We Got Married: Series [What the Married Life Feels Like]

We Got Married: Series [JinJoo]




Right after I dropped Minju unnie to their dorm, I went to the rooftop to check if I left something behind. And I did. I left my peace offering gift for her. Guess it slipped out of my mind when I heard Minju unnie's voice. I picked it up and went to our dorm. They might seriously lock me out if I don't go back anytime now. 




Morning came and I woke up extra early to go and visit Minju unnie before we start filming later. Right now, I'm still in my pjs as I make way to their dorm while carrying my peace offering gift for her. When I arrived there, I was about to knock when it suddenly opened, revealing Sakura unnie with a cup of coffee on her hand. 


"Oh Yujin-ah? You're here early."


"I forgot to give something to Minju unnie last night."


"Well okay then, come inside."


I got inside and sat down on the couch, scanning the place.


"Where are the others unnie? Still sleeping?"


"Yeah. But I think they'll wake up any time now." she said and proceeded to the kitchen.


"Even Eunbi unnie? Wow, that's a first." I said, amused.


"Oh no, Eunbi unnie woke up minutes ago. I think she's taking a shower now."


I hummed.


"Want anything? Coffee? Juice?"


"Just water please. I forgot to drink before going here."


Minutes later, Sakura unnie came back with a glass of water and it handed it to me. I muttered a small "thank you." and drank from the cup.


Soon enough, Eunbi unnie went outside, already looking fresh. I think she's about to cook breakfast.


"Oh Yujin, good morning. You're here early."


"Good morning unnie. Yup, needed to give Minju unnie this." I said, pertaining to the box that was placed beside me.


"Wanna eat breakfast here?" she offered.


"Oh I would love to unnie. But Chaeyeon unnie already cooked breakfast, she might sulk if I don't eat there." I answered, slightly pouting.


"Of course. Of course." Unnie said, chuckling and then went on to start cooking with Kkura unnie's assistance.


"Unnies? Is it okay if I go ahead and wake them up?"


"Sure Yujin-ah!" I hear Eunbi unnie shout from the kitchen and so I proceeded to wake the other four up.


I first went to wake Hitomo unnie up. Then Yuri unnie, and Wonyoung before going to Minju unnie. I'm telling you, waking Wonyoung up is not an easy task to do. I wonder how Chaeyeon unnie handled it before.


After waking Wonyoung up, I went to Minju unnie's room and saw her sleeping there. Her sleeping figure was wrapped by a blanket and her face was slightly scrunched.


"How cute." I smiled, beaming at her cuteness.


"Unnie. Minju unnie. Unnie, wake up." Minju unnie stirred a bit but still hasn't woke up.


"Unnie, come on now." 








She finally opened her eyes at looked at me, smiling.


"Good morning, love." I admit, I was slightly taken aback at her suddenly calling me with an endearment but nonetheless, I still smiled sweetly at her, kissing her temple.


"Good morning." she sat up and hugged me, burying her head on my neck.


"You're here early." she says.


"Oh, I came her to gave you this. I forgot about it last night." I said, handing her the box.


"Omo. What's this?" 


"Just a little peace offering gift. Nothing much really."


"Aw. You didn't have to Yujin-ah."


"But I wanted to." she hugged me tighter and detached herself after, focusing her attention on the box.


"Wow! This is a lot!" she exclaimed, pertaining to the amount of chocolates and gummies on the box.


"Welp." I shrugged, a cocky smile plastered on my lips.


"Gomawo Yudings~"


"You're very much welcome. Now come on, let's go help Eunbi unnie and Sakura unnie out." 


"Help me~" Minju unnie whined, stretching her arms in front of me when she got up.


"Aigoo~ Come here you big baby." I helped her stand up and we went outside of her room. I was behind her, placing my hands on her shoulders while we make our way to the kitchen.


"Wait, I'll wash my face first."


"Okay. I'll wait for you in the kitchen."


