Everything ing Hurts

Project: Volunteer
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So did you manage to ask him what he meant by the story?



Hey monkey

Answer me



Lee Hyukjaeeeeee





Not now, pls

Oops, did I interrupt something I shouldnā€™t have?



I just reached my room

Talk to you later

Iā€™m tired


Wait, arenā€™t you with him?

What room are you talking about?

Arenā€™tĀ you spending the entire weekend with him?

What are you doing back in your room?

Unless you meant he gave you your own room already

Iā€™m at the dorms, idiot

What are you doing at the dorms?

Hyukjae, are you okay?

Did you guys fight?

Iā€™m sorry

Did he kick you out?

Want me to kick hisĀ Ā for you?

Itā€™s fine, he didnā€™t kick me out. I left on my own

Do you wanna talk about it?

Not really

I just need to think things through

Iā€™m fine, I promise

Are you sure?

Yes, Iā€™m sure

Stop messaging me and get back to your Kyuhyun

Youā€™re gonna make him jealous

Mmh donā€™t care, youā€™re more important to me


Please just leave me alone for a bit

Iā€™ll be alright tomorrow

You sure?

Have a good night with Kyu

I feel like you need a hug right now

Aughhh too bad Iā€™m not at the dorms with you

Maybe I should get Kyu to drop me off

You donā€™t sound ok to me






Hyukjae threw his phone onto his bedside table and flopped onto his bed. Since it was a Saturday night, his roommate wasnā€™t home and he had the whole room to himself. Just as well ā€” he didnā€™t want anyone else to witness him bawling his eyes out over his broken heart.

Donghae hadnā€™t dumped him. It was he who had dumped the professor, at this point, so why did his heart hurt so much that it felt like it was being ripped out of his chest?Ā 

He couldnā€™t exactly identify his feelings. It was a mixture of heartbreak, betrayal, confusion, and maybe a little bit of hatredā€¦ Okay maybe he didnā€™t hate the professor, but he definitely hated the way Donghae refused to even acknowledge that he liked him and still defended Prof Choi in the end.Ā 

Just how hard was it to say ā€˜I like youā€™ back? Hyukjae had poured everything out to him during . Everything. It wasnā€™t just a spur-of-the-moment thing, but now that he thought of it, maybe Donghae thought he wasnā€™t being serious when he said it. Though how an anatomy professor like Donghae could miss all the verbal cues and body language that he really, really liked the professor, he didnā€™t know. Donghae couldnā€™t be that dense. He had to have known that Hyukjae was being serious about everything he said. He was just choosing to ignore everything.


ā€œOnce you learn about the ugly side of me, youā€™re going to regret ever meeting me in the first place.ā€

ā€œI wonā€™t change my mind that easily.ā€


Hyukjae sighed deeply.

Bull. The moment Donghae finally revealed his relationship with Prof Choi, Hyukjae had practically chewed him out about it, giving him no chance to explain any further, and even left him in the end. He was the one who basically forced Donghae to tell him about Prof Choi, and then he was the one who lost his head over the revelation.

Honestly, there shouldnā€™t have been anything wrong with Donghae being ā€˜sponsoredā€™ by someone else. Hyukjae was pretty sure that there were a handful of sugar babies at uni who proudly flaunted their riches to the rest of the student body, and he barely batted an eye at those girls. That was what he should have done with Donghae ā€” it was truly none of his business if the professor wanted to maintain his arrangement with whoever the he wanted. He said it himself ā€” he wasnā€™t being serious with Hyukjae. Hyukjae should have known better.

But the other part of him wanted to believe that Donghae truly wanted to be with him. And it wasnā€™t only because of . Because, if it was like he said that Donghae only slept with Siwon for the money, then why did the professor still want to sleep with Hyukjae even though he knew that he wasnā€™t going to get anything from the student?

Was Hyukjae really a casual fling like he said? Or was Donghae genuinely trying to build something between them but was just too scared to admit that he liked him because he was afraid of what Hyukjae would say about his relationship with Prof Choi?

ā€¦ Sort of like testing the waters, but giving himself an option to back out just in case Hyukjae reacted like he did.

Hyukjae sighed and threw an arm over his eyes. Everything was just so ed up.

Donghae had told him to wait. Donghae had told him that he wasnā€™t ready for a relationship. Donghae had warned him that there was an ugly side to him that Hyukjae wouldnā€™t like. Donghae had tried avoiding the topic so that Hyukjae wouldnā€™t get hurt. And he, like the stupid idiot he was, decided to rip off the band-aid before it was fully healed and hurt both Donghae and himself in the process.

He felt like such a hypocrite. After telling the professor that he would accept him as he was and wanted to spend the rest of his life with him, heā€™d gone and run away at the first sight of conflict.

Donghae must be feeling so hurt now. He remembered the desperate look on the professorā€™s face as he shut the door. That wasnā€™t the look of a ā€˜sugar babyā€™ happy to go back to his ā€˜sugar daddyā€™ for more and more money. It had been the look of a lost puppy pleading with its owner not to abandon himā€¦ but he still went ahead and did it anyway.

