Run Away with Yoo

Getting to Know Yoo

Jimin can feel her eyes twitching.


“Hi, this is Karina! It’s been a while!”


“Hi, this is ae-Karina.”


“Hey~ you look too frozen! Now try again by waving your hand!”


“Hi~ everyone! I’m ae-Karina!”


She can definitely feel the looming headache from a distance.


“When I first received a SYNK message from ae-Karina, my heart was beating so fast!”


The woman beside her snorts and Jimin throws her a glare. Minjeong didn’t see it though. She was too occupied at the show displaying on her phone.


“When we first met, she was very frozen. But I gave her a couple of tips.”


“Karina is a god! She’s so good~”


A loud cackle emanates from the girl and Jimin is beet red at this point, bordering between brooding and complete mortification.


Before she could even embarrass herself more (if she hasn’t already), she snatches the phone away from Minjeong’s grasp.


“Hey! I was watching!” complains the girl, looking like an angry puppy that got her toy taken away from her.


But Jimin ignores her, “That’s enough clownery for the day. You had your fun already.”


Jimin saw how Minjeong’s creased brows gradually flattened and the pout on her lips slowly grew into a teasing smirk.


She knows that look.


“Why? Was your heart beating so fast it almost ripped out of your chest?”


And she wasn’t wrong.


Of course. Minjeong wouldn’t let her get away with that cheesy darn line that went down in history as one of Jimin’s greatest regrets. That pre-debut MY Karina video would really hunt her down even to her deathbed; she will never be at peace. Jimin knows that as long as she’s existing, that cursed video will always find a way to bite her like a black mamba. And now, it has found its way on Minjeong of all people.


Ughh, shut up,” Jimin groans, sagging against the couch, “How did you find that video anyway?”


“Yizhuo mentioned something about you talking to yourself during your rookie days so I had to see it for myself.”


Jimin lets out an exaggerated sigh, “I thought Yizhuo was a fan. I feel betrayed.”


Minjeong snickers beside her, “Oh she’s a fan fan. I wouldn’t know about that if not for her. She said it was like a teaser before you debuted?”


Jimin doesn’t even want to remember how the filming for that video transpired, the most of it consisting of her talking and smiling to literally thin air. It’s mortifying just thinking about it. “Yeah but I was held at gunpoint okay? I needed to do the stupid video so I can finally debut.”


Minjeong laughs her Symphony No. 40 in G minor kind of laugh and okay, maybe Jimin embarrassing herself was not a bad idea after all.


“Awww are you embarrassed?” Minjeong drawls, teasing smirk still on her lips, “But Karina is a god~ She’s so good~ There’s no reason to be embarrassed!”


“Stop saying that! Aaaaaa!”


Minjeong doubles over and Jimin is torn between appreciating her melodic laughter and strangling the girl for making fun of her.


“You are so fun to tease,” the girl managed to say in between her laugh and Jimin could only sulk.


“I hate you.”


“No, you don’t,” Minjeong shakes her head with a cocky smile, “I vividly recall you telling me that I mean the world to you. That it’s me who matters. You said that the last time, Jimin. Do you remember?”


Jimin huffs at the attack.


“I perfectly remember saying that, yes,” she grits, “But you can mean the world to me and hate you at the same time, Kim Minjeong.”


“That’s not how it works.”


“It is to me. Take it or leave it.”


Jimin begrudgingly crosses her arms and she can hear the snickers of the girl beside her.


Aigooo, are you mad?” Minjeong coos, tilting her head so she was on Jimin’s line of sight, “Jimin is mad at Minjeong?”


Jimin met her eyes and gods, how could she stay mad when Minjeong looks like that?


Round, puppy eyes. Full, pouty lips. Drop-dead gorgeous face.


Ugh. She was a goner.


“This is so unfair..” Jimin sighs, mentally berating herself for being so easily forgiving when it comes to Minjeong and her beautiful face, “C’mere, you dummy.”


Jimin opens her arms and Minjeong happily slides herself unto her, comfortably pressing her head against the nook of her neck.


Jimin inhales the girl’s scent and oh wow what was she upset about again?


“You’re getting so dangerously good at that,” she murmurs, wounding an arm around Minjeong’s body to keep her in place.


“At what?”


That,” she stressed, “Making me putty and soft.”


She felt the girl’s slight vibration against her and Jimin felt a small tug on her lips when Minjeong’s light giggles reached her ears.


“Is that a bad thing?”


“What, me being putty and soft?”




“Not really,” Jimin runs her fingers through the girl’s locks, “Unless you take advantage of my weak spot for you, I don’t see anything bad about it.”


Jimin hears a snort from the girl pressed up against her, “Even if I won’t, you will let me take advantage of you anyway. You’re that invested.”


She finds herself scoffing at the statement, “Yeah well, I’m not the only one invested, darling. it up.”


Minjeong giggles again and Jimin thinks the world becomes a better place to live in every time she hears that laugh.


“Y’know, I’m glad that Yeri unnie agreed to let us use her office instead of being out there,” Minjeong suddenly says, “I get to cling like this to you after a tiring day and hide you away from everyone.”


After that unsolicited drama and fiasco a few weeks prior, they are finally back to their nightly routine. It took Jimin a couple of schedules she obediently went to (and a few of her rare puppy eye display to her manager unnie) before she was able to persuade Wendy to visit Madame Yeri Miese again.


It goes without saying that it came with a lot of restrictions. Wendy gave her a plentiful amount of conditions Jimin almost backed away if not for the thought of being with Minjeong after a long day at work.



(“No hand-holding with Minjeong while in public.”


“We never did that before—”


“Find the most secluded table and avoid getting contact with other people even with the other employees.”


“I’ve been doing that already unnie—”


“Do not give her the eyes while you’re talking to her.”


“What eyes—”


“Keep your cheesy lines on texts and don’t say it out loud while you’re there.”


“I’m not cheesy oh my god—”)



Luckily for her, Yeri offered to let the two of them spend time together at her office on the first night of Jimin appearing back in her place.



(“Okay lovebirds. Get your lovesick butts to my office. It makes me wanna cry just by looking at you two.”




“Did you not hear me Jimin? I said go to my office and talk there, I don’t know. It’s an eyesore looking at you two miserably failing to be subtle out here.”


“Blame your friend for giving me lots of don’ts okay. I can’t even look at Minjeong without Wendy unnie’s exaggerated coughing.”


“Don’t blame your manager; blame your famous for being a magnet of attention.”


“Oh come on, it’s not my fault I’m amazing that people fall for me.”


“Ughh just go to my office Jimin. Minjeong? Drag this annoying brat there please. And make sure that I don’t walk in to the both of you or something.”


“O-of course not unnie! What are you even—”


“We’ll see about that—”





Since then, Yeri’s office has become their little, sacred rendezvous. The room was spacious enough for a couch on the side which the both of them would occupy every time. It was long enough for Minjeong to extend her legs up whenever she lays down on Jimin’s lap; but unluckily for Jimin, it fell short for her lengthy legs.


She was about to nag Yeri concerning her tiny couch on the first night; but Minjeong gave her a look and don’t be rude we’re getting this accommodation for free Jimin so she had no choice but to grumble in defeat and okay fine, she’s lucky you’re cute.


(Jimin texted Yeri that night and nagged about it anyway. Yeri called her a rude child who will never see the pearly gates of heaven whatever that means.)


“Look at you being so clingy,” Jimin teases, “You just want me all for yourself, don’t you?”


Jimin expected the girl to snort, to scoff, to resist because she had always been like that (which was absolutely okay because Minjeong is a denial queen and Jimin perfectly likes her the way she is).


