Sound of Silence

Joohyun entered Seulgi’s apartment, a place where she had spent her entire week. Sooyoung wasn’t asking questions, probably too busy with work to even notice, but it wasn’t unusual for Joohyun to crash at Seulgi’s. Joohyun was the one who always took care of Seulgi, the one with whom Seulgi felt the most comfortable with. Which is probably why Seungwan saw them as sisters. Since the beginning they insisted there was nothing romantic between them, probably denying it. But now that it has happened Joohyun wondered how stupid they could have been not to realize it wasn’t just friendship.

‘’Can we… Just sleep?’’ Seulgi mumbled, a yawn escaping as she drowsily walked to her bedroom. Joohyun nodded, not feeling any better. What surprised her is that Seulgi led her to her bedroom, something which she had never done before. They had always slept in the guest room, or on the large couch in Seulgi’s living room. Joohyun didn’t mind, both places being comfortable.

‘’I think it’s the first time I’ll be seeing your bedroom… like ever.’’ Joohyun said, walking closely behind. Seulgi halted her steps, right before the door her head hanging down. Joohyun thought this made Seulgi rethink her decision. ‘’Not that I mind it’s just-‘’

‘’I… don’t use it often.’’ Seulgi whispered her brows furrowing. ‘’Not against you.’’ She finished, opening her bedroom. Joohyun squeezed her shoulder to reassure her entering the space. She expected a very sober decoration like in the other rooms, but here, there were artworks on the walls, more books about medicine and neurosurgery, music and piano. It still had a very sober, clinical cleanliness to it, but the artworks gave more life to the room, as if someone actually lived here. Two weeks ago, the apartment looked so pristine clean that it could have been a display apartment. Now, the traces of someone living inside were sheets and duvets on the Seulgi’s couch, used glasses of wine and water in the kitchen.

‘’You have so many books, you really love neurosurgery huh?’’ Joohyun said in awe still looking around the space. Seulgi did not say anything but just gave Joohyun a tight smile handing her grey sweatpants and sweatshirt to sleep in.



After what felt like an afternoon nap, Joohyun brought up her wrist to her eyes to rub her eyes and slowly wake up. She was welcomed with a dim light and next to her, Seulgi who was smiling.

‘’What time is it?’’ Joohyun said in a voice laced with slumber, confused by the darkness and the lights of the city outside the window.

‘’Late.’’ Seulgi mumbled getting closer to Joohyun to kiss her on the cheek putting an arm around her waist.

‘’Seul,’’ Joohyun chuckled grabbing the other girl’s sweatshirt. ‘’That tickles.’’ She said feeling Seulgi nuzzle her nose against her ear. She kept moving her feet trying to kick Seulgi away, the latter successfully locking Joohyun in her arms. Then, without warning, Seulgi bit Joohyun’s ear lobe with her canine getting a loud moan in reply.

‘’Fu-‘’ Joohyun let out before clasping with her hand in embarrassment, closing her eyes feeling her neck getting red. Seulgi straightened her back and looked down at Joohyun with an amused smile, poking her cheek to make Joohyun open her eyes.

‘’Sorry.’’ Joohyun mumbled, and Seulgi’s smile grew wider wiggling her eyebrows.

‘’You like that.’’ Seulgi said, her voice still barely above a whisper and wide grin on her face.



‘’No.’’ Joohyun tried to fight, but her red cheeks betrayed her. ‘’Just shut up and kiss me.’’ She finally surrendered hooking her arms behind Seulgi’s neck. Bringing their lips together for a kiss which quickly escalated, Joohyun felt a wave of euphoria going through her. She knew that feeling very well. She was very much aware she was falling for Seulgi more and more each day that passed. And for once she wasn’t scared or felt like backing down every other time it happened.

She focused on Seulgi readjusting her position to fit better in between her legs, Joohyun hooking them up around Seulgi’s waist. She sneaked her hands beneath Seulgi’s sweatshirt as the latter kissed descended further down her neck, making Joohyun relieve gasps into Seulgi’s ear.

She managed to sneak a hand in Seulgi’s pants, grabbing the skin of her hearing Seulgi’s breath hitch. Seulgi stopped kissing her neck for a second, pecking her cheek repeatedly before her lips settled on her ear. Feeling Seulgi’s breath on her ear, so close to her, made her close her legs by reflex and she felt Seulgi smile.

‘’I…’’ Seulgi started and gulped, taking in a deep breath. ‘’Want you so bad.’’ She finished her sentence and kissed Joohyun’s ear before pulling her head up to take a look at Joohyun.