But he hurt me too! Hyukjae thought angrily, He still called me a mere distraction and told me that he never planned to go any further with our relationship. Iā€™d be the one getting hurt in the end if we continued like that. Iā€¦ I made the right choice by getting away. We need to stop before things get more complicatedā€¦Ā  I need to forget about him.

, I canā€™t get his face out of my headā€¦ If he was going to just toy around with me and just make me a buddy then why did he have those stupid sad puppy eyes when I was leaving him? Itā€™s not like heā€™d ever say he liked meā€¦Ā 

Hyukjae suddenly sat up in his bed. ā€œW-Waitā€¦ he actually didā€¦ā€


ā€œHyukjae, Iā€¦ I do like you, still.ā€



The one and only time Donghae ever told him he liked him, he indicated that he had liked him all along?

The .

ā€œAughh, why didnā€™t he say that earlier when I asked him? And what kind of ing bull was he spewing before that, calling me a distraction and hurting me like that? What was he thinking? What was I thinking? Jerk! Idiot! Dickhead! Stupid bastard! ingā€¦ Son of a !ā€

Hyukjae screamed. He threw and kicked all his toys, pillows, and covers onto the ground in a fit of rage and fell back onto the bare mattress, fully wracked in sobs. ā€œI-I hate you, Professor Leeā€¦ I ing hate you so muchā€¦ā€






Sunlight streamed through the cracks in the blackout curtains and landed precisely on Donghaeā€™s eyes. The rays pierced uncomfortably through his swollen eyelids, making Donghae pull the covers over his head with a soft whimper. It felt like heā€™d just barely fallen asleep not even half an hour ago. Surely it couldnā€™t be morning already?

Everything hurts. Everything ing hurts.

It quickly got suffocating under the blanket. He kicked it off five minutes later with a painful hiss.

Hyukjae had been particularly rough with him last night. It wasnā€™t that he hadnā€™t had rough before, but this time, it hurt a lot more than usual. Not just his aching body, but also his heart.

How he wished everything from last night was just a terrible nightmare and heā€™d wake up to find Hyukjae snuggled comfortably against his back, breathing softly into his neck while smelling like citrus and heaven.

Donghae sighed and sat up carefully. After a few tries, he finally managed to get up on his feet and gingerly made his way to the bathroom to wash up. It was already half past noon. It wouldnā€™t do for him to stay in bed any longer because he knew that he would continue moping around until the next day. If he could just get some work done, at least he wouldnā€™t feel bad for wasting a good chunk of the day away. Besides, if he kept himself busy, he wouldnā€™t be able to think about Hyukjae and relive last night over and over again.

Heā€™d cried his tears dry all night long, and he had the swollen eyes to show for it. It was no use crying over spilt milk anymore. Hyukjae was completely done with him. And it was all his fault.

He looked down when he realised heā€™d just kicked something. Dozens of condoms, lube, toys, and their boxes were scattered all over the ground. Right. Heā€™d swept everything down to the floor after Hyukjae left and forgot abou

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OMG it's been exactly 3 years since I started this story (o.O) Happy birthday, I guess? \(>w<)/
(I haven't forgotten this fic I swear it's all still in my head TT_TT)


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Chapter 63: They're crazy!! Crazy sugar Prof and crazy hot student šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thankyou for updating this story. 2nights ago I remembered to check this project between the prof and student. And it makes me happy i got a new chapter šŸ„³šŸ’ƒšŸ»
Chapter 63: Han pasado sólo algunos días (2) desde que empecé a leer y no puedo creer que me quedé sin capítulos wkfbsikfis me encanta todo, no me esperaba la parte de angs pero era necesaria, ahora amo leer como van superando sus inseguridades y conociéndose cada vez uno al otro šŸ˜Š

Me en anta también su química en la cama, aunque me hacen sentir un poco de envidia šŸ«£šŸ«£ estaré al pendiente de próximas actualizaciones pero no te sientas presionada šŸ˜˜
Chapter 63: Nice to see you again! y surprise. šŸ˜˜
164 streak #4
Chapter 63: Whoa!! Way to make a comeback here. It seems like everything is exploding. LOL

Welcome back!!!
jelenzki #5
Chapter 62: comeback authornim
Omg! I finished the last chapter!!! can't wait for the next. Hope you'll drop it soon. Thankyou for this interesting story! šŸ’™šŸ’™
164 streak #7
Chapter 62: LMAO! I died at the last part where Hyuk said he wanted to ruin toys for Hae. That's gotta be the most hilarious thing I've read in a while. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

Welcome back, en! Happy EunHae day indeed! šŸ˜Š

Tell me about it!? If only there's a returnbutton somewhere to let me back in my teen years. šŸ˜… I'm glad you're well again~
Chapter 3: Just found this story by someone's recommendation on twit. Yes, i began read bcz of eunhae even though this chapter didn't have bout them yet. But I already attracted to this story. For sure I'll finish it. Please don't stop writing bout this project volunteer. Thankyou!^^
1455 streak #9
Chapter 62: omgg missed this update yesterday!! time to catch up!šŸ˜Ž
Lavender05 #10
Chapter 62: Fudge this is hot šŸ”„šŸ”„