Chapter 10: Answer

Our Wish

Song recommended: Something's wrong - Kwon Ji Ah

[7.30 a.m, Meeting Room]

Her eyes are swollen that morning and she purposely displaying her grumpy face to everyone in the meeting room so no one dares to ask her about it. Her roommate, Soojin won't say anything either when everyone is asking her about Sakura even though she knew the girl has been crying all night long.

They all bow when Irene and Hyundon seongsaenim walked into the room and everyone is getting prepared for the briefing.

"Did you guys sleep well last night?" Irene seongsaenim greets them.

"Yes, seongsaenim." 

"I still heard a lot of noise from both dorms at 3 AM. Can't you guys be a normal person and sleep?!" Hyundon seongsaenim yells out of sudden and makes everyone startled at their seat.

This old man really spoils the mood on this beautiful morning.

Irene seongsaenim lets out a fake cough and put up her beautiful smile to boost their mood back. "It's a normal thing for teenagers like them to have fun with their friends till late at night, especially in this camp. It's one of our goals to let everyone build a new friendship with other clubs members, isn't it?" She sends her gaze to Hyundon seongsaenim and smiles, which can be considered as the fake one.

"Yeah but.."

"It's okay. We will talk this out later. Let's focus on today's activities. We will start our morning with some warm-up session. Eun Woo will lead this right?" Irene seongsaenim looks up and receives a nod from him.

"Yes, ma'am." Eun Woo answers politely.

"Good. This tournament might be dragged until lunchtime. In the previous meeting, I said that we all will be the referee right?"

"Yes, seongsaenim." 

"I've talked to the camp instructors and they are willing to volunteer as the referee. So, you guys can join your team to compete with each other okay?" She knew this would be good news to them as she can see their face brighten up so much.

"Really?!" They still can't believe what they heard.

"Yes. And they will lead most of the activities today. We just need to help them prepare things. So.. enjoy your day!" 

The members cheer happily except Sakura. She was spacing out most of the time there.

"The preparation for the tournament later, who is in charge of the equipment?!" Hyungdon seongsaenim raises his voice to shut them up.

I swear I want to smake his mouth right now. Why he always like to ruin the mood?!

Irene seongsaenim glares at him.

"Sakura." Eun Woo calling out.

All of them focus on her but she's staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Sakura... They are calling you." Soojin nudges her.

"Yes?" Sakura straightens up her back.

"You dare to space out.."

"I'm sure she already prepares everything. Right, Sakura?" Irene seongsaenim quickly interrupts the old man preventing him to ruin the mood again.

"What? Oh... Yes, I already check all the equipment and the court. All good, seongsaenim." Sakura maintains her serious expression even though she already blushing inside.

"Good! Let's end it here. See you guys at the assembly point in 30 minutes. Don't forget to take your breakfast. You can dismiss now."

"Thank you seongsaenim."

They start to head out from the room one by one. Sakura wants to make herself the last one to go out as she wants to give time for her swollen eyes getting better.

Irene also doesn't budge from her seat. She notices the old man didn't move yet and keep stealing glances at the pink-haired girl so she smacks her pink file in front of him that make him startled and looks up at her.

"Can you replace me for the briefing session with the teachers? I need to get something from my room later." She sounds so firm while her eyes narrowed at him. "Take this file with you too. All the information are inside." She points at the file.

"Yes.. yes.. sure." He's stuttering when he realizes he got caught and quickly leaves the room.

Now, only two of them are in the meeting room.

"Is something bothering you, Sakura?"

Sakura startled at her place. Now she realises she's alone with Irene seongsaenim and that makes Sakura panic.

"Ah no, seongsaenim." She put up a small smile but it looks so awkward to Irene.

"You are not good at lying." Irene smirks. She approaches the girl and takes a seat beside her. 

Sakura gulps. Her fingers are tingling under the desk and her eyes are shaking. 

"You was spacing out during the briefing just now and we both know you are not easy to get distracted like that." Irene knows the girl is having a hard time to open up with her.

Time to use my skills as a teacher.

