Why Me?

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Ever since Minjeong Kim aka Winter have entered SM University, her once peaceful life made a dramatic turn as she interact with the one and only Karina Yoo.

"God why me? There are so many people in this goddamn university, does she really have to take interest to me?" Winter cried as she took a u-turn ready to take a longer route to her classroom when she saw a familiar silhouette walking towards her

"Stop Kim Minjeong!" the girl that she had been avoiding ever since she had stepped into this goddamn university

"If this university would not give me a good future! I swear to heavens! I would have transfer a long time ago!" Winter growled as she power walk ignoring the increasing volume of the woman behind her

"Didn't I told to always come to me when I call you" 

Winter felt her shoulder being grabbed and the only thing that she now feel is the wall behind her and a body pressed infront of her. Winter gasped as she felt Karina softly but firmly grabbed her chin making her look at the taller girl. Winter felt goosebump as she feels overwhelm at how intense Karina's gaze at her.

"W-what are you doing?" Winter hissed as she starts being aware at how scandalous their position are and she could also feel the other students eyes at them but Karina seems to not mind the attention

"I hate being ignored" Winter almost smack the taller girl because if there is one thing that the latter always had is attention so why is she saying that she is being ignore when everytime she walks in a room, all the eyes in the room will immediately be nailed to her

"You always have the attention of people Karin-

"See, all of them have their attention on me except you"

"Stop playing with me Karina, if you want attention then get it from other people"

"I dont want the others, I want you" 

"Why me?"

"Cause your mine"


I'm new here hehehe but I have been reading alot of stories here and I've been into WinRina lately so I thought why not write a story hehehhe


  • Italics signifies thoughts
  • Mostly be on Winter's Thoughts
  • There will be a note if the chapter is in Karina's POV



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