Chapter 1: Run

Our Wish

Song recommended: Shine - Pentagon


Loud sound of footsteps can be heard through the corridor coming from the stairs. The eyes watching them as they run passing them did not bother the girls. 

"Yah!! Don't block me!!" Yena yells to the girl who successfully leads the race.

Yujin sticks her tongue out to the girl behind her and continue running. She is grateful that her legs are long so it is not that hard for her to catch up with Yena. She tries to maintain her speed while catching her breath. Her uniform starts to get wet by sweat but she doesn't care about it, as long as she can reach the place faster.

Yena on the other hand, struggling to keep up her pace. She tries to catch up with Yujin's speed. She knows she is at a disadvantage as she is shorter than her dongsaeng but she won't give up. Race is a race!

"You gonna lose unnie!" Yujin is already excited as their destination is not that far anymore. She give her all out to maximize her final speed.

When they both make a right turn after reaching the ground floor of the school, Yujin slips a little and Yena take that chance to overtake her.

"Ahaa! Gotcha!" Yena shouted happily while increasing her speed to left Yujin behind.

"Aish!" Yujin showed her frustrated face and she suddenly stopped her move when she saw a familiar figure in front of her. Her eyebrows start to furrow.

"Yena Unnie! Beware of ambush!" Yujin warns Yena with a loud voice who seems not aware of the upcoming disaster. 

Ah.. too late already..

"Huh?" Yena's eyes widen and now she realizes what Yujin means but it is too late, she got caught already.  Irene seonsaengnim suddenly appears in front of the teacher's office with her furious face looking at Yena but still, her beauty stands out.

"Ah.. Irene seonsaengnim.."  Yena shows awkward smile with her mind keeps working on some good excuse to escape from the danger. She steals a glance at her back try to find Yujin, hoping for emergency help but of course, it is just a hope. Yujin is nowhere to be seen.

"I know you are our school athlete Yena but it doesn't mean you can make all places as your running track!" Yena gulps as her seonsaengnim give her a sharp stare.

Scary! Scary! I'm doomed!

"I'm.. sorry, seonsaengnim!" Yena bows repeatedly. She shows her grin to the teacher when she looks up and then her eyes capture the sight of a girl behind the teacher. The girl wears a different uniform and she has short hair. Yena can't see the face clearly as the girl is hiding behind the teacher.

"Ah.. I need to go now seonsaengnim or my favorite cream bread will be gone." Yena remembers back her important mission just now. Obviously, Yujin already reaches the canteen and win the race. Yena has to treat that girl later as punishment for the loser. What in the world this teacher room has to be built on the path to the canteen! Spoiling her important mission!

"No! It has been twice you got caught by me running here and you need to be punished.. Hey! Yena! This brat!" In a second, her student already gone from her sight. Irene seonsaengnim shook her head.

"Sorry seonsaengnim! I promise I will accept the punishment next time!" Yena bow again before running with full speed to the canteen. Next time, she really needs to plan her new path to get to the canteen, avoiding that trap at all cost!

The short hair girl just stares at the running student until gone from her sight.

"She looks like a duck." She whispers to herself.


"What's with that pouting face?" Yena turns her head to the familiar voice. She pouts even more to the owner of the voice.

"Yena unnie got caught by Irene seonsaengnim and she loses in our race to here," Yujin explained with full of strawberry bread.

"You are just lucky bro." Yena sticks her tongue out to Yujin.

"I still win. The deal is still there". said Yujin. Yena just rolled her eyes.

"Done eating with your friends? Where is Ryujin?" Yena scanned her surroundings but could not find Ryujin.

"Ryujin needs to get something from her club room. You are not eating, unnie?" Yuri explained.

"No cream bread. No appetite already." Yena answered while showing her sulking face.

"Come sit here." Yena pat the bench beside her. 

"This is what you want unnie?" Yuri put cream bread in front of Yena before sitting.

Yena's eyes sparkle at the sight of her favorite bread. She turns to look at Yuri with surprised face.