"Tell me. what makes your pretty eyes become swollen like that? You cry all night?" she asks softly. 

"Ah.. this.." She tries to make up an excuse in her mind but accidentally meeting Irene's eyes make her flustered. Now, her heart feeling clogged with guilt.

"It's okay. If you don't want to tell me, I won't force you. I just think that you might need someone to open up about it." 

"Yes, I really need someone to talk about it." At last, the girl is being honest.

Irene pulls her chair closer and makes herself facing her student properly. "Mind if I know about it?" her expression soften.

Sakura doesn't know how to start it. Her mind is so messed up that give her a headache. She sighs heavily with her knowing.

Irene tilts her head a bit to read the face, "Let me guess, is it about love?" 

Sakura's eyes widen at the question. 

"How did you know, seongsaenim?" She's flustered. 

Irene beams a smile  "It's a normal thing for teenagers like you. And your face.. I bet you are in love but you are confused about it."

"Am I?" Her eyes can't stop blinking at her seongsaenim.

"Maybe. I'm just assuming. Only you know the exact thing." Irene rests both hands on her hips while sitting straight, looking like a counsellor having a session with the client.

Sakura lowers her gaze to the floor. Her face is full of sorrow. "You are right. I'm confused with myself and I felt so suffocate right now." She clenches her fists.

"Tell me more." 

"I.." She looks into the eyes for 2 sec before lowering her gaze back. "I fell in love with someone at the first sight during my first year." 


"My mind is still full of her until now, my senior year."

"Okay, and?" Irene raises her eyebrow. She knows the dots are still not connected.

"And I got to know someone recently, the progress is so good that we got closer so fast. That person was so kind to me, somehow made me thought that our relationship is not just being friends, but.. she.." Sakura looks up again to her seongsaenim to check her reaction towards the last word she stops at. Her expression is still the same as before, so soft and calm as if she had faced this kind of situation before. "..never confess to me before. So I'm holding myself from hoping for more."

"She never gave you hints before? Try to think of any."  Irene is in the process of helping. She slowly gets to connect the dots but still need more information.

Sakura lifts up her sight to the ceiling, trying to recall her memories.

"Her actions did convey hints to me, but she never directly tell me she likes me. Recently we got into an argument and she asked me if I did acknowledge her feelings towards me but.. as I said.. She never tells about it directly." 

"You guys got into argument? suddenly?" Irene's eyebrows are furrowed. 

Sakura nods. She hesitates at first because the argument happened after she met Irene seongsaenim so she's struggling to arrange her words in her mind before speaks.

"Somehow she happened to know about my first love so we argue. At the same time, I found out from her friends that she was close to her sunbae and caused everyone assumed they were dating each other. She didn't tell me about it and that triggered anger inside me."

Irene nods. The picture is getting clear. "Did you guys had talked about this? Who knows it's only a misunderstanding?"

Sakura sighs heavily. Suddenly her eyes feel hot. She quickly covers them with her palms. "It was my fault for not giving her a chance to explain it. I was too angry at that time. But when  I was ready to talk about this with her, she started to avoid me. I felt confused about it and yesterday I finally found the reason behind it. She already moved on and planning to date her sunbae for real. I guess... It's already late now." She starts to sob after finishing her words.

Irene moves her hand to pat the girl's head. She lets the girl calm herself first for a few minutes before she let herself speak, specifically in a soft tone.

"I'm sorry if this might sound offence to you but I want you to think about it rationally. You told me you were angry at her because she didn't tell you about her relationship with her sunbae. We didn't know they might actually just close friends and she thought it was a small matter to tell you. But one thing we surely acknowledge is about you and your first love. Isn't it unfair for her?"

Sakura looks up with her red eyes and wet face. 

"If it is true that she likes you, how can she confess if she knows you love someone else? It will hurt her at the end." Irene makes her words clear. 

"Is that the reason why she doesn't confess to me until now?"

 "Yes! Exactly! You have to tell her clearly, who is the one in your heart." Irene points her finger at Sakura's heart.

