


















Damn it we lost them again.


Every single time. What did we even do wrong.


I dont know. Im guessing how sick they are to make us think we are fallen in their trap.


Its because you are gonna get trap if you keep searching in this alley.


Chaemin ah


What are you doing here.


Saving your stupid lifes. Thats what i'm doing.


We dont need help. Not even yours.


Says the one who looks weak now.


Im not as weak as you think.


Uh guys.... why are they here.


Chaemin, why are you with them.


None of your business Jinhwan.


Your business is ours. So why are you with our rival enemy.


Im in between none of them. So dont but in my business.


Jung Chaemin.


When i said is none means none. So stop bothering me when you have other things to do.


Yah if you guys are here to start bickering every single time. Throw that moments away. Im sick and tired of all of you.


Lee Heonsu.


Traitor as always.


Oh me. Traitor. Hyung do you even know how to greet people. How sad


We are in a trap....


What do you mean we are in a trap.


Oh i have good news and bad news. Which do you want.


None of it. What do you want.


Good news it is. Well im just saying. That thank you the losers who always been there in my worst time when i was called a traitor. You made me learn so much.


Cut this crap Heonsu. We dont have any time for this.


Oh chill out. Im getting to the bad news. So... the thing is i want you guys to meet my children. Have fun playing with them.


Black Ravens....




Im sick of him.


Well Black Ravens MUNCH OUT.


Both teams were shock to see so many Black Ravens that looks like Zombies. They are glad that they have good weapons to kill it but they are unsure that if it will last long. Chanwoo on the other hand were really worried of his promise to you


Well then we slay and kill.


But hyung.


Slay and kill sound good to me





They are not there.


Not the places i would know


Where would they be.


Wait why is the alley.... DONGHYUK OPPA.


Wait why is Chaemin.... no.....


Not wasting any time both of you ran to the fights. The boys and Chaemin were struggling as they never expect this sudden attack. That makes the both of you and Hanbin to be seperated seperated. ou are used to this and have done this many times. You quickly kill the Black Raven through their weakness. Till you reach near Donghyuk.


Donghyuk status.


Heonsu backstabbed us. We are killing his childrens.




On your left, yes its Heonsu. Why did you even take him in. I told you not to pick up trash.


Yah i dont even know why he did that. Move your right and just slash the sholderblade till the neck. That's its weak point.


Must be because he wants something from us.


More like we should clear this first before we head towards him.


Mirae dodge. Dont you have bullets with you.


No i dont. Oh Chaemin, long time no see.


I still hate you Mirae. Use this, it will kill them faster.


Oh nice. A freaking actual weapon. Less talk more fight.




The fight was slowly ending as you get to the last Zombie there. Most of the boys were looking like a mess. You dont even care aboutyour appearance and just killed the last one. All weee panting hard as its been a long fight. You were clenching the knife as you really want to kill Heonsu but he was nowhere to be found you felt a hand on your shoulder and wash about to attack but was stopped when you saw B.I. were looking at you. You relieved in sigh and hugged him as you felt glad that he is stil alive.


Thank god you are still in one piece. I thought you are injured somewhere.


Mirae. Im fine. You will get killed if the boys stare at us for a long time.


Let them be....


Am i in a dream or is this real


Next time get your eye checked Junhoe.


Yah im not blind. Why are they hugging.


Arent we supposed to be enemy.


Stop talking when Mirae didnt even let us to kill you.


Yah Jung Chanwoo what do you mean.


Just slay but dont kill. She meant that we cant kill them. Because whatever happened between them. It leads us to not gonna have fights anymore.


How can you say that when you dont even have proof.


Jinhwan stop it. He is saying the truth. You guys supposed to work together. Not argue about this.


More like since when did we work well with each other.


This is why i hate them so much.


Before the rest of them saw an arrow flying towards where Bobby is. You quickly let go of B.I. and run towards Bobby, turning him around before the Arrow could possibly hit him. y catch you from falling and his eyes went wide. All of them went shock when they saw an arrow pierce through your abdomen.


Bo....bby..... i..m sorry.....


Yah yah yah. Yah you cant die yah Bae Mirae. SOMEBODY HELP.


Hanbin help Bobby. Bring her straight to Lady Hwang. Chanwoo make sure nothing gets in their way.


What about the rest of them.


They will be with me. We have to get rid all of the archer.


Dont worry about us. Get Mirae there fast. She is not gonna last long with that injury.


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