"Where did you get this? I thought they sold it out?!" Within a sec, the bread already in .

Yuri giggles. So cute. This Yena showing her cool side with other students but act like a cute child when she's hungry.

"I got to come out from class earlier and buy it along for you too," Yuri answered calmly.

If she knows how hard my struggle to get through the crowd and grab her favorite bread while getting pushed and scolded.

Yena glance at Yuri for a while and suddenly stop munching her bread. She stands up and walks to the counter and come back with 2 banana milk, one for her, one for Yuri.

Yuri frowns her face watching Yena sudden action. She stares at her until Yena sits down back beside her and let Yena open the drink for her. 

This is what I mean that she has her cool side. Cool and gentle.

Yena replies the stare with her raised eyebrows. "Paying back this bread." Yena smiled while showing her cream bread to Yuri.

Yuri's cheeks turn pink. Why any of Yena unnie's actions towards her makes her flustered so easily?

Yujin eyed both of them with a small smile on her face. She is somehow aware of Yuri's feelings towards Yena but she can't read Yena's even though she's one of Yena's best friends. This duck is unpredictable! Sometimes act so gentle and caring towards Yuri but sometimes act tsundere. Well, at least Yuri got her chance to be close to Yena.

While I only can stare from afar.. what a coward Yujin.

Yujin sighed heavily while resting her chin on her palm. Her eyes capture the presence of 'that' person she has been looking for since a while ago.

That person is making her entrance to the canteen with her two friends. Model-like body with long straight hair plus a pretty face that look cute at the same time, 'that' person really make Yujin skipped a beat every time she saw her. She's not as lucky as Yuri. She never has any interaction with that girl. She feels like she's not on that same level to be friends with her. Whenever that girl appears, all eyes are on her and her friends. Their beauty really make everyone turn to look at them again when passing by. Of course, Yujin feels like she's not deserved to be noticed by that popular girl.

I might look like her slave if I stand beside her. Somehow I wish to be that.. As long as I can get closer to her. But nah.. it's impossible!

As Yujin busy admiring from afar, suddenly their eyes meet when the girl takes a seat at the table that is two tables far from their table.  Yujin felt like her world stopped for a while. She freezes at her place.

"You okay, puppy?" Yena's question take her back to reality.

"What? Yeah.. I mean Yes!!" Yujin tried to give her most natural expression while moving her eyes to Yena.

"If you are okay, go woof woof," Said Yena.

"Woof! woof!" Yujin immediately does the imitation. Yuri laughs watching her.

"That means you are really not okay," Yena concluded.

That's not normal Yujin who suddenly obey my stupid order.

 "What do you mean? I've said yes!" Yujin tries to convince.

Yena smirked. "As if I don't know you are whipped with that Wonyoung" said Yena while finishing her last piece of bread. Yujin's jaws dropped hearing those words.

"How did.."
"Whipped face can't lie, puppy." Yena sips her drink. Her words somehow made Yuri nervous.

"Ahhh.. So you know that.." her words were cut off..
"Have you guys know the news?!"

Hyewon and Chaeyeon suddenly appear at the table. Hyewon threw all breads, chips and soda on the table. Both of them take a seat beside Yujin, making her in the middle.

"Oh! Hi freshman Yuri! I met Ryujin just now and didn't see you. So you are here." Chaeyeon greets the junior.

Yuri smile shyly. "Just coming here to greet Yena unnie."

Hyewon just nods her head to Yuri and Yuri do the same while sending her a smile.

"It is quite surprised to see someone is fond of this crazy and loud duck," Chaeyeon commented. Yuri blushed at her words. She feel uneasy.

Did I make it looked obvious? 

"Ya ya yah! I got my own fan club okay? Remember that." Yena is pissed off. She acts like wants to punch Chaeyeon. " And she just think of me as her close senior. Don't make her feel uncomfortable."

Chaeyeon laugh. She lifts both hands and apologizes. "Sorry, Yuri. You know I like to tease people. Especially cute people like you." She winked. 