"But.. even myself don't know the answer." Her fists are tight, that her fingernails are biting into her palms. Sakura looks down. The tears that got hold just now are dripping down again. Suddenly, she felt her chin got lifted up by seongsaenim's hand and their eyes meet. She sees a smile portrayed on the pretty face in front of her as Irene leans closer.

"Did your heart beats faster when I do this?" the whispering voice sends a shiver to her spine.

"Yes." She answers spontaneously. Her eyes are fixed to Irene seongsaenim.

Irene wipes the tears on the face gently. "I already have someone that I love."


"Does that statement make you feel hurt?" Irene questions.

Sakura sends a blank stare. 

Wait.. what is this? 

"See? Your reaction is different to me. That's the answer, Sakura. The one you love right now is not me anymore, it's her." Irene said.

"Wait! You already know it's you, seongsaenim?!" Sakura is in disbelief. She covers in shock. Her pupils are shaking and she can't stop blinking.

Irene scratches her nape before gets up and walk to the window beside them. The golden rays of the sun give a bright colour to the clouds, mountains, the forest and even the room they are in. Sakura found it's fascinating that the rays shimmer on her seongsaenim and reveal her beauty even more.

"I knew it since last year. And I knew you are the one who gave me that flower bouquet on Valentine Day last year. I saw you coming out of the teacher room at that moment." Irene explains and that made Sakura's jaw dropped.

Oh. My. God. She knew it!

"You simply joined the student council because of me, right? I knew you are not even interested in these kinds of things other than your club and games." Irene chuckles as she finds it's so cute.

Sakura looks away from her. She already blushes so hard at that time.

"But one thing about you has changed." Irene approaches the girl and cups her cheeks to make the girl looks into her eyes.

"You would not dare to look straight into my eyes whenever I talked to you before but these days, you did it and it made me wonder is it because you already got someone else in your heart... And now it's confirmed." Irene taps her cute nose before releasing her hands from the girl.

"Seongsaenim..." Sakura mutters.

"Now you know, right? It's time to make it right before it's too late, Sakura."  

Overwhelmed feelings can be felt inside Sakura's heart when she receives that.

Irene glances at her watch. " Ah! I need to go now. That old man must already ruin the mood in that teachers' meeting." She is about to leave when she notices Sakura is still looking down so she pats her shoulder and speaks in a cheerful tone. "Promise me you will go talk to her today and make it right?"

A smile appears on Sakura's smile after that.

"I will."

"Then, I will wait for the good news. See you later." Irene sends a cute wink to her before proceeding to the door and leaves the room for the other short meeting.

Ah.. Now I lose such a beautiful loyal fan like her. So jealous~

Irene sighs before smiles to herself.

[7.30 a.m, At the dorm]

The alarm already halftime screaming but no movement can be detected inside the room. All of them are sleeping soundly as they were too tired after being so chaotic last night playing with each other.

The alarm snoozed but it's peaceful for 5 minutes only before it screams again.

Slow movements can be detected from all people in that room but only one person is getting up and sit on her bed while staring blankly at her roommates.

Minju scratches her cheeks slowly before climbing down from her bed to turn off Yuri's Alarm. Then, she pokes the fluffy cheeks of the girl who is still in her sweet dream.

"Wake up, Yuri ah." Her hoarse voice came out and the small girl is humming in response but no motion detected. 

How can she not aware of the screaming alarm. That volume obviously so loud that can break her eardrum.

"Wonyoung, it's time to wake up." She reaches Wonyoung's hand from the upper bed and shake it softly to wake her up but Wonyoung's eyes are half-opened just for 5 seconds going back to her sleep again.

Of course, they won't wake up like this.

Minju sighs while resting her arms on her waist, thinking of another plan to wake them up. In the meantime, her eyes fall on the sleeping girl at the bottom side of the bed and her heart melts.

She's beautiful while sleeping too.

Minju kneels down in front of Chaewon quietly and stares at the older with her face full of admiration.

"Are you thinking of way to wake me up?"

Minju gasps when the older starts talking in her sleeping voice. Their eyes meet after that.

"I-" Minju don't know what to do. She's fidgeting.

