A - Affair

KyuSung Alphabet Stories ☀
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~ Preordained Affair ~

KyuSung | PG-13 rating | AU, Fluff-ish | 1294 words

‘How could you!’ Kyuhyun had screamed loudly at his husband, as soon as the latter walked into the front door after a hard day’s work. Tears threatening to spill over in the corners of his eyes as he furiously flung around a boxershorts he was clenching in his fist that he was pretty sure wasn’t from either one of them.

‘I don’t- I didn’t-‘ His soon-to-be ex-husband had started, after composedly closing the front door behind him, as if there was any way to explain what he had done and why. But Kyuhyun didn’t want to stay around long enough to hear it. The utter shock and disbelieve in his husband’s eyes, and even more disturbingly the lack of regret, had explained quite enough – he was clearly having an affair after only 6 months of marriage and he was loving every darn second of it.

Kyuhyun had resolutely stuck up his hand to silence his other half’s poor reasoning attempt, made way towards their old shared bedroom, and hastily grabbed his suitcase that he had packed earlier that day with nothing but essentials and some cash before leaving. He had mildly considered trashing the place before leaving, just to get rid of some of the anger that had built inside of him, but he had refrained from doing so. Clearly, he was the only remaining adult in this relationship and he opted to let it stay that way. As his best friend Donghae used to say, ‘Better to stay up there than to lower yourself to their level.’ 

Well, he didn’t exactly use those exact words, and he also never got cheated on, but Kyuhyun always loved Donghae’s random pieces of advice and felt like just thinking like he had given that advice made him deal with the situation just a tad bit better.

And this is how Kyuhyun ended up walking in some dark alley at night, rain soaking him and his not so water-resistant suitcase, while tears fell unseen down his already drenched cheeks. It’s not like he still loved his husband, as the past 6 months had been the biggest mistake of his life, but being cheated on had been quite a punch in his gut. It hurt. And it was a good enough reason to cry about.

Maybe it wasn’t the pain or hurt that made him cry, but merely the disappointment in himself that he hadn’t realized what a jackass his husband was before getting married. Whatever the reason, he was sure it was a good enough excuse to walk through the rain wailing.

As there was no sign of the rain stopping any time soon, and he was pretty sure he also heard some thunder closing in on him, he quickly hid at a small bus station he happened to run into and sat down defeatedly. He sighed after a minute or two as he wiped his final fallen tear, and promised to himself he would not cry over that sorry excuse of a husband ever again. He wasn’t worth it.

“Are you oka

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 1: I was confused at first.....but liked the ending...... a sequel to this fic would be great :D
shipmaiwailaew #2
Chapter 1: Destiny leads them to each other ;^;
Cenya14 #3
Chapter 1: Cute, glad they found each other
400 streak #4
Chapter 1: Aaaaaaw~ love the story~ <333333
400 streak #5
finally~ you are back~ <3333
cloudykuro #6
Chapter 1: You welcomed us with an overwhelming scene and here I thought that kyu's 1st husband is yesung. I keep on rechecking the sentences if I misread anything. Turned out it was anon LOL
You should write the progress of the story after they met up in that station!
Anyway, thanks for writing this. Welcome back, bianca! I hope more stories will come out after this! ^^
Jahnavi2002 #7
Welcome back🤗🤗
sending virtual hugs to you for coming back
Chapter 1: Cute! <3 Can't wait for more Kyusung stories
Chapter 1: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Just had to get that out first. hahaha ^^

Okay, I enjoyed it. I really expected you to take the chance to either have one of them having an affair on the other, or for Kyusung to be the affair. That's a weird sentence to write. But You know me, I like happy things so in the end, I'm glad it wasn't and I'm sure Jongwoon worked extra hard to get as much of the divorce in Kyuhyun's favor as possible. Make the ex husband pay for not treating Kyuhyun right.

I'm curious what Jongwoon and Hyukjae were fighting about, but I guess you never know with those two, they will fight about anything. But I'm sure they made up quickly that day, after Hyukjae probably yelled at him some more for not answering him and letting him worry....probably. hahaha.
I will say though if I was Kyuhyun, I would have called Donghae first and let him know, and then gone straight to Donghae's place after confronting the ex. But hey, if he had done that, then he wouldn't have met Jongwoon and gotten the free lawyer (XD hahahaha kidding, but still great bonus even if they didn't get together) and a much better husband.

I wonder, did that bus stop become their spot? Like even before they started dating, did they maybe just decide anytime one of them was upset and need to talk or just zone out for a bit to wallow in their misery they went to that bus stop and then sent the other a text so they would know. It would be their version of the stereotypical 2am playground swings most kdramas do. I don't know. I'm probably thinking too much about a oneshot.

Anyways. 1"m super proud of you. ♥♥ And Super happy to read something you wrote again. The alphabet challenge seems like such a good idea to write a lot of smaller ideas and just get something out there. I know you are nervous and unsure of your skills, but it was great and if you keep yourself going with it, it won't be too long before you start to feel like you are getting back to where you were before your hiatus. And this will be something nice and easy for you to set aside and come back as you feel the motivation and desire to write. I'm curious to see what words you will get and where they will take you.

Love you♥♥♥♥