"Quit the flirting." Yena interfered quickly.

"Are you jealous?"  Chaeyeon lifts her eyebrow. Her teasing mode is still on. Now, Yena is her next target.

"Am I look like I'm jealous?" Yena asked sarcastically. 

"Nah. You look like an ugly duck." Chaeyeon's words bring laughter to the table. 

"Yah!" Both of them start bickering. Yuri laughs at her loud seniors without her knowing, someone is staring at her quietly.

"Btw, Is it the news of you going to camp at an isolated island, Hyewon unnie?" Yujin tries to guess at their previous question. She counts all the foods on the tables.

"Why suddenly?" Hyewon raised her eyebrows. Her hands skillfully tearing the chips bag and start eating.

"With this amount of chips and breads, I bet you can survive for a week there." Yujin continues.

"How can she fight wild animals with those food tho?" Yena's turn.

"By feeding them maybe." Yujin answered which made chaeyeon laugh again. Her laugh can spread virus to others joining the laugh. At last, everyone burst in laugh.

Hyewon rolled her eyes and keep munching her favorite chips.

"What news you guys talking about just now?" Yena asked.

"Ah.. that.. there will be a new student transferred to our school and it's a she and she will be in your class." Chaeyeon points at Yena and Hyewon.

"Pretty?" Yujin seems eager to know.

"Can say she's Yena's type." Hyewon looks up to Yena. Yuri's expression changes. She bites her lips.

What's Yena unnie ideal type?

"Ya ya ya.. My type? How can you be sure she's my type? Even I don't know what I like."  Yena scratched her cheeks slowly.

"Well.. you can check her out later and think of my words again." Hyewon seems confident with her statement. Well, She's that sure as she know this duck the longest. Her eyes are on Yuri for a moment.

"Ah.. Saku chan is pretty as always" Chaeyeon's random comment made everyone at the table turned to look at the popular trio: Wonyoung, Sakura and Minju. Sakura is laughing happily with Wonyoung and Minju. Seems like they are done with eating and just talking with each other. Sakura meets eye contact with Chaeyeon and she smiles immediately before turn her attention back to her friends.

"Bruh.. Am I seeing right?" Yena is surprised. She blinks repeatedly.

"I saw it bruh. We are not dreaming." Yujin makes the same expression.

"Yawh! twell ush nowh!" Hyewon Shook Chaeyeon's shoulder. Her words are not clear as is full of chips.

"Tell us now or we won't go to training  today." Yena try to threaten but getting thrown with a plastic wrapper by Yujin.

"Yah!! The deal from the race just now! Don't you dare to forget it after all of the chaos we made unnie."

"Even we don't have the training, I will still treat you after school." Yena laughs. Yujin cheers in joy.

"Chaeyeon unnie! Tell us! How can you and Sakura know each other?" Yujin sounded desperate to know. She uses her puppy eyes as her weapon to persuade her unnie.

Chaeyeon giggles. When she is about to talk, the school bell ring. Time to go back to class!

All of them except Chaeyeon groan in frustration. Their reactions look so funny to Chaeyeon. She laughs.

"Why now?!" Yujin is in disbelief. She hit the table repeatedly as a protest.

"Chaeyeon you owe us the story" Yena talk as she get up from her seat. Yuri collects all the garbage and is about to go throwing them into the bin but Yena take them from her.

"I will tell you guys if you guys come to the training." Chaeyeon winks to them before walking back to her classroom.

"As expected team leader. She wouldn't let us go easily" Yujin sighed heavily.
"Yena unnie, don't forget about our deal and see you during the training". Yujin waved goodbye to them and walk with a fast pace to the class. When she's passing the trio, her eyes meet again with the tall girl and she quickly looks away.

Aish.. why she's looking at this way.. Damn, I'm embarrassed!

The girl on the other side, looking down to the table after getting that gaze.

"Why your face are so red?" Minju noticed changes on Wonyoung's face. She's already look like a tomato.