"You can just wake me up just like them. I will get up right away." Chaewon lazily sits up and portrays her soft smile to the younger.

"Ah.. okay, unnie." Minju looks away with her red face. The soft voice in that early morning got her heart beating so fast.

"Minju ah.."

She gasps again hearing that voice.

"Yes?" she looks back to her. Anxiously waiting for the older to continue.

"I take back my words. I'm too sleepy.." The older slowly falls back to the bed and within seconds, she's immersed in her sleep.

"Unnie!" Minju can't believe Chaewon would falls back to her sleep. "We don't have much time!" Minju desperately shakes her body but just receives a humming.

I already felt at ease when Chaewon unnie gets up and would help me to wake up the others but..

She sighs heavily before taking her steps to the locker and grab her toiletries. She take a look again at her roommates and spontaneously switchs on the light beside the door before walking out.

"Hmm? It's morning already?"

Like a miracle, all of them are awake due to sudden brightness bothering their eyes.

Yuri lazily looks up to her phone and her eyes widened.

"Yah! We are late!"

All of them rushed out from their bed and storming to the shower room with their toiletries.

Actually it's just that easy to wake them up~


"Is Yena unnie still not awake?" Chaewon asks while stepping into the room. She's done washing up herself and just need to change her pyjamas to P.E outfit but they still got much time so she wants to disturb her unnie first. Shockingly, the girl is still sleeping peacefully as if she's at home on her holiday.

"Please wake her up before we use the emergency plan." Hyewon said while showing her frustrated face.

"What is it?" Chaewon asked curiously.

"Cold water." Hyewon raises her eyebrows while approaching the door and taps the younger's shoulder before start walking to the shower room.

Chaewon chuckles when she heard the plan. She can imagine the chaos if they really do it. She approaches the sleeping girl and reaches out for her hand. "Unnie.. Wake up! We got an important tournament this morning." Chaewon vigorously pulls the older but she can't deny the fact Yena is much stronger than her so the table got turned as she's the one being pulled into the bed and got hugged so tight by the older.

"5 minutes." Yena's low husky voice can be heard so clearly as their bodies are clasped into each other.

"You need to go shower, stinky unnie." Chaewon teased. 

She is so warm...

"You smell so nice, it makes me feel
drowsy." Yena mutters with her eyes are still shut. Her hands gently rub the younger's back.

"Thank you for the compliment but I won't fall for it." Chaewon rolls her eyes.

"Then, fall asleep together with me." Yena smirks. The hug slowly loosens up as the older fall deeply asleep again. She takes some time to enjoy the sight in front of her. 

Chaewon pulls herself off from the hug and shakes her head.

Crossed finger this girl will get panic and complains to everyone later for not waking her up. In fact, she's the lazy one here.

"I will come back to check on you after changing up. Make sure you wake up, unnie or else.." She warns but realising she's talking to herself as the older probably already lost in her dream.

Chaewon smiles. Can't resist the cuteness of the older when she sleeps.

Another 10 minutes for her won't be a problem, right?

Chaewon leaves the room.


"Unnie, wake up.." A soft voice hit Yena's eardrum.

She just replies with a hum with eyes still closed.

Chaewon ah.. It's not even 5 minutes yet.

"Unnie.." The voice is so low that Yena can't hear it clearly.

Yena feels her hand being pulled again so she launches the same counterattack as before, pulling the girl to her tight hug.

"You can't run away~" She teased with a whispering voice to the ear. The hug is tightened up while her right hand move to pat the girl's hair.

"Is your hair growing longer? I didn't realize before." Yena frowned with her eyes are still lazy to be opened. No response from Chaewon.

Why does her body feel smaller than before? Is she shrinking or am I still dreaming?

Yena can feel the heat radiates from the body being hugged by her right now. It's hot which makes her feel a bit uncomfortable being so close with the girl.

"Are you playing dead with me right now? If you are not answering, I will give you a kiss attack!" Yena teases with a playful voice. Of course, she won't do it. 


Finally, the girl replies but her voice is different from Chaewon's voice but it still sounds familiar. So familiar that makes Yena's instantly beating fast.

