Chapter 10

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-Wonyoung's pov-

*opens a lighter

People have been wondering why I looked very skinny lately. Many thought I'm on an extreme diet, but I have just been smoking.

I know I said I don't care about the hate, but I am getting sick of hearing people throwing things at me everyday that it is starting to take a toll on me. I thought I was better than this, but I couldn't.

Considering I am still a lovesick bunny, I didn't wanna worry the members. I couldn't even confront Minju unnie during our love dive promotion.

I was curious about smoking, back when I was in Izone, I witnessed some staff smoking behind the scenes and one of them blurt out how stressful it was and that cigarettes are what calms them down.

I didn't mind it at first as I was just a minor. But I will technically be 18 in august so I am kind of an adult now. It was kind of bad at first but it started doing the trick. So intead of harming myself just smoke it away right?

I just hope nobody find me doing this, not even my friend sunghoon can't, everyone will say the same thing, it will kill you. But it's not making me suffer right now so I can't stop.

Wonyoung held the lighter in her trembling hands, the flickering flame casting an eerie glow on her pained expression. Her heart was heavy with the weight of a shattered love, her thoughts consumed by memories of Minju, now a renowned actress, who had once held her heart in the palm of her hand.

Smoking had become Wonyoung's desperate attempt to fill the void left by their breakup. It was as if each inhale was a futile effort to draw Minju's essence back into her life, to recapture the fleeting moments of happiness they had shared together.

In the dimly lit room, Wonyoung took a long drag from her cigarette, watching as the smoke curled and dissolved into the air. The familiar ritual provided a bittersweet solace, momentarily transporting her to a time when their love had been vibrant and untainted.

Yet, deep down, Wonyoung knew that this was no way to heal. The taste of bitterness lingered on her lips, reminding her that this coping mechanism was only a temporary salve for her wounded heart. She yearned for a healthier outlet, one that would truly help her mend and move forward.

As the smoke enveloped her, memories of Minju's smile and their shared dreams flooded Wonyoung's mind. The pain of their separation gnawed at her, intensified by the stark contrast between their paths in life. Minju's soaring success in the entertainment industry only served as a painful reminder of what they had lost.

With each exhale, Wonyoung made a silent vow to herself. She would find the strength to let go of the past, to reclaim her identity beyond the confines of their failed relationship. She couldn't allow herself to be defined solely by her heartache or her obsession with a love that was no longer within her grasp.

As Wonyoung took another drag from her cigarette, her heart raced with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The realization that Minju, her ex-girlfriend, was the MC for the show IVE was performing at sent a surge of emotions coursing through her veins. Deep down, Wonyoung knew that she hadn't moved on from their relationship, and a part of her wondered if Minju felt the same.

With trembling hands, Wonyoung tossed her cigarette aside and rushed to gather her composure. She stepped out into the bustling hallway, her eyes

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I hope you guys give out some comments for me <3


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1198 streak #1
Chapter 10: Oof that hurt but in a good way
love45 #2
Chapter 9: Yayyy thanks for the update!!!!
Chapter 7: f2 au is so rare... thank you for writing this!!!! cant wait to read the next update
reigngrey #4
Chapter 7: Thank you for the update. Love the flashback.
micha6692 #5
Chapter 5: wait for update hehehhe
Chapter 3: ouch this hurts
Chapter 2: why gowon's rapping tho lol xD
Chapter 1: im rooting for more f2:')
reigngrey #9
Chapter 3: What really happened? Oh wonyo.
reigngrey #10
Chapter 2: Ohhhh baby wonyo will experience a heart brake? Oh no. I will have to get myself ready for this.

Will wait for the update