Sakura takes a look at Wonyoung. "Are you okay? You are feeling sick, Wonyoungie?"

Wonyoung shakes her head. "Maybe it's too hot here, let's go back to our class." She avoids eye contact with her group and leaves quickly. Minju and Sakura looks at each other and shrug. They follow her behind as their class are on the same level as her.

"It's okay. I will throw these before I go back to class. Gonna wait for this food maniac to finish eating." said Yena while pointing at Hyewon. Hyewon ignores her words and keep on finishing her last bread.

"Ah.. okay.." Yuri nodded. She glanced at Yena.

I'm curious about her ideal type. Am I closer to her type? I'm worried about that new girl. What if Yena unnie like her? What if Hyewon unnie told the truth? I wouldn't have a chance with her if that happens. My heart ache right now thinking about it.

Yuri becomes sad suddenly. She can't accept the fact that other person gonna catch Yena unnie's attention easily, yet she's still struggling to get hers.

Yena looks at Yuri. This girl become so quiet suddenly. That's weird.

Usually, she will wave her goodbye happily and run to her class but she's still standing in front of me right now with that sad face. What is she thinking right now?

Yuri frowns when her hair got ruffled by Yena. Yena shows her grin.

"Want to join us getting dessert after my training?"

Yuri's face brightens up. "Can I? I'm not that close to unnie's friends yet. Is it okay for me to join?" Her eyes sparkle hearing that question but still she felt like she's disturbing them.

"Of course! My treats today. Let's meet at the school gate at 5 pm."

"Really?! Yeay! I will wait for you." Yuri jumped joyfully. She almost hugs Yena but holding herself from doing it because of shyness.

I will always wait for you, Yena Unnie.

Yena smile in relief. This hamster going back to her normal self.

"I'm done." Hyewon already leaving both of them behind. She showed her annoyed face.

Tsk.. Act lovey-dovey in front of my salads.

"Ah! she's leaving already. This food monster. Bye Yuri! See you later" Yena pat Yuri's head before catching up with Hyewon. Yuri watches both of them as they leave with her red face. She holds her face with both of her palms while walking back to her classroom. Her face feels hot.

"Yuri!" Yuri stopped when she heard the voice. It's weird to hear this girl calling her. They are not that close even though they are classmates.

"Yeah?" Yuri turns back to look at her. Minju walks to her while waving goodbye to Sakura and Wonyoung.

"Do your friends have training this evening?" Yuri felt weirder. A not close friend suddenly asking her about her friends?

Minju understands Yuri's thinking towards her. "Asking for a friend." She explained.

"Who?" Yuri asked. Both of them walk side by side to their class. Yuri felt a little bit uncomfortable as more eyes looking at them. Well, seeing an angel walking beside hamster. Out of her league.

"Secret." Minju smiles.

"Then I won't tell you."

"Yah!" Minju pouts.

"It's fair tho. If you want me to answer your question, you should answer mine too."

Minju give up. "Actually, it's me asking."

Yuri lifts her right eyebrows. "Why? You like one of them?"

"Shh! Don't say that loud." Minju covers Yuri's mouth and looks around, hoping no one hears the words just now.

The way Minju act shows that her assumption is true.

As long as it's not Yena unnie, I'm good with it.

"So.. who?" Yuri lifts her eyebrow. Waiting for the answer patiently. They are entering their classroom now.

Yuri's place is behind Minju and their places are beside the window where they can see the school field. Yuri loves her place so much as she can watch Yena having her PE class or training. Yena unnie join the school's track team in her first year and being one of the school aces made her quite popular among the students especially girls. How Yuri know Yena?


It's been a month since Yuri become first year student in this Enozi High School. She's so excited to get accepted to this school as Enozi High School is one of the prestigious school in Seoul. This school is famous for its academic and extracurricular performances. Each student getting into this school will be given options whether involving themselves in music or sport as minor aside from academic. Thus, when academic class end at 12pm, the students will join their extracurricular class after that. Yuri chooses music as she's interested in singing and playing piano. She hates sports as much as she hates mint chocolate ice cream. So tiring and make her sweat and stink! She hate PE class so much.