But Minjeong did not this time. Instead she says:


“I do. I want you all for myself, Jimin. What are you gonna about it?”


Jimin may or may not have swooned over Kim Minjeong and her randomness once again. (She may or may not have also obtained a whiplash at the sudden change of behavior but the admiration wins over that fleeting moment of shock so everything is alright.)


“Take you away from the world and run away to a place where no one knows who we are. How about that?”


This time, Minjeong snorts. “Sounds like a sob fairytale in children’s books. Not my cup of tea. Hard pass.”


But it was more than just a fairytale plot for Jimin, “No, really. Let’s take a break from the world, Minjeong. This weekend.”


Minjeong must have sensed the resolution in her tone because she pulls away from her embrace and Jimin immediately misses the warmth of the girl’s body against her.


“Wait, you are serious?”


The skeptical look on Minjeong’s face all the more solidified Jimin’s desire to actually run away with the girl, away from all the attention and the hustle of the city life.


“Yes. I am serious.”


Minjeong narrowed her eyes, “This is not one of your spur of the moment things that popped up in your head just now?”


It is, actually. Jimin is having one of those impulses again. But does it really matter?


“Well, let’s say it is. But it sounds pretty inviting. So let’s do it.”


Minjeong gives her a look, “Jimin..”


She almost lets out a groan because 1) for a split second, Minjeong sounded like her Wendy unnie who is prepared to belt out a bloody litany about the cons of leaving the city, and 2) Minjeong always wins whenever she gives her that look and Jimin is already 95% eager with the idea of an out of town; she doesn’t want to lose this argument all because of Minjeong’s commanding puppy eyes.


“Okay, hear me out. It’s gonna be on the weekend when you don’t have classes and you don’t have work. You’re not gonna miss anything on both so you have nothing to worry about,” Jimin persuades, looking straight at the girl to let her know she’s serious about this.


“Yeah well, how about you?Minjeong argues, “Don’t you have any schedule on the weekend?”


Jimin thinks about the weekly dance rehearsal with her Seulgi unnie and the gym class she is scheduled to attend.


“Nope. I’m free this weekend,” she lies through her teeth and Jimin never felt so cunning until this point.


“Are you sure?”


“Yep. Hundred-percent.”


(Maybe her Yeri unnie was right about her never seeing the pearly gates of heaven whatever that means.)


Minjeong squints her eyes at her but Jimin can see that she is this close to getting swayed. Jimin just needs to push a little bit more and charm her way into obtaining Minjeong’s yes.


“Look, it’s the perfect way to spend more time together. We’ve never really had longer moments other than your 10PM night shifts that I have, in fact, been robbing from your boss,” she says and Minjeong’s little chortle at her admission gave Jimin the motivation to convince the girl even more, “And we’re yet to get a break from all the drama that happened a few weeks back. We deserve a breather after all that mess, don’t you think?”


Minjeong ponders upon her words and Jimin gives her best puppy eyes she could muster, silently hoping that her own set of doe eyes has the same effect on Minjeong as the girl’s eyes have on her.


And maybe it has.


Maybe because the next moment, Minjeong was sighing in defeat, giving Jimin a resigned smile that went straight to the beating muscle inside Jimin’s ribcage and bagged another Minjeong-shaped heartbeats that came thumping for the girl.


Witnessing Minjeong’s marvelous smile will always be Jimin’s favorite part of the day.


“Alright, you got me Jimin,” the girl says, “But I’m not gonna spend anything for this trip. You know how broke I am.”


“Baby, your woman is a millionaire superstar,” Jimin says as a matter of fact, “You really think I will let you spend even a dime for this? I am taking offense.”


Minjeong playfully pushes her with a pout and Jimin laughs, catching the girl’s hand before she could retract it.


“Let’s leave this place for a moment and pretend that it’s only the two us in the world, Kim Minjeong,” she slithered her hand up unto the gaps between Minjeong’s lanky fingers and quietly intertwines them with her tiny ones, “Run away with me.”


Jimin felt everything fall into their rightful places when Minjeong, the girl she risked and will be risking more for in the future, the girl with the beautiful gummy smile and twinkling eyes that hold galaxies and supernovas, the girl who means the world to her, softly responds with:


“I’ll go anywhere as long as it’s with you, Jimin. Take me away.”







They left really early.


Like ‘four in the morning when everyone, their mothers and their dogs are still popping out the Zs’ kind of early. Not the morning person that she was, Minjeong was bound to get a little grumpy for jolting awake at Jimin’s call telling her that she’s on her way to pick her up at 3:35 AM.



(“I told you we’re gonna leave early.”


“Yes but I never thought it was THIS early!”


“It’s almost four Minjeong, what are you talking about? We’re gonna be late.”


“Late for what? The end of the world? Because it feels like that to me when you dragged me out of my bed at three in the freaking morning Jimin!”


“Geez, you’re so cranky at these hours without a coffee in your system. I’ll get you one on our way okay? Get some sleep while I drive, baby.”


“Ugh! Four shots of espresso. No sugar.”


“Yes ma’am.”)



True enough, Minjeong stirs awake to the aroma of coffee filling up the interior of Jimin’s car. She doesn’t know what time it was or for how long she dozed off but when she peered out of the window, she can already see slim lines of sunrays peeking through the horizon, illuminating the skies with orange hues.


It was a magnificent sight. But when Minjeong turns to her left, she was met with a more dazzling one that can easily compete with the view of the world leisurely waking up to start a new day.


Jimin on the driver’s seat, her left elbow propped against the closed window as her tiny fingers mindlessly trace the skin below her lips. Her right hand stirs the wheel, singlehandedly maneuvering the vehicle with such expertise.


Minjeong focuses on her side profile and if she wasn’t fully awake before, well, she is now. Everything about the view felt akin to a cold bucket of Jimin-shaped ice poured onto Minjeong, arousing every corner of her sleepy body into consciousness.


The outline of Jimin’s tall nose, the roundness of her full lips, that long darn neck and the little lump of the girl’s adam’s apple that Minjeong never thought would look so attractive for a woman yet it perfectly does for Jimin gosh it makes her want to pounce on the girl right at this moment and okaaayyyy…calm your horses Kim Minjeong.


“You’re awake,” says a smiling Jimin when she finally met Minjeong’s intense gaze, “Good morning, darling.”


Jimin should know that her stupid smile is lethal for a newly awake Kim Minjeong.


“Aww, you still look out of it. Go drink the coffee I bought for you,” Jimin gestures her lips to the cup of to-go sitting pretty on the car’s drink holder. “It’ll help to pull you out of your sleepiness.”


Minjeong’s attention flits to the cup of coffee and she gingerly took it out of the compartment. First few sips of the hot liquid and Minjeong can feel the last bits of her drowsiness dissipating together with the steam coming out of the cup.


“Feeling better?”


“Hmm,” Minjeong hums, shifts on her seat so her body is facing towards Jimin, eyes never leaving the girl, “Definitely feeling better.”


Jimin glances at her for a second before her eyes darted back to the road. The curve of smile that painted the girl’s lips is making Minjeong crazy.


“Was it because of the coffee or was it me?”


Minjeong feigns thinking, “The coffee helped. But you certainly did it for the most part.”


“Oh wow,” Jimin’s low chuckles fill up her senses, “Are you always like this in the morning?” the smile on her lips has now grown into a blinding grin that melts Minjeong into a mushier puddle of goo, “I should probably start bringing you to early morning road trips if I want to experience this side of you more often.”


“What side?” Minjeong stares at the girl affectionately.


