Starting Over
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“That’s it for this morning, Dr. Kim.” Yongsun’s secretary slash clinic nurse informed her. “Your next appointment is at 3 this afternoon unless an emergency case walks in.”


Yongsun smiled at her. “You can take your break now, Nurse Park.”


“The other nurses and I will be calling in for delivery, would you like to join us?”


“No, Byulyi is bringing lunch.”


The nurse smiled knowingly and after ensuring that she really doesn’t have any more clients to see, she left Yongsun’s office.


Years of studying gave Yongsun the opportunity to take care of the population that she loved the most; mothers, and children. It was hard to study for both target populations but Yongsun made it happen because it was her dream to open up a lying-in clinic which would cater to the marginalized community. She was so proud that she made it, and that the government recognized her clinic’s importance and decided to fund her clinic. She’s been paying back generously years after.


She still gets private clients every now and then which also helps incur more profit for the clinic. And private clients are also the reason why she managed to get more doctors for the clinic. Now, there were four of them are managing everything.


Yongsun then grabs her phone from her drawer and backreads her conversation with Byulyi.



I’m bringing lunch to your office.

You can’t say no because I already bought our favorite food.


Yongsun beamed when she reads that part again. Our favorite food.


Little did Byulyi know, it was really just Byulyi’s favorite food until she introduced it to Yongsun on their official first date. It was just simple pig intestine soup that normally would repel Yongsun but Byulyi was gushing adorably about how delicious it was especially if you get it in the right place, so she gives in. One of her best decisions.


I’m not. Just make sure you bring cola instead of beer this time.

I can’t have beer breath during clinic hours.



Yong, let it go. It’s been months since I did that


Yongsun was still cackling when her office door swung open revealing a very pissed Byulyi.


“You’ll never let it go, will you?” she asks as she sets the food containers over Yongsun’s coffee table.


Yongsun stood up, and walked around her own desk to get near Byulyi and wrapped her arms around her waist. She places a quick kiss on her cheeks then she smiles teasingly at her girlfriend.


“I won’t. Seriously, how could you mistake a can of beer to a cola can?” she teases again.


“As I said a million times, I was hungry, tired, and out of myself.” Byulyi grumbles her reply. “Now, sit your down and eat lunch with me.”


They ate comfortably with each other, occasionally asking the other how half of their day went. Yongsun realizes that they had unknowingly set a routine, and agreed on unspoken rules after they made up on the night of Alumni Homecoming.


After making up that night, they agreed on giving dating each other a shot. When they meant ‘a shot’ they didn’t realize that it would turn into something long term. But they just fit. Of course, they knew they were compatible as friends, but as something more than that? It was unexpected.


Byulyi’s levelheaded personality matched Yongsun’s straightforward ones. In turn, Byulyi’s passive aggressiveness became a little more ‘aggressive’ after having a ‘talk’ with Yongsun which, funnily, includes cereal boxes.


Yongsun have tried to date, and got into some ‘serious’ relationships in the past years, but there wasn’t a single one where she felt comfortable. No one made her feel this way except Byulyi and she can’t help but think; why didn’t they think of this before?


“Yong.” Byulyi calls her attention. “Wheein texted me this morning. She said she thinks she’s experiencing contractions.”


Yongsun drops her utensils and immediately took quick strides to her desk. She picks up her phone again but this time dials Wheein’s number.


Wheein and Hyejin were now on maternal leave from their respective works, and they were staying with Wheein’s aunt in Seoul. Wheein was already five weeks pregnant when they met again on alumni homecoming, and when she found out, Yongsun offered to be the one to deliver her baby for her that’s why they stayed in the city.


“Wheein.” She says immediately when her friend answered on the fourth ring. “how are you? How’s your water bag?”


“Still intact.” Wheein answers. “But uhm, the pain is getting unbearable and no amount of walking relieves it. Ooh…” she hears her huff and puff on the other end for half a minute. “Damn. Is this supposed to be this painful?”


Yongsun smiled understandingly even without Wheein noticing. “You’ve got your things packed and ready to go?” Wheein answers and affirmative. “Good, try to see if Hyejin can drive all the way here. If the nerves have already settled on her, I suggest taking a cab instead.”


Wheein chuckles. “I think we’ll be taking a cab. Hyejin’s already out of her mind.”


“Hey! I don’t practice medicine like Yongsun unnie does! You’ve got to give me some space here.” Yongsun hears Hyejin scream in the background.


Yongsun laughs. “Tell Hyejin we have a bed for her, too, in case she faints during your delivery.”


The call ends with Hyejin’s grumble and Wheein shutting her up because another contraction was tearing up her back. Yongsun puts her phone down and returns to eating with Byulyi.


“So?” Byulyi asks.


Yongsun nods. “Wheein’s in labor.” Then she sighs. “Can you believe it? We’re going to be aunts!” she exclaims.


Byulyi chuckles in between chewing. “What do you think about being a mother too?”


Yongsun paused.


Byulyi continued on eating as if she just didn’t drop a bomb on her. When their eyes met, Byulyi smiled comfortingly, and nods her head.


“You don’t have to say anything, Yong. Just think about it.” She adds.


“Byulyi, we’ve just been dating for eight months.”


Byulyi raises her eyebrows. “And? Do you know that some people get knocked up as soon as the first date because they don’t use protection?” she shakes her head.


“Byulyi, that’s irrelevant.”


Byulyi drops her utensils and faces Yongsun squarely. “Look, I may be asking way ahead of me but that’s because I wanted to ask you something different instead.”


It was Yongsun’s turn to raise her eyebrows. “And what is that?”


“Moving together.” Byulyi blurts out then looks down on her hands while her face becomes tinted with a gorgeous flush. Oh god, the greasy Byulyi gets shy after all. “Yong, like you said we’ve been dating for eight months and I think we’re compatible with a lot of things. Plus, really it’s getting hard to pick you up from your place then drop you off here in the mornings—”


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Why is no onw talking about Yong throwing her heel to Byul?? 😭


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Chapter 2: i can literally imagine the faces of moonsun in the heels throwing scene LMAO no one fights like them HAHAHAHAHA
wonremoo #2
Chapter 2: this whole Bonus is so sweet, I love every part ahhhh T^T
Chapter 2: Moon Sunhae or Kim Sunhae? Hehehe
mmmnoob #4
Chapter 2: sooooo cuteeee
Taitai84 1235 streak #5
Chapter 2: Sunhae is moonsun’s child? Cute!
Chapter 2: Auwww so cute thank you for the bonus
Chapter 2: Aaaaaaw this was a cute update! Thank you!
solar_sensitivity #8
Chapter 1: So cute ㅠㅠㅠ Yong throwing her heel hahaha you gotta do what you gotta do
wonremoo #9
Chapter 1: this is such a nice story :< I'm glad they finally resolved the misunderstanding/conflict after years
also I like how Wheein emphasized on them to have a good talk, I can imagine the stern glare HAHA
Chapter 1: ahhh this was so cute!!! i loved it so much 🥺