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[CONTENTID2]"I'll count seconds to meet you, the one who's given a new meaning to my life."[/CONTENTID2]

[CONTENTID3]"I can help you."

"I don't n-n-need help!" She started to speed up. Junmyeon looked up at sky. A heavy rain started. The med student took a glance at the girl. She wasn't wearing much clothes. He took off his overcoat and ran to her.

"Wait!" He called. "Wait ma'am!" He put his overcoat on her head which made the girl met his gaze for less than five seconds. Looking into her pure and innocent eyes, his heart skipped a beat. "You, you, you might catch a cold..." Junmyeon managed to say.

She looked down immediately. "Tha-Thanks, sir." She bowed a little and continued walking.

Junmyeon tried to match his steps with hers. "What's your name?" No answer. "Where are you going ma'am?"

"L-Library..." She said.

"Uh... to read books?" What a stupid question! He thought, but she nodded in response. They walked to the library without saying another word. Junmyeon looked at medical books while trying to find out about the book she was looking at. "Beethoven?" He whispered, amused. The girl was looking at a book titled, Beethoven: The music and The life. She walked to a desk without answering. 

He took a book and sat at the desk in front her, so he could have a better view of her. She was different, he knew for sure. Though he couldn't figure out why and how. After two hours, the girl stood up and walked to him so he dropped his gaze on the book which was in front of him. She just put his overcoat on the table and walked to the exit door.

"Bye unnie, see you on Monday!" The librarian waved.


Junmyeon stood up, smiling. "So she'll come here on Monday." He walked to the librarian. "Sorry, do you know that lady who left?"

"Um...yeah. She comes here twice a week, Mondays & Wednesdays." She hid . "I shouldn't have told that. Anyway, why are you asking?" The girl tilted her head.

"What's her name?" He asked.

"Why should I tell you her name,sir? We can't leak the people's information."

Right, the librarian was right. He had to make an excuse. "I'm a medical student, I understood that she stutters. I want to help."

She smiled ruefully. "Sir, she has difficulty speaking because she is an autistic girl. Didn't you realize?"

His heart sank. "Autistic?" He couldn't believe that beautiful girl could be an autistic person. "Thank you." He walked out.


Junmyeon went to Han river, his favorite spot in his country. He sat on a bench and looked at the dark beautiful sky. It was nearly midnight,he had never seen the sky at that time of the night, alone. Maybe with family,long time ago when he was still a child and they didn't have any arguments. Junmyeon wanted to clear things up.

He started a conversation between inner Junmyeon and Junmyeon, his way to discuss a topic since childhood.
"So, you never have had a girlfriend? 
Right, never.
And now you fell for an autistic girl? 
I didn't fall for her, I just want to be her friend.
You fell for her!
Fine, I gave in. I like her, but still not sure.
So? Mom will kill me certainly!"
He leaned back. "God I said that I'm alone, but I didn't want a girl on my life! I didn't mean that! Why did you put her in my way? Now what should I do?!"

He stood up. "I assume she was on first level because she doesn't seem autistic... I'll make my family agree." He assured himself. "Yes, fighting Kim Junmyeon!"


Momo looked at the clock, it was near one A.M and her son wasn't home yet. It was a rule in their family, not later than ten o'clock. She was bitting her nails. "Yeobo, I'm worried, he's too late!"

"Don't worry, he'll be home soon." Heechul said, looking out of the window.

"What are you saying? He's never been out this time of the night! What if he had a car accident? What if someone has kidnapped him? What if someone has threatened him with a knife? What if he has been stabbed and is somewhere around here?"

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744 streak #1
Chapter 5: 😍💗😍💗😍

Ah, Junmyeon's escape without breakfast was a fail. *chuckles* 😅

Aww, he was cute in the second scene with his blushing! *giggles*

I swear Jisoo's and Junmyeon's interactions are adorable and they are now friends! 😍😍 Hehe, this is only the start. 😉😉

The more I read the more I love it!

Thank you!

744 streak #2
Chapter 4: 😍💗😍💗😍

That short but cute interaction was quite something, but I swear Sehun is a different story with his reaction! 😂 And then Junmyeon's last comment and the death glare! Loved it! 😂

Omg! His friends are really fun, teasing him about it, but it was adorable! *chuckles*

I am liking Jisoo's character even more!

Thank you!

744 streak #3
Chapter 3: 😍💗😍💗😍

His argument with his inner self made me chuckle and surely we all had those moments. 😅 But it's adorable how the girl got his attention suddenly! 😍

I agree with Heechul, the woman did go overboard, but in the end, they talked and he still agreed to go on a date. 😅

And he found out her name! 😉😉

Thank you! 💗🌹

744 streak #4
Chapter 2: 😍💗😍💗😍

Aww, the poor soul. *sighs* Parents sometimes do tend to go overboard in making decisions for their kids, thinking that they know best and they actually don't. Giving advice is one thing, but making choices for a child is another and I am against it on so many levels! -_-

*sighs* His mother is just UGH! -_- Slapping him because he refused and spoke what was on his mind! Really?! -_-

OMO! Who is the woman Junmyeon ran into? o.O

Thank you! I loved the chapter!

744 streak #5
Chapter 1: 😍💗😍💗😍

The characters that are chosen for this story are marvelous! If you ask me to pick one, I can't! They are all such a good match!

744 streak #6
I love the story behind this one! Can't wait to read it!
Chapter 3: Ah sorry for being very late!

I literally loved this chapter💚💚! Lol, awkward Suho in the beginning made my day 🤣 I can actually picture those JiHo encounters in my mind!

Super excited for chapter 3!!!
Chapter 1: I see mi hombre and mujer, Kris and Amber and KrisBer, I click man
Chapter 2: Oooooooh, Jisoo’s and Junmyeon’s first meeting was in a thunderstorm? Lol Suho screaming at the sky 😂.

Can’t wait for chapter 2!!💚💚