When I got there, the rest of the members were already busy helping them. They're also done freshening up as well. 


​​​​"Good morning." I greeted them when I came into sight.


"Good morning, Yujin-ah." Yuri unnie and Tomi unnie greeted me. My maknae, however, is still sulking. Probably because I woke her up by throwing a pillow at her leg.


"Good morning, Wonyoung-ah." I greeted her softly.


"Well yeah? Tell that to my pillow that you threw at my leg."


"Hey come on now, you weren't waking up. I had to."


"Yeah, whatever." 


I chuckled and went over her to ruffle her hair.


"Aish. Unnie! I fixed my hair already!" she whined.


"Well then, fix it again." I said teasingly.


Minju got out from the bathroom and went to the kitchen. When Wonyoung saw her, she immediately asked for back up.


"Minju unnie look! Yujin unnie is bullying me." she pursed her lips and was slightly glaring at me.


"Aigoo you big babies. It's still so early for that." Minju unnie chuckled at both of us.


"Good morning everyone."


"Good morning Min." they all greeted her.


Minju unnie was now watching Eunbi unnie and Kkura unnie from the kitchen counter.


"What'cha making unnies?"


"Waffles and pancakes."


"That sounds delicious!" I exclaimed, making them chuckle.


"At this state, I think you're gonna stay over for breakfast." Kkura unnie giggled.


"Nope. I am a loyal dorm mate so I'll avoid the temptation and still eat there."


"But I'll be glad to have at least a bite though." 


They chuckled, "Of course you can have a bite."


I smiled warmly and hugged Minju unnie from behind, swaying her a little.


"Look at them, they're being so sickening sweet this early." Yuri unnie said with bitterness in her voice, making the other two unnies laugh.


"I know, makes me want to throw up." Tomi unnie said, agreeing to her.


"Well I find it's sweet." Wonyoung beamed.


"Oh please, you find everything sweet." 


"I do not." she whined.


"Yes you do." I agreed to them.


"Hey! I just defended you and you're doing this to me? I feel so betrayed."


I stuck my tongue out, teasing her. 


"Oops kids that's enough. Here, Yujin-ah, take a bite."


I took the waffle Eunbi unnie gave and happily ate it.


"Aw unnie, only Yujin unnie gets to have a bite? How about me?" Wonyoung pouted with puppy eyes and soon enough Eunbi unnie gave in.


"Aigoo. Here, eat up."


"Unnie, how about us?" Yuri unnie and Tomi unnie said. Eunbi unnie chuckled and gave each of them a piece before eating one herself.


We continued having fun on the kitchen while watching the unnies make breakfast when I suddenly got a text message from Chaewon unnie.


Chaewon unnie~


Chaewon unnie~: Yo! AhnDaengDaeng! Chaeyeon unnie just finished making breakfast.


Chaewon unnie~: We're about to start eating. 


Chaewon unnie~: I suggest you come back here right now before these two unnies over here eat all of it.


Me: Be right there, unnie. I'll say goodbye to them first.


Chaewon unnie~: Okay!


Chaewon unnie~: And oh! Say good morning to Wonyoung for me.


Me: Just Wonyoung? 😏


Chaewon unnie~: Oh did I say Wonyoung? What I said was, say good morning to everyone for me.


Chaewon unnie~: Alright. See you here!


Me: You're unbelievable unnie.


"Who are you texting? You've been giggling by yourself." Minju unnie said, looking at me from behind.


"Why? Jealous?" I grinned at her. She just rolled her eyes, but also glaring at me slightly.


"Should I be jealous then?" 


"Nope. Not at all. It's just Chaewon unnie, she's just telling me Chaeyeon unnie's done preparing breakfast and we're about to eat soon."


"Okay. You should head there now."


"Awe. You want me to leave already?" I pouted even though I know she can't see me properly.