Oh! and she hates this history class also. It's boring and makes her sleepy. Why did they put this history class in the second period? i's still early in the morning. She barely listening to the lecture in front but staring outside the class window instead.

Some classes are having PE class. Most of the boys are playing football while the girls are doing relay run.

Ugh! that looks tiring! I rather pretending to be sick and chilling at sick room than doing that relay run.

Yuri show a disgusted face. Her eyes capture a blonde hair girl. She's warming up while talking to her classmates.

She stands out the most because of her hair color.

Later, the coach told the girls to get ready and that blonde girl is standing beside the field with the other runners.

Maybe she's the last runner.

Yuri doesn't know why she suddenly interested to watch their relay run. When the coach blows the whistle, the girls start to run with all their might while their friends are supporting them from the sides of the field. The race was so intense as all the teams are good at running. The leading position keeps changing hands which makes all the audiences including Yuri become nervous. When it comes to the blonde girl's turn getting the baton, Yuri eyes widen.

Wow! She's fast!

The blonde girl runs so fast that she creates a huge gap with other runners. Yuri was so immersed in watching her. The cheers from the audience are getting louder.

She looks so serious and determined to win the race. She looks amazing!

For the first time in Yuri's life, she found someone looking so cool while doing sport, the thing she hate the most! Her heart beats fast at the moment. Of course, the blonde girl finishes the race at first place. Now, she is crowded with her classmates (and students from other classes) congratulating her, and she replied to them with her beautiful smile. She looks shy with all of these attention to her.


Yuri chuckles. She rests her chin on her palm and continuing watching that cool blonde girl. The students gather up in front of their coach, listening to him wrapping up the lesson. Suddenly, the blonde girl looks up and her eyes are towards Yuri's class. Yuri freeze for a moment.

Am I getting caught?

Yuri's eyes still fixed on her but she focuses them more as her sight are slightly blur just now.

Is she looking at me? Oh shoot! She is!

Yuri hides from the window. She's ed up. She's totally got caught right now. Yuri takes a peek again at the girl and the girl is still looking at her. 

Why is she looking at me? Is she mad at me? Her face looks serious.

Yuri doesn't know what to do at that moment. They are still in a staring contest and suddenly Yuri waves her hand at the blonde girl.

I don't even know why I do this.. but maybe this can cover this awkward moment with her?

Yuri's mouth opens as she showed her surprised face when the blonde girl waves at her back. Not just that, the girl is smiling at her right now while waving. Yuri still in surprise and her mind goes blank at that moment. She can't believe that the girl will catch her eyeing at the girl and now she's replying her wave while smiling to her. Suddenly, Yuri realizes the girl seems mouthing something to her but Yuri can't understand that. Her eyebrows frowned.

What is she saying?

Yuri moves closer to the window and try to read when suddenly she hears footsteps approaching her table. Yuri turns her head to the direction where the blonde girl suddenly pointing at and....


"Who are you waving at, bruh?" Hyewon approaching Yena with confused face.
Yena turned to Hyewon while laughing.

"Poor hamster." she answered while smiling, making Hyewon looked more confused.

[During recess]

"Arghh, it still stings." Yuri rub her head and check if she got bump on it.

"What are you doing when seonsaengnim was giving lecture in front ? You should know he's scary person. Yet you are not paying attention. Serve you right" Ryujin giggles when Yuri show her pout to her after she said those words.

"The class was so boring. I almost fall asleep you know. And we all know he will become scarier than that if I was sleeping in his class. So, I looked outside the window and found something fun to watch."  Yuri still remember the moment she had with the blonde girl.

Ah... it's so embarrassing! She must be laughing while watching me getting hit and scolded by seonsaengnim.

Yuri covers her face with her palm. What a bad beginning to know someone.

