mine's but something as simple as, "Lee Heewon, I am in urgent need of help regarding studies. You might already know that I don't fare well in class. I know you are a busy person and a lot famous but I can't help but send this letter of request to the most brilliant student of our class. Please think about it." 

Heewon soon figured out what to do.

And now, they were sitting in the basketball court, side by side, staring at the squeaky clean floor before them. Heewon popped the straw inside the bottle. "Are you going to pay me for it?"

Sehun shook his head. "I can't afford that."

"You haven't even heard what I charge."

"Whatever it is," he shrugged, "Then...I guess this is it. Have a good day--"

"No, sit back down," Heewon rolled her eyes at his haste. "I have a better deal."


"Yes," she smiled, flipping her hair to move it out of her sight when she glanced at him. Sehun maintained a good poker face no matter what expression she made and that was commendable. She never took him as someone who would swoon over her. It made him so interesting. Maybe he was gay but that wasn't her business.

"Deal," she repeated. "You'll be rewarded well if you listen to what I say."

Sehun seemed like he couldn't care less. He just wanted some guidance with his studies. "I have to be your slave or something?"

"No. I have seen that you have a lot of followers on Linstagram. This is you, right?" She brought out her phone and worked on it to go to his profile. "Damn...handsome," she chuckled, wiggling her eyebrows at him, which he completely ignored. "10k followers...that's good, man. Don't you want more?"

"What are you getting at?"

"Let's date."

Oh Sehun choked on his drink but Heewon already had a tissue ready. She passed it to him, slurping on her drink. "For as long as you need my tutoring, I will help. But...you have to play boyfriend." Heewon watched the bewildered expression spread on his red face. Her eyes sagged on the sides and suddenly, she was begging. "Please, I desperately need a boyfriend," she held his arm with both her hands and bowed her head in submission. "Please take a picture of me and post it in your Linstagram account. Please."

"I can't date you. I don't have money to take you out," Sehun let her hold his arm and drank his banana milk in an unbothered fashion.

Heewon took a deep breath. "Woah, Oh Sehun. I like your style. You're so honest, and handsome, and I hear you swim too? How does a pretty girlfriend sound like? That will make you more of a star around here. And...and your grades, say yes to my offer and your grades will sparkle along with your face in the front page of our annual magazine. You don't want that?"

"Stop. It's not working. I'll go to Lisa," Sehun gently pushed her hands of himself and began to stand up. Heewon purse

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this story has seen the light of a lot of your screens because my bro dreamshun is an angel and she has promoted this story in the ad after struggling to win for days 😭😭 no, weeks 😭😭😭 thank you to everyone who stays and reads paradise 😭😭 it's all because of her this story even exists 😭😭


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Chapter 5: My heart breaks for Heewon every ing time. I hope she can realise her worth soon...
Chapter 3: This part never fails to make me cry🥺😭
Chapter 1: Stupid me just now realised that I haven't commented here before although I have read it quite a few times :(
SummerLuv #4
Chapter 5: Woah both of them catching feelings for heewon. I guess she probably has a tough life because of her family etc., that's why she wants to be noticed so badly, and social media gives her that... That's sad. Hope baekhyun can make her feel that life is more than that.
SummerLuv #5
Chapter 1: Lmao she's so desperate 😂
Chapter 3: I’m not even an EXOL but I’m addicted to your stories!
Chapter 5: Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!
1882 streak #8
is anybody there?
1882 streak #9
Chapter 5: Baekhyun is a saint, these three would have driven me mad.