The Provocation

Till Death Do Us Part


Minho flinched. He was glad they were in the private space of Kibum’s apartment so he wouldn’t have to worry about disturbing other people. He proudly patted himself in his mind for making a right choice by insisting to just have dinner at Kibum’s place when his best friend kept pestering him to tell about the real intention behind the weird, sudden visit of Mr. Lee earlier afternoon. He knew Kibum wouldn’t take the news calmly.

Minho forced his furious friend to sit back as he reassured Kibum, “There will be no marriage, Kibum.”

“Then tell me why’d you go on a date with him this weekend?” Kibum shot a glare at Minho.

“Calm down, Kibum. No one is taking Lee Jinki from you,” Minho patiently told Kibum. “First, it’s not a date. We’re just having dinner together. Second, it’s not like I want to go. I had clearly told him that I wasn’t interested in marrying his son, but Mr. Lee was just so persistent that he kept asking me to ‘meet him first’.”

“You should have rejected him more firmly!”

“I had tried to be as firm as I could as politely as I could!”

Kibum wailed in frustration, “Our friendship ends as soon as you accept this marriage offer!”

“Yah!” Minho looked at Kibum in disbelief. “How can you trade our friendship over Lee Jinki?!”

“You’re serious about him, aren’t you?” Minho asked again without waiting Kibum’s answer.

The blush appeared on Kibum’s cheeks gave Minho the silent answer. “Kim Kibum, you really like him?”

“Shut up!” Kibum snapped at Minho. “I just like him a bit.”

“How much is ‘a bit’?” Minho scoffed.

Kibum threw the couch cushion at Minho, which was easily caught by the taller guy. Kibum replied Minho’s teasing stare with a glare. “Just make sure you cleanly reject him this weekend, you soccer freak!”

Seeing this shy side of Kibum that hadn’t made appearance for a long time, Minho laughed. “I can’t really promise you…” Minho a bit more.



The traffic was insane, but fortunately Minho could arrive at the promised place on time. Although this wasn’t a date—at least for Minho—Minho was a respectful man and he didn’t want to make Jinki wait. To be honest, Minho didn’t want to come, but he had promised Mr. Lee. As he made his way inside the restaurant, Minho shuddered by the thought of how awkward the dinner would be. Yes, he had met Jinki for a few times, but they weren’t close at all. And there was always Kibum with them. Minho couldn’t imagine how it would turn out with just the two of them.

Minho was led to a private, VIP room as soon as he informed the waitress that he was there for Mr. Lee. He groaned internally, because he expected the dinner was in an ordinary, public place. Only the two of them in a private room would definitely be uncomfortable.

The waitress left to give the privacy as soon as Minho entered the room. But, much to Minho’s surprise, instead of Jinki, the gorgeous employee of Jinki’s café was leisurely sitting there. What was his name again? Oh right, Taemin.

“Hello, Minho. Have a seat,” he smiled very sweetly.

Minho blinked a few times in a daze, before collecting his thoughts and taking a seat in front of Taemin. He cleared his throat to hide his startle, and asked calmly, “Where is Jinki? He can’t make it?”

This time, Taemin was the one who blinked in confusion. He titled his head a bit, thinking for a while. Suddenly, Taemin broke into a laugh. “Don’t tell me you expect Jinki Hyung to be the one who will have a dinner with you?”

“Then, whom should I expect then?” Minho asked, feeling annoyed by the confusing situation.

“Sorry, I’m sorry,” Taemin tried to calm himself down, “I’m sorry this is just so funny.”

Minho raised one of his eyebrow, waiting for an explanation.

“I guess, I should formally introduce myself to you,” Taemin smiled. “I’m Lee Taemin, the son of Lee Taehyun, the owner of SHINing Group.”

It was silence for a few moments, as Minho tried to digest everything.

“Sorry, what? Are you sure?”

“Of what? That I’m my father’s son?” Taemin looked at Minho, amused. He clearly enjoyed the situation.

“Then who is Lee Jinki?” Minho asked. Lee Jinki, the man whom Mr. Lee brought to the party for the first time. Lee Jinki, the man whom Mr. Lee praised to everyone. Lee Jinki, the man whom Mr. Lee proposed as the commissioner of SHINee Inc. The Lee Jinki who was clearly an important person. If he wasn’t Mr. Lee’s famous mysterious son, then who could he may be?

