Chapter 1- The dream

Part Of Me

She looked around, everything was fuzzy. It was like she was looking at everything through a smudged lens but could feel she was on the floor . Sana looked down at her hands and there was blood all over them. Then she felt the slight pain, it didn't exactly hurt but she knew it should. She rubbed her hands together, desperately trying to get rid of the red, it made her uncomfortable. But that just made it worse now the blood was all over her hands . It was no use.

She looked around to her surroundings. She couldn't make out any detail but she was surrounded by trees and bushes. Green plants all around her ,she was surrounded .Sana could feel a rush of anxiety run over her , like she was about to be swallowed alive by the trees that stared down at her . Where am i ? she thought .No matter how hard she tried she just couldn't make out anything it was just a blur of green and the feeling of anxiety just got worse .She wanted to cry without quite knowing why. She wanted to look ahead but she couldn't , there was something holding her back. Like if she looked ahead she would see a monster or some type of creature that would try to consume her .

She gathered all her courage and looked ahead then she saw her…. a figure of a girl , her back was facing Sana , her dark hair was at was quite long almost covering the whole back of her floral dress. Then the girl turned around. Sana could swear she saw it in slow motion. Her hair flipped perfectly around her shoulder. Everything about her seemed perfect, when she smiled the whole world seemed to stop. It looked like there was a light emitting from her , that combined with her pale skin made her look like an angel. That's when Sana realised that the feeling that was overwhelming her before was gone, that feeling of anxiety was gone and replaced with a warm feeling inside her, almost like she was filled with cotton. She couldn't help but smile a little . 

The angel held out her hand to help Sana up off the floor. But Sana didn't want to touch her with her bloody hands. She didn't want to taint such a perfect being but when she looked down at her hands again the blood was gone. So she softly held her hand as she stood up. Who is she ? Sana thought . Then the girl reached up to her face softly Sanas cheek. Her touch felt so gentle and comforting that Sana couldn't help but unconsciously lean into the touch. That was when the girl started inching closer. It all felt so natural that Sana forgot that she didn't even know who the girl is or where she was. At that moment she just wanted to be close to her and they were so close their lips almost touched .


So close..





Huh ? Sana shot up in her bed. Her heart pounding in her chest , she felt like she was about to throw it up. 

It was all a dream … but I felt so real … Sana thought. She shook the feeling off, she needed to get ready or she would be late for her lecture soon. So she rushed up to get ready.

 It didn't take long before she was about to leave her dorm room, when she looked to her roommates room it was wide open and empty. Momo must have left earlier for her morning dance class. So she did not wait any longer and headed out . 

But no matter what she just couldn't get rid of that strange feeling that kept haunting her from her dream. Just that feeling of dread and anxiety. What was that dream even about ? As the day went on she just forgot what she saw in the dream but she did remember that feeling. No matter how hard she tried she just could not remember the dream, but it just seemed so important. How could she forget? God ….was it green trees….?


“This topic will be very important in helping you tackle the end of year assessments , it could be the difference between a fail and a pass, so recommend to go over this in your own time as well to fully grasp the concept. “

That woke Sana up from her daydreams. Oh god she just spent the whole lecture trying to figure out what happened in that stupid dream that she compleately forgot that she should have been listening. It wasn't unusual for her to blank out in the middle of her professors long seminars but this seemed like something she should have focused on.What was it that they were going over? 

“ That's it for today you can get going “ said the profesor. Great .


She grabbed hold of Minas wrist. Mina is her friend , they got quite close over the course of last year ,they were both Japanese and took the same course so it just seemed natural. Sana had a close knit group of friends, people they hung out together whenever any of them had any free time. Some of them Sana had known for years others,like Mina, she only met a little over a year ago but they all felt really close, like they'd known each other their whole lives .

“Hey can i borrow your notes from today “, another thing to know about Mina is that she was great at everything she did no matter what it was. It's one of the many things Sana admires about her .

“Yeah of course anything you need, did you space out again ?“ Mina said in her sweet tone and Sana smiled a little.

“Yeah I don’t know what's up with me lately, just been out of it. And i had a dream last night and that's all i could think about “ Sana replied with the usual smile on her face .

“Oh? What was it about ?”


Ugh what was it? 


“That's the thing i just can’t remember but i know it was something important”, she frowned in frustration .

“Thats okay im sure you’ll remember soon, sometimes you just need that thing that triggers your memory, it'll come back to you if it was important “ Mina said as she hanged Sana the notes “I'm gonna need those back soon “

“Yes of course I shouldn't take too long with these, don't worry, and thank you.” 


With that they both left the lecture hall chit chatting when sana waved mina off to her next class. Sana had a free lesson so she just wanted to get on with the notes so she wouldn't cause Mina any inconvenience and so she could at least understand some of the topic. Sana took business and if she was completely honest with herself it wasn't entirely the most fun thing to learn about. Don't get her wrong though because she chose this and now she has to deal with it, but she did find it a little boring. At first she thought it was just the topics they covered but watching people around her, like Mina they all seemed to genuinely enjoy it. Sure they would say that they find some topics boring but Sana could see that there was a spark in them whenever they spoke about business and what they would do after the course. At first she just thought that her topic just hadn’t come around yet but after a year and a bit of doing it she was starting to lose hope. You might wonder why she would choose to do a degree in something that she wasn't already passionate about . Well she thought that passion would come later. Everyone around her always said that they could imagine her as a great business person, she was great with people, friendly and determined. Even in a subject she wasn't in love with she still did great , even though she didn't feel happy doing it, she dedicated a lot of time to get good grades. But that didn't make it any better. 

Even more so recently, but she knew she couldn't quit now she's already been doing this for more than a year and she didn't want to disappoint anyone .