She's definitely not Chaewon! Small figure.. Long hair.. Husky sweet voice.. Wait! Don't tell me...

Yena opens her eyes widely.

"What are you doing, stupid?" Hyewon's voice interrupts behind her. Yena let go of the hug and turns her head to Hyewon.


"What did you do to Yuri until she went madly red like that?" Hyewon sends a glare while pointing at Yuri.

"Yuri?" The colour drained from Yena's face. She slowly turns her face back to the front and her eyes go wide when she captures it's really Yuri lying in front of her right now who already blushing so madly. She realises her hand resting on the girl's waist hence she move it away quickly.

I'm hugging Yuri all this time?

"...If you are not answering, I will give you a kiss attack!"


"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" She backs off from the younger with terror in her eyes until reaching the edge of the bed and unfortunately can't balance herself causing her to fall from the bed.

The others rush to the room when they heard the scream and a falling sound from it. 

"What's wrong?" The room is crowded.

"Are you okay, Yuri unnie?" Wonyoung notices her madly blushed face. It's so obvious that makes the others notice too.

Yena feels like she has been caught cheating with the attention she gains right now. Sweat beaded her forehead and her expression still in shock. Yuri hides her face with the pillow.

A smirk appears on Yujin's face besides Minju who is blinking curiously at them while Chaewon eyed both of them with mixed feelings inside. 


Everyone startled at their place.

"Yah!! What the heck are you doing?!" a vein popped up from her neck when Yena yells out.

Hyewon shrugs right away in response with her poker face. 

"I'm giving you... a bath?" 


"ert~" Yujin coo.

"Shut up!"

"Mind explaining yourself?" Chaeyeon has her eyes darted on Yena.

"Listen! Before she came, I remembered Chaewon was the one who woke me up. I thought she was Chaewon!" Yena rushes her words as she explaining herself. She portrays strong eye contact to make everyone believe her words.

"Ey~ sounds like an excuse~" Yujin smirks with a raised eyebrow and ended up receiving a glare from Yena. She zips and looks somewhere else.

"Chaewon ah, It's true, right?" Her eyes plead for support towards Chaewon.

"Hmm?" Chaewon takes some time to answer the question. "Yeah. I came to wake unnie up before that." 

If she can hug me casually like that, why the reaction was different when she's with Yuri? 

"See? that's why I thought she come back to wake me up again. I didn't expect it was Yuri." Yena defences herself.

"Alright then. You are proved innocent ." Chaeyeon concludes.

"Bruh, it's not like I did a bad thing. Why the hell you guys treat me like this?" Yena complains with folded arms across her chest.

"ual harassment is a bad thing, unnie." Yujin replied. She starts stretching herself since they are all waiting for their seongsaenim to start the briefing. Right now, they are having a counting session as the routine before starting any activity.

"Do I look like  someone that will do such a disgusting thing?" Yena points at herself. "No! Don't answer! I already know you guys will give offensive answers." She rolls her eyes.

"Well~" Yujin and Hyewon smirk.

They see Yuri is coming in their direction. 

"Did she found it?" Chaeyeon asks. What she means is about her portable fan. Chaeryoung asked for it during breakfast just now and Chaeyeon asked her to get it by herself from their room. Yuri volunteered herself to accompany her sister there, maybe to run from the awkward atmosphere between her and Yena. 

"Yes, unnie." Yuri returns back the room key. She tries so hard not to meet the eyes of the blonde-haired girl. "And here, Sakura unnie asks me to pass this to you." Yuri hands in a paper containing the info about the upcoming dodgeball tournament.

"They already did the matchmaking," Hyewon comments as she takes a peek at the paper.

"Oh! We are playing in league format!" Yena interrupts. All the members of their team gather around as they heard Yena's words. 

"I can see our bright future! The other team in our group are easy~" Lucas celebrates by high five with s.

"Today is our lucky day~" another member talks in joy.

"Can't deny it but we still need to be careful." Jaeyong reminds them. 

Chaeyeon gives a slight nod. Her mind and eyes are going somewhere else. She can't find Sakura there. She quickly leans to Yuri's ear to whisper.