“Jinki Hyung is…” Taemin paused, thinking, “Well, he has been considered as the part of our family. He’s basically my father’s son too, although not stated on paper either not connected by blood.”

“You mean…” Minho hesitated, but Taemin lightly responded, “Yes, he is an orphan and our family has been taking care of him for a long time, but that doesn’t make him less than a family for us.”

“Oh well,” Minho said, “But…um…the son Mr. Lee referred to when he talked about marriage…”

“That’s me,” Taemin, once again, gave a sweet smile to Minho.


Taemin stared at Minho expectantly. “Just that? You won’t give me any reactions or answers or anything?”

“Well, I have told Mr. Lee that I don’t think this marriage is a good idea.”


“What do you mean why?” Minho seriously couldn’t get this man. Judging by the conversation they had for the past five minutes, he felt that they wouldn’t fit anywhere.

“Why do you think this is not a good idea?” Taemin asked impatiently.

“Just…I haven’t had any thoughts about getting married,” Minho answered honestly. He indeed wanted to get married before, when he was dating So Hee, but after he was dumped, the thoughts of marriage had been thrown to the gutter by him.

Minho became surer that there was no chance he could get along with Taemin when Taemin cheerfully responded him, “You can start to have the thought about it now.”

“I’m sorry I have to say this,” Minho sighed. This is my last resort. “But I don’t swing that way.”

“What way?”

Be patient, Minho. You’re a patient man.

“I don’t have any attractions towards men.”

Silence. One. Two. Three. Four.

Do I hurt his feeling? Minho nervously thought.

But Minho felt stupid to even worry about it, because he finally saw how Taemin smirked at him.

“Are you seriously using that as an excuse?”

Minho swore he couldn’t stand the tone of Taemin’s voice. He talked as if he was some kind of almighty who knew everything and was able to control everything.

“I’m sorry if it looks as an excuse for you, but—”

Before Minho could finish his words, Taemin cut him off quickly, “Please, Minho. I know you dated a man back then in Japan, before your father brought you back to Seoul to break you apart.”

“You…” Minho couldn’t believe his ears. His patience grew thinner dealing with this arrogant man in front of him right now. “Did you look into my background?”

Taemin widened his eyes, as if what he said earlier was a slip up. But Minho was well-aware that it was just an act, looking how Taemin’s confident demeanor didn’t change a bit. He definitely wanted Minho realized that he knew everything. Everything.

“I’m sorry if you feel offended,” Taemin put a regretful expression.

You expect me to buy it? Minho thought.

“What is your real intention, Lee Taemin?”

The politeness in Minho’s voice was gone. It was filled with suspicion and seriousness. But this didn’t sway Taemin a bit. The latter was still smiling, resting his chin on top of his linked hands. He leant closer to Minho and said, “I want to marry you.”


“I like you.”

Minho scoffed. “And you expect me to believe that?”

Taemin’s expression turned dejected, “I know my method is wrong, but I really do like you and want to marry you.”

Sighing, Minho folded his arms on his chest, had have enough with Taemin’s acting. “You know that my family hates yours, right? I’m not interested in a Romeo-Juliette love story.”

“Right,” Taemin nodded in understanding. “I know it’s not fair for you to get tangled with me which clearly will put you into a difficult situation with your family.”

Minho hated his know-it-all behavior so much.

“Then this conversation is over.”

Minho was about to stand up and leave, but Taemin quickly stopped him.

“That’s why I have an offer for you.”

These words made Minho look at Taemin in disbelief. Just how far this guy would go to convince Minho to marry him? And the big question Minho had, why was he so adamant on marrying Minho? Because there was no way he really did like Minho.

“Minho, I kind of know your family situation,” Taemin started.

Of course you know, you dig up my past! Minho thought angrily, but he held himself back from snapping back at Taemin.

The silence made Taemin continued, “Despite your capabilities, you’re not appreciated enough, are you? Because of your status. It must be tiring for you. You work so hard for the company, but you’re not given enough chance.”

“Cut off the bull and just get straight to the point, Taemin,” Minho shot him a dagger through his eyes.

Once again, Taemin was still calm no matter Minho attacked him.

“I can make you the CEO of SHINee Inc. So…what do you think? Will you marry me?”