"Of course not. But you have to eat now don't you?" she said, facing me this time and giving my cheeks light pinches.


"Fine." I sulked.


"Stop sulking. We'll see each other after breakfast."


"Okay okay." 


​​​​​​I placed my hands on her hips and tugged her closer. Now I'm hugging her, and I can feel the other members looking at us.


"Stop being so sweet early in the morning!"


"Please, I already feel single as it is."


"Stop flirting. Respect the food."


"Y'all are so sweet it's making me sick."


"You guys are adorable!"


And yes, you guessed it right. The last one came from Wonyoung.


"I better get going now. Don't wanna be late for breakfast." I gave Minju unnie's hair soft pats before letting go of the hug.


"And oh, Chaewon unnie says good morning."


"To who?" Yuri unnie suspiciously asked.


I furrowed my eyebrows. "To everyone?"


"Yeah, sure." she sarcastically answered and went back to what she was doing.


What does she mea- Oh, I get it now.


I looked at Wonyoung's direction and gave her a teasing smile. Now her face is turning all red. I was planning on teasing her more but stopped when I felt a nudge on the side.


"Stop teasing her." Minju unnie told me.


"Why? It's fun." I said with a shrugged.


She gave me a look and I know right there and then that I should really stop what I was planning.




"I'll really go now." I said and slowly left the kitchen.


"Bye everyone!" I waved them goodbye.


"Bye love! I'll see you later." Minju unnie said with a warm smile and waved goodbye as well.


Damn. There she is again with that endearment.


It's making me feel weak.


I left their dorm smiling like lovesick fool.





When Yujin left, the other members gave me a teasing smile and looked at me intently. Especially Yuri and Tomi.


"Why? Something wrong?" I asked them with furrowed eyebrows.


"Oh, nothing much really, just the fact that you just called Yujin love!" Yuri exclaimed. I can sense that she's feeling giddy.


"Yeah? What's with it?"


"Aigoo. Oh my, oh my God, I can't with you sometimes." Yuri shook her head and went to Kkura unnie.





Both dorms have already eaten and Yujin and Minju were gathered outside to get their second mission card.


"Welcome to the married life, Yujin and Minju! As a gift, we offer you a house located in Gangnam and from there on, you will start your married life officially. Have a great day ahead!"



After that though, they were told that they could spend time with each other given that today is their last day before they go back to their dorms and the couple goes to their house.


They had a barbeque party at the rooftop and when they were finished eating, Yena offered a toast in honor of the couple.


"To Yujin and Minju's successful marriage! May you live happily! Cheers!"


"Cheers." the others simultaneously said and drank their drinks. (P.S: They are all adults in here already)


"Good luck on the married life you guys. We'll be cheering for you." Eunbi said and patted their backs individually.


"Thanks unnie. Thanks everyone. Come visit us often." Yujin said to them.


The night ended with most of them drunk and slumped on the couch. They decided to sleep at the dorm downstairs all together to celebrate their last night.


It was hard for Yujin, Minju, Wonyoung, Tomi, Nako, and Kkura to bring all of them back to the dorm but somehow they made it. Yey to them.


When morning came, they ate breakfast together, courtesy of Chaeyeon, and left shortly after. 


Right now, Yujin and Minju were on their way to the new house and they were feeling both excited and nervous about seeing their new home. 


When the car pulled over an apartment, Yujin held Minju's hand as they were getting out of the car.


"This must be it." Yujin said and examined the building.


"I'm nervous." Minju honestly said.


"Don't be. Come on, let's go." 


They rode the elevator all the way up to their apartment. When they were already there, Yujin as still holding Minju's hand, guiding her towards their apartment while holding their luggage on the other hand.


"Here it is." Yujin was supposed to enter it when she saw that the door was locked with a passcode in it. 




"Why? What's wrong?"


"We need a passcode to get in. Did they give you a passcode?" 


Minju shooked her head as a sign of no.


"That's weird."


