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It was a gloomy Sunday morning. Wendy woke up very groggy and felt very tired despite having 8 hours of sleep, probably due to the fact that she has been isolated in her apartment for weeks now so she decided to go for a walk. She got up and made herself a cup of coffee as well as a quick breakfast before heading out. 


She wasn’t sure where she wanted to go but it didn’t matter. ‘I guess anywhere my feet would take me. As long as i get out of this apartment.’ she thought to herself. She puts on a simple outfit of leggings, an oversized hoodie and some plain black sneakers. She grabs her headphones and heads out. 


As she starts walking, she whips her phone out to play some music. She opens the Messages app and goes to her text message conversation with Irene.


“I miss you. I’m going for a walk today. Come meet me?” Wendy types and hits send. Pocketing her phone without waiting for a response. 


As she was strolling down the cemented pavement, she noticed the effects of what being indoors without any physical activity has done to her body. She felt her legs go weak even though she’s only been walking for fifteen minutes. But she was determined, so she kept walking, not minding the fact that her legs might give up on her any given moment now. 


Wendy spotted a bench and decides to sit for a while as she was tired after walking for almost half an hour now.  


As she sits down, she smiles as a familiar tune plays in her ears.



13 by LANY



Wendy laughs because this was a song she’d always girlfriend with.



“If you ever break up with me, i’m gonna overplay this song and trash talk you to all my friends” Wendy giggles as the song 13 by LANY starts playing on the car radio. She looks over to her girlfriend who shook her head, keeping her eyes focus on the road as she was the one driving


Where did we go wrong? I know we started out alright~

Where did we go wrong? I swear I knew we'd last this time~

Where did we go wrong? Oh did you, did you change your mind?~

How could you change your mind?~


Wendy sings softly as she snaps her fingers to the beat of the music


“We’re never breaking up so you could kiss that fantasy of heartbreak and trash-talking me goodbye,” Irene says smirking, eyes never leaving the road


“Oh yeah? So you’re saying we're gonna stay together forever?” Wendy turns her attention to the beautiful woman beside her, squints her eyes, challenging Irene. She knew fully well what her girlfriend’s answer would be but it wouldn’t hurt to hear it. 


She loves hearing the word ‘Forever’ come out of her girlfriend. Especially in conjunction with the phrase ‘I love you’ 


It was reassuring. 


“Yes, Son Seungwan, Forever and Always” Irene smiles widely as she grabs Wendy’s hand and interlocks them 


“You know, now that you said Forever and Always, that’s another song i’m gonna blast non-stop if we ever break up” Wendy laughs out loud as she further teased Irene


“Is it a love song?” 


“No, it’s a break-up song by Taylor Swift! How do you not know that song?! Uncultured!” Wendy fake gasps, pretending to be offended Irene didn’t know of the song she was referring too


“‘Cause i was there when you said Forever and Always…you didn’t mean it baby~” Wendy sings beautifully


“Do you have a breakup playlist already or something?” Irene responds as she laughs at her girlfriend's antics


“No, i just know a lot of sad songs. Also, it’s better to be prepared” Wendy giggles, she knew her words held no meaning as she was sure they’d be together for a long time


She’d fight with every fibre she has in her body for their relationship.


As they approached a red light, Irene turns to her girlfriend, cups both the girl’s cheeks and passionately kisses her on the lips. 


Wendy was caught off guard but that didn’t stop the fireworks to burst inside her body and her heart to beat a thousand miles per hour


She reciprocates with the same intensity and in that split second, it was as if the world around them didn’t exist. 



It was just her and Irene. 



It wasn’t until the car behind them beeped, as the traffic light has now turned green, brought the couple back to reality. 



Interrupting their short but intense make out session.


Irene regains her posture and continues driving while Wendy was left flustered and out of breath


“You weren’t prepared for that one now, were you?” Irene asks rhetorically with a smirk





“Ugh, you don’t know how much i miss your beautiful face Bae Joohyun.” Wendy sighs as she closes her eyes, tilting her head upwards to feeling the cold gush of wind blowing


“Why would you miss me when i’m right here?” 


Wendy opened her eyes and saw Irene right in front of her with that iconic smirk she loves but also hate at the same time. She watches as Irene sits next to her and mimics her previous action. She sat there with her eyes closed and head tilted upwards. 


The sun was starting to shine and the little rays of light peek through the clouds and were directed towards Irene’s direction as if she was an actress on stage and the rays of sunlight were acting as a spotlight. She stared at the beautiful, glowing woman right in front of her for a good minute as if she doesn’t memorise every nooks and cranny of the other woman’s face. 


“If you stare at me any longer i might actually start to melt” Irene smiles smugly as she opens her eyes and turns her head towards Wendy’s direction 


“How would i melt you by staring at you? That doesn’t even make any logical sense” Wendy squinted her eyes at Irene challenging her for a response


“You’re just that hot Son Seungwan” Irene was quick to fire back an answer. She winked at her girlfriend who just rolls her eyes as she look

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Chapter 1: I'm not ready for this angst in the morning 😭😭
aglaonema #2
Not an angst lover
ShinHye24 1340 streak #3
Why is this updated? :( I already cried back again!
Observance #4
Chapter 1: :(
CorLeonisAuream #5
Chapter 1: You made me very in the middle of the night. 😢😭
Chapter 1: 😕😟🙁☹😮😯😲😳🥺😦😧😨😰😥😢😭
113 streak #7
Chapter 1: this was so painfully beautiful 🥺
Chapter 1: Hm yup I love pain 👌🏻🤌🏻
Chapter 1: :<