Minho groaned, watching the bottle stop facing him. Jinki laughed, saying,

          “Feels like the stars are favoring me today!”

           Minho looked at him with a straight face and let out a long sigh. He gestured to Jinki to get on with the game. Jinki smiled and nodded.

           "Truth or dare Minho?" He asked.

           "I'll go easy on you because we just started! Truth!" Minho said, making Jinki chuckle and roll his eyes.

           "Alright! When did you last talk to Umoni?" He asked.

           "Eomma? Are you asking when I last talked to Eomma?" Minho asked.

           "Yes Minho, that's the question. It's easy enough. Isn't it?" Jinki asked.

           "Well… I- I talked to her yesterday? Yeah! I talked to her yesterday! Now it's my turn!" Minho answered, reaching for the bottle, but Jinki snatched it away from his reach.

           "Really? Then why did Umoni call me this morning saying it had been more than 10 days since you talked to her? In fact, I think she said it has been two weeks since you called or texted!" Jinki said, flipping and rotating the bottle in his hand, with ease.

           Minho gulped. He was caught. It was true that it had been a long time since he talked to his parents. But he lied because he knew that Jinki disapproved. He should've known that his Eomma would've called Jinki. 

           "I- I'm sorry Hyung. I haven't talked to her in two weeks." He said, hanging his head.

           "Come here!" Jinki said, gesturing with his finger, a serious look on his face. Minho resigned himself for his punishment. He knew what it was going to be. 


           He sat on his knees and closed his eyes, ready to face the pain. The pain however, came on his thigh and he jumped, cursing colorfully. 

           "Not fair! I was expecting it on my forehead!" He complained.

           "Would you like one on your forehead and then drink makgeolli? I wouldn't mind!" Jinki pointed out. Minho pouted, but took the glass of alcohol and downed it, smacking his lips and enjoying the gentle burn of the alcohol as it slid down his throat.

           "Why didn't you talk to her for so long Minho? She sounded so worried!" Jinki said.

           "You make it sound like I wanted all that! I was so busy Hyung! First with my project submission! Then I had to recruit two new players for my team, and I had to plan for the recruitment process! Then once I was done recruiting, I had to train them myself, because you know me! I don't leave the training part to anyone else. Once that was over, the lecturers immediately dumped that stupid seminar thing on us! I- I will call her tomorow morning!" Minho said, taking the bottle.

           "I know you will… I got worried. That’s all." Jinki said, making Minho smile.

           Minho spun the bottle, and this time the bottle stopped, with the mouth facing Jinki. Minho smiled wide, asking,

           "Truth or dare Hyung?"

           "Hmmmm… Dare!" Jinki said, surprising Minho. He raised his eyebrows, then smirked, making Jinki shrug and smile. 

           "Okay this is good! This is amazing! The last person you texted… call them and propose your undying love for them!" Minho said, making Jinki's eyes go wide 

           Minho knew who Jinki had texted last. It was one of their classmates, Luna. He texted to ask for her notes. He otherwise hated texting. He watched Jinki's expression go from wide eyed fear to a smirk. He frowned as Jinki called someone. 

           "Yobesaeyo! Eomma annyeong! Eomma! Hmmm… nae I am at Minho's. I just called to say that I love you so much my sweetest Eomma. You know that right? Hehehe. Meo? Aaraa! I know you love me the most! Kuray! Eomma I'm in the middle of something! I'll call you later! Naeeeee! Annyeong! Saranghaeeeeee!" Jinki said, before hanging up. 

           Minho sighed, hanging his head. He lifted his head to see Jinki clicking his tongue and smirking, wiggling his eyebrows. 

    “That’s enough! Let’s just continue the game now!” Minho said, pouting.

    “With pleasure!” Jinki said, grinning, taking the bottle, and spinning it again. Minho watched in concentration, and the mouth of the bottle, once again, stopped facing him. He was speechless. 

    "Truth or dare Minho?" Jinki asked, grinning.

    "Truth!" Minho said confidently.

           Jinki gave him a judging look, making him smile sheepishly. The older man rolled his eyes, and started thinking hard, before smiling almost in an evil way.

           "Alright! We both know that among the two of us, even though I'm older, you're more experienced when it comes to the department of . You lost your ity first, probably had more maybe… and-" Minho interrupted him. He had enough.

           "Yeah. I think the whole world knows this information. What are you getting at?" He asked, making Jinki throw a plate at him.

           "Sorry! Wow! Don't try to kill me now!" Minho said, laughing and catching the plate, which had been a perfect aim to his head.

           "You are still to beat Jonghyun and Kibum in this game so…" Jinki said, making Minho curl his face in agony.

           "Please don't! The number of times I caught the two of them with hickeys, bruises and on them. Jonghyun Hyung is so much better than that a**hole Kibum! He at least has the decency to cover up his hickeys. But Kibum? No! He has to advertise his hickeys! WHY!?? NOT THE WHOLE SEOUL UNIVERSITY NEEDS TO KNOW YOU HAD KIM KIBUM!!! I never did and never even want to be compared to those two! I don't even want to think of the time I actually went to Hyung's place and -" Minho stopped, his eyes wide in horror. Jinki was gently squeezing his thigh, trying to reassure him. But he was trying to control his laughter just as much.