“No,” Minho answered in a heartbeat.

This time, Taemin finally was taken aback. He slammed his hands on the table in surprise, “But why? It’s a really good offer, isn’t it? I mean, your career won’t go anywhere if you keep doing what you’re doing right now, Minho!”

Being shoved the hurtful truth by the annoying brat like Lee Taemin was definitely unpleasant for Minho. As if he didn’t know that already. He knew very well he had no place in the company, not in Choi’s company, not in SHINee Inc. In fact, he didn’t have place anywhere. He was just there, lived the life he didn’t know what the meaning was. He was just an illegitimate son after all. He wasn’t supposed to be born after all.

“Thank you for worrying about my life, but I don’t want to take what’s not mine,” Minho said coldly.

“I believe we don’t have any other things to be discussed more, so, goodbye,” Minho left without giving Taemin anymore glances.

Lee Taemin…Minho swore he would never marry that overconfident, obnoxious brat.


The mall was quite crowded today, maybe because it was weekend. On top of that, there were a few new stores being opened that week. People usually came to check it out or to chase for the promotional discount given by the stores.

Kibum should be happy because there was a high chance that it would affect his store’s sales, but he felt a little down. Especially when he walked past Bluish Pastry & Café, he was instantly reminded that his best friend was having a private dinner together with his crush. He knew Minho wouldn’t accept the marriage offer, and he was sure Minho didn’t have any attractions towards Jinki. But what if Jinki liked him? Maybe that was the reason that Mr. Lee himself came to the office to propose Minho, because his precious son wanted Minho to be his husband.

Sighing, Kibum thought for a while before he slowly made his way entering the café. He guessed he needed that blue drink to boost up his mood. The whole marriage thing was upsetting enough for him, and even more, he still had a sleepless night ahead preparing for the meeting next Monday. He would officially work at his family company soon, not because he wanted to, but because he needed enough information to have a bargaining power against his father. Luckily he could work from the inside rather than blindly attacking his father from the outside.

It seemed that the Bluish Pastry & Café was well-liked by the customers, Kibum noted in his head as he looked around while waiting in line. Some people were enjoying themselves on the table, some more were busy choosing cakes at the pastry corner, and the line Kibum was waiting for ordering was also quite long.

After a good 15 minutes, Kibum finally got his turn to order. He looked at the menu intently, trying to guess the name of the blue drink he had before. Feeling the restless smile from the cashier as the line behind him got longer, Kibum apologetically smiled and gave up.

“I’d like to…you know…that blue drink? The one with chocolate in it?” Kibum asked hesitantly.

The cashier looked at Kibum confusedly, but still managed to smile, “I’m sorry, Sir. We have some blue drinks here,” he pointed the section at the corner of the menu, filled with the lists of punch drinks, “But we have no chocolate in it. But if you’re craving some chocolates, we have great recommendation of chocolate drinks here,” this time, he pointed to the other side of the menu.

“You mean there’s no bluish chocolate drink in the menu?” Kibum asked, surprised. But the one he drank before…the one Jinki gave him that day. It was surely from this café.

The poor cashier had opened his mouth to explain more, but before he could say anything, he was cut off by the voice from the person who suddenly appeared.



Kibum turned to the owner of the voice and found Jinki’s surprise look staring at him. The cashier quickly bowed in respect. Jinki waved at him and said, “It’s okay, Seung Woo. He’s my friend. I’ll take care of him.”

Still taken aback by Jinki’s sudden appearance, Kibum didn’t say anything when Jinki led him to one of the vacant table at the corner of the café.

Isn’t it too early for him to have come back from the dinner?

“It’s not in the menu.”


“The drink you’re looking for. It’s just a drink I make for myself,” Jinki explained with a smile.

“Oh, I think it’s a signature drink of this café or something like that. It’s a pity, it’s really good,” Kibum disappointedly said.

Jinki’s smile became brighter the moment he heard Kibum’s words. “You like it?”

“So much,” Kibum nodded.

“I’ll make it for you!”

“No, no, it’s okay,” Kibum quickly denied him. “I don’t mean to bother you. I’ll just have another drink.”

But Jinki had already stood up. “You don’t bother me and I really want to make it for you. Just wait a sec, okay?”

