Letting them inside

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Jisoo has just finished a meeting that lasted two hours and was going back to her office when she checked her phone and noticed a few missed calls from Sakura’s school.


She felt nervous and tried to call back immediately.


“This is Sakura’s mom.. Kim Jisoo.. I have received some calls from you and-..”


“Goodafternoon Mrs. Kim, we tried calling you because Sakura’s class was only until 11 am this morning and she seemed to have forgotten to tell you..”


Jisoo looked at the time.

It was past 1 pm already.

Does that mean that her child is all alone in her class right now? Poor little girl.. she must be feeling left out..


“Can you give me fifteen minutes so I can ask my superior if I can go and pick her up?” she asked begging the teacher as she went to open the room to the Marketing team.


“Someone has already picked Sakura up..” said the teacher.


Jisoo’s heart started drumming fast.

She was picked up already? Who?

It can’t be her mom.. she has work all day today and she turns her phone off too when she’s at work..


“Sakura gave me a man’s cellphone number when we couldn’t contact you.. she said that man is your friend..” said the teacher. “He’s called Kim Taehyung.. and he picked her up around 11:15 am..”


Jisoo heaved a sigh of relief.

It was Intern Kim.. she became nervous for a moment.. she almost thought her daughter got kidnapped by a stranger..


“Sakura convinced us that she knows the man personally so we agreed to let her go with him.. we can give you his personal information and the documents we asked him if you need..” the teacher continued.


But as soon as Jisoo opened the door, she saw Sakura running to her with a wide smile on her lips.


“Mom!” Sakura said aloud as she hugged her.


Jisoo’s lips curled up.


“There’s no need.. thank you for taking care of my daughter..” she said hanging up before carrying her daughter in her arms.


Sakura kissed her cheeks.


“Have you eaten yet, mom?” she asked as she held her face with her little hands. “I had some spaghetti with uncle Taehyung and grandma before..”


Jisoo raised her eyebrows.




Sakura nodded her head.


“Grandma Bora..” she replied smiling.


“You ate with her?” asked Jisoo in disbelief.


She hasn’t even had a meal with the CEO yet her daughter ate with her and even called her grandma.


Then she noticed Taehyung approaching them.

She bowed her head as a sign of gratitute.


“Thanks for picking her up..” she said smiling. “And for feeding her..”


Taehyung shook his head.


“I’m more glad that they gave her to  me..” he replied scratching his temple. “I thought I would be mistaken as a kidnapper..”


Jisoo chuckled.

Now that she thinks about it, how did Sakura know his number?


“I asked uncle to write it behind my book..” said Sakura. “I thought I’d call him when I want to play with him..”


Jisoo and Taehyung smiled.

That was a divine move.. if she hadn’t written his number, Sakura would have been left alone at school for more than two hours..


“You should eat now..” said Taehyung as he took Sakura from her. “She can stay here with me while you’re at the cafeteria.. Jennie was also waiting for you before..”


Jisoo looked embarrassed.

She seems to be asking him a lot of favors today..

What if he gets tired of taking care of her daughter? What if he says she’s being too much?


“Go and eat mom..” said Sakura waving her hand. 


“I’ll just bring Sakura with me downstairs.. I don’t think-..” she said as she tried to take her back.


But Sakura shook her head and wrapped her arms tightly around Taehyung’s neck.


“Uncle and I are talking about-..”


Taehyung covered gently.


Then Sakura started laughing.


“We said it was a secret.. I’m sorry uncle..” she said as she brushed her cheeks against his.


Taehyung patted her head before turning to a confused Jisoo.


“Please go and eat now..” he said sending her away.


Jisoo didn’t know what to say.

Why are they forcing her to leave? What were they talking about? What about that secret? When did these two get this close?


Still, she left the two and headed to the fourth floor to eat before the lunch break was over.


Taehyung and Sakura went back to his desk.

He brought a chair for her so she could also do her homework and draw the things she liked.


“Now.. let’s go back to what we were talking about..” said Taehyung putting his head on the table as close as possible to Sakura who was putting some colors on her textbook.


Sakura looked at him.


“Grandma says that mom likes spicy food but she stopped eating them when she had me..” 


Taehyung was nodding his head as he listened to her.


The two of them have been talking about her mom ever since they came back from school..

Specially.. Team Leader Kim’s preference..


“Mom likes color purple.. and also.. she likes rabbits..” Sakura continued.


“What does your mom like doing?” asked Taehyung curiously.


Sakura was pursing her lips as she thought of an answer.


“Mom likes taking care of me..” she replied. “She likes me.. and grandma..”


Taehyung chuckled.

