

“I saw her. I saw Jihyo unnie”

“You really saw her too?” Soojin, Hyewon and Jaehee looked at the source of the voice and found Jiyoon, Jimin and Soeun inside the clinic
“What are you doing here?” Soojin asked, surprised by the sudden appearance of the three
“You saw her too?” Jaehee asked
“Well we heard that Hyewon was here” Jimin answered, looking at Soojin
“I saw her too” this time it was Jiyoon, directing her answer to Jaehee. “It was last week. We were at the library and I saw her from there. She was at the bench. It was brief tho, she was gone when I looked again. I would also like to to mention that these two didn’t believe me” Jiyoon said and pointed a finger to Jimin and Soeun
“Oh drop that part Jiyoon” Soeun rolled her eyes 
“Why? It was true!” Jiyoon said
“Okay stop fighting!” Soojin sighed as she tried to stop an upcoming argument
“I saw her last week as well.” Hyewon started her story. "I was going home when I saw her at the other side of the road. But when I tried to come closer she suddenly disappeared in the crowd. After that I started having dreams about her and I would wake up in the middle of the night. I cannot go back to sleep then so I was really lacking sleep these past few days”
The older girls looked at her with pity. The urge to hug their youngest was strong. Soojin settled with a squeeze on her shoulders instead as she continued her story.  “Then earlier, while playing in the gym. I saw her again. She walk passed by the gym and I swear she looks so real. So alive! Then I lost focus on the game and got hit by the ball”

“So is she really haunting us?” Soeun asked

“But only Jiyoon unnie and I saw her”

“Jaehee saw her too” Jimin answered looking at the girl she mentioned

“You too?” Soojin asked to which the younger nodded

“I was in the restroom earlier then I saw her through the mirror. She really looks so real but I got scared so I ran out” Jaehee explained, she looked at Jimin who shares an understanding look to her when she purposely omitted the fact that was crying in the restroom.

“So three of us already  saw her? Have you seen anything weird lately unnie?” Jimin asked Soojin

“No. I haven’t but… sometimes I feel like there was someone watching me”

“I feel that as well but ignored it. Thought it's just someone who crushes on me” Soeun said then turn to Jimin “How about you?”

“Nothing really. I didn’t see or feel anything weird lately. So if Jihyo was really haunting us, why?”

“Is.. is it because we all broke apart?” Hyewon was the one who said the thing that they all think about
“But if it is that, shouldn’t she be haunting us long ago?” Soeun answered, true to her statement, they haven’t been together  for some months. Just a few weeks since Jihyo’s death, they were arguing with each other, blaming each other and decided that it will be better if they part ways.

“Have you all visited her grave lately?” Jimin and none answered. She thought she just found out the answer. “We need to visit her”

“Like right now?”

“Well I think the sooner the better, unless you want to be haunted. I mean, she was our friend but..”

“Hyewon are you alright with this?” Soojin asked the youngest, worried that she’s not well enough

“I’m fine unnie. I agree with Jimin unnie. To be honest, I haven’t visited her for a long time” Hyewon said.

“Then let’s go”

“Soojin? Oh you are  still here?” Nurse Park just came back and saw all of them inside the clinic. All of them greeted her respectfully and also bid their goodbye saying they were just about to leave.

The others went out of the clinic along with Hyewon who thanked the nurse for taking care of her while she was there. Soojin was left in the room after the other girls all went out “I’m sorry we stayed for quite a bit”

“That’s okay. Hyewon seems fine now. Did you call her parents”

“Oh, she said not to. But we..I will take care of her. I’ll make sure she’s home safe”

“I know you will” The nurse smiled gently “It’s been a while since I saw you all together. Are you all going somewhere? A new adventure?”

“Yes, but not an adventure.. just a short visit..” Soojin said, even Miss Park knows they used to go out to adventures—that’s how they like to call it no matter how simple their plan. Even if they eat on a food stall near the school or take a trip to the beach, all of those were their adventures. But this one is different.

“I see. Take care then”
“Thank you Ms. Park” Soojin bid her goodbye and leave. 

The ride to the cemetery was quiet. They sat on different seats on the bus, not speaking with each other. But have one common goal.