She really doesn’t know what’s going on with her but she feels so laidback at the moment. Perhaps it’s the coffee or the fat nap she was able to get. But at the back of her mind, there’s a teenee tiny voice screaming at her that it’s because of the girl on the driver’s seat who made Minjeong feel like she’s afloat and grounded at the same time. It was liberating.


This,” Jimin murmurs, “This side that makes me want to pull over and kiss you senseless inside my car you will forget what year it is.”


Minjeong suddenly felt her body tremble at the idea.


“What’s stopping you?” she challenged, feeling a little bold thanks to the coffee, “You and I both know you are more than capable of doing that Jimin.”


Their eyes met halfway and Minjeong noticed the startling want that is suddenly clouding Jimin’s eyes.


(She is sure she’s no better, feeling herself drawing in a few breaths at the image of Jimin pulling her close, of Jimin’s plump lips on hers, of Jimin’s scent invading her nostrils, of Jimin Jimin Jimin—)


“We have to places to be,” Jimin swallows, averting her eyes from Minjeong. She saw how the celebrity had to physically shake herself out of the haze of desire brought about by their unexpected . “We can’t afford any distractions.”


Minjeong finds herself heaving a sigh, “Then stop saying things like that,” suddenly just as hot and bothered as Jimin, “You can’t go around planting that kind of image in my head and leave me hanging. You have to take responsibility, Jimin.”


Jimin should know that her lips during this discourse is just as lethal to a now awake and disturbed Kim Minjeong.


“I’m sorry,” Jimin had the audacity to sound sheepish, “Here, take my hand. Play with it if you want. Channel your inner Hulk and release that nerves on my hand. It’s tiny but it’s strong. It can take all of your frustrations and it won’t complain.”


Just like that, the tension fades away and Minjeong burst out laughing all thanks to Jimin’s shenanigans. Here she thought she is the one who vomits nonsense between the two of them. Turns out, Jimin can be worse if she wants to.


“Gosh, I can’t with you.”


Whattt?” Minjeong thinks Jimin is doing a great job in playing innocent.


“You are so weird.”


“I am?” the celebrity wrinkles her nose, something that Minjeong always finds so freaking adorable.


“Uh-huh,” she answers, nodding like a knowing child, “Really weird.”


“Weirder than you?”




“But you like it?”


With a smile, Minjeong takes Jimin’s hand resting on the gearshift. Her heart may or may not have skipped a beat when she intertwines their fingers and they perfectly interlock together, amazing her to the core. She brings it to her face and gently presses a kiss at the back of Jimin’s hand, her lips thrumming at how imperfectly perfect it all feels.


Minjeong decides right then and there she will not trade this feeling, this moment, this Jimin, for the world.


“I love it.”






“This is where you’re taking me?” was Minjeong’s question the moment she steps out of the vehicle.


Jimin parked her car on an idle roadside overseeing a serene beach. The sun was already peeking from the horizon when they reached the location; the aurburn hues that painted the skies are becoming less and less orangey, getting replaced with the golden sparkle of a fair and chilly morning.


A smile blooms on Minjeong’s face when she recognized the familiar view of the crack of dawn she used to witness back in her hometown.


“You wanted to catch the sunrise,” she says, tender gaze on the girl who was getting something from the rear side of her car, “This is why you dragged me out of bed so early so we can watch the sunrise on time, isn’t it?”


Jimin shuts the door close and walks up to Minjeong. The girl is now carrying with her a picnic basket, a fluffy-looking plaid blanket and a bouquet of hydrangeas.


The flowers piqued Minjeong’s interest.


“This is just a part of the places I will bring you to but that is correct, Kim Minjeong. Ten points for you,” Jimin drawls with a twinkle in her eyes, “Also because I want to introduce you to someone. Come on.”


They walked side by side towards the calming sound of the sea. Minjeong notices the skip in Jimin’s steps but decided not to ask about it, not when she’s enjoying every bit of this happy Jimin who looks ten times younger with the different kind of radiance she is emitting.


Minjeong stops herself from cooing out loud at the sight.


She helped the girl set down the blanket and picnic basket on a spot relatively far from where the waves kissed the shoreline. It reminds Minjeong of her teenage days back in her hometown when she and her friends would sometimes skip school and spend the day playing across the coastline of Busan. The thought painted a nostalgic smile on her face.


“Care to share why you’re smiling like a goof?” she looks up from Jimin’s question.


“Ah, nothing. I just remembered my friends back at home,” she says, “We sometimes skipped classes and throw away our days playing on the beach.”


Jimin’s surprised face elicited a laugh from her, “Really? I didn’t peg you as the type to skip school.”


“I get that a lot,” she giggles, “Even my teachers who caught us cutting classes told me that they can’t believe I would do it. Said I’d be the last person they thought would skip school. Well, they thought wrong.”


Jimin snickers, “It’s always the angel-like ones who are the actual spawns of Satan. Why am I even surprised Kim Minjeong?”


“So you’re saying I’m angel-like.”


“That’s exactly what I said, darling.”


Minjeong good-naturedly rolls her eyes at the girl whose annoying smirk has found its way on her beautiful face again.


“Whatever, Jimin. Enough of me. I thought you said you’re gonna introduce me to someone?”


With that, Jimin lights up, getting reminded of the other reason they were here for.


“Oh yeah right,” Jimin reached out a hand for her which Minjeong gladly took, the girl’s other free hand picking up the bouquet of hydrangeas resting on the blanket, “Come on.”


Despite her curiosity, Minjeong lets the girl drag her towards the coast. Good thing she took her shoes off a little while ago because Jimin had walked them both to where the waves are touching the shore, soaking Minjeong’s feet with the warm seawater and damp sand.


“Mom,” Jimin suddenly called out, “I want you to meet Kim Minjeong. The girl I’ve been telling you about.”


Minjeong’s breath hitches, snapping her head up to stare at Jimin.


“I uh, I brought your favorite flowers as usual. It’s both the violet and white ones just the way you like it. Up until now, I don’t get why you’re so obsessed with these flowers by the way. I still think dahlias are superior,” Jimin shrugs as if she is indeed speaking to an animate person, clenching Minjeong’s heart and making her light-headed, “But I think it’s okay. I brought my favorite person with me this time so I’m not gonna rant about how dahlias are better than hydrangeas. I hope Minjeong can also be your another favorite thing besides me and these flowers, Mom.”


Something swells in the middle of Minjeong’s chest, something indescribable and aching it’s starting to spread like a wildfire all throughout her body, finding herself swallowing a lump in .


“She is so beautiful, isn’t she? She’s also a brave girl, Mom. She stupidly fought some girls at uni because they were saying mean things about me. Pfft, she’s so small you would wonder where she keeps all that fearlessness in her petite body. But I’m really thankful about that even though I gave her a good amount of scolding for being rascal. Minjeong makes me feel safe, Mom. She makes me really happy too.”


But Minjeong thinks it was a good kind of ache, the best kind, because she felt a tug growing on the corner of her lips, albeit trembling.




The celebrity turns at her with a loaded gaze.


“This was her favorite beach so I made sure that her ashes would be scattered on the place she always found peace when she was still alive,” Jimin says, serene and gentle, “I hope you’re not weirded out that I brought you here.”


Of course not,” Minjeong squeezes Jimin’s hand tucked on hers, “I’m so glad you brought me here, Jimin.”




Minjeong nods her head with a fond smile adorning her lips.


“Really. Though you should’ve told me earlier so I could’ve prepared something for her too.”


“It’s okay,” Jimin reassures, “That’s why I bought a bouquet of these so we can share. Here, let’s give her the hydrangeas. She likes it fresh.”