Sakura is so cute.. he can’t handle her..


“Can uncle give you a kiss?” he asked as he stared at her with his eyes shooting love. 


Sakura closed her eyes as she waited to be kissed.


“How pretty!” said Taehyung kissing her on both her cheeks.


Sakura giggled as she opened her eyes.


“I also have something to ask you uncle..” she said smiling at him.


Taehyung put his face in front of her with a wide smile on his lips.


“What does our lovely Sakura want to know?” he asked anticipating.


“Does uncle like mom?” 


Taehyung’s throat moved fast..

His smile slowly disappeared as the question kept echoing inside his head.


He must have remained silent for a few seconds..

And all he could tell her was..


“Uncle loves women..” he said as he ruffled her hair. “You can continue drawing.. I’ll start working now before your mom gets mad at me..”







Jisoo was reviewing the details of their newest product with Sakura drawing busily beside her.


She stopped working for a moment to check on her.

She was told that she needs to give enough attention to her child no matter how busy she is.


“What are you drawing?” she asked as she moved herself closer to her. 


She noticed she was drawing a what seems to be a man.


“Who is this?” she asked curiously.


Sakura turned to her and showed her proudly her finished product.


“Uncle Taehyung..” she said smiling. “I’m going to give this to him as a gift..”


Jisoo smiled.


Sakura has only drawn her and her mom all this time. It’s the first time she has seen her draw someone else.


It feels great to see her daughter being close with Taehyung but at the same time, it’s also weird..


Who she thought would be the worst person she could have known in her life has turned into someone really helpful to her..


She’s thankful to him.. but at the same time she feels sorry for always asking him a favor.. it feels like she’s taking too much of his time.. 


She knows he’s a busy man with a lot of ambitions and has an adventurous life outside this company.. yet he’s always occupied with looking after her daughter..


“Can you help me write uncle’s name mom?” asked Sakura looking at her. “I want to write his name and draw a heart beside it..”


Jisoo nodded her head and wrote his name on scratch paper immediately.


Then she returned to work again.


She has a lot to do.. their launching date is approaching yet there are still some things she needs to review and change..

She’s under a lot of pressure because this is the first product she will be doing.. the CEO must have a lot expectations from her and her team must also be depending a lot on her..


It was already time to go home and she still hasn’t finished yet.


She glanced at Sakura who was looking really sleepy as she read her books.

She felt sorry for her.. this little girl must want to play now but her mom still has a lot of work..


“Can you wait a little more?” she asked as she held her face.


Sakura nodded her head.


And just a few moments later, the two of them heard a knock from the outside.


Taehyung came in all prepared to leave.

It was already 4:30 pm.


“Team Leader Kim.. can I take Sakura to the cafè behind the company?” he asked as he looked at Sakura who was already on her feet upon seeing him.


Jisoo took a moment to think.

Here comes another favor to him.. what should she do? 


“I’ll ask Jennie to take her instead..” said Jisoo refusing him.


“Jennie has gone home already.. she needed to send a package to the post office..” said Taehyung.


Jisoo bit her lower lip.

Then maybe.. she can ask Jimin to take care of Sakura..


“And Jimin has just gone to drive my grandma home..” Taehyung continued.


Jisoo sighed.


“Then Sakura can just stay with me here for a little-..” she stopped as she saw her daughter’s face.


She looked disappointed. She was pouting her lips while her eyes were turning red.


“Let me just bring her with me while you finish your work..” said Taehyung as he approached Sakura.


Jisoo lowered her gaze.


“Then.. I’d be really thankful to you if you did that..” she said looking shy.


Taehyung chuckled.

He just witnessed another episode of Team Leader Kim being that shy and sweet girl she unusually is..


The two went to eat something at the cafè while Jisoo hurriedly finished her work.


It was almost 6 pm when she reached them.


She smiled as soon as she heard her daughter’s giggles.

What is making her this happy?


Then she saw she was pinching and playing with Taehyung’s face.

She ran to stop her right away almost startling the two of them.


“You shouldn’t do that with uncle..” she said scolding her. “He will not play with you anymore if you keep doing that..”


Sakura remained silent.


“It’s fine.. I wasn’t even hurt..” said Taehyung trying to defend Sakura.


It was his idea afterall. Who knew he’d get Sakura scolded? 


“Say sorry to uncle right away..” said Jisoo lowering herself to level her gaze with Sakura’s. 


“I’m sorry uncle..” Sakura said in her soft voice.


“Louder..” said Jisoo.


Sakura turned to face Taehyung.


“I’m sorry uncle..” she said again.


Taehyung smiled.


“That’s fine..” he said wanting to comfort her.