Joohyun gulped seeing Seulgi looking so fervently at her, awaiting an answer before doing anything. Her hair was a mess, she was breathing heavily and now Joohyun was sure Seulgi wanted it as bad as herself. Putting a few strands of hair behind Seulgi’s ear, she bit her bottom lip and nodded her head.

‘’Me too.’’ She replied, bringing Seulgi down for another kiss, a kiss that this time didn’t stop at any point like they usually would.



‘’Hhmm, my turn.’’ Joohyun giggled, being held tightly by Seulgi who just finished her story. The sun was slowly coming out, the darkness of the city slowly fading.

‘’I’ve never had a serious relationship.’’ Joohyun settled on. They had been playing this game for the past thirty minutes, too tired to continue their shenanigans but not tired enough to go to sleep.

Seulgi looked at the girl in her arms, studying her face, admiring her. She smiled and shook her head to reply false. For her, it was impossible Joohyun had never had a serious relationship. She was Joohyun. Pretty, talented, hard working. Now that she thought about it, it didn’t surprise Seulgi that she was falling for her.

‘’No that’s true, I’ve never had one.’’ Joohyun finished, turning to her right to lie her face on Seulgi’s still chest, tracing circles with her fingers. There was a moment of silence before Seulgi’s reply, but it wasn’t awkward. Seulgi knew Joohyun was used to it.

‘’What?’’ Seulgi looking down at Joohyun who shrugged her shoulders.

‘’Happens, it’s life.’’


‘’What no?’’ Joohyun giggled and saw Seulgi was struggling to speak again. ‘’You don’t have to say anything.’’ She added making Seulgi sigh and put up a finger to Joohyun’s mouth.  It annoyed Seulgi sometimes that Joohyun was like this. She knew she didn’t have to force her words out around Joohyun but she wanted. She wanted to tell Joohyun what she thought, to have normal conversations. To tell her what she felt.

‘’Pretty.’’ Seulgi only managed to say after a beat making Joohyun laugh.

‘’Your turn,’’ she said slowly tapping Seulgi’s shoulder. Seulgi faintly smiled, disappointed that when it came to tell Joohyun what she thought words suddenly got stuck in as if she was talking to a stranger.

‘’I ne-ne-never wanted to be a su-surgeon.’’ She whispered and Joohyun let out a shocked gasp sitting up in the bed.

‘’That’s such a lie, you’re so talented and dedicated I cannot even imagine you doing something else!’’ She ran a hand through her hair. ‘’Yah, look up.’’ She joked when she noticed Seulgi staring at her s.

‘’True.’’ Seulgi replied grabbing Joohyun’s hands.

‘’I don’t believe it.’’ Joohyun said wide mouth open trying to process what Seulgi had just said.

For a moment Seulgi thought, wondering if she should reveal it to Joohyun. She had never revealed it to anyone except Seungwan. She braced herself, just like before surgery taking in a few deep breaths to be able to talk smoothly. Sometimes it worked outside the OR, so she hoped would at least cooperate now.

‘’It happened when I was 15.’’ She started in a low voice, as usual, pointing to . She sat up in the bed, covering her chest and Joohyun grabbed a t-shirt, coming closer sensing the conversation was turning serious. ‘’At the store… I saw a man got hit on his head. Th-there was blood everywhere…’’ Seulgi started and felt her lips shaking. ‘’I just- got- so scared.’’

Joohyun straddled Seulgi, kissing her on the forehead and hugging her.

‘’I didn’t know it got to me so badly.’’ A pause. ‘’After a few hours my mom got worried when I couldn’t utter a word. Me too.’’ Seulgi looked up at Joohyun who was holding her face, softly caressing it, reassuring Seulgi throughout the story. ‘’After two weeks of me not speaking my agency fired me- I had sp-speech therapy but- it didn’t help. It just comes and goes randomly. With my anxiety it’s just w-worse. I keep stuttering.’’ Seulgi said and grabbed the bottle of water feeling getting strained.

‘’What agency?’’ Joohyun asked after a bit.

‘’I would have been a girl group member.’’ Seulgi said with a sad smile while Joohyun’s eyes widened.


‘’And I got so mad I had my dream taken away, I just- thought I’d find a cure for myself.’’ Seulgi pursed her lips. ‘’Didn’t work.’’ She added with a laugh.

‘’Seulgi…’’ Joohyun said with a sad voice but Seulgi quickly dismissed her with a shake of her head.

‘’It’s the past.’’ She said.

‘’I’m so sorry it happened to you.’’

‘’Don’t be.’’ Seulgi whispered one last time before bringing Joohyun down to kiss her. Her hands wasted no time in taking off her shirt again to forget the sour mood quickly. She did not need reassurance. It was already in the past. She just felt the need to tell Joohyun about it. To be honest with her.