Kibum didn’t have a chance to stop Jinki. He sighed again. This man was so kind, how was Kibum not supposed to like him? If only he was the one who was chosen by Mr. Lee, he would accept it right away. Well, he knew his father hated the Lee so much, but he could try to find a way.

Kibum’s mind wandered too much that he didn’t realize some times had passed. Jinki was quick to be back by his side with two cups of drinks on his hand. Kibum could only muttered ‘thank you’ embarrassedly when he accepted the cup from Jinki. Why did he keep bothering Jinki so much these days?

“What are you doing here on the weekend, Kibum-ssi?” Jinki started a small talk.

“I forgot my laptop at the office. I need to finish my presentation for my meeting before Monday, so I have no choice but to come here.”

“Wow, you’re very busy,” Jinki said. “Have you eaten yet?”

“I ate before I came here,” and then Kibum shyly asked back, “Have you…eaten yet?”

Jinki shook his head, but he quickly added, “Don’t worry we have plenty of food here. I can eat anytime!”

The talk about eating brought Kibum’s mind back to the dinner date. He couldn’t stop himself from asking, “But aren’t you supposed to have a dinner with Minho?”

“Me?” Jinki pointed to himself in confusion. “Why am I supposed to have a dinner with Minho?”

“To talk about…” Kibum gulped, “…marriage proposal?”

Kibum became more confused than Jinki when the older boy laughed. Did I say something wrong?

“Kibum-ssi, that’s not me,” Jinki told after he was done with his laugh. “That’s Taemin.”

“Taemin? The Taemin we met a few days ago? Your employee?” Kibum couldn’t believe his ears.

Jinki nodded. “Well, he is my employee for the time being, but not forever because he needs to inherit Mr. Lee’s company later.”

“…Mr. Lee? He is not your father?” Kibum asked, half puzzled, half happy because that meant his worries were proven false.

“Mr. Lee is someone who has taken care of me since a long time ago,” Jinki calmly explained. “My parents have passed away since I was still very young.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Hyung,” Kibum immediately felt bad for bringing up such a sad topic to Jinki.

“It’s okay. It’s a long time ago. C’mon, not those frown again,” Jinki patted Kibum’s head lightly. Kibum could only wish that his face didn’t turn red or anything because it would give away the fact that his heart was thumping like crazy.

“And…” Jinki smiled, “You just called me Hyung.”

If he didn’t blush earlier, Kibum was sure he was blushing right now. “I’m sorry, I said it without thinking.”

“No, it’s fine,” Jinki quickly said. “You can call me that.”


“Then…can I call you just ‘Kibum’?” Jinki sipped his drink to hide his face behind his cup, and Kibum found it really, really cute.

“Of course you can…Hyung.”


“Oh, shut up, Hyung.”

Jinki innocently looked at Taemin who was wearing his seatbelt. “What? I didn’t say anything.”

“Your eyes are teasing me, I know,” Taemin pouted.

“I just want to ask how the dinner was,” Jinki said as he started his car. “But looking you ask me to pick you up instead of riding back with Minho, I guess it’s a total failure.”

Taemin stomped his feet in frustration, “He’s such a stubborn, righteous man!”

Jinki patiently listened to Taemin’s complain about the dinner. He actually could understand Minho’s reaction and response. Who wouldn’t freak out after finding out a man whom we didn’t know look up into our life, anyway?

“I mean, my offer is really great, right?” Taemin desperately asked for Jinki’s acknowledgment. “He won’t gain anything from that family!”

“And he said what? ‘I don’t want to take what’s not mine’?!” Taemin continued fuming.

“Well, that just shows how good a person he is,” Jinki responded in a gentle tone, hoping to calm Taemin down.

It magically worked on Taemin. Jinki’s gentleness always succeeded on taming Taemin. “He is indeed a good person…”

“That’s why, Tae,” Jinki carefully said, “Don’t you think involving him isn’t right? You will only make him go up against his family.” Jinki thought some more before he quietly added, “Or…is that really your intention?”

“He’s on our side. I know I can trust him later,” Taemin said that but he avoided Jinki’s eyes. Instead, the silver-haired man took a brown envelope from the dashboard, a little crumpled because he had been reading the document in it over and over again. Taemin scanned words over words explaining Minho’s life written on the document and went silent, ignoring Jinki’s stare. At time like this, Jinki couldn’t really tell what really was in Taemin’s mind.