They start plucking out the stems of hydrangeas from the bunch and pitched them off into the vast waters with much zeal. The both of them even got to the point of doing a mini competition of who throws the flower the farthest from where they stood, looking like a pair of spirited kids aiming to win a game.


It was a beautiful disaster; their laughter and squeals (mostly from Minjeong) filling up the relatively quiet seaside as they finish off the little offering.


“Mrs. Yoo,” Minjeong calls out after their laughter died down, “It’s nice to meet you. This may not be the conventional meet the parent thing but uh, I’m glad I visited the special place where a part of you still lives. I hope I made a good first impression?”


“What if you didn’t?” Jimin’s annoying dared to supply, Minjeong sending the snickering girl a noncommittal glare for her very helpful commentary.


“Well, in case I haven’t, then um, that’s okay! I can work on that I guess,” sheepishly scratching her head because she never really thought she wouldn’t make a good first impression.


She is every Asian mom’s, and maybe even Westerner’s, golden dream child after all (her aunts’ words, not hers).


“But let me take this chance to thank you,” Minjeong adds after a beat, “You raised a very lovely woman in Jimin, Mrs. Yoo. She has grown beautifully and diligently throughout the years. Even though she annoys me so much, she’s actually a really sweet soul who most probably got her charm from you. So thank you for bringing Jimin into this world, Mrs. Yoo. I will always try my best to keep her safe and happy whenever she’s with me. I promise.”


She turns to Jimin and saw the girl’s glassy eyes filled with unshed tears. Minjeong takes a lungful of air to keep her own emotions at bay too.


“Alright, woman who always knew what to say,” Jimin pulls her in for a side hug, snaking a strong arm around her shoulder as the celebrity in a contented breath herself, “I think you just made the best first impression to my mom just now.”


“You think so?”


Jimin sends her a smile, the kind where her eyes form into the most beautiful crescents that can render the moon unemployed in an instant, making Minjeong’s heart soar on levels she never thought it could reach.


Yeah…she will never ever trade this for the world.








(“Did you make this breakfast?”


“Of course.”


“But the eggs are perfectly made and the toasts aren’t burned?”


“What’s your point Kim Minjeong?”


“That you can’t cook, that’s my point. So who made these?”


“I just told you I made them!”


“Liars go to hell, Jimin.”


“...I ordered them online and picked them up on the way while you’re asleep.”


“See? Was that so hard to admit?”


“Ughh, you’re so annoying..”)






They finally made it to the rest house around seven in the morning. Even though they wanted to spend some more time basking in the presence of each other with the calming sound of the sea, they cannot let their guards down. They may be in a somehow far flung area away from the city but Jimin is still, as per Yeri’s words, a magnet of attention so they need to be careful all the same.


The rest house was a perfect combination of traditional Korean abode and contemporary architecture with a minimalist design in its interior. It has a fairly maintained lawn outside surrounded by a garden of flowers ranging from hydrangeas, dahlias and Minjeong even saw a row or two of red roses and lilies.


It was heavenly but what made everything entirely divine was the softness of the queen-sized bed, Minjeong immediately diving into the sea of mattresses when Jimin led her to the masterbedroom.


“Oh my god this is amazing,” she purrs, shoving her face deeper into the very squashy mattress with a delightful hum, “I’m sorry Jimin. I think it’s over for us. I’m marrying this bed right now.”


She hears a snort across the room, Jimin is probably lugging their bags away because Minjeong immediately dropped them with a squeal once she opened the door to the room.


A very soft queen-sized bed is Minjeong’s weakness okay? Sue her.


“You would choose a bed over me? That’s so low of you, Kim Minjeong.”


Jimin’s voice was getting nearer but Minjeong didn’t budge. “There are things that this bed can give me that you can’t so can you really blame me?”


Minjeong felt a dip on the bed and soon enough, a weight on her back.


“Yah! Get off me! You are heavy!”


Jimin giggles against her ear and Minjeong felt her body heating up, both from the breath of air on her ear and the entirety of Jimin pressing down on her.


“Take it back first. Don’t choose the bed over me.”




“Take it back Minjeong.”




“Is that your final answer?”




“Alright. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”


In the quietness of the room, a loud shriek suddenly emanates from Minjeong when she felt Jimin’s hands on her sides tickling her to death.


One of the few things that Minjeong cannot, for the life of her, withstand even just for a second.


Noooo! Stop it Jimin!!”


She can hear her laughter and earsplitting screams resonating all throughout the empty house but she cares no less. Jimin is a ferocious tickler and Minjeong has a sensitive body of a child.


“Yoo Jimin stop itttt!!” was her cries for help in between her laughs.


Unfortunately for her, there was no sign of the girl stopping her attacks anytime soon so Minjeong, in her smaller and physically outsold body compared to Jimin, did her best to squirm away from her strong hold. Somewhere along her feeble attempt of getting away, she found her body flipping from her position and she’s now facing Jimin. Poor Minjeong was gasping for air trying to contain Jimin’s strong arms from tickling her even more.


“Jimin Jimin stop stop stop please I can’t take it anymore!”


The heavens must have heard her (basically Jimin did) because the tickles halted and Minjeong was left panting under her assailant’s mischievous gaze.


Jimin is giving her a yet another blinding grin and Minjeong thinks it is one of the reasons she is wheezing like a child going through a sudden asthma attack.


“You’re a jerk,” she gasps, hitting the girl on her shoulder, “I could’ve died!”


“I told you to take it back,” was Jimin’s simple response, smiling down at her poor state, “But you didn’t and still chose the stupid mattress over me. Deserved.”


“I told you there are things that this bed can give me that you can’t. What’s not clicking Jimin?”


Jimin raised a brow at her.


“Really, huh?”


Minjeong puffs out her chest confidently, “Yup,” still adamant in proving her point that the mattress is indeed better than Jimin, “It’s really soft. Like really really soft it makes me want to cry.”


“Uh-huh, what else?”


“It’s also really big and wide. I can spend the rest of my days rolling around here if I can.”


Minjeong was too occupied rambling about her mattress obsession she didn’t notice Jimin slowly sinking herself down on her.


“It’s also really—” her statement was cut short when she felt the tip of Jimin’s nose brush against hers.


Minjeong was suddenly acutely aware of their very close proximity, can feel Jimin’s breath comingling with hers, the girl’s entire body pushing her down into the mattress.


“Can your stupid mattress do this?” Jimin whispers, painstakingly grazing her lips against Minjeong’s but careful not to totally press them together, “Can it Minjeong?”


Minjeong starts panting again. But it was for a completely different reason.


Jimin’s lips travelled down to her jawline, peppering her smooth skin with cat-like kisses, and eventually went down to her pulse point where her neck meets her shoulder. The girl’s movements were ing slow compared to Minjeong’s heart rapidly beating against her chest, making her a hundred times more desperate for Jimin’s touches.


Then Jimin starts nipping on her skin and Minjeong’s mind goes wild.


“Can your mattress make you feel like this Minjeong?”


Jimin nips a little harder and Minjeong felt a rumble at the back of begging to be released. Jimin must’ve sensed it because instead of stopping, Jimin nibbles a little more, pushing Minjeong to the edge of her sanity.


The rumble soon rushes out out her lips and she produced an unabashed moan out in the open.


D-did she just..


“Use your words Minjeong,” Jimin rasps and , Minjeong’s brain is going haywire, “Can your mattress do this? Hmm?”


Good lord.


Minjeong never thought that an innocent and playful conversation about this really soft mattress could rapidly turn into this… whatever this is at seven in the freaking morning.