But still she went to the library to get some work done. Not even an hour into her studies she had to leave because of a meeting that was happening there. Great. She thought. At least she could start getting ready for work. No matter how hard things got, Sana always tried to look at the more positive side of things, she’s an optimist.


So she went back to her dorm room to start getting ready. She unlocked the door and went in . 


“Wow you don't look so great “ Sana jumped back, startled . It was Momo, her roommate and her closest friend she'd known since childhood . 

“Thanks Momo” she replied sarcastically 

“I don't mean it as an insult , just worried about you that's all “

“Sorry, it's been a long day I guess.” 

“All good, just make sure to rest later “ 

“Yup , i'll rest after work “ and with that she left to get ready in her room . 


It didn't take long before she dressed up and left. Sana works at a small coffee shop near her university to get a little money for food and other necessities, her major bills were covered by her father who was the person she took business for in the first place.He always expected her to take over his company as his only child. But he didn't give her money for anything more than the studies, he wanted her to work for it, nonetheless she was extremely grateful. 

The coffee shop wasn't too far from her and Momos dorm it was about a 10 minute journey by bus but Sana preferred walking, especially today as she had a little extra time it was a little longer, about 35 minutes but she usually just played music through her earphones so that she could relax for a little while. She was about to put those earphones on but her pockets were empty. Ugh there's ,no way of course .

What was going on today? Nothing seemed to be going Sanas' way. But now she had more time to distract herself with the dream. She still couldn't figure out what it was about or what she saw but she remembered that feeling of dread again. Almost like she'd been feeling this whole day . 


She was so deep in thought, she didn't even notice that she already arrived at the coffee shop. So she put her apron on and got to work. Sana generally liked working at the coffee shop. It was calm. Sure there would be some rude customers but she liked the relaxing atmosphere of the place. She also liked her coworkers, Miyeon and Soobin. They were good people to be around, fun but knew when it was time to work and focus. Really the worst part was her boss Siwon. It was like he thought he was better than everyone else, just never really seemed to be truly happy and more than anything else he hated Sana. I mean he never said it like that but it sure came across that way. Sure she could be clumsy and drop a few things sometimes but it was never anything too serious. However, he always found something wrong with her , something he could shout at her for. Luckily most of the time he wasn't there, most of the time he was off doing some business thing or doing the finances at home but the days he did come, though very rare, they were extremely hard to get through. It so happened that today was one of those days. 

Siwon was there and it was tiring and she got a few rude customers but at least it was the end of the day. So it was time for her to pack up and head home. Maybe she can finally get some rest. 


She was the last one there, it was her cleaning day, so it was up to her to lock up. It was already dark outside. She came out of the building and locked the door. Just as she was about to celebrate the end of this horrible day. All the air got knocked out of her as she fell hard on the floor. Ouch. Someone bumped into her, they didn't even look back and just kept walking . 


Sana was still on the floor it took her a second to regain her composure. Her knees were in pain. She didn't know whether she should laugh or cry. Of course this would happen today. What was going on, why was the world so against her today . 

That's when she heard quick light footsteps rushing towards her .

“Oh my god are you okay?”,a girl said in a panicked tone.”I saw how that guy knocked into you, must have hurt. What a douche he didn't even stop to see if you’re okay “ 

That's when she saw a hand in front of her. For the first time Sana looked up and she saw her …



It hit her like a truck , the dream , what she saw , the woods , the blood , that feeling and … her .


She was frozen for a second, just admiring her. That's when she realized she must look super weird just staring at her so she grabbed her hand that she offered to help her up.


“ T-thank you “ Sana stuttered .

“It's no problem , I just hope you're okay he hit you pretty hard - oh god your knee !” Sana looked down to the place that the mystery girl had been looking, she scraped her knee, it was bleeding pretty bad but it was manageable. 

“Oh yeah i'm fine just a little scratch“

“Not just a little scratch, here have a bandaid “ ,the girl went to her purse and took out a tissue and a bandaid.” here“ she bent down and wiped sanas blood and covered the wound with the bandaid. 

“O-oh , thank you “ a blush crept onto Sanas cheeks . 

“Yeah it's really no problem “ she looked down at her phone “Oh well I have to get going I'm already late.” and she started to leave. 


Sana quickly grabbed onto her wrist before she could even think. It was a gentle grasp but as soon as the girl turned around and looked down at Sanas hand, she knew she had stepped over the line and let go.

“S-sorry I was just hoping to know my hero's name “ Sana smiled as not to scare the girl away. Sana could swear she saw a blush on the other girls cheeks now too. She was probably just scared or so sana thought. 

“O-oh i'm Dahyun, Kim Dahyun.” the girl said, now a little more shy. 


… Kim Dahyun … that's who her angel had been .


“I’m Sana, Minatozaki Sana .” Sana  looked down shyly.”Sorry you must be even more late now“

And the girl ... no Dahyun. She seemed to remember the place she was heading to “Oh yeah almost forgot i'll get going now bye ! it was nice meeting you!” she said as she half jogged away. 

The rest of the way home Sana didn't mind having no music, she wasn't scared to walk back in the dark as she usually was. Because all she could think of was Dahyun .How was this possible, she saw this same girl in her dream. She couldn't believe it. Maybe she was still dreaming. Maybe her restless brain was confusing dreams and reality. She didn't know. All she knew was that she couldnt wipe that stupid grin off her face the whole way home .



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Chapter 2: you need to update this... please. :(((
Jamess #2
Chapter 2: wow this look so interesting 😄
Mineminer92 #3
Must say, your foreword is quite catchy! Looking forward to this!
Chapter 1: Wow, what a story. I am invested.