“Taemin-ah,” Jinki tried again when their car stopped at the red light. “Marriage isn’t a play thing. Why don’t you just marry someone you love and just…be happy?”

“I don’t have any privileges to think about love and happiness,” Taemin quietly said, his eyes never left the paper he had been reading. “I will take back what’s ours,” Taemin finally looked at Jinki, firmly said, “And I will retrieve the evidence back, Hyung.”

Jinki sighed, “Taemin…just forget it. The statute of limitation has passed, anyway.”

“No,” Taemin stubbornly said. “We can do something about it. I’ll think of something we can do.”

The ride was silent after that. Jinki was torn. He knew why Taemin did all of these, and he understood it. All of them were just victims. Jinki had given up a long time ago, but he knew Taemin would never give up. Taemin could still save his precious things. In the contrary, for Jinki, nothing would change his situation.

“I think it’s time for us to invite the Son Family over for a dinner,” Taemin suddenly broke the silence when he caught one important piece information from the papers he read.

And before Jinki could say anything, Taemin spoke, “And you don’t have a right to lecture me, Hyung. Don’t think I don’t know you’ve been lurking around Kim Kibum.”

Jinki opened his mouth to reply Taemin, but he soon closed it again. Looking at Jinki’s respond, Taemin knew he had hit at the right mark.

He might be on our side as well.


“So…you’re saying he will make you SHINee’s Inc. CEO if you marry him?” Kibum made sure what he had heard by asking again.

It was rare for Minho to visit him late like this, so Kibum instantly knew that something was off. He decided to abandon his meetings’ materials for a while to let his friend let out his frustration. It was quite surprising that Lee Taemin could tick Minho off on the first ‘official’ meeting, because the tall guy was mostly composed and calm all the times. Growing up in Choi Family as an illegitimate son forced Minho to suppress his feelings most of the times.

“He’s crazy,” Minho groaned remembering the conversation he had with Taemin earlier.

“He’s genius,” Kibum said, earning a death glare with Minho. But, Kibum was never someone who wilted under Minho’s big eyes. “Well, it’s a little creepy that he looks up about your life, but, logically speaking, what he said mostly true. His offer is great. If only thinking about your career, marrying him will be beneficial for you, no? You should start to think about your future, too, Minho. You have so much potential. Remember the bright future you had back then when you were still working at Tōhōshinki in Japan? Your family was too afraid that you gained some power so they quickly pulled you back to Seoul.”

That time, Minho thought bitterly. He had everything at that time. He had a loving boyfriend, he was working well at the big companies. He naively thought that was happiness he finally could have. But it was destroyed the moment his family was aware how the owner of Tōhōshinki group liked him very much. The company was one of the biggest company at Japan. His family felt restless knowing Minho had such a strong connection like them. As if Minho had any intentions to fight against his family.

But, Minho didn’t have any intention to betray the mother and father who raised him. He would want a way out, but he didn’t want to destroy his own family. And on top of that, the man who offered him a hand was a psycho, of course Minho didn’t want to fell into his trap.

“No, Kibum,” Minho firmly said. “He’s shady, trust me. And his attitude…” Minho didn’t know how many times he groaned in frustration only by thinking of Lee Taemin. “I won’t be able to spend the rest of my life with him. I rather marry the awkward Jinki than—”

“I’ll find a very good person for you who lives in Europe or America or anywhere far so you can just flee with them the moment you want to leave Choi Family,” Kibum quickly said the moment ‘Jinki’ came out of Minho’s mouth.

“Good,” Minho smiled satisfyingly, “Don’t ever mention that marrying Lee Taemin is a good idea anymore.”


The lunch time was almost over but employees from SHINee Inc. and the company that resided at SHINee Office Tower could still be seen everywhere roaming around SHINee COEX. Including SHINee Inc.’s CEO.

Minhyuk just finished having lunch with So Hee—the thing they had been doing since they got married—before they parted ways because So Hee had a meeting outside. It wasn’t due to a loving newlywed phase, they just did it because it would be weird if they didn’t spend time together because they worked at the same company. So Hee worked under Minho as the marketing’s manager. They were so close that there was rumor they dated, so Minhyuk didn’t want to risk it and let people talk that Minhyuk stole Minho’s girlfriend.