“N-no,” she pants, carding her fingers through Jimin’s hair to keep her steady, “I-It can’t Jimin.”


“Well then, is it me or the mattress?” Jimin dared to ask, still nipping on Minjeong’s neck. “You can only choose one.”


“It’s you,” to hell with that stupid mattress. It can never ignite the same amount of fire all throughout Minjeong’s body the way Jimin does to her, “It’s you, Jimin.”


She hears a low chuckle from the girl on top of her and Minjeong did not have it in her to care if the gulp she took was loud enough for Jimin to hear.


“Good to know.”


With that, Jimin pulls away from her neck and presses a searing kiss on her lips. Minjeong was about to open for more but the girl on top of her suddenly pulls herself up from her position. In a matter of seconds, Jimin is on her feet, standing tall at the edge of the bed as if she hasn’t just awakened the sleeping beast of desire in Kim Minjeong.


“Take a rest. We’re gonna go out in a few. I’m just going to check the place, see if they cleaned and prepared everything just like I instructed.”


And just like that, Jimin saunters out of the room with a gracious skip on her steps. But not without sending Minjeong a lopsided smirk that the disheveled girl badly wants to wipe away with a kiss, leaving Minjeong in a state of disarray that only Yoo Jimin can appease.


“Holy .”






Jimin says they will go to a nearby market.


It wasn’t far off from the house so instead of using the car, they decided to take the bicycles idly parked at the garage. Minjeong was very much delighted to ride one on a road that isn’t filled with busy people and dashing cars she cannot stop herself from racing with Jimin on their way.


“Hey! Wait for me!” called the girl who was struggling to catch up with her. She could only snicker.


“What a slowpoke. Drive faster or I’m leaving you behind!” she shouts back, grinning from ear to ear when she looked back and saw Jimin huffing at her.


“You’re so cocky! I said wait for me!”


They made it to the market in no time. There were hardly people as it was still relatively early in the morning. But Minjeong insisted that Jimin wears her bucket hat and glasses just to be safe while she puts on a cap herself to join the other girl in her camouflage.


Hand in hand, they sauntered along the alleys of the marketplace. Stalls of food and whatnots are scattered left and right with its owners calling for each of the passerbys about the goods they are offering. Minjeong would randomly stop at some stalls while Jimin comfortably stands behind her, quietly watching around as Minjeong bombards the stall owners with questions concerning the stuff they were selling.


They somehow stumbled upon a certain makeshift store that is selling random merchandise and dry goods. For some reason, Minjeong is taking her time in looking around this particular store.


“Any interesting thing you see?” asks Jimin.


Minjeong turns around and Jimin was taken aback when she saw the girl already wearing a weird-looking pair of glasses with a set of assymetrical eyes imprinted on its lenses.


“What the—”


Minjeong laughs at her reaction.


“It’s so funny isn’t it?” adjusting the glasses with a big smile on her face, “It has a pair of weird eyes on it Jimin!”


“I can obviously see that,” Jimin chuckles at the girl’s strange taste. “Where did you even get it?”


“Just there,” Minjeong points to a row of funny looking pairs of glasses neatly lined on a stand, “There’s a lot of them here. Wait I think you should try this one.”


Jimin had no time to protest because Minjeong was picking up another one of those weird glasses, this time a really huge baby pink summer glasses that are probably double the size of the celebrity’s quail egg face.


“Try it. Ppali~”


Left with no choice, Jimin pulls out her signature Blanc and Eclare sunglasses and puts on the cheap but tremendously big shades as per instruction of the smaller girl across her who looks unbelievably thrilled.


“There you go. How do I look?” Jimin asks, thanking her tall nose for keeping the huge thing from falling off her face completely.


“Oh my goddddd,” squeals Minjeong, her gummy smile making Jimin’s stomach recoil in broad daylight, “I can’t see your face.”


“Because it’s so huge, silly.”


“Here, let’s just add this as a final touch.”


Before Jimin could even comprehend what is going on, Minjeong reaches behind her and pulls out a rainbow-colored wig out of nowhere. She happily tiptoed on her feet and places the wig on top of Jimin’s bucket hat, adjusting the artificial curls to make it look a little more in place.


“Now that is what you call fashion.”


Jimin narrows her eyes at the grinning girl, knowing that her so called fashion is making her look like the perfect embodiment of a clown at the moment.


But she thinks it’s alright. Minjeong’s eyes are sparkling under the cheap lights of the thrift store and her smile is so big it can easily replace the sun for the way it brightens everything around Jimin.


If Minjeong calls it fashion, then it is fashion.


“You’re making me look stupid,” she grumbles, adjusting the wig on her head nonetheless.


“You’re my stupid,” Minjeong says in a low voice, giving Jimin a knowing smile under the watching eyes of the store owner, “And you look so cute right now I can’t help it.”


Jimin thanks the huge glasses with baby pink rims for masking the heat that flooded her face. Leave it to Minjeong to make her look stupid for a variety of reasons.


“The only cutie around here is you,” says Jimin in attempt of a comeback. Then her eyes suddenly caught a very interesting material behind Minjeong which made her eyes twinkle, “Which is why, I think you should wear this.”


It was now her turn to reach behind the girl, plucking out a statement hairpin from a wire with an adorably lettered “cutie” on top of it. She extracted Minjeong’s cap off her head and gathered a bunch of her bangs atop her forehead, delicately locking her hair in between the claws of the pin, the word “cutie” perfectly displaying like those fancy neon lights at night.


Aigooo, look at you,” Jimin coos, “What a baby~” tops it off with baby sounds as she pats Minjeong’s cheeks with both palms, visibly elated at her final output.


The smaller girl gives her a blank stare, “You just wouldn’t let me win, would you?”


“Nope,” Jimin simply grinned, “If we’re gonna be stupid, we’re gonna do it together Minjeong. No one will be left behind.”


“Alright,” comes Minjeong’s resigned sigh, the fond smile on her lips giving away her amusement at the turn of events, “As long as you’re happy, Jimin. As long as you’re happy.”


They ended up buying the merch they tried; but not without taking a whole bunch of pictures with them in those strange get up. The store owner was even kind enough to take a picture of the both of them together, saying that she was delighted to see the girls looking so happy while trying out her goods. Elated herself, Jimin gave the sweet lady a generous tip upon leaving.


Their lazy amble along the alleyways of the marketplace went along. Minjeong did not disappoint because when Jimin initially thought of bringing the girl for a stroll, she had an idea that Minjeong would be taking her time looking around each stalls.


And look around she did. Jimin already lost count of the number of shops they have stopped at because Minjeong would suddenly see something that interests her.


“Are you not tired yet?” Jimin asks once they’re back on the streets again, Minjeong’s hand carefully tucked in one while her other hand carrying the bags of the items they bought along the way.


“The complete opposite actually,” Minjeong drawls, “I think that four shots of espresso is doing its thing right now.”


Jimin snorts, “You bet it is,” recalling the look of the barista gave her when she punched her order. He looked somewhere between apologetic and baffled at the choice of drink.


“How about you?” Minjeong inquires, looking up at her, “Are you tired already?”


Jimin shrugs, “Not really.”


“Are you sure?” the smaller girl presses, “You started driving as early as three. Just tell me if we need to go back so you could rest.”


Jimin felt her face growing a smile at Minjeong’s constant thoughtfulness.


“I’m sure babe,” she tells her, gently squeezing the girl’s hand with her tiny fingers, “Come on, there’s a lot more stalls to visit. We need to finish them all!”