Jisoo patted her head.


“We should go now..” she said standing up again as she held her daughter’s hand.


But right then, Taehyung faked a cough and raised his eyebrows while looking at Sakura as if he were giving signals to her.


“Mom..” said Sakura looking up at Jisoo. “I want to watch a movie..”


Jisoo’s eyes widened.

A movie? All of a sudden?


“I don’t think we will be able to watch any movie at this time..” she said scratching her head. “We can just watch at home and-..”


“There’s a cinema just at the end of the street..” said Taehyung softly as he looked at his phone. “And there’s a Disney movie starting in half an hour..”


Jisoo looked at him suspisciously.

He didn’t plan this, did he? Why does he look like he was the one who told her daughter about this movie?


“I swear I didn’t do anything..” said Taehyung trying to refrain himself from smiling.


Of course he did.. he was asking Sakura about what she wanted to do with her mom and she said she wanted to see a movie with her once on the big screen.


He just wanted to grant an innocent wish from a child, didn’t he do good?


“Let’s go then..” said Jisoo smiling.


Taehyung’s lips also curled up.

But then they frowned after hearing her say..


“You should go home now Intern Kim.. thanks for looking after my Sakura..”


Taehyung turned to her.


“Am I not going with you?” he asked disappointed. “I mean.. I checked the timetable.. and even chose the movie and..”


“You told her about this, didn’t you?” asked Jisoo as she thinned her eyes.


Taehyung gulped.

He just got himself caught.


“Well.. to be honest.. yes..” he said looking away from her.


Jisoo chuckled.


“Let’s go now.. I’ll treat you for taking care of her the whole day.. but I don’t think you’ll love to see a princess movie..” she said as they went out.


Taehyung smiled to himself as he followed them outside.






Taehyung was looking around the theater.

It was packed with children specially little princesses who came to watch the movie with their mothers.

In a few words, all of them were women.. almost all of them.. maybe..

Because he was there.. 


But instead of feeling embarrassed.. he feels quite happy..

He didn’t knowing watching a movie with the princess as a protagonist would make him smile this much..


Sakura was sitting in between him and Jisoo and he could see her swoon over the movie.

She must like it that much.. don’t her cheeks hurt from smiling?


He found himself watching her instead of the movie.. 

Then his eyes turned slowly to Jisoo who was looking at him that moment.


And as soon as their eyes met, Jisoo looked back at the screen.

She found it interesting that Taehyung was watching her daughter with a dad’s smile on his face..

Oh wait.. a dad’s smile is a little too much to use to describe him..

Anyway.. he looked really fond of her.. and she felt grateful again..


She was thinking to herself when she noticed Sakura wasn’t beside her anymore.

Where did she go to? 

But before she could panic, she saw her sitting on Taehyung’s lap.


She heaved a sigh of relief right away. She almost screamed her name! She thought she disappeared for a second!


Then Sakura reached her hand to her and leaned herself towards her..


“Sit beside me mom..” said Sakura asking her to move closer to her.


Jisoo changed her seat next to Taehyung and Sakura immediately.


Unlike her who was just enjoying the movie, Taehyung was being stiff..

He felt Jisoo’s shoulders touching his.. and with them being this close.. his mind stopped working.. his soul left his body..


He closed his eyes for a moment to try to regain his composure.

What is he thinking inside his head? 

Why can’t he stay calm? Those are just freaking shoulders! Has he never felt any woman’s shoulders touching his? Why is panicking like this over those mere shoulders?


He was s

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All the pictures I used aren’t mine, ctto!


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Chapter 18: ❣️
1128 streak #2
Chapter 1: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1479046/1'>Spring started</a></span>
First chap and I'm already loving it... As I was staring at the front photo of Vsoo and her child I thought the child looks a little like Yeji hehehe I don't know maybe because of the eyes?
1128 streak #3
Again thank you for accepting my friend request authy😁😁😁 as soon as I saw this I immediately click it and oh boy I'm glad that I did cause there are so many stories to chose from and I can't wait to start reading
Nurliana9 #4
Chapter 16: 2nd time reading this story and still loving it..beautiful story❤
KimJisooxMaleIdols #5
Chapter 18: love it too good for my little heart
Alisha9867 #6
Chapter 6: You're stories are really amazing author... You have great talent in writing. Like all the books I have read from you are very good and the fact that they are vsoo stories are even more amazing... Thank you for giving us such stories, we love you... Take care
Soyaaa_stans #7
this story is really close to my heart.
Soyaaa_stans #8
Chapter 18: This is such a good story.you are so talented
Js_chu #9
Chapter 18: Omg🥺