

"But that's another story. Maybe in another lifetime."

I smile as I close the book I am reading. The place was then filled with claps and cheers from the audience that supported me. Today's the bookreading of the novel I recently published.

Sodam, my manager, who happen to also be my bestfriend, took over the platform to announce that I'll be signing books in a bit.

"Wow. what a day!" Sodam exclaimed. "I feel so drained, I wasn't even the one smiling and interacting with that many." She puffed and dragged herself up from sitting.

I shook my head and giggle from her rants. It is true though. It is draining my social battery but I like what I am doing. As much as I love writing my books, I love it whan I hear people's remarks about my works. All the effort and late night grinds are worth it.


I collected my things and told Sodam I'm ready. She rushed to my side and dragged me out of the room.

"Come one! Hurry your up! We're gonna parteeeyyy!"

This woman really amuses me. First thing she'll tell me she's tired, the next thing she has lots of energy to party, I could never be like that.

"All right, all right. But we need to eat first. I'm famished."


After a lot of arguing whether to eat at fastfood or not, we ended up going to a restobar. Sodam wanted to drink and I could really use one.


The place looks nice. It has comfy vibes. It's not that packed, yet still has many people. The lights goes well with the interior, and the music is great. There are live band performers. I am starting to like this place and I haven't gotten here for 5 minutes.


We ordered proper meals first before drinking alcohol. Sodam and I both love eating so best believe that we ordered a bunch for dinner. Don't worry, I won't be drinking much, just one bottle or maybe two but that's it. I'm the designated driver for tonight.


While waiting for our orders, Sodam went to the toilet. It has been 20 minutes since she's gone and I know for sure she's looking for a woman she can hook up with. I'm just kidding. If she heard that I said that, I'd be slapped. She probably went to the bar and found someone she could converse with. Sodam is an extrovert, and yes, eventhough I love connecting with my readers, I still am an introvert. She's good at communicating and making conversations, while I am shy and awkward. I can only talk if you initiate first and if it's only in a small group. Sodam and I are total opposites.


"So I've gotten information! And there's an event tonight! We're here on good timing! Wahoo!"

"How are we sure that they're great though?"

"Oh wow okay Ms. Judger. They said the main act's known in the local industry. If you've been listening to local music maybe you've known the performers."


I laughed when she almost threw me my bottle of beer. Sometimes I wonder if her head hurts from rolling her eyes so much. I'm used to her though. We've been bestfriends since we were still in both our mothers' wombs. Our friendship goes way back to our parents. They've known each other from university and stayed in contact until they graduated and still when they had separate lives with their now families.


Sodam and I were inseparable but there was a time when I needed to step back. She's an out and proud lesbian and when she had a girlfriend I couldn't spend much time with her unlike the usual. Mostly because I respect their relationship, also that I know they would rather be together than with someone else. Even so, her then girlfriend was always jealous when we talk. It is unfair and too much, I know, but I saw Sodam cry and I know then that she doesn't want to lose her. So, I did what I thought we all needed. Fortunately, she grew tired of the toxicity of her past.


I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I saw panic in Sodam's eyes and drank her beer with haste. Oh, I'm pretty sure she'd be wasted later. I'm glad my phone has a lot of space for videos of her drunkenness.


Before she could kill me with her intense glare, I fetched her water and asked her to chew her food properly and to don't rush eating. I was told her favorite local artists are here. They are the main act that she was talking about. Her excitement is clearly visible. I am glad that this day isn't only one of my bests but tonight's also turning out to be Sodam's one.


So far, the performers are all awesome. Their covers are great but I love their originals. I can now see why Sodam always love going to live gigs. She often goes home very late from attending such events. It is enjoying, calming, and it can definitely take you away from your thoughts. Maybe after this, I'd join Sodam in every gig she goes.


We have finished our food before the third act ended and we've already taken a bit of the alcohol in our system. I am trying to slow Sodam's pace because if she continues with this, she wouldn't be able to talk to her faves in her condition, and I know how much she'd regret if she can't. It's obvious that she's nervous, although I'm not quite sure why. She'd always seen them live, and I don't think it will be her first time talking to them. I guess you really just have this feeling of butterflies in your stomuch but the only difference is you have bad ones.


I have been to and from the bar to get water. I should have asked for a pitcher so I wouldn't have to walk back and forth. Though I wanted to, for the alcohol to go down my system.


Just as I was about to get back to our table, the last act is starting. I decided to stay at the stool and watch from afar. I know Sodam wouldn't mind that I'm not with her right now. I can hear how loud her cheers and screams are. I am almost embarassed for her but that's just how she is. I support however she does as a fangirl.


Triple M is their band's name. One's a drummer, one with acoustic guitar, and the other with a bass guitar. They all have great vocals too. Sodam always plays their songs on the speakers, so I know some of their songs. I hum and murmur few of the lyrics, trying to sing along with them.


"They're good, 'no?" I almost choked on my own saliva. Is this karma from laughing so much at Sodam's unfortunate event awhile ago? T.T

"Damn. Here, take this water."  I just waved my hand frantically as I shake my head no and cough my organs out.

"Thank you." I said as I take the tissue this person was offering.

"I'm sorry, did my sudden comment scare you?"

"Ah no, I was just surprised there was someone beside me. I thought everyone was all near the stage."


It isn't really a big deal for me if people sat or stood next to me. I was just surprised because I didn't want anyone to hear me sing, even though it wasn't really called singing. I am not confident with that talent, that I don't think I have. I just like to sing along. I'd rather write stories than sing.


"They are good, yeah. Great even."

"I know. How long have you been following them? It's my first time seeing you in their gig."

"Oh it is my first time seeing them live. My best friend on the other hand has been a fan since they were still small. They've somehow gone big now, if I'm not mistaken, right?"

"Cool cool cool. Yeah, they're going big. What's your bestfriend's name? Maybe I know them?"

"Her name's Sodam. She's over there." We both looked to where I was pointing. She nodded her head while looking past the stage then back to me.

"I remember her. She's always jolly, 'no?"

"Yeah, she is. She's also friendly, thaat's why."

"Right. And you? What's your name, other bestfriend?"

I would've laughed at this person's humour but I find this stranger weird with all the smirks and sudden remarks.


"My name's Yongsun but you can call me Solar. How do you want to be called? How do you know Triple M? Why do you know which people are always watching live?"

"Easy with the questions, Yong. I wouldn't think you were that eager to know me."


Wow. All I could do was to roll my eyes and direct my sight back to the stage. Now I know what Sodam feels like when she does this. This person has the audacity, to call me in a different nickname when I specified what I want to be called, and to assume that I wanted to know more. I'm just asking out of kindness. She even held her arm for a handshake, but I didn't want to be rude so I took it firmly.


"The name's Moonbyul. I'm Wheein's, the drummer's, partner."

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