"You might get killed by her if you sleep. Remember when Soobin get shot right on his forehead with the duster? Urgh! I'm getting goosebumps when remembering that moment. What a good shot!" Ryujin gesturing her hand shooting at the side of Yuri's head.

"But, what's the fun thing you watch?" Ryujin asked. They are now standing in front of the vending machine. Yuri smile a bit.

"Cool blonde girl," she uttered. She inserts a few coins into the machine and in dilemma to choose her drink.

"Cool blonde girl?" Ryujin asked with a curious face. Yuri glance at Ryujin and nod her head before going back to her business.

"Yena unnie! I don't have enough coins! Give me yours." They heard voices from behind.

"I only got this bruh." Yena takes out her wallet and show $5 inside. "And if you see pigeon come out from this wallet, that's an extra." she looks proud with her lame joke.

"Then, give me that $5." Yujin held out her hands.

"Hell no bruh! these are for my cream bread." Yena refuses immediately. 

"Then no drinks for you, duck." Yujin rolled her eyes and turn back to the vending machine beside Yuri to start buying her drink.

Yena pout her lips. While approaching Yujin, she takes a glance at two girls beside them who are already looking at them.

"Eh? poor hamster!" Yena smile brightly when she recognized the girl. Yujin turns to them after picking up her drink from the machine.

"Excuse me?" Yuri frowns. She points at herself. "Me?"

Poor hamster? Did she just call me that?

"Yeah! You! How's your head?" Yena approaches the girls and casually press the button on the vending machine and take the bottle of cold lemon tea and put it gently on Yuri's head. Her action made both Yuri's and Ryujin's jaw dropped. Yujin too.

"It's still red tho. Does it hurt?" she asked again while staring at Yuri.

Yuri's face turn red.  Their body are close to each other and Yuri can smell her nice scent. Aren't sporty people usually smell sweats?

"You know her, unnie?" Yujin interrupts. She stand beside Yena and stare at Yuri who is already like tomato at the moment. 

"Not yet. Just know she got hit by her seonsaengnim with ruler after spacing out." Yena explained. She winks at Yuri who suddenly lift her face up and send a glare to Yena. Yena chuckles seeing that reaction.

"Seems like they doesn't know you from their expression. Why are you acting like you are close to her, unnie. You made her feel uncomfortable." Yujin facepalm herself.

"Oh.. sorry! Did I make you feel uncomfortable?" Yena distance herself from Yuri. She handed in the lemon tea. "Let me introduce myself properly. I'm Choi Yena, third-year student from Class 3-1. This is Ahn Yujin, don't misunderstand with her height. She's still middle student from the pink building. Class 2-2." 

Oh forgot to mention, this school is combined with middle and high separated with different building each. Even though each building has their own canteen, Yujin loves to go this building's canteen. They have more variety of foods and she can hang out with Yena and others here too.

Yuri and Ryujin nods. They look at each other before Yuri start to introduce herself.

"I'm Yuri. This is Ryujin. We are first-year students from class 1-2." Yuri bow after that, followed by Ryujin.

"Nice to meet you." Ryujin greets politely.

"Let me guess. Both of you unnies are in music class?" Yujin points at both of them.

Ryujin immediately deny. "I'm in a dance club."

"So you know Chaeryeong?" Ryujin nods to the question with a cute smile.

"She's in the same group with me," Ryujin added.

"Chaeyeon's sis?" Yena interrupted while trying to remember something. The name is familiar. Seems like she had met that person before.

"Yeah. The one who visit our training two days ago bringing the watermelon juice. Ahh.. I hope she come again." Yujin can't forget that sweet and cold watermelon juice. Really boost her energy during previous training.

Yena makes 'O' with Now she remembers. Chaeyeon and her younger sister are really look alike.

"And You.." Yena turns her face to Yuri back. "You choose music? You can play instruments?" She sounds really curious.

Yuri nods shyly. "I play piano and took the vocal class."

