31: A Lesson

Yooji: Love is War

               One thing I learned about Winter was that she had an awful lot of self-control for someone who seemed so... unrestrained. Years of knowing her, I had always seen her as the type who would not take a pause and think of the consequences of her actions — she was a cunning individual who would do anything to get what she wants, after all.

               So, when I purposely provoked her earlier when things got a little heated, the last thing on my mind was she, biting down on her lower lip before pulling herself back to separate herself from our previous intimate position.

                The conversation that came after was so... unexpected — so out of my character, and it never fail to heat up my face every time I was reminded  of it.           

               “Don’t you do that...” she let out throatily. “That’s just unfair...”

               I pulled my lips to a smirk; my index finger tracing her exposed chest sensually. “How is that unfair, huh?”

               “Because you are just teasing.” She grabbed my hand, stopping my movements before meeting my gaze. “You don’t seriously want us to do something beyond kissing inside the school premises.”

                Ah, she knew me too well, alright.

               “How can you be so sure?” I asked, challenging. “I could not be teasing right now.”

               She briefly stared at me.



               Then she was backing away.

               “I believe it is almost time for your club’s performance,” she said monotonously while walking back to her swivel chair. “I’ll be there.”

               Ah, what a bummer.

               And here I thought I’d finally see her break.

               “I’ll be waiting for you then.”

               Now that I think about it, I wonder if she would let herself lose control if I took the initiative to do something... more back there.

               ...would she?

               Well, that was a question that wasn’t going to answer itself. I had to do something if I wanted to know.

               On another note, I received a message from her earlier saying that she had already finished the bento and that it was really delicious — which was probably just a lie to protect my feelings — and I should cook for her more often if it wasn’t a bother. In return, she’d cook for me as well.

               Of course, I took her up on her offer right away. There was no way I would pass on her food that tasted like which were served only in five star restaurants.

               Also, I figured it would be great to eat real food than to settle for fast food which she previously deemed as unhealthy and a waste of money.

               I made a mental note to tone down my consumption of McDonald's whenever I would pull an all-nighter.

               Surely, she wouldn’t mind the coffee, no?

               It was necessary to stay up, after all.

               ...come to think of it, I’d never seen her drink coffee. Whenever she would take me to my favorite coffee shop near our school; she would only get herself a cup of plain hot white chocolate.

               Does she not like coffee?

               Allergic to it, probably?

               God, it would be really a bummer if ever since I could never go through a day without caffeine in my system.

               I should ask her about it later.             

               First and foremost, however...

               “Guys, five minutes left before we go up on stage.”

               Our performance.

               A collective positive response of nervousness and excitement rung throughout the smallest space of the backstage, overpowering the loud noise outside.

               Amusing, these people were.

               I turned my head in front to watch the current performers.

               It had been a whole ten minutes now since the Rock Band Club had began performing, and the crowd of students and outsiders did not hold back in enjoying their performance to the fullest with how loud they were cheering; some were even banging their heads.

               “They never fail to hype the audience up, that rowdy club,” Yeji, who was standing next to me, remarked. “It’s amusing.”

               “Yeah, they’re amazing.”

               I may not know a single member among them, but I knew a good musician when I see one.

               “We’ll be the one who will win that damn award for the third time in a row though,” she said, smugness b in her tone. “Too bad for them.”

               I chuckled at the shameless display of arrogance.

               There had always been a friendly competition going on between the performers of the school festival: The Best Performing Club — and we, the Music Club, had managed to claim the title for two years in a row. It wasn’t official , and was merely an excuse for the clubs to not slack off and give it their all.

               “Plot twist exists, you know that, right?”

               Besides, it was impossible that not a single one of them had improved in a span of a year.

               “Nah, I’m sure about this.”

               I chose to remain silent; instead, directed my attention behind me when familiar voices invaded my ears.

               “Could you tell me why are here we when we are already done performing?” my best friend grumbled while frowning.


               Their performance earlier was nothing short of magnificent. If there was one club who could rival us, it was the Chorale Club. All of the members were amazing singers who could put some of popular professional artists in shame. Also, they were one of the reasons why our school festival was highly anticipated every year throughout the country.