           "I know you're trying not to laugh. Can we just get back to the game now? I want to distract myself!" Minho said, and Jinki burst out laughing, falling back to the floor. Minho looked at him, giving him an unimpressed look. 

           "Stop it already! It's not funny!" He complained. Jinki got up and and sat straight, saying,

           "Okay so… We all know that the best protection method is condoms right? And now there are condoms… but there are also flavored condoms. While regular ones are for regular , flavored ones are for or-" Jinki stopped talking looking at Minho's painful smile.


           "When did this turn into a lesson?" Minho said.

           "Fine you ! My question is what's your favourite flavoured ?" Jinki asked, smirking, making Minho snort and blush. 

"I don’t have one! That’s ridiculous!" Minho said.

"Fine! Drink another shot of makgeolli and accept that you lost yet another round of this game then! Woooow! I am-" Jinki was saying, but was interrupted by Minho exclaiming, 

"SPICED VANILLA ALRIGHT!!! Now shut up!!!"

Jinki stopped mid-rant and smirked at Minho then laughed loudly, saying,

"All those girls are actually right!"

Minho frowned.

"What girls and why are they right?"

"You know them! All your fan girls at college Minho! You know how they always talk about how expensive you are and how they could never ever afford you? They are right! Even your favourite condoms are premium and extremely expensive!" Jinki finished, laughing, making Minho laugh and glare at his friend at the same time. Jinki stood up to his full height and said,

"Hi! I am Choi Minho! I am handsome, dashing and hot! I am so y and I play soccer! That’s right! I am the man of your dreams! My favourite flavor is vanilla! Not just any vanilla! Spiced Vanilla! If you can't give me my Spiced vanilla, then you can't have all this!" He finished, gesturing to his body dramatically.

Minho stared at Jinki blankly for a couple of seconds, before standing up slowly, saying, 

"You're gonna regret that Hyung!" 

"Oh !" Jinki said, slowly moving back.

"Apologise and maybe I let you live!" Minho said.

"Hey Minho! So if the girl or guy don't have spiced vanilla condoms and say even you don't have them on hand will you… you know? Refuse to have with them? Have you ever - ?" Jinki further, as he walked backwards.

"SHUT UP!!" Minho warned.

"What was your boyfriend's name again? It was weird name! Banryu right? Did you ever give -" Jinki teased.

"WE WERE BOTH 18 AND I TOLD YOU THAT WE NEVER HAD !!! That's it! Come here!!" Minho shouted, blushing furiously and running after Jinki.

Jinki squealed and started running, laughing all the while. But he was at disadvantage as it was a closed space and he couldn't run far. He ran into the bedroom and before he knew it, his back was against the wall. His wrists were in Minho's hands and held up tightly against the wall, with the taller man standing almost too close for his comfort. 

"Ha! Gotcha! You thought you could run-" Minho's words cut short, as he realised their position.

Minho could feel Jinki's hot breath brush on his jaw and neck, just like he could feel the heat from the older man's body gently seeping through his clothes to him. 

"M-Minho! I- I am sorry! Hehehe we should-" Jinki stuttered, and Minho noticed how Jinki's pupils were dilating and he could feel the older's pulse quicken under his fingers. He smiled.

"Hyung! I- I want to do something. I have been wanting to do this for sometime now. Please don't slap me!" Minho said, leaning in and closing his eyes.

He brushed his lips against Jinki's soft ones, and the response was instant. Jinki kissed him back almost instantly. But before Minho could even cheer or feel happy, Jinki pulled away.

"Minho! No! We- we shouldn't! I- Why are you doing this?" He said, his face red.

"Because I like you, you big idiot! Or is it not obvious to you yet?" Minho said.

"W..what?" Jinki stammered, his eyes wide.

"I've liked you for so long and I can't pretend to be just your friend anymore! I- it's difficult! I don't even like you! I love you! You big cute fool! I don't even know why! You're such a big ! I'm- I don't even know what I'm saying! Listen! I love you and I have never met anyone who is more beautiful, kind, warm, comforting, generous, almost stupidly adorable and just so nice! You're one of the most important people to me! I.. I just want to say-" Minho's rant was drowned by Jinki kissing him, his hands going round his neck. 

Minho kissed him back smiling, pulling him closer. Jinki pulled back, saying,

"I love you too, you dumb idiot! I always have! You know how difficult it was for me to not actually murder your exes!? I am not as good as I look!" Jinki said, making Minho laugh and caress Jinki's cheek.

"So… what now?" Minho asked, smirking.

"What now indeed?" Jinki said, smiling.

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Chapter 4: Cute
961 streak #2
Chapter 4: Thank you so much for sharing such a sweet story.
Chapter 3: The way my heart fluttered is UNREAL T T.