Chapter 1

The Soldier and His Protector

Yunho regarded his new companion with a calculating look, before shaking his head and turning to Dongmyeong and Xion who were heading to a different terminal to catch their flight back home. "I'll see you two around, enjoy the vacation," he said. "Yeah, same to you," said Xion as he waved. Dongmyeong nodded and turned, walking off with Xion rushing to follow after him.

"Dongmyeong is too stiff," said San as he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "He can't help it, you know that," said Yunho as he turned around, heading towards baggage claim to get the one suitcase they had. Gunmin and San followed after him, easily keeping pace with Yunho as he was eager to get out of there as soon as possible.

It was Hongjoong who met them down at baggage claim, his own flight having landed around the same time. "Did Jongho get back before you did or is he still in Asia with Wooyoung?" Asked Yunho as he walked over to Hongjoong. "They're still in Asia," said Hongjoong. "Kris needed me here for some reason, so Byungchan called me back," he said. "Probably another meeting between the subpack alphas or something," said Yunho. "Probably," hummed Hongjoong.

"It's nice to see you around again San," said Hongjoong, earning a sigh from San. "I know I'm an introvert, but I do show up every now and again," San said with a scowl. "Besides, Yeosang said it was okay to be with Yunho for a bit," he said. "Right right," said Hongjoong as he chuckled, turning to the baggage claim area when the suitcases started coming down.

"Just one suitcase too?" Asked Yunho. "Yep," said Hongjoong as he kept an eye out for his suitcase. "Same," hummed Yunho as he went to grab his suitcase. Hongjoong soon spotted his suitcase and went to grab it. "Let's head home," said Hongjoong as he walked out with the others following after him.



Yunho entered his room, setting his bag down on the floor before going to unpack his suitcase. Gunmin was left to wonder around the room, looking at the stack of shot glasses on the dresser with slight awe. "Those are San's," said Yunho as he felt the contract reacting to whatever Gunmin was looking at, and figured it was the shot glasses. "It's to commemorate where we've been really," he said. "It didn't used to be this big either, the others started adding to the pile," he said, turning to the stack of shot glasses after grabbing a new one that had been a gift from Jun. He carefully added it to the stack before turning back to his suitcase and looking at the last thing in the suitcase.

Gunmin walked over and looked down at the suitcase and saw a new plushie. "The fox is a gift from Dongmyeong," said Yunho as he picked up the plushie and walked over to put the fox on the bed beside a wolf one. "The pile is getting bigger," he said, sighing as he turned to the pile and saw a few new plushies courtesy of the rest of the pack.

"We'll be sharing the bed, if you don't mind," said Yunho as he turned to Gunmin. Gunmin just shrugged, not really caring. "Good," said Yunho. Gunmin blinked in confusion. "Because I'd rather not have you sleep on the floor," said Yunho. Gunmin nodded.



"You seem better," said Byungchan as he got to talk to Yunho. "I'm doing a lot better actually," said Yunho as he shrugged. "My nightmares have ceased to exist, thanks to the contract," he said. "So why was Hongjoong called back?" He asked. "Hyojin wanted to have a discussion about the way their subpacks are going," said Byungchan. "He had concerns about how MK was handling missions, and so he asked for a second opinion," he said. "I see," said Yunho.

"Gunmin isn't causing you trouble is he?" Asked Byungchan. "No, not at the moment," said Yunho. "We're still trying to figure each other out at this point," he said. "I know he's trying to figure out what I'm thinking half the time, but without a voice to speak with he usually just depends on the contract to let me know what he's thinking," he said.

"At least you two aren't fighting anymore," said Byungchan. "I guess," hummed Yunho as he shrugged.



"Well," said San as he met Yunho and Gunmin outside on the back deck. "I know I've been around for a good bit considering the circumstances but now I'm needed," he said. "Of course you are," Yunho said with a sigh, earning a small chuckle from San. "Don't worry, I'll try and come back soon but Youngbin needs me to head over to him since the other three are busy," said San. "I'm sure someone will stop by soon," he said. "I'm sure," said Yunho.

"Stay safe alright?" Asked San. "You too," said Yunho. San nodded and sprinted off the back deck, soon disappearing into the forest to the left of the property. Yunho watched him go, sighing as he slumped against the railing. Gunmin wondered what was wrong, though he didn't try and ask. He knew it had something to do with San leaving, but he wasn't too sure of why.