               “To support Jimin Yoo aka your best friend,” Yizhuo answered casually, ignoring Aeri’s tantrums. “Why don’t you sound happy about it?”

               I shook my head.

               These two, really.

               There hadn’t been a day where they weren’t bickering over the most trivial matters.

               It makes one wonder if they really were into each other; or maybe this was the trend nowadays.

               “B-But we could just watch them out there among the crowd, a-and...” Aeri suddenly turned away, an unmistakable shade of red coloring her neck and the tips of her ears.


               I think I kind of had an idea of what Aeri’s getting at.

               “Your friend’s kind of a romantic,” Yeji whispered, entertained. “Wouldn’t have known just by looking at her.”

               “She’s been doing a lot of stuff she normally wouldn’t do unless Yizhuo’s involved.” I chuckled. “She’s down really bad.”

               I am genuinely glad she finally found someone who could make her leave her gaming room and enjoy the simplest things life could offer.

               It took a whole five minutes before they decided their argument was going nowhere and finally pay attention to us.

               “Hi, Jimin!” Yizhuo cheered. “Hello, Yeji! Do well, you guys!”

               “You were amazing back there, Ning,” Yeji murmured, a small smile etched on her lips.

               “Indeed.” I nodded. “You really are the best soprano among our generation.”

               “Eh, that’s an exaggeration.” She scratched her nape, embarrassed. “But thank you, guys.”

               Humble, I see.

               But seriously, Yizhuo was a really great singer; she naturally commands attention from the audience with how powerful her voice was; not to mention, she was also pleasing in the eyes.

               I averted my eyes when I saw Aeri approaching. “I know you’ll do great as always, but rock the stage, Yooji.” She had this proud look on her face as she tapped my shoulder. “We’ll be watching.”

               I know you guys would.

               However, it was a bit of a challenge to mirror their excitement since the person I was most looking forward to see my performance wasn’t here yet.

               She also stopped replying around thirty minutes ago, and hence, I had no idea of her whereabouts.

               Was she still held up at the council office?

               It was almost time for our stage...

               ...at this rate, she was going to miss it.       

               “Thanks, Ri.” I forced a smile. “You did really well, by the way.”

               She squinted her eyes, looking as if she was studying me every bit part of my face.

               Yikes, she’s onto me.

               “You don’t look too well,” she remarked, suspiciously. “What’s the matter?”


               I could really never hide anything from her.

               It was like she could read my mind.

               “I’m fine. It’s just — s-she still isn’t here.”

               “You mean, Minjeong Kim?” Yeji piped up.

               “Now that you mentioned it...” Yizhuo hummed while turning her head back and forth, scanning the area. “She probably hasn’t finished those pile of paperworks yet.”

               God, this was so embarrasing.

               They might think I’m being clingy...

               Which I am not!

               “You worry too much, Yooji,” said Aeri. “Kim wouldn’t miss your performance for the world. Even when you were still in your one-sided hate phase, she would always be there among the audience, supporting you without fail. There’s absolutely no reason for her to miss now.”

               I blinked, allowing the words to sink into me.


               “You couldn’t see her then, but she sees you, Yooji.”

               For a reason I knew too well, I felt a pang on my chest upon hearing that.

               I couldn’t see her then, because I was busy looking at somebody else.


               Aeri rolled her eyes jokingly. “So, erase that frown on your face. She will definitely be here.”


               This was Winter.

               She said she would be watching.

               So, I must hold onto her words.

               “Guys,” Chaewon suddenly called out, interrupting our conversation. ”It is almost time.”

               I looked up to see the Rock Band Club bidding their goodbyes to the audience as they slowly descended the stage; loud cheers were all that could be heard along with scattered chants of: Encore! Encore! Encore! which they could only laugh off since time given to every performer was very limited and could not be extended.

               “Am I late?!” All of us turned our heads to see the source of the loud noise, only to see a huffing and sweating Chaeryeong holding tightly onto the strap of her guitar case. “I’m sorry! I got held up at the dance club! Darn that Ryujin! She had no mercy! She made us practice for four hours straight!”