As soon as they stepped in the cemetery, strong and cold winds suddenly blows and made them shiver. They  walked down the path to where Jihyo’s grave is.

They looked at each other before giving their prayers one by one.
After giving each of their prayers for Jihyo, they decided to go home. It was also getting darker as the night grew. They stopped at the front of the cemetery upon exiting, confused. How do they say goodbye now? It wasn't definitely like before where they waved non stop or do other things close friends do when separating ways.
"So, we should all go home now" Soojin  was the first to say something. The other just nodded in response, they were still standing though and are being quiet when Jiyoon's stomach made a noise
"Oops" The source of the sound mutter and she knew Soeun was trying her best not to laugh "Well.. I'll go ahead and take my dinner on my way. Not that you need to know, just saying" Jiyoon said
"" Jimin said as her stomach growls after Jiyoon's. Then Soeun's stomach follows to indicate hunger as well. This time all of them tried not to laugh. Soojin remembers, it was usually like this. The three of them got so close to the point that they felt each other's hunger. And when one of their stomach's growl, the other two would follow and in a second they were heading to get food as they laughed.
"Well, it wouldn't hurt to get something to eat first? I'm kinda hungry as well" Soojin said and the rest agreed
"Jihyo's favorite resto is nearby" Hyewon told them
The moment they stepped foot inside the place, they were each flooded with memories. They have spent an awful amount of time together before. They naturally went to look for a table big enough to fit them all. Once seated, Soojin volunteered to order their food for them. "What do you want to eat?"
"The usual" Hyewon said but then realized Soojin might have forgotten already "I mean--"
"Don't worry, I got it"
"Well, the same for me" Jaehee said and all of them just said the same, they will get their usual meal from the cafe.
"How about you Jimin?"
"I'll go with you"
Soojin stood up to go to the counter to order and Jimin followed. When it was their turn to order, Soojin recited their order perfectly, not forgetting how each wanted their food done. Jimin stood there, amused. "You still remember every detail" she said to the older girl
Soojin just shrugged as they went to the side while waiting for their order. Yeah, she still can remember. She can remember this thing more than the lessons she need to memorize for an upcoming exam.
When their number for the order got called, Soojin and Monday each carry a tray in their hands and brought it to the table where the other girls are.
They started eating and though there was a bit of awkwardness from the long time they haven’t eaten together like this, deep inside each of them, they were happy—but of course no one would admit. No one would admit that they missed their moments together
All of them keep quiet as they munch on their food. Soojin glancing at the girls and thinking to herself, by this time Jiyoon would notice something on the way Jimin eat and for it. Jaehee will pick things she doesn’t like on her plate and will put in Jihyo’s plate who would then put in Soojin’s plate. Hyewon would bite her food but still have her eyes roam on the plate of others and Soeun will let her have some of her food. But nothing happened. Their table used to be the most lively and chaotic, now it was just awkward and quiet.
As soon as they finished eating, Jiyoon grab her wallet and took some bills for her food and gave it to Soojin who ordered and pay for their food earlier. Upon seeing this the other girls also gave each of their payments. Soojin just thanked them and they all stood to go.
It  was the first time. The first time Soojin got her money back that fast and complete. Back then, most will give a large bill to which Soojin doesn’t have change for. Or Soeun would ask one of them to pay for her portion first, or Jaehee would just insiat to pay online. It was chaotic and took a long time to settle their bill. But not today.
And as fast as they entered the café, they were also fast out. They all bid goobye and went on their separate ways.
Soojin sighed, the whole time she was with them, she just kept thinking of the past. She just kept thinking of how they used to be. And she wished that the next time they would be together, it won’t be like this.
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Chapter 7: Damn this story is intriguing! Thank you for this author!
Chapter 7: omg i'm hooked!
Lozanoellaizamae #3
Chapter 7: Updateeee pleaseeeee
hellohello1234 #4
Chapter 7: Loved the update author-nim! I can’t wait to finally read about the before story.
Chapter 6: thanks for the update author! im excited for the next one
alk_lofamia #6
Chapter 4: please update soon author-nim, curiousity is eating me,,,I want to know what's about to happen
Chapter 4: Thanks for the update Author-nim
Can't wait for next chapter
Chapter 3: Update please author-nim