"San's my brother, my twin," Yunho said absentmindedly. "You'd know why I feel this way if you had a twin brother or sister," he said, straightening when he heard the door open. "San leave?" Asked Seungwoo as he walked outside. "Yeah," said Yunho. "He'll be back before you know it," said Seungwoo as he walked over, nodding to Gunmin who bowed his head as he moved away from him.

"Am I needed for anything?" Asked Yunho as he turned to Seungwoo. "No, not at the moment," said Seungwoo. "Just came out to check on you is all," he added. "I see," hummed Yunho.

"Are you okay?" Seungwoo asked, turning to Gunmin. Gunmin blinked before nodding. "Good," said Seungwoo. "Kris may grant you a visit to see the twins for a bit," he said to Yunho. "Really?" Asked Yunho as he blinked. "Yeah," said Seungwoo. "You didn't hear it from me though," he added. "MK needs to spend time with you," he said. "At least, from what Hongjoong had managed to get out of Hyojin," he addded. "I don't mind that," said Yunho. "Being around other vampire hunters may help him too, they just pretty much keep him holed up at the pack house," he said.



MK showed up at the pack house a few days later, with Yunho and Gunmin meeting him out on the deck behind the house. "Hey MK," said Yunho. "Hey," said MK. "You look tired," said Yunho. "I... I haven't been sleeping," said MK. "How do you manage it?" He asked.

"I don't," said Yunho as he sighed. "But it's more due to having the support I have that I have managed this far," he said. "Do you think my pack is doing anything for me?" Asked MK. "Believe me," said Yunho. "They wouldn't have you spending time with the others in our pack if that wasn't the case," he said. MK nodded.

Gunmin shivered at the memories of the last nightmare. So much had happened to Yunho, and he felt bad. Pity was something Yunho hated though, so Gunmin tried not to bring it up.

"I know what you're thinking Gunmin," Yunho said suddenly, turning to Gunmin who was caught off guard at his statement. "Don't send me your pity," he said. "Your past may be tame compared to others but it's our pasts that shape who we are today," he said.

"How does your contract thing work again?" Asked MK. "He gained my nightmares as I took his voice," said Yunho. "It seems we have a basic understanding of what each of us are thinking about though, because I'm able to pick up on the few things he's thinking about, and vice versa," he said. "A side effect of the nightmares being transferred maybe?" Asked MK. "It's possible," said Yunho. Gunmin shrugged. It certainly was possible, but how much could Yunho really read from him? He was unsure.



A feeling of just coldness, it had to be wintertime. Howls heard through a bloody battlefield and Gunmin felt like a stranger as he looked around the clearing that served as a battlefield. A war had been held here, and all he could see was dead bodies lying about. Who was the enemy? Who was the ally?

An injured wolf crawled over to a still body, with Gunmin recognizing the scar across its back as being Yunho. Was the wolf on the ground San? Whines were heard and it honestly broke Gunmin's heart to hear such heartbroken cries from the animal. Yunho really didn't have anyone left at this point.

A rustle from the woods was heard and vampires soon filled the clearing. Yunho tried to defend his brother, snarling at the vampires that had surrounded the three of them. Gunmin wanted to fight too, to save them, but it was useless at this point. It was a dream afterall. Yunho managed to tear down two vampires before being knocked out, and Gunmin was forced from the dream.



Gunmin jolted awake, sitting up in surprise as he felt the contract burning as it always had when a nightmare had been basically forced onto him. He rubbed his chest through his shirt, looking to his left and finding Yunho beside him with his back turned to him, sleeping peacefully as far as Gunmin could tell from the sounds of his soft breathing. The fox plushie was in Yunho's arms while the wolf plushie lay between them and Gunmin was tempted to wake Yunho but decided against it.

Instead Gunmin got up, heading out of the room and downstairs into the kitchen to grab some water. "You're awake too?" Asked a voice from behind Gunmin, causing Gunmin to turn around and spot Wooseok standing in the entryway to the kitchen. "Come on," said Wooseok. "We'll go relax outside," he said, turning and going to grab his shoes. Gunmin followed after him, the both of them putting on their shoes and heading outside. Wooseok led the way to the lake behind the house, the both of them sitting on the bench that was a few feet from the water.

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sees Yunho on the cover...instantly click subscribe. XD im looking forward to reading this!!!
Ohhh congratulations on winning the bid
congrats on winning the bid
I'm so glad this won the highest bid! I found something to read now!
Congratulations on highest bid and I’ll be looking forward to reading this soon!
Congrats on the ad bid feature!
It's a different combination but I'm liking it
congratulations on winning the bid
692 streak #8
Congrats on the bid! ^^
Congrats on winning the bid!