               Oh, Chaeryeong, the ever amusingly comedic member.

               “That’s an understatement, kid.” Yeji stepped closer, her hand ruffling Chaeryeong’s already messy hair in a supposed comforting manner. “We are already done performing.”

               Knowing Yeji to be the humorless type, the poor girl’s shoulder slumped, her face crumpling, looking very devastated.

               “O-Oh, is that so...”

               Oh my god, she’s on the verge of crying!

               I looked around, seeing everybody enjoying the scene while holding in their laughters.

               They had no mercy.

               As much as I wanted to prolong their entertainment, I wouldn’t want Chaeryeong bursting into tears in front of me because of Yeji’s ry.

               “Ah, no, Chaeryeong.” I snatched her away from Yeji’s hold, rubbing her back soothingly in attempt to calm her. “Don’t mind Yeji. You are actually just in time.”

               She paused, raising her head to look at me expectantly. “I-Is that true?”

               “Of course.” I nodded, reassuringly. “We are just about to go up on stage.”

               It took everyone’s acknowledgement of my statement before she released a sigh of relief, excitement came rushing back to her.

               “I see, that’s good to know then!” Then she threw Yeji — who was coolly whistling, acting as if she was innocent — a nasty glare. “Yeji, you stupid spawn of the devil!”

               Spawn of the devil...

               How oddly nostalgic.

               “You are so gullible, Chaeryeong.” Yeji snickered, deepening the frown on Chaeryeong’s face. “It’s amusing.”


               “Guys,” Chaewon interjected, silencing everyone here in the backstage. “Enough with the shenanigans.”

               And enough with the shenanigans, we did.

              Whenever the leader speaks, we, the members must follow.

              That’s our long-standing motto in order to maintain orderliness and peace within the club.

               A few minutes passed by us before she began speaking again.

               “This is it. The performance.” She took a deep breath. “Remember, as what I have always said, it’s okay to make mistakes. Have fun and enjoy the performance. This is going to be the last for us, seniors. I want you guys to leave with no regrets.”

               Leave with no regrets...


               One by one, they started to make their way to the stage, cradling their instruments in their arms until me, and the two lovers were the only ones left.

               I couldn’t bring myself to move my feet when I still couldn’t see her face among the crowd.

               Did she forget?

               Was she too engrossed in her work to remember that she promised to watch me?

               ...hold on.

               Did she even make a promise to begin with...

               “Go on ahead, Yooji,” Aeri quipped. “Kim will be watching, I assure you.”

               “Yes, that’s right.” Yizhuo nodded. “That girl reveres your music. It is nigh impossible that she would choose her duty over you.”

               I sighed, defeatedly.

               It wasn’t like I had much of a choice.

               Abandoning my members because the person I was very much smitten with didn’t show up was ludicrous.

               “Fine,” I mumbled. “I’m off then.”

               Series of good luck and do well filled my ears as I sauntered on stage, attention fixed on the instrument placed in the middle all the while blocking the blinding lights with my hands from reaching my eyes.

               The cheers of the audience went impossibly louder as soon as I took my place in front of my keyboard, some were even screeching that I could practically feel the school vibrating along with their high energy.

               They were being over the top and it was quite funny.

               I appreciate the intense support though.

               From up here, with numerous spotlights focused entirely on us, it was difficult to see the audience, let alone recognize their faces. One thing’s for sure though, I would know it was her once I saw her.


               “Now performing, the Music Club.”

               I glanced over our lone drummer at the back, watching closely as she raised her hands to hit their drumsticks together four times in quick succession.

               That’s our cue.

               Before I allowed my fingers to glide across the black and white keys, I gave the crowd a one last thorough once-over in hopes that I would somehow spot her, only to be disappointed.

               Ah, whatever.
               Throughout the first song, I gave it my all to concentrate on the piano. However, every time I would switch notes, my eyes would stray and wander around, in search for a specific member of the council.

               If I hadn’t grown to play the piano like it was an extension of my body, I was more than certain that I would screw up our performance, seeing how divided my attention was.

               So unprofessional.

               But could you blame me?

               This could’ve been the first time that I would be performing in front of her where I no longer see her as my archenemy; where we were something more.