Just then, another mission card was given to them.


"Yujin and Minju, welcome to your new home! We're glad you guys are here. However, you can't enter just yet. There are 4 numbers somewhere on the doors of the other rooms within this building, all you need to do is look for all four digits and you can now enter. However, you must avoid disturbing the other owners of this building. Good luck!"


"Okay, I think we can handle this." Yujin said confidently.


"Certainly." and Minju agreed with her.


They went around the whole floor yet only found 3 digits. 


"Argh. We're missing one."


The only digit they have is 0 7 1 and they need one more to complete the passcode. 


Yujin examined when she noticed something was off with it.


"Hm. What's this?" she took the small tiny piece of paper and opened it. 


"Unnie! Come quick. I found the last number." she showed the piece of paper that had a small 1 written on it and both rejoiced.


They went back to their room and opened it using the passcode.


" 0 7 1 1. There." the door opened and they were greeted with a homie environment. Indeed, the place felt like home.


"Hey, I think this is our room." Minju said and opened the bedroom. They both went inside and found a matching pair of pj's placed on top of the bed. "Gosh they're so extra." she said chuckling and showed Yujin the pj's.


"Look, they're cute right? I think they're yours since it's bigger."


"Yeah I think so too."


"Should we wear them now?" 


"I think we should. You go change first. I'll go after you."


When they both finished changing, they went outside of the room to tidy up their things.


"Should we go prepare lunch?" Minju asked as she was checking the cabinets that had ingredients placed in them.


"Sure." Yujin agreed, "What are we cooking?" 


"Should we make kimchi fried rice? We have all the ingredients here."




They both agreed to making kimchi fried rice for lunch and right now their preparing the ingredients. Minju already has her apron on but noticed that Yujin doesn't have hers. She took an apron from one of the cabinets and handed it to her.


"Here, wear this. Or else you're clothes are gonna get dirty." 


Yujin took the apron and wore it immediately but when she was about to tie the back, she was struggled to do it and went to Minju's direction to ask for help.


"MinMin? Help me." she said, troubled, and Minju chuckled at her.


"Aigoo. Come here." 


Yujin went near her and Minju then circled her hand to tie the back of Yujin's apron.


"There, done." she said after she finished.


"Thanks. And oh, You wanted to hug me that much huh?" the younger teased making the older confused.


"Huh? What are you saying?"


"I mean, you could've turned me around to tie it properly but instead  you circled your arms around. You must really want to hug me that much." 


Minju gave the younger's shoulder a light slap making the other girl laugh out loud.


"Whatever, Ahn Yujin."


​​​​​​They both chuckled and started cooking. They looked too domestic to the point that if anyone saw them, they'd be mistaken as a couple who's been married for a while.


"So this is what the married life feels like huh?" Yujic thought to herself and turned to Minju's direction who was now cutting the kimchi. "It feels nice." She smiled to herself and continued to help Minju out.




Forgive me if their are any erros, didn't have much time to check them. Hoping you'll like this update! I'm sorry it took SO long.

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currently writing an updated. hope I can finish it as soon as possible. sorry it took long.


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Chapter 4: 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
Chapter 4: Aight, this is cute. 🥺
greeenfrogg #3
Chapter 4: update authornim pls 🥺
Shiba_Minatozaki #4
Chapter 4: t-this is c-cute I'M MELTING
snsdsoshigg #5
Chapter 4: SO CUTE
Chapter 4: hold awn 😳✋🏻 love..? that’s so bold of mj to call yj with such endearment 🥺

ack domistic jj is the best jj (more domestic scenes coming sana hhhhh) thanks for the update!
1761 streak #7
Chapter 4: i love it!!!!
andaengdaeng0901 #8
Chapter 4: so good
snsdsoshigg #9
Chapter 3: this is too cute i love it sm 😭 i hope you update more!
_1Uwuwuwu #10
Still waiting.