He didn’t steal anyone from Minho, he told himself.

It was a marriage deal that was approved both by Minhyuk and So Hee, as well as the families.

But the cold and distant behavior from So Hee told otherwise and it kept getting on his nerves every day. Nevertheless, he kept it in as long as So Hee didn’t come running to Minho. Because he didn’t care how So Hee and her family came to the decision about the marriage, he didn’t care if Shim Family forced So Hee or not, he just cared that So Hee was his wife right now. The woman that Minho loved was his wife and there was nothing his older brother could do about it.

Minhyuk’s body went rigid a little when his eyes caught a familiar figure walking towards him from the opposite direction. The person had grown so much but Minhyuk could still recognize him. He tried to compose his facial expression and just looked straight as he walked pass the person.

“You’re not going to greet me?”

Minhyuk ignored his words and kept walking.

“You look very healthy now.”

Minhyuk still paid no attention to that person who started to follow him.

“I have finally met your brother.”

This times, Minhyuk stopped walking as he froze.


Taemin hid his smile as he noticed the change in Minhyuk’s calm façade. He waited as Minhyuk turned around to face him.

“What are you trying to say?”

“Nothing,” Taemin shrugged.

Minhyuk didn’t respond on this answer. Taemin didn’t expect anything either. The latter waited some more. He let Minhyuk ignored him and when Minhyuk was ready to continue his steps, Taemin spoke again, “Have you heard that I propose a marriage to your brother?”

Minhyuk eyed Taemin who approached him dramatically with a smile on his face. He sent the arrogant man a suspicious stare and asked, “What are you scheming?”

Still putting on his sweet smile, Taemin shook his head innocently.

“What do you mean? I met him and I like him. He is amazing so I want to marry him,” Taemin’s tone was as if saying it was something obvious. “But I finally can understand…” Taemin added with a fake sad, understanding expression, “…why you kept being on the edge every time. It must be hard to have an older brother who is so much better than you. Is he like a ticking bomb for you? An illegitimate child who can steal what’s yours anytime.”

“Shut up!” Minhyuk raised his voice. “You don’t know me, Lee Taemin.”

With that, Minhyuk stormed off, clearly angry. Taemin didn’t try to stop him. He just watched the furious back disappeared with a victory smile on his face. He didn’t notice that Jinki had come out from his hiding and approached him.

“Why did you purposely provoke him?” Jinki immediately interrogated him.

Taemin turned to Jinki, “What do you mean I purposely provoked him?”

Jinki rolled his eyes, “You waited around until he came and pretended to run into him. And then you said all of those things to him. What is your plan actually?”

“I’m just creating a domino effect.”

“Excuse me?”

“Nah, you don’t need to stress yourself over things like that, Hyung,” Taemin patted Jinki’s arm cheerfully, then leading the way to the café, “We’re going to be busy. We’ll have a wedding to be planned soon.”


Have I told you that there's some dark, deep secrets lurking around this story?

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I wonder if I should lock the story because there will be some more TW chapters later at the end


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Chapter 16: aaaaah just realised this story got updated!! the way some scenes in this story randomly crossed my mind every now and then i thought its been abandoned ㅠㅠ please continue updating it, i really love 2min dynamic in this how kind minho is and how complex taemin is my loves~~ onkey just make it even more fun ! also really love how you make the garden so significant it needs to be protected ㅠㅠ can't wait to read more on the 2min cohabitation lol they can't help but to fall for each other can they ?? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 16: update please! i hope you hve a time to finish this.. the story is good and i am always waiting for your update...
Chapter 16: Finally we got the update .... please I need 2min moment
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 16: Lots of interesting information in this update- the back stories and different perspectives help you understand some of the decisions even if you don't agree with them or like them...
Chapter 16: Ahhh thank you for the update! This is one of my most anticipated 2min fics so I'm always happy to get an update no matter how long it takes.
This bonus chapter answered so many questions and gave more context to some plot lines in the previous chapters. I can't wait for your next update :)
Chapter 16: Thank you so much for the update! Wow this is getting really interesting, can’t wait for the next chapter !
Shinee2020 #8
Chapter 16: yeah update! :)
968 streak #9
Chapter 16: I'm so glad you updated!
Thanks for the back stories.
choimno #10
Chapter 14: How I miss this 2Min story