"Where did you meet her?" 

"At ground floor corridor." Yuri whispers back. She remembers something.  "But, something is not right, unnie." 

Chaeyeon frowned. She gestures for her to continue her words.

"She doesn't look so well." 

"She is sick?" 

Yuri shrugs. "I'm not sure." 

Chaeyeon can't hide her concerned look. after hearing the report.

But the thing must go on...


'No Shame' team advances to the final and now they are watching the semi-final between 'Beauty and Beast' team and 'No Hope' team.

"It's funny that their name is 'No Hope' but look at them fighting for the place in final." Yuri giggles.

"You are right. They got the skills." Chaewon adds.

They cheer whenever a player got hit by the ball but it is louder when the player is from 'No Hope'.

"I don't know which team I should cheer on." Yujin said as she rests her both palms on her head while her eyes are locked on Wonyoung. The girl looks so cute trying to save herself from being hit by the ball. 

"Of course we have to support that team. They are leading now." Yena speaks while gesturing to Sakura's team on the left side of the court. 

"I don't want to meet them in the final." Yujin whines.

"Why?" Hyewon asks while sipping her orange juice.

"Err.." Yujin hesitates when Yuri and Chaewon pay attention to her suddenly.

Yena quickly whispers to Hyewon. "Wonyoung."

Hyewon rolls her eyes. "So what? This is competition, dude." 

"You don't understand, unnie." Yujin whines again.

"I don't want to understand that bull. Don't mix this thing with your personal matter." 

"Scary~" Yena shoves Hyewon's shoulder playfully. She acknowledges Hyewon's competitive personality. Well, most of her close friends are competitive including her. No doubt on that.

Chaeyeon stays silent beside Yena. Her eyes never left the pink-haired girl in the court. She clenches her jaws and fists, watching the way Changsub being so protective with her girl.

The he's trying to act like he's her boyfriend, offering himself as her shield. And no need to tug his shirt like that, standing so close with each other. The hell?

A fast throw by Ryujin hitting Changmin's leg leads her team to win the match. The students cheer out loud at the result.

"We will be their next opponent." Yena becomes excited while Yujiin looking in the gloom. 

"The final match will start in 15 minutes from now. Make sure both teams are in court when being called soon!" The referee announces.

"So, what's the plan?" Jaeyong appears. 

"Just stick with the previous plan. They use the same tactic as our earlier opponent." Hyewon voices out her opinion. she has been monitoring each of the players in that team just now and listing out their strength and weakness to make use of them for strategic planning.

"I'm thinking the same too." Chaeyeon agrees.

"And the other plan?" 

"Huh?" Chaeyeon frowned. She catches up later. 

" Oh yeah.. will do too."


[Writer's note]

Hello guys.. It's been a while.  Are you doing well?

Don't worry~ For those who asked, I will continue this story as much as I can. I hope it can heal you guys.. and me too.

I'm thinking of publishing another book of one-shot story for iz*one. But yeah still in my plan. I will update you guys when It's ready. 

Actually I want to continue more in this chapter but it will take more time and make you guys waiting so I publish it first and will continue in the next chapter. Hope you guys enjoy~

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My favorite story overall~~~~ HyeYul endgameee
Heyboiii #2
Chapter 27: This story is really nice thank you for updating it!
Chapter 27: 💖💖💖💖💖💖
ssamyenahn #4
Chapter 27: Yayyy you updated🎉🎉🎉. I hope that Yena would give Chaewon a chance 😭😭😭. My ssamyen babies~
1761 streak #5
Chapter 27: hello authornim, i'm fine with whatever, go at your own pace. don't feel pressured because this is your story that you are sharing with us.
Chapter 27: 2, :)
Loving_eclipse #7
Chapter 27: 2, i prefer the longer updates, you can take your time, we'll wait for you ^^
ssamyenahn #8
Chapter 27: 2
just take ur time, we'll still be here to read whatever u write
Loving_eclipse #9
Chapter 26: I don't know what's happening and I'm intrigued 😳
ssamyenahn #10
Chapter 26: yay ssamyen~