‘’I feel like we are not getting out of this bed for the entirety of our days off.’’ Joohyun joked in between kisses.

‘’We’re not.’’ Seulgi whispered.



Coming back after three days off to work was not something Seulgi liked. She had to read all the updated charts of her patients and get back into action even if her service felt like something completely new. She was near the nurse’s desk reading her files, trying to catch up with her procedures. A nurse came in and gave her a cup of coffee, to which Seulgi smiled gratefully. Form the corner of her eye she saw Joohyun coming, few files in her hand. She dismissed the nurse to smile at Joohyun who rolled her eyes and cut past them. Seulgi turned around to look where Joohyun could possibly be going already so mad in the morning. She cringed when she noticed her following Yeri and Sooyoung into a supply room.

After a few minutes she noticed Sooyoung storming off the supply room, followed by Yeri who looked equally as pissed as the other girl. They both went separate directions which seemed strange to Seulgi. Giving back the files to the nurses, she went to the supply room. She found Joohyun sitting on the floor massaging her temples. She sat next to her and poked her cheek, making Joohyun sigh.

‘’I thought I’d be relaxed after three days of .’’ She crudely said making Seulgi blush. ‘’But my sister’s an idiot risking her reputation for an intern.’’ She sighed. ‘’How stupid can she be to just- just- risk it all to hook up with an intern INSIDE the hospital. At least try to keep it on the low for god’s sake.’’

‘’I can’t under-‘’ Joohyun started but was silenced by Seulgi’s lips on her. When she pulled out, Seulgi smiled at her as if asking ‘’better?’’. Joohyun smiled nodding her head.

‘’How was your day?’’ She asked and Seulgi shrugged her shoulders, meaning it was okay.

‘’Yeah, neuro is usually calmer.’’ Joohyun joked.

‘’Mhhm.’’ Seulgi rolled her eyes. They slowly started to get up, but before they could be completely up, Jennie stormed inside the room followed by Jisoo. The two women immediately sat down not to get caught.


‘’-don’t ing understand it Jisoo. I’ve been waiting for five years! And I’m tired. I want a divorce.’’ Jennie screamed, making Joohyun and Seulgi look at each other with wide eyes.

‘’Jennie, please, you know my schedule wouldn’t allow me to make time for a kid.’’ Jisoo pleaded.

‘’That’s your excuse since day one. You knew I wanted kids! Why did you marry since you clearly don’t want one?!’’

‘’Jennie please. Just be a little more patie-‘’

‘’More patient?! I’ve bee patient when you were going out with Seungwan getting out drunk coming wasted at home. When I’ve been tolerating all your whines, all your ‘be patient’ and empty promises for our future family. When you completely neglected me for the last two ing years of our marriage, not even bothering coming home after your shift at night! You’re a ing and you still live like an intern! I’m ing tired of it.’’

‘’Jennie I did not neglect you. Don’t you dare saying that. I’ve always been by your side. You’re just giving up at the first struggle we’re having.’’ Jisoo calmly explained and Jennie scoffed at this.

‘’I want a divorce. I’ll be sleeping at Chaeyoung’s tonight.’’ Jennie said and before Jisoo could answer she was out the door. Jisoo waited a few seconds before kicking a shelf and going out the space.


‘’What the was that?’’ Joohyun whisper taken aback by the fight she just saw. To everyone, Jisoo and Jennie were the sweet and lovey dovey couple, without any troubles. She had no idea they were on the brink of a divorce. She glanced at Seulgi who kept looking at the door, ready to follow her friend.

‘’They’ll tell us about it when they’re ready. Don’t push it out of her.’’ Joohyun said. Seulgi hearing this sighed, opening to say something. But she couldn’t find the words so she slowly got up. She looked at Joohyun, ready to give her a kiss before resuming her day, but Joohyun’s pager was quicker to display a blue code having Joohyun run out immediately whispering a .

A few seconds later, Seulgi’s pager rang too, but she sighed out of frustration seeing the chief wanted to see her again.

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eunxiaoxlove #1
Chapter 11: Miss thisss
1060 streak #2
Chapter 11: please come back authornim! 😞😞
Cheshire3568 #3
Chapter 11: Come back!😭
Kimchi43 #4
Chapter 11: Sobbing...
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
Chapter 11: update please 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 11: oooh, lq seulrene hehe
4zahan #7
Chapter 11: glad this fic already update, thank you
2188 streak #8
Chapter 11: Read all of the chapters in one go! I'll wait with respect for the next update no matter how long it takes! Take your time authornim!
Dinaa_ #9
Chapter 9: Omg thank you for coming back, you've know idea how great this story is