                But alas, she had decided to go m-i-a now of all times.

               I don't know if I should be mad...


               It was dumb to be mad at a person just because they had other priorities.

               Yes, this was me convincing myself that I was matured enough to understand.

               For the nth time that night, I looked at each of the audience’s faces, taking my chance, desperate to see even a glimpse of her pretty face.

               It was almost the end of our second song, yet still no sign of her.

               The screams of the crowd were ceaseless — extremely overjoyed to care if they were being an appropriate student of a prestigious school — and there were those who would come up on stage to do some weird stuff just for laughs.

               All these noises but the thoughts inside my head were way louder, drowning everything in that it was the only thing I could hear.

               Maybe she wasn’t coming anymore.

               Maybe those paperworks were too important to leave for another day.

               M-Maybe this wasn’t as important to her as it was to me. Haa, and here I thought the she would somehow relate since she was a musician herself.

               I guess, it was just me.

               I shouldn’t be feeling this, I know.

               ...this disappointment.

               “And for the last song!”

               At this point, I no longer had the energy nor the will to lift my head up, keeping it hung down in spite of the chants and shouts of my name that began ringing all throughout the school grounds as the time to play the intro of our last song — 君をのせて — had come.

               Ten seconds where I would be playing a few notes alone.

               Even though I was a bit out of it, I tried my hardest to focus on the music score  before me because one small mistake would spell the end of my music career.

               Big names in the industry were among the crowd, keeping a low profile while watching with scrutinizing eyes for promising talents; I could not mess this up.

               Winter Kim, off for just a little while.


               Deep breaths, Jimin Yoo.

               My fingers hover above the starting notes, anticipating, gulping down the sudden nervousness stuck in my throat before lowering my hand down the moment I heard the cue of our drummer, pressing the keys, slow, matching the beat of the metronome in my mind.

               The soft, and familiar melody silenced the rowdy crowd immediately, commanding their full, undivided attention.

               Soon, the woodwind section joined in, producing a sound that tickled the ears, so playful, and then the vibraphone section followed in, bringing the main tune of the song into life, coloring every corners of the academy with warm, melancholic colors, a wave of nostalgia washing over the audience’s faces as soon as they recognized the song.

               Of course.

               This was the reason why we chose this for our final performance.

                It was like a tribute to the seniors, to remind them of their childhood — of how easy everything used to be — how simple we view life was — and to feel like a child again even just for a little while because soon, they would be treading the life of a grown college student where there was little to no room for childishness anymore.

                We were painfully aware there were some who wouldn’t be able to connect because unfortunate circumstances took their childhood too early away from them. However, we had hopes that they could find comfort in this song the way most of us do.

               She was one of those people.

               It was a shame she wasn’t here to witness this.

               The moment everyone joined in, maximing the potential of the song, I willed myself to look up at the dark blue sky, and there, I caught a sight of someone I had been dying to see ever since we parted ways this noon.


               She was there at a nearby building, observing from the window of what I assumed was the chemistry lab, a small proud smile plastered on her lips, and when our eyes met, air seemed to vacant my lungs.

              "Hey, baby,” she mouthed.


               That damn y smirk that had the butterflies in my stomach creating chaos.

               Those alluring pair of dark, lackluster eyes, b with pride.

               That ridiculously attractive face which for some reason, was glowing today.         

               She was here.

               No, hold on, had she been watching from that window all this time?

               If that was the case...

               My eyebrows furrowed in curiosity when she brought out a paper from the pocket of her blazer, slowly unfolding it to show the words that had me feeling like I was burning on my spot.

               “12 years have passed, and I am still smitten with you.”

               I almost missed a note upon reading that.

               From here, I could see her pursing her lips to prevent herself from laughing.

               She knew what she was doing!

               it, Winter Kim.

               I had never wanted to impress someone with my piano in my entire life.

               Because I had been playing only for myself.

               But now, I feel like I was playing for her.

               My eyes remained glued to her for the rest of the song, wordlessly communicating, simply admiring each other, and when our performance came to an end, I immediately took my leave after informing Chaewon, ignoring the fact that we had to huddle in the backstage.