Both Yena and Yujin are amazed with the answer. They both look at each other before Yena continue.

"You must be a good singer then!" Her face is already excited. Yena want to ask something else when Yujin suddenly pull her arm.

"Yena unnie.. We should go now or the food will sold out!"

"Ah!! Let's go! we have to get my cream bread faster!" Yena managed to pat Yuri's head gently before running to the canteen as fast as she could.

"What the hell .. she leave her dongsaeng just like that." Yujin sigh. "See unnies around. I need to chase her right away. Sorry guys."

Yujin give a slight bow to Yuri and Ryujin before running through the same way as Yena's. Both of them send her their waves.

"So.. that's your cool blonde girl?" Ryujin raise her eyebrow while smirking to Yuri.

Yuri smile at the thought of the blonde girl.
Since that day, they always encountered each other and suddenly become closer. Yena knows Yuri's friends and Yuri knows all of Yena's friends eventually. Of course, that cool blonde girl got more friends than she does, she's friendly and funny. And Yuri is working hard right now to be closer to her.

"Hey! don't ignore me! Who's she that you like?" Yuri poke Minju's shoulder with her book.

Minju turn her body to Yuri behind her.
She eyed her surrounding carefully before whispering.

"That athelete girl." her eye sparkles.

Yuri rolled her eyes. "Most of them are athletes."

"Ahh.. I forgot. Umm.. She's loud." Minju continues to give another hint.

What a bad hint. All of them are loud.

"I really want to hit you with this book." Yuri becomes annoyed. She's not eager to know the secret anymore. "As long as she's not Yena unnie , I'm okay with it." Her voice seems like a warning to be heard.

Minju's eyes widened when she heard that. "Ya! You like Yena unnie?!" Her voice is loud but thankfully the class is louder so no one can hear her words.

"Why don't you just go to radio room and make announcement about it with that loud voice?" Yuri asked with sarcastic voice while sending her sharp stares.

Minju raises her hands up to her shoulder.
"Sorry sorry. My mistake. I'm too shocked with that news." She leaned her face closer to Yuri. "Have you confess to her?"

Yuri shake her head repeatedly and blushed. "I'm not at that level yet to confess!!" Her face becomes dull suddenly which catches Minju's attention.

"What level that you are talking about?" She's confused.

Yuri sigh heavily. "I'm not at that level yet to have her attention so that I can make her notice my feelings easily."

"Yah! Don't sound so sad. We are the same. Well.. I'm struggling too. " Now it's Minju's turn let out heavy sigh.

"Who is she? And please don't give any other worthless 'hint'. Just tell her name please." She's not begging, but more like giving last warning.

"It's Yujin." Minju whispered with pink shades on her cheeks. Just saying her name already gives her butterflies.

Yuri was in disbelief. Her eyes didn't blink looking at Minju.

"Yujin? That middle school friend you mean?" Well of course her physical appearance didn't fit her age but she's still younger than them.

"Age doesn't matter if it's love." Minju rolled her eyes. Of course, she knows Yuri will show this kind of reaction. Who wouldn't right?

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My favorite story overall~~~~ HyeYul endgameee
Heyboiii #2
Chapter 27: This story is really nice thank you for updating it!
Chapter 27: 💖💖💖💖💖💖
ssamyenahn #4
Chapter 27: Yayyy you updated🎉🎉🎉. I hope that Yena would give Chaewon a chance 😭😭😭. My ssamyen babies~
1761 streak #5
Chapter 27: hello authornim, i'm fine with whatever, go at your own pace. don't feel pressured because this is your story that you are sharing with us.
Chapter 27: 2, :)
Loving_eclipse #7
Chapter 27: 2, i prefer the longer updates, you can take your time, we'll wait for you ^^
ssamyenahn #8
Chapter 27: 2
just take ur time, we'll still be here to read whatever u write
Loving_eclipse #9
Chapter 26: I don't know what's happening and I'm intrigued 😳
ssamyenahn #10
Chapter 26: yay ssamyen~