

After pressing the emergency button for the umpteenth time, Sung Kyu sighs as his hands cling to the backpack hanging from his left shoulder.

A few minutes ago the elevator stopped, and he's not at all worried about the fact that it has apparently broken down, but that he has been locked in the company of Nam Woo Hyun, the handsome boy who moved into the apartment in front of his a few months ago, and with whom he has not crossed more than a couple of words every time they see each other.

Out of the corner of his eye, Sung Kyu looks at him and Woo Hyun adjusts his black leather jacket after putting his cell phone in one of the pockets of his tight pants.

"And, how have you been?" Woo Hyun suddenly asks him.

Sung Kyu's heart begins to race and he his lips a bit before answering.

"Very well. And you?" He asks back, almost biting his tongue to continue the conversation, but he can't ignore that he's jumping with excitement inside because Woo Hyun has noticed him.

"Not so good, actually," Nam says before sighing.

Immediately, curiosity does its thing to engulf Kim's mind. He straightens a little more and turns fully towards his neighbor.

"Can I know why?" He asks, interested.

Maybe Woo Hyun needs some kind of help, and Sung Kyu is willing to offer it to him without reservation.

"Actually, I just broke up with my boyfriend," he says, though he doesn't seem too disheartened by the event.

Suddenly, his lips curve into a mischievous smile and it throws Sung Kyu off.

"And that makes you happy? Didn't you love him?"

“Of course I did, but when he betrayed my trust, our relationship was no longer the same."

"He cheated on you?"

"Yes. With one of our friends."

A soft sigh escapes Sung Kyu's lips and he continues his talk.

"Then, why are you smiling?"

Woo Hyun shows him his y fangs as he smiles again and ventures a little closer to Sung Kyu.

"Because I wanted to break up with him too. I've been thinking about it for a while, especially after I moved into this building. That is why I am happy, cause now I can start courting the guy that I like."

Sung Kyu's eyes widen a little more and he can't help but feel disappointed. Although he is also genuinely happy for that young stranger for liking Woo Hyun.

"I'm glad for you. I hope everything turns out well."

"I hope so too. It would really make me very happy if this guy would agree to go out for coffee with me tonight.

Unexpectedly, the elevator starts to rise again.

Sung Kyu says goodbye to his neighbor before leaving the metal cabin and rushing to his apartment.

When he enters, he leans his back against the door and it is impossible for him not to deny how unlucky he's in love, but he's also grateful that he was able to talk to Woo Hyun a little, even if it was by chance.

Suddenly, two knocks are heard behind the door, and Sung Kyu turns to answer.

At one moment, his eyes are fixed squarely on those of the same handsome young man who accompanied him in the elevator minutes ago.

“Hello again,” Woo Hyun starts, making Sung Kyu's heart flutter all over again. "I was wondering if you'd like to go out for coffee with me tonight."

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I hope you enjoy the story, because my mother tongue is not English and there will be a lot of mistakes. Please try to understand me.
I invite you to read my other stories. Thank you!!


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703 streak #1
re-reading this because I want 😊
Simran20 #2
Chapter 4: Oh my god...this is real courting😍😍😍 Thankyou so much for the update author nim ❤️
703 streak #3
Chapter 4: sneaky woohyun… hahaha
Simran20 #4
Chapter 3: 😭😭 That was really painful
Chapter 2: I'm touched T^T
Simran20 #6
Chapter 2: Oh my God it's so beautiful ❤️. I loved it.
Chapter 2: 😭😭😭cute 😭
Chapter 2: Good for them.. Loved this. ❤️