               I needed to be in the same space as her as soon as possible.

              After running what felt like a thousand miles, I slammed the door of the Chemistry lab open, revealing that subject of my affection sitting comfortably on the professor’s swivel chair, elbows propped on the table while gazing at me amusedly.

               “You are that eager to be with me, I see.”

               “I thought you stood me up,” I said, not denying her accusation because it was true. “I was so ready to punch you.”

                She looked offended. “Hell no. I would never.”

               I stared straight into her eyes, the fire that she ignited within me earlier continued to burn even when I was making my way to her.

               This again.

              “Stop looking at me as if you want me to do... unholy things to you.”


               “You are annoying, Winter.”

               She flashed me a grin. “Am I now?”

               I looked away.


               I had an urge to rip my heart out of my chest for stupidly melting at the mere sight of her smiling like an adorable child when I wanted to act annoyed for a little longer just for fun.

               I’d like to see what she would do to ease my annoyance. but alas, my plan failed.

               I was already a lost case, so I settled with saying, “nevermind.”

               When she didn’t give me any response, I turned to her to see her having her eyes already fixed on me.

              “What?” I said, barely audible.

               Her stare was making me conscious; her eyes felt like a microscope that could see every miniscule of insecurities all over my body.

               “You did so well,” she mumbled softly. “You were shining back there, Karina.”


               “Don’t lie.”

               “I do not lie. Every word that come out of my lips are only the truth.”

               That’s a lie, though I didn’t dare argue.

               “Are you also like this with your women?”

               “Like what?”


               I knew she was, but she was being extra corny today.              

               A loud laughter erupted from her, even threw her head back while holding her stomach. I merely stared at her, finding myself laughing together with her eventually.

               “I am only like this when I am with you, babe,” she said in between her laughs. “Only with you.”

               “And it’s because you are in love with me, isn’t it?”


               I took in a breath.

               To be honest, the depth of love that she had for me scared me sometimes.

               I wasn’t quite there yet.

               What if I failed to match it?

               What if I could not return it just as much?

               “What if I end up just breaking your heart?” I found myself speaking my thoughts out loud. “What if I am but only a lesson?”

               It was just a hypothetical question.

               I wouldn’t dare again even if it was the last thing to do.

               Winter her lower lip, her laughter dying down as she placed her arms around my waist, pulling me close. “Then I will gladly take it. I will gladly take you. It will be an honour to have you as my lesson, Karina.”

               My knees wobbled.


               Before I could regain control of my body, I found myself dropping, straddling her lap, arms resting upon her shoulders.

               She looked at me, wide-eyed.

               “T-That is a dangerous position, babe...”

               Oh, trust me.

               I know.

               “Is it?” I asked in feigned innocence. “How so?”

               She remained silent, her dark eyes boring into mine.

               I knew that look.

               She was feeling it too.

               “We’re in school, Karina.”

               I chuckled lowly.

               Funny how she was so worried when she never cared about rules and regulations of our school before.


               Her pupils dilated, her face moving closer until I could practically feel her breath fanning my lips. “Don’t blame me for what I am about to do.”

               Chills ran down my spine.


               “Don’t hold back, baby...”

               And hold back, she did not.

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I'll probably edit this later on. But for the mean time, enjoy.


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jushshhh 13 streak #1
Chapter 20: damn
jushshhh 13 streak #2
Chapter 20: damn
jjjoannabi30 #3
Chapter 36: ang ganda cant wait sa next update 🙏
mindeongie #4
umuwi kana baby, di na ako sanay na wala ka 😢
sepvenanje #5
Chapter 39: ghosted
Chapter 17: AHHHHHHH i feel like I'm cryinbh this is sooo bittersweet my god i love how you write all of this
Dimchoi_ #7
Tor san kana tor
166 streak #8
Chapter 39: Rumor has it Mama Yoo is still searching every nook and cranny of Seoul. 🤭

kidding aside, really love rereading this. still patiently waiting~ 🤗
730 streak #9
Chapter 39: i miss you
Aeri_chan #10
Chapter 39: Wowww.. need more of this, with both their parents hahaha