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Donghae is that one call away friend everytime Hyukjae breaks up with his boyfriend. How long can they keep their "just friends" relationship?


“Why don’t you just be with me instead?” Donghae held Hyuk’s chin to face him and looked straight into his eyes. There was silence. Hyuk just stared into Hae’s eyes. Not sure of what to say. He felt it again. That strange feeling whenever Hae’s near him. He has been trying to brush it off all these times. His heart’s beating fast. Felt so good but so wrong. But, why?

Thank you all so much for your comments. It is greatly appreciated as this is my first time writing so it really means a lot to me. Also, i'm sorry for hurting you guys with this angst hahaha. But I'm really glad you all liked it!! Thank youuu!!!


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sweetylailai #1
Chapter 1: My poor Donghae!!!
1455 streak #2
Chapter 1: Whyyy do you write angst so well???????
1586 streak #3
Chapter 1: Aw. It's crappy when a friend only needs you when they're single and then disappears when they're in a relationship. Donghae was (whipped) too nice to not only tolerate it, but also to always be there for Hyuk when he inevitably broke up. The fact that he obviously harboured feelings for his friend, but never made Hyukjae feel bad or acted jealous or bitter with his antics, makes Donghae a better man than most. He was just so supportive and lovely and pitiful. No wonder Hyuk had no idea. Or at least it helped with the willful ignorance. (Because really - who is That nice to someone they don't have deeper feelings for?)

Hearing Hyukjae talk about not being good enough or doing enough makes it obvious that wasn't the relationship for him. Ffs - there's Donghae taking what scraps of his time he'll spare him, and not judging him or trying to change him, clearly better is out there! He should have been more resolved in ending things for good back then. Though Donghae should've want better for himself too. Not just to be the friend who consoles and holds on to his feelings, even though he didn't think they'll ever be returned. But people are fools for love.

Liquid courage might have been needed for Donghae to shoot his shot, but that just adds incredulity to the bad timing. Of course, Hyukjae wouldn't take him seriously. But probably for the best, since it was way too soon after breaking up (literally right away) to jump into a new thing. Especially with their precious friendship between them, it deserved more consideration than a rebound relationship.

Sounds like Hyukjae hasn't been single for a long time, he probably could've used some time on his own to figure things out before he could even consider something new. Though, naturally, with his history Donghae was probably weary he'd really just get back together with Siwon eventually, no matter what he says about being tired and the same old issues repeating that circle back to breaking up. Even so. Can't force these things if Hyukjae doesn't see them himself. If he kept just going back and settling for a while out of fear.

It's just not fair to Donghae. Using him for comfort all the time. Intentionally ignoring his feelings and all too blatant confessions. Asking him to be with him instead, saying he might be in love with him, is nothing short. Just bad timing every time before, when Hyukjae wasn't resolved to actually move on and take a chance to try something with his precious friend.

For that reason them getting together so quickly felt uneasy, rushed, unearned. Even before the shady foreboding texts. Maybe because it was easy to feel the way Donghae felt, that it's too good to be true. Not that he didn't trust Hyukjae, just that Donghae felt insecure for always being the second choice in his life.

But this time, after actually becoming a couple - I was thinking, could Hyukjae really abandon him like that? His disappearance might have been expected to Donghae after being so used to the behaviour - but blocking his current boyfriend without so much as a breakup? That screams huge red flag. As if Hyukjae's on-off-relationship already didn't seem toxic and Siwon controlling...this would just indicate something scarier! But...it really wasn't against Hyukjae's will this time? Even if he was coaxed by drunken Siwon. He really did that? Oof. That's basically unforgivable.

Donghae is a saint, seriously, for just being mad or disappointed with himself for hoping for more, and not expressing how Hyuk hurt him so much. Or a doormat, really. Hyukjae should've felt bad and not joked about it. But Donghae always pretended he was fine, so Hyuk thought he was fine. Well, guess he deserved the ty dysfunctional manipulative relationship he kept going back to, since he didn't value being treated unequivocally well by someone who accepts him the way he is and puts him first, at the expense of himself. :(

Even with Siwon finally "letting him go" because he accepted that Hyuk is not happy with him, when Hyuk didn't even choose that, not really - why should Donghae take him back? I was really proud he didn't.

As selfish and according to his whims Siwon always commanded their relationship, how selfish and entitled Hyuk was back then to ask Donghae to wait, to expect him to. Donghae simply deserves someone who always will choose him, not just go to him when he's the only option. Let alone someone who's been so disrespectful and cruel in his treatment. No one deserves a friend like that, let alone a lover. Hyukjae needs therapy instead of a relationship, I think. The amount of pain he felt when he read the letter and looked at the pictures, seems only a fraction of the pain he caused to the sweet man who left them for him.

This one was a rollercoaster of a read. Was really expecting a neat and tidy but somehow less satisfying happy ending, where feelings seemed too conveniently mutual after having been so imbalanced all along. Because that's usually how this kind of friends-to-lovers one-sided unrequited love stories turn out. And I'm soft-hearted these days so I usually prefer it to angst endings, but I'm glad it didn't end happy here. There was too much hurt and not enough redemption for that, so it seemed fitting. (Hyuk needs to suffer a bit more adequately, then I can wish for his future happiness too. Lol. I see there's a sequel but it also only has an angst tag. Do I need to prepare for an ultimately unhappy ending? Sorry for the super long comment.) ♡
LeeLenaMx #4
Chapter 1: This is so good… but also sad 😢 thanks for sharing this story
Chapter 1: I know there’s a sequel and I come back to that every now and then to check how their story takes a turn buuut I love that Donghae chose himself this time around. He may have been hurt a lot of times but he still thanked Hyuk for giving him some of the best memories, that just shows how much he loves him. And maybe they will have their chance one day, he just needs to love himself for now. This is written so so well, thank you author-nim ❤️
Chapter 1: I just wanna slap Hyuk real bad, how could he be sooo stupid, gosh. but I'm proud of my baby hae, he finally choose to be happy with himself trying to find him while letting go the past
thank youuuuu for the story
Chapter 1: This is so heart breaking, but I'm glad Hae finally choose himself. I'm going to read the sequel now. Thank you for this. ❤💙
Chapter 1: Woww
This is actually good
And you manage to make me cry over this
Ahhh the broken feeling
Chapter 2: Thank you for the sequel author-nim....❤
Served #10
Chapter 1: I already like how this ended though. It hurts. But it feels quite real? Anybody will get tired of being a second choice. And Hyukjae's character need that reality check. I love that line in Hae's letter that... This time I chose me. I hope everyone will be brave enough to choose themselves too!