A couple of thousand won consumed;


(“Haven’t you spent enough already?”


“How much is enough exactly?”


“I don’t know. Fifty thousand won tops?”


“Babe, I have like half a million in my purse right now. Only fifty thousand?”


“You have a what?!”)



four bowls of gamjatang;


(“Oh god that was the best gamjatang I’ve ever tasted in my entire life!”


“Obviously. You even finished two bowls.”


“Says the girl who was about to order her third.”


“It was tasty okay? And the broth was divine it makes me wonder about their recipe.”


“Oohh! Should we ask the owner? I want you to cook me gamjatang when we get back to Seoul.”


“Nah, I think youtube and google ca—”


“Halmeoni! Can we know the recipe of your gamjata—mmmpphh!”)



a dozen of scented candles;


(“This smells so nice, don’t you think?”


“Oh my, that is fragrant. What scent is it?”


“It says a combination of citrus and jasmine.”


“Hmm. Seems like the best scent during our honeymoon night.”


“O-our what?”


“Our honeymoon, darling. We should prepare as early as now so we’re buying this. Excuse me, can you give us a dozen of these scented candles please. Thank you.”





and a flattened tire after;


(“Gosh can you stop moving?? We’re gonna crash!”


“Not until you let me drive this stupid bike. It feels so cramped back here, Kim Minjeong!”


“Well, if only you were careful about yours, we wouldn’t be in this situation.”


“Not my fault that the road was too bumpy for that bike.”


“I told you about that path when we left the market since I noticed it on our way there. And I also remember telling you about the tires being worn out. But did you ever listen?”


“bUt DiD u EvEr LisTen?? Pffttt.”


“D-did you just mock me, Yoo Jimin??”


“dId U JuSt m0cK mE y0o JiMiN??”





They finally made it back to the rest house whole and intact. Jimin was still huffing that she had to spend the rest of the ride at the back of the bicycle, leaving Minjeong chuckling at her petulance.


“Come on, stop sulking,” she prods as she settles the bags of merchandise and raw ingredients they bought on the kitchen countertop.


But Jimin’s pout has grown even more, “No.”


Minjeong good-naturedly rolled her eyes at the girl who looks a lot more like a grumpy Toothless from that movie How to Train Your Dragon she watched with Ningning before, especially with how round Jimin’s eyes are.


“You’re such a child,” she comments, “How about you get some rest while I put all these things away.”






But Jimin just stomped her foot like a literal child right infront of Minjeong, “No.


“Oh my godddd,” Minjeong laughs at the level of maturity (or lack thereof) that Jimin is displaying. “How old are you again? Ten?”




“Is that what you’re gonna answer me all throughout this conversation?”








Minjeong shakes her head, “Whatever Jimin.”


Used to the relentless and stubborn nature, Minjeong decided to let the celebrity be. She starts sorting out the items they bought and deliberately ignores the girl who stood frozen across her. Minjeong can feel Jimin’s eyes boring unto her but she pays her no mind, pretending to be very busy with her task in hand. She highkey wants to see how long Jimin would put up with her childishness.


Surprisingly (but not really), a couple of minutes passed and Jimin still stood unmoving in her position. Minjeong has already stored some of the items in the cabinet, some inside the fridge especially the fruits and snacks they bought (butter bars, madeleine, chocolate chip cookies and a tub of ice cream, all her favorites). But even after her small achievement of putting away all the goods, Jimin remained motionless across the counter. The girl’s stares are starting to crawl under Minjeong’s skin but not enough to make her uncomfortable.


It was actually borderline comical and amusing because Minjeong realizes even more how stubborn Jimin could get if she wants to.


Having enough of the eyes obviously following her every move, Minjeong decided to look up.


Which was probably a wrong move.


Probably because gone was Jimin’s grumpy Toothless stare; instead, it was replaced with a very sad, very round Toothless gaze that got Minjeong involuntarily jutting a lip of her own, feeling Jimin’s sadness through her eyes alone.


Awww,” she coos, surprising even herself, “Are you seriously sad over the bicycle incident?”


“No..” Jimin mumbles.


“Oh god, you are.”


At the sad lilt in Jimin’s voice, Minjeong’s entire charade flew out of the window and she immediately rounds the countertop to where Jimin was standing. In no time, Minjeong is cradling the girl’s cheeks with her palms, finds herself biting back a squeal at how unbelievably beautiful Jimin is despite the pout on her lips.


“I didn’t know it was a big deal for you,” she says, pressing her lips together to stop the smile that was threatening to spill because god, Jimin looks so adorable, “Look, I’m sorry. We can always ride a bike next time. Don’t be sad.”


“No no, don’t be sorry I—” sighs Jimin, the girl finally letting out words other than her constant No’s, “It’s just that you looked so happy when we raced to the market this morning and I wanted to see you smile like that again. But of course, the stupid bicycle had to betray me like that,” looking visibly upset at the turn of events.


Did Minjeong say Jimin is adorable because yes Jimin is supercalifragialisticexpialidocious-ly adorable right now, “I can always show you that smile even if we’re not racing, Jimin.”


“Yes but—”


“Was it like this?” Minjeong flashes a lopsided smile at the celebrity, “Or was it this one?” this time Minjeong shows a full blown grin, lips stretched and her perfect set of teeth displaying for Jimin to see, “Which one was it?”


Jimin just stared at her for a minute, a good straight minute of those round eyes on Minjeong, before she eventually breaks into a smile, head shaking and mirth leaking through her irises.






Jimin is staring at her again but this time, a swirl of warmth and something is clouding up her Toothless pair of eyes, Minjeong’s stomach doing tiny somersaults at how loaded Jimin’s gaze is.


“Nothing just,” Jimin leans her forehead against hers, “Jimin is happy because things are easier with you. Everything is simpler and comfortable and limitless. Jimin doesn’t know how you do it but thank you. Thank you for making things easier for Jimin, Kim Minjeong.”


Overwhelmed by the sudden swarm of emotions that attacked her, Minjeong finds herself pulling Jimin, the girl who adorably referred to herself in third person, down into a bone-crushing hug, snaking her lanky arms around the taller girl’s neck as she hides her face on the nook of Jimin’s neck.


She honestly doesn’t know what the celebrity has seen in her. Minjeong swears to the heavens above that there is nothing extraordinary about her that could have caught Jimin’s immediate attention. She even tried to avoid people at all cost, only forced to interact with them due to the nature of her work at the diner and sometimes for group projects in her classes. Other than that, she kept herself under the radar.


Yet here comes Jimin, Karina Yoo, someone who demands attention just by here mere presence, finding Minjeong sort of interesting and squeezing her famous self inside Minjeong’s mundane life. It was new and scary especially since Jimin is larger than life. Her overflowing charisma is just the tip of this huge iceberg that is her personality.


But it was also challenging, comforting even, that someone as amazing as the girl in Minjeong’s arms has taken a liking on her. She had been nothing short of a gentlewoman in handling Minjeong, nowhere near the impression people would always come up with when they see the celebrity.


Jimin is sweet and kind and thoughtful and beautiful in every sense of the word.


And she likes Minjeong. Jimin likes her of all people.


“Jimin makes things easier for Minjeong too,” she whispers, “Minjeong had been happier since Jimin came into her life. She may not show it too often but she really cares about Jimin the way Jimin cares about her, maybe even more than Jimin does. Minjeong hopes Jimin knows that.”


“She does,” Minjeong feels the girl’s arms pulling her deeper into their embrace, the gesture making her feel a lot more reassured than any other words combined, “Jimin knows even without Minjeong saying anything. In fact, Minjeong doesn’t even have to say anything. Jimin simply needs Minjeong to be there and she will understand. Jimin just wants Minjeong here.”


