Chapter 6


After 20 minutes worth of cruise-driving, Joy finally arived at the restaurant which was both agreed upon by BH and SM group. Well, it was the usual restaurant where most of the arranged marriages among all chaebol groups take place. It's an exclusive restaurant but still packed by rich and famous people in all industries which is why it was the perfect place to close the deal between two groups, to spread the rumor within these important groups.


"Let's get down to business, shall we?" Joy stepped out of her car and handed the keys to the valet who was waiting just outside her door. She tilts her head to the sides to stretch her neck before proceeding to enter the restaurant


"안녕하세요, please come in. You'll be escorted to your table." the restaurant receptionist greeted Joy with a 90-degrees bow and ushered a server to guide Joy in, Joy just nodded as she knew that she was already expected by them and followed the server who was leading her in and to the right-most part of the restaurant.


While striding in, Joy could feel all the glances that she was receiving, she raised her chin confidently and quickly scanned the place to figure out which of the BH group's kid she was meeting. Could it be the eldest? Who was it? RM? No, no. Jinhope, was it? While Joy was engrossed in her own thoughts, she did not notice that the server has come to a halt in front of a table that was positioned by the glass window, and that a man has been staring at her and her huge hat in awe.

"Excuse me ma'am, we have arrived at your table" the server's voice was able to snap Joy back to reality, she blinked a couple of times before turning to look at who she was supposedly going to meet or "marry", rather


"Hello, I'm Taehyung of BH group. Nice to meet you" he stood up from his seat and extended his arm in front of him, waiting for Joy to shake his hand. Joy on the other hand was still trying to remember whether he was the server, barista, or cashier at BH group's cafe


"Ah neh. Hi, I'm Joy." Joy nodded her head curtly at him and proceeded to take her seat, ignoring his hand while trying to hide her smirk. V, on the other hand, pretended to cough and retrieved his hand, obviously embarassed at her rude actions. He quickly took a seat and tried his best to muster a smile and hide the fact that he was immensely annoyed at her


"So, you're kinda early" V could not stop himself from saying, heck! He was here as early as 11:30 and she was almost an hour late to this lunch appointment. He had already devoured the whole bread basket while waiting. He knew this was not a good idea at all, how could he lose the most important rock-paper-scissor game in his life? Why did he threw out a rock when he knew Jungkook will always show a paper every single time?


"Ah, weren't we supposed to meet at 12:30?" Joy batted her eyelashes, trying to be as innocent as she can but V already knew that this was another one of her ruse


"Hmm, okay. I supposed you read that wrong" V shrugged and took a sip of his water as Joy gave him a timid laugh. She knew that he knew she was lying. Game on, Joy thought

"Have you ordered? I bet you're famished" Joy asked and pretended to look worried when in fact she knew he was starving as she noticed how the bread basket was empty


"Yes, I already did." V raised his hand and gestured something to the servers which probably meant to serve the food ASAP. Joy pursed her lips to restrain herself from letting out a laugh and leaned on the table, placing her chin on top of her palm


"So, why do you wanna get married? Is it to establish your group in the industry? You want that bad, huh?" Joy asked, tilting her head to the side as she studies his face. V was taken aback from her question, she was staring coldly at him. Are all chaebols like this? It's not like he wanted to get married, this was his parents and grandparents' plan. He was really annoyed now, he could feel his blood rushing to his face as he clenched his fist under the table. But she was right though, this was their plan, they wanted to establish the group in the industry permanently. Before V could reply, the servers came at the right time and settled all of their orders on the table.

"Let's eat" V motioned Joy and thanked the servers as they left, he released his fist under the table and picked up his utensils. Joy could sense that he was already more uncomfortable and tensed than earlier. That must have hit him on the spot, Joy thought and mentally patted herself for doing so.

"So tell me 3 things about yourself" Joy broke the silence before cutting her steak, keeping her eyes on him. She could see him hesitate but ultimately gave in


  1. I go by the name, V
  2. I'm interested in photography
  3. I know how to play the saxophone

How about you?" V returned the question back to Joy and took a sip from his wine as he waits for her reply


"Well, my real name's Sooyoung. I like dogs. And I love Baskin Robbins." Joy answered plainly and took a bite of the pasta that was in front of her


"Hmm, is that it? Don't people generally like dogs and ice cream?" V raised his eyebrow, unsure whether this information was indeed Joy's preference or was it something that she got off the internet


"Yes? If that's so then I'm people" Joy furrowed her brows in annoyance, she genuinely answered and gave him 3 facts about her and in return, he's doubting her? V let out a light chuckle which was unexpected of him but he couldn't help himself. Joy was obviously annoyed at him and now she's pouting like a kid. A kid with a giant red hat that anyone can't help but notice.


