Of Road Blocks, Hooligans and Lunatics

The Road
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It was silent.. the car ride was too silent.

After they had agreed to embark on this roadtrip, Taeyeon had bid farewell to Tiffany. The couple embraced each other for a few minutes and said their goodbyes in hurried, hushed whispers. From her wife's shoulders, Tiffany looked at Wendy with a tearful smile and nod her head. Wendy understood that it was a silent gesture of 'till we see each other again', and replied with a slight bow of her own.  Taeyeon left Tiffany in the care of Hyoyeon and instructed her to drive to their friends Yuri and Jessica in Gyeongju.

"Uhh...so I guess.. it's just us now..." Wendy tried making a conversation.

Taeyeon barely looked at her direction. Her eyes fixed on the tightly congested traffic they were in. It seemed like everyone is wanting to leave the city. 

"Do you still have no network? ... even the damn, gps is not working."  Taeyeon replied.

"Unfortunately no"

Taeyeon just grunted in reply. 

Wendy did not engage the latter in a talk anymore, seeing that Taeyeon wasn't in a talking mood.

'what did you expect Wendy? you'll be chitchat buddies while on the road?' she scolded herself.

Instead, she just focused on her phone hoping to see at least a message fr. Irene. God forbid if anything bad had happened to her fiancee'.. but no, she knows Irene will not let anything happen to herself and their baby. Her baby is a strong woman.


After an hour, Taeyeon had driven in a gasoline station with a convenience store nearby. Many other cars were parked and people were moving in a panicked state and some shouting at each other. Wendy had never seen such disorder before.

"You got some money with you?", asked Taeyeon as they both got out of the car.

"Yes, I have." 

"You go get us some gas while I get us supplies." Taeyeon did not even wait for her reply and went off to the convenience store.

Wendy sighed. She had no choice but to simply follow Taeyeon's orders. Heck, she doesn't even know what's their plan for this road trip. She was feeling unnerved, confused and uncertain not knowing Irene's state and whereabouts.

'No, Wendy... you have to clear your head. and focus. Irene is waiting for u.'

She took some containers at the back of the car,payed the gasoline boy and filled it up with gas. 

While Wendy was waiting outside the car, a blone woman with voluptous body walked towards her, eyeing her with lust..

"Hey there cutie..." said the blonde.

Wendy just looked at her with disinterest.

"Nice car you've got there. Wanna show me the back seat?" asked the blonde biting her lips ily.

"I don't think so." Wendy tried to reply politely.

Wendy rememebered the last time someone tried to flirt with her. Irene went beast- mode and grabbed the woman's hair, dragging her out of the bar. While telling the woman to say her prayers. Wendy chuckled at the memory.

The blonde was caught off guard. Her face turned red from embarrassment and anger.

"Excuse me? What did you say?" asked the blonde, raising her voice.

"Anything wrong there Sophie?"

A bunch of hooligans suddenly turned up behind the blonde woman. They were carrying bats and gold clubs. 

"Yea, this piece of just called me a ."

Hearing what the blonde said, the hooligans instantly surrounded Wendy.

"This is going to ing cost you ..." one of the hooligans threatened Wendy as he raised his bat.

"Wait.. wait.-- i did not call her .. heck my fiancee' strictly forbids me from catcalling anyone bro..." Wendy as she tried to diffuse the fight that is about to happen.

But it seemed like it was futile when one guys swung at her, she avoided it thanks to her reflex, but it narrowly missed Taeyeon's car.

"Hey! Don't do that!" shouted a voice nearing them.

It was Taeyeon with the supplies.

"Stay the out of this woman!" said the blonde girl glaring at Taeyeon. Her hooligans now dangerously pointing their tools towards her.

"Okay, okay..look... just calm down... if you need money, I can give it to you.. just leave her alone" Taeyeon slowly backed at the trunk of the car and took out something from the bag.

"Tsk. Now hurry and give us the cash." Another hooligan carrying a baseball bat said.

All eyes were on Taeyeon, Wendy gulped at the predicament they were currently in. She can't believe her luck just because she turned down someone who wants to hook up with her. Now Taeyeon has to pay.

But it wasn't money that was on Taeyeon's hand, it was a handgun.

The hooligans were alarmed. Their bats and clubs were no match to Taeyeon's gun. But instead of feeling relief, Wendy was exasperated. She couldn't believe that Taeyeon was carrying a gun in the trunk of the car all this time.

"Get in the car, Wendy."

Wendy was found it hard to follow her order. She remained still outside the car.

Taeyeon looked at the culprits, pointing her gun to each of them. "If you do not disappear on the count of three, I will put a bullet in each of your foreheads."

At an instant, they scampered and ran away.

Once they were gone, Taeyeon glared at Wendy. The latter got her message and entered the car. Taeyeon finally drove the car away from the station.


"You could have said that you have a gun you know."

Wendy couldn't contain her emotions. She felt played and betrayed.

"And if I did tell you, why would it matter Wendy?" Taeyeon asked, eyes on the road.

"At least, I wouldn't have been such a nervous wreck back there" Wendy defended. She was irritated and annoyed as hell.

"And what will you do? I believe you've never fired a gun before in your entire life..."Taeyeon said condenscendingly.

"No, I haven't. But that's not exactly my

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I'm hope u update soon
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 4: Oh Yeri
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 3: Taeyeon so cool
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 2: This story makes me a little tense
Plsss update author🙏🙏
Ahhh i like this story
Wenrene_08 #7
Plsss update this story author-nim where are u huhuhu
Chapter 6: This is a great story author-nim please come back to it
aRedBerry #9
But damn, seul really left her wife in this state for irene???im seeing smthng...👁👄👁
aRedBerry #10
Chapter 5: ;-; literally wtf is happening. Ill watch that movie/series(?) after you finish this, authornim;-;