“Minjeong is not going anywhere,” she declares, firm and final, “Minjeong is going to be here for as long as Jimin wants her. Minjeong is here to stay Jimin.”


She may not know what lies ahead of them, no one does anyway. But amidst this uncertainty of what is yet to come, there is the reassurance, the guarantee, that she and Jimin are going to do this together. She may not have directly heard it or she herself may not have actually said it. But the way they connect and the implications of their declarations are too loud, too certain, not to be recognized.


And Minjeong thinks it’s enough. It is more than enough.






(“Any of those always do the wonders as long as it reaches your eyes, by the way.”




“Your smile. I love it when your smile reaches your eyes, Kim Minjeong. That kind is my favorite.”


“Hmm. Like this?”


“..yeah. Just like that.”)






They went hiking on the afternoon.


Jimin brought her to a good trail leading to a mountaintop that oversees the entire village. The girl said that she and her mother used to climb the mountain when she was a kid, one of their favorite pasttimes during the weekends after Jimin was done doing her homeworks. Minjeong was acutely aware of the fond smile on her face when Jimin animatedly told her about the memories of their weekend hikes.


Jimin also said that hiking was the next best outdoor activity for the both of them that involved less to no people besides their early morning market stroll.


And it was.


The unhurried and comfortable trek was one of the most relaxing activities Minjeong had in years. It felt more like an aimless walk towards nowhere with a bunch of nonsense conversation with Jimin that involved anything under the sun.


From beating the crocodile allegations Ningning had once insisted on Minjeong that her Karina unnie has;


(“What crocodile?”


“They said that you have a crocodile as a pet.”




“Yeah. Said you love reptiles or amphibians whatever those things are.”


“Kim Minjeong I don’t have a crocodile as a pet..”


“I knew it! I told Yizhuo it was all a myth! She wouldn’t believe me!”


“It was Yizhuo who told you about that?”


“Yeah but don’t tell her I told you that or she’s gonna kill me.”)



revealing one of Jimin’s greatest phobias which is totally frightening and can leave anyone trembling in fear;


(“’re scared of pigeons..”


“Yes, Kim Minjeong. They’re like my number one enemy.”


“But they’re so cute?”


“Noooo. They’re scary! I was late for school once because of them!”


“How come?”


“Basically, I was on my way to school right? But then just before I entered the gates, there was this one pigeon hanging around the gate, blocking my path. Since I was scared, I had to go around and use the gate at back but guess what??? There were two pigeons there! So I had to go back again to the main gate thinking that maybe the pigeon already flew away. But guess what again??! That pigeon took a pigeon friend with her and they became two! Arghh! And that’s how I got the only tardy record in my entire schooling history.”


ㅋㅋㅋㅋ that’s so cute Jimin oh my godddd!”


“Nooo it’s not cute, it’s scary Kim Minjeong!”)



to philosophical and deeper conversations like what came first, the egg or the chicken.


(“It’s the chicken.”


“No, Jimin. Eggs came first.”


“No, listen to me Kim Minjeong. Just like Adam and Eve, they suddenly appeared on earth like poof! Out of nowhere! Therefore, chickens came first because they must have appeared on earth like poof too!”


“Jimin, egg fossils are discovered before chicken remnants were excavated. Science has provided evidence that eggs came first. I believe in science.”


“Well, I believe in God.”


“Oh am I speaking to Katarina the Catholic girl right now?”


“Yes Kim Minjeong. This is Katarina, the believer before anything else.”


“Okay. Then let’s just agree to disagree Katarina coz clearly we have differing views on this.”


“Alright Kim Scientist. Deal.”)



It was everything and Minjeong silently wishes that the road towards the mountaintop would go a little longer just so she could have this moment and this Jimin a little bit more.


Almost an hour later, she and Jimin are watching the world go by their day a hundred meters down below. They were a little out of breath as gravity pulls them down and oxygen was a little thinner than when on the ground.


But the view above compensates the lack of air and sore feet. The meadows of green and the cottony sight of clouds almost at their reach made the hike worth it, greeting them like a warm welcome of a hospitable host. Despite the drop in temperature due to their coordinates in longitude, Minjeong finds herself warming up at the picturesque view in front of her.


“This is insanely beautiful,” she mutters, awed at what her eyes could perceive.


“It is,” Jimin answers beside her. When she craned her neck to look at the girl, she finds Jimin already looking at her.


“I meant the landscape Jimin.”


“Yeah. That too.”


Minjeong convices herself that the flush on her cheeks was only because of the chilly temperature and definitely not because of the way Jimin is staring at her. Nope. Definitely not.


They settled themselves in the grassy part of the area overlooking the scenery. Jimin has come prepared with the same plaid blanket they used at the beach, making Minjeong extra happy because it was plaid and she is really fond of plaid.


(And she is really fond of the plaid’s owner too so..)


“How’s school by the way?” asks Jimin from behind. She had her arms circled around Minjeong’s waist and her head comfortably resting on the smaller girl’s shoulder.


“Same old,” Minjeong answers, playing with Jimin’s fingers on her torso, “Finals are fast approaching so I’m gonna be busy in the upcoming weeks. After that, I’m going to start preparing for my thesis next semester.”


Jimin hums, “You’re going to ace those exams. And you’re gonna get the perfect grade in your thesis. I’d even send you your favorite snacks so you’d have the energy to study and do your tasks!”


A grin painted across Minjeong’s face at the mention of food and the enthusiasm in Jimin’s voice, “No need for that, dummy. I just need to see you from time to time and I’ll be alright.”


“I’m still not used to you being like this,” Jimin comments, “But I’m amazing so I understand that you’d always want to see me and have me near. I totally get it Kim Minjeong.”


If this was her months ago, she would have hesitated to say things like this. She would have foamed in the mouth and have taken her words back because she doesn’t want to give Karina Yoo the idea that she Minjeong wants her near.


But Minjeong is a whole new person now and she is done pretending that she doesn’t want anything to do with the celebrity’s presence. She wants Jimin near and she will tell her exactly that.


“You’re so impossible,” she sighs, feigning annoyance because she knows herself that she had grown fond of Jimin’s harmless self-absorbed proclamations, “How about you? How’s work doing?”


“Hectic as usual,” the celebrity replies, “I’m going to start touring soon so everyone is busy finishing up plans. They’re organizing it and it’s only a matter of time before I get involved in the preparation process.”


Minjeong perked up, “Oohh where are your possible stops?”


There was a pregnant pause on Jimin’s part that Minjeong thought the girl didn’t hear her. She was ready to repeat her question but then, “Asia and America. They’re uh, they’re still contemplating on whether to include Latin America and Europe. But the probability is high since they saw demand from that part of the world.”






It’s abroad. Not a local tour but an international one.


“T-that’s great!” she squeaks, “Yeah, that’s um, that’s a great opportunity to expand your fanbase and draw in more international fans. I’m happy for you Jimin.”


But Jimin chuckles, “God, you at lying. How are you the spawn of Satan but can’t lie to save your life?”


With that, Minjeong’s façade crumbled down and she felt herself leaning her back against Jimin’s lithe form, “Is it too obvious?” berating herself for her sudden inability to filter emotions.


“Yep. The stutter gave it away too. You have to work on your acting skills, darling.”


Minjeong rolls her eyes, “Well, you can’t expect me to jump out of joy when I have recently discovered that I really like your company, Jimin.”