"Right, before I forget. My family wanted to invite you over at one of our company's grand opening. Here" V took out a letter from the insides of his suit and slid it towards Joy



"Well, they have to meet their future daughter-in-law before the wedding, right?" V smirked as he wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin before rising from his seat, ignoring how perplexed Joy was from hearing what he just said. Yes, I'm not backing down from this as easily as you might have expected, V thought


"It was nice meeting you but, I have to get going first. I already settled the bill. See you again soon, Joy-ssi" before Joy could even react, V had already left. Joy could only scoff, he left? just like that?

"Wah, 짜증나" Joy noisily set her utensils down in annoyance as she bit her lower lip, she was pissed. He did not even give her time to react or reject the invitation, who does he think he is?

"What a jerk" Joy cursed under her breath while tilting her head up and caught a glimpse of the letter on the table. She hesitantly took it and peered it open.


Greetings! We cordially invite you to the grand opening of BH group's 10th company.

Please join us in this black-tie celebration.

♦ ♦

Saturday evening, drinks will be served starting 6:00 pm.

- Bang Si Hyuk


"Hmm" Joy pursed her lips as she slid the letter back into its envelope and leaned back on her chair, crossing her arms. She's contemplating whether if it was a good idea to attend the party or not. While deep in her thoughts, Joy could feel her phone vibrate inside her purse


"Eung?" Joy reached for her phone inside her purse and pulled it out to see who was calling, only to find out it was an unknown number


"Aish, damn stalkers" Joy rejected the call and tossed her phone back in her purse. This was nothing new to Joy or to any other chaebols' kids. There are actually people who follows them as if they were some kind of celebrities or idols, claiming to be their fans. They would receive numerous anonymous calls, texts, emails, DMs, gifts, and even billboards during their birthdays. This is why some of her cousins had to change their phone numbers every 6 months. However, not all "fans" have been unsuccessful in their pursuit. She actually has a cousin, Chen, who married his "fan" and boy, their grandfather was not happy about it at all. They aren't even allowed to be seen in public.


"Eung?" Joy furrowed her brows as she felt her phone vibrate again, she pulls it out and finds that an unknown number has sent her a message


"What is this now-" Joy's voice trailed off as soon as she opens the message, it was a picture of V, a selca. A freaking selca of him just staring blankly at her!

v selcas Tumblr posts -

"Mwoya!" Joy shrieked, almost letting go of her phone. She firmly held it in her hands before slowly taking a peek at it again

"미친. He must be crazy" She hurriedly deleted the message along with the picture. She shuddered in disgust, how did he get a hold of her number? She shook her head in disbelief but another message popped up on her screen


You must be pleasantly surprised, right? As a way of saying thank you

for eating lunch with me, you may have my selca 케 케 케 


"What kind of bull is he saying?!" Joy gritted her teeth and deleted the message once again, he was seriously getting on her nerves. How dare he provoke her!

"Fine, if that's what you want. Then game on! Game on for real!" Joy exclaimed in her seat, pumping both of her fists in the air. People seated near her gave her a questionable look but she didn't care, the competitiveness in her has been activated. This was clearly a challenge and she's here to win it. Nobody can beat her in anything, not even her sisters can beat her in strength-related games.


Joy stood up and graciously fixed her hat and her skirt. She picked up her purse, phone, and the invitation letter from the table before leaving the restaurant. She was now determined to wreck this Taehyung or V or whatever from that BH group. He must pay and she must win, whatever it takes.

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Hi guys! Sorry if I’ve been MIA for these past few days. It’s just a little hectic at work, but I promise to update this week! Thank you and keep safe. 😷


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Chapter 4: Hi, hi.
I really like your story.
Its looks so fresh, Im anticipating the next chapters already.
Well, Im a Vjoy shipper and since sadly theres no si much stories about them, so... thank you so much for this 😊
Here you gained an avid fan from now on. 😘