Interlude: Passion, Pain

Black Mamba
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    “Go on, then,” Joohyun said, sipping from her chalice, a deep red alcohol that the attendant Tzuyu had brought for them. “Tell us your tale, apprentice.”

Karina cleared . Beside her, Winter stirred, leaning forward in her seat. Karina could feel the waves of anxiety rolling off of her bond-mate, working into her own Crest. Yet she felt no nervousness of her own. Why should she? Here, in front of her two former masters, who had by some grace of the stars ascended to a leadership position. Here, on the top floor of this too-bright city, with its stink of burning fuel, human bodies, and refuse. Here, in this world that was wholly unfamiliar to her, where everyone seemed to have their guard down, and children played freely in the streets.

Where to begin? With the slaying of her entire clan at the ends of the Evil? With her journey across Greater Pangea, through the wild lands of the west, over the untamed mountains of the north? Should she speak of the people she met, the amazing souls that somehow shined like supernovae despite the endless night around them? What of the vicious creatures, human or Evil or otherwise, who had set upon her, putting her training to the test, forging her into the woman they saw before them today?

After a few moments of hesitation, she felt Winter’s hand over her own. Karina offered her bond-mate a smile, then ran her thumb along the bright-haired woman’s knuckles.

“Take your time,” Seulgi said encouragingly. Ever the comforter was Kang Seulgi, the first to offer a helping hand or a word of inspiration during dark times. “I’m sure there’s a lot to discuss. And it can’t be easy for you.”

Karina swallowed. As was expected, images of her dead friends danced behind her eyelids, winking at her from the corners of the room, apparitions from a period of utter darkness, of blood and murder and destruction.

No. She wouldn’t discuss that today. There were far more pressing issues at hand. The Evil was on its way. She would only speak on the relevant matters. If Joohyun and Seulgi wanted to know more, they would order her to speak on those events.

“The Evil is making its way to the east,” Karina said finally, gripping Winter’s hand tightly. “As you’ve likely heard from your daughter. It seems that the Evil’s goal is the same always… to eliminate those of the Salmu clan. And it has almost succeeded.”

Joohyun nodded slowly. She didn’t seem surprised at all. Nor did Seulgi, though the mysterious healer’s attitude was never really congruent to severe situations.

Winter, however, sat up straight.

“The Evil is after you, specifically?” she asked, words heavy with worry.

Karina frowned, then looked to Joohyun, who gave an almost imperceptible nod. Good, then. The truth could be revealed.

“The Evil is after anyone in the Salmu clan. As far as I’m aware, that includes - as of last night - myself, you, and,” Karina gestured across the table toward her former master, to the most powerful woman she’d ever known, to the only one who stood a chance against those monsters of the mist. “Bae Joohyun.”

Winter’s eyes widened and her lips parted. Karina was smacked with a flood of disbelief and awe. She could practically taste it on her tongue, sense it deep within her Crest.

“M-master Bae is…” Winter stammered, shooting alternating gazes of raw wonder between Karina and Joohyun. “And I… I’m…”

Karina gave a fond smile, then reached up and ran her thumb across Winter’s cheek. She wasn’t sure why she did it, but then again, the pull of a bond-mate was a mysterious thing.

It had the intended effect, however, as Winter relaxed visibly, settling back into her chair.

“Yes, I’m a member of the Salmu clan as well,” Joohyun said, holding up her hand. Upon it, her Crest twisted upward, nearly covering her entire forearm and fist in black. Such a potent, all-consuming Crest. It was the type of power that Karina craved. The strength that she’d been searching her whole life for. “But that is obviously a secret. It does not leave this room, under the threat of execution.”

Winter swallowed audibly, though Karina resisted the urge to laugh. Despite her lethal outward demeanor, Joohyun likely would never do such a thing. Excommunication from the Guardians and banishment from the city, perhaps, but never outright murder.

“And what of your travels?” Joohyun asked. “The trek from Dinigir to Pharus is over five-thousand miles. No doubt the journey wasn’t a completely straight line, either. Two years of travel should have garnered you many stories.”

Karina looked away. Though she prided herself on her steadfast, unyielding nature, the hauntings of her past bent her to their whims, made her but a child before a hurricane.

Winter seemed to sense this discomfort, for she rested the side of her head upon Karina’s shoulder. With that contact came a rush of relief, similar to the moment directly after a good healing, when one’s brain revelled in the absence of pain.

“Two years is a long time indeed,” Karina said, meeting Joohyun’s eye. “My travels were fraught with peril. Ekimu, Akharu, Rabisu… Every wicked creature imaginable seemed to be intent on blocking my path. I have seen entire villages razed, pregnant mothers eviscerated, children slaughtered in cold blood. The gore of both my enemies and my allies stain my soul.”

Karina felt her breath hitch, but kept her gaze steady. Tears clouded her eyes, blurring Joohyun’s image, yet she did not falter. She remembered her training - her training, the sole reason she had come out of that hellscape intact - and centered herself. She fed those emotions into her Crest. She became cold. Empty. Hollow. Devoid of the burdens of her past.

“Oh, Karina…” Winter whispered, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, pressing their bodies together.

Normally, that would have been a wonderful sensation. But Karina barely felt it.

“But the worst of it was the Evil. It followed me wherever I went, doggedly pursuing me, hellbent on destroying me, as it had done

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Gonna start outlining this story again soon. It's long overdue for an update, and the amount of support it's gotten recently has really motivated me to continue!


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Can we have this back? The plot was just too good to let it die like that 😭
Kmjcentric #2
Chapter 1: This sounds interesting🤭 Gotta dive in now
Newuser0001 #3
Chapter 13: love side character seulrene ♥️ im very intrigue about their story
Jiminez #4
Chapter 11: I'm stucked with heaven
starzrus #5
Chapter 7: I am happy and sad reading this. Hope to see updates one day!
Jiminez #6
Chapter 13: I hope you will continue this story author.
Jiminez #7
Chapter 9: We need an update (2) but take your time author
we need an update 😭
Jiminez #9
Chapter 1: Year rather huhu
Jiminez #10
Chapter 1: It's been a while