“Will you look at that?” Jimin jests, “It took a touring news from me to hear you say that you like my company. I should be the one jumping out of joy right now Kim Minjeong.”


“Ugh, you’re so annoying I swear to god..”


A comfortable silence engulfed the two of them as they let things sink in, especially on Minjeong’s part who was genuinely surprised to hear the news.


She was just getting used to having Jimin around. Most of her time in the past months were spent figuring things out and putting a name to the feeling brought about by the celebrity. In her defense, it was called for considering that everything was new to her—the rumble in the middle of her chest, the strong connection—she doesn’t know how to deal with it.


So she needed time to understand what it was. But now that she did and has come into the conclusion that she has, in fact, started harboring feelings for the girl other than annoyance, Jimin is going to be taken away from her.


Jimin is going away just when they have barely started and just when Minjeong has finally figured things out.


She will be lying if she says that it does not make her feel a bit remorseful for spending her time weighing things instead of simply enjoying the moment with the girl when they had ample number of chances.


“What are you thinking?” Jimin asks after a moment, “What’s inside your beautiful mind, Minjeong?”


in a deep breath, Minjeong starts it with: “I’m thinking of sealing the deal.”


She felt Jimin going rigid behind her, “W-what?”


Freeing herself from the girl’s hold, Minjeong turns her body around so she is sitting face to face with the woman who has brought colors in her once dull life, “I’ve spent most of the time putting a name on the feelings you caused me, Jimin. I am like that. I think before I act and speak especially when I’m confronted with something that I am not familiar with. And being it with you is one of those. It was new and I don’t know how to deal with it.”


She takes Jimin’s hands, hoping to convey what she feels and give her the strength to finish what is on her mind that the girl had asked about.


“But now I know what it is and how I want to deal with it,” she says, “I want to spend my days with you, make sure that you’re eating well, make sure you’re healthy and not neglecting your body. I want to be there when you’re sad, when you’re happy, or when you get angry. I also want to be there in between, the idles and the lazy moments and when things are just as they are. I want to see all your facets Jimin, both in your good and bad days.”


“I’m leaving in a few weeks, Minjeong,” was Jimin’s weak reasoning, “Most of the time, I wouldn’t be physically here for you. It wouldn’t be easy..”


Minjeong wants to laugh at how the tables have turned. Jimin had always been so confident, always the daring one. But now, she has doubts clouding her eyes and Minjeong is the one who looks and sounds so sure, braving something that is unchartered for the both of them.


But it’s alright. Jimin had her fair share of bravery for the both of them anyway.


It is Minjeong’s time to be bold for her and Jimin.


“All the more that I want this, Jimin,” she says, firm and convincing, “I told you, I’ve spent my days calculating what it is that we have. I’ve held myself back for so long and now that I’m so sure of what this is, I want to go all out. I want to be there not just as Minjeong the fling back at home. I want to be Minjeong, the partner you can always go back home to, someone familiar and comfortable and easy. I want to be with you, Jimin. With or without the distance.”


“Minjeong..” Jimin managed to say in the middle of her teary state. Minjeong had to sniff back her own tears and reach out so she could wipe away the lone tear that rolled down Jimin’s smooth cheek.


“So let me be your woman,” it was not a question but she needs Jimin’s affirmation like a Queen’s blessing, “Let me be your woman and allow me to make up for the times I’ve held myself back. Let me show you how Kim Minjeong does it without reservation, Yoo Jimin.”


Jimin is crying at this point; but she is also chuckling happiness like a musical note, smiling like she never did before and staring at Minjeong like she invented the color blue for Jimin.


She is stripped of the title that people have given her and is tearing up like a child across Minjeong in her pure, unadulterated form.


She is simply Yoo Jimin, the burglar who barged in and seized Minjeong’s heart. The girl whom Minjeong didn’t get the fuss of knowing in the first place but she later on understood because Jimin, Karina Yoo, is undeniably remarkable beyond measure.


And she is Minjeong’s.


“Okay, yes. Yes, you rascal. Absolutely yes.”






On their way back, it rained.


It started with light drizzle until it slowly became a downpour.


Minjeong wanted to seek refuge under a tree. But Jimin holds her back.


“Have you ever been kissed under the rain?” asks the girl.


Minjeong looks at her funny and in total confusion for such a bizarre question under a heavy downpour where they’re getting soaked and probably gonna get sick, “What? No, I haven’t Jimin. Come on we need to—”


Jimin holds her back for the second time and Minjeong had a scolding ready at the tip of her tongue because the girl is being stubborn again!


But before Minjeong could even rant about the possibilities of them catching a fever, Jimin is tugging her, pulling her to her chest and eradicating the laws of space and distance.


Jimin is also pressing a charring kiss on Minjeong’s lips, wounding an arm around the girl’s back and holding her in place.


Jimin’s lips were full and wet and everything that Minjeong always imagined to be and gods, Jimin is chewing on Minjeong’s lower lip as if she is nibbling on a sweet candy, making her head spin like a pen.


But Minjeong thinks it’s the good kind. Both the spinning of her head and the kiss.


Especially the kiss. It’s the kind that made her wrap her arms around Jimin’s neck and tug her down, tilting her head so Jimin could chew a little better, press a little bit more.


It was the kind that burns in the middle of the freezing downpour and it was everything that Minjeong could ask for a kiss under the rain.


Especially since it’s her first kiss under the rain and she just shared it with the girl she feels so strongly for.


It was unexpected and cliched and maybe a little bit romantic; but Minjeong wouldn’t have it any other way.


She did it with Jimin after all.


“Now you do, Kim Minjeong.”








“Omo. Are you sick?”


“I’m on my way to being one thanks to you.”


“What, it was romantic darling!”


“At what expense? Thi—achooo!”


“Aww. Okay stop moving and sit back. I’m gonna get a medicine and an extra blanket for you.”


“Ughh. This is all your fault Yoo Ji—ACHOOO!”)








let me get this off my chest first okay…karina bubble is a literal living fanfic like girlie has a lot of real-life cute stories that are so fanfic materials istg she basically outsolds all AUs and fanfics out there including mine i’m not gonna lie ㅋㅋㅋ she is sooooo adorable!!


anyway LOL i hope you enjoyed this update sweets! i feel like it’s been 10 years since i posted something when it’s barely just a month or so since the last one (yes i keep track on the days and no i hate math so i use the calendar in counting) i hope there are still people reading this? LMAOOO let me know in the comments! the upvotes, subscriptions and comments are always, deeply appreciated by yours truly btw, especially the sweet comments! you guys are the absolute cutest and soooo kind i feel like cryinggg~ take care of yourselves okay? see you on the next one (probably the last)! :)


- sj

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you guys are insaanneee!! GTKYoo just got featured omgsgdhdjd virtual hugs!! take care of yourselves sweets! miss u! 😘


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Minseok25 #1
This might be the best jiminjeong story I’ve ever read. Like, you’re so talented and your writing is just brilliant. I wish I could read more stories like this one. It made me happy
taenggo09 11 streak #2
Chapter 12: woahhh, this is nice
cute, fluffy, but also feel kinda real (like a real life simple relationship)
thank you for this story author
Chapter 12: this was such a great read 🥺
Kpop_fan21 #4
httpdaniyoo #5
Chapter 12: I love the story so so much!!! 💙
Chapter 12: This was one of the most amazing fanfic ever of winrina for real
I loved it so much..they are ao sweet and thanks for not making this a sad one but a True happy one with this end!! 🥰
Chapter 7: omg the end of this chapter....o.o
Wemon_ #9
Chapter 8: awwww:((
Wemon_ #10